Widget's trip report


Feb 25, 2005
Saturday 30th. Phew! What a whirlwind adventure!!! Having made the decision and booking the night before (and yes the look on the kids faces was worth every penny), we awoke to blue skies, sun and after brekkie were off in the cab bound for Ashford International to pick up the Eurostar. The taxi driver was a hunk (wish he could come with me! he he he!!) Arrived in plenty of time for the train and collected the tickets. Our seats on the way out (standard) were in coach one and backed onto the luggage racks so no disturbance from behind. On the return we were bang in the middle of coach 14 so I inquired about the first class seats. Having dropped to the floor at being told yes, quite a few left madam - only £60 each extra and thats half normal price, I decided I could put up with the noise on the return leg, collected my standard tickets and went upstairs for check in. Bought coffee pour moi and water for the boys and sat and watched all the parents of harassed under 5s trying to round them up before they managed to get through the doors down to the platform an hour too early! Bliss. Mine being 14 and 11 can be left to their game boys whilst I idly sucked the sugar from the sugar bag on the table. My son has taken one of these sugars home because it has the picture of a naked lady on it!! Imagine that! How flesh advertises sugar Ill never know!! But im sure that SHE never ate the sugar or her body would definately NOT look like that!!
Train arrived on time and we boarded, relaxed down into the seat and thus our journey had begun. 8 minutes later we were in the tunnel. Nothing much to report on the journey except when a lady decided to sort her luggage out and a large holdall whacked me on the back of the head. She was mortally embarassed and couldnt apologise enough so I smiled and said dont worry about it when what I really wanted to say was stop sorting your undies out madam and SIT DOWN!
Off the train at half one (French time). Pity they dont always have the meet and greet at the station any more - all those little peeps would love a wave from Pluto or Mickey. Me being a biggie (only just though) legged it up the escalator and out of the door before you could wave pixie dust! Wow! We are here - the weather is gloriously hot - blue skies, fluffy clouds. Yippee!!! Got the bus outside to Cheyenne as we have to collect our park tickets there and dump our luggage (not got Express for bags). It was packed solid. Some were just off the train like us but most were wearing that "ive stood in a queue far too long in this heat" face - think its a sign of things to come!! Check in took 20 minutes. As we had not got the Disney Express for our luggage on the way home, I paid 4 euros 50 per bag to have this service. Also got one of their Sheriffs Packs for a cuppa in the morning. Cost 9Euros 90 but in hindsight it was a bit of a rip off as it consisted of 4 teabags, 4 coffee tubes, 4 sugars, 8 milks, 4 biscuits, cups, serviettes and spoons. Then I had to hire a travel kettle which was free but cost 23 euros deposit. Was given a room in Butch Cassidy which was on the right facing the back of the saloon. Normally weve stayed on the other side of the hotel so this was unexplored territory for us. Having listened to the directions to the room I set the troops off on a 10 minute hike all the way around the site and back to reception - well, I never did pass that girl guide map reading badge! Still it meant we actually finally found the windmill thing that weve seen on the photos in the brochure but never in real life - see a positive from a negative!! By now it was really hot so when we got to the room we all flopped on the beds for 5 minutes. The rooms were as I remembered - small but adequate with space around the double bed both sides, one chair, chest of 6 drawers, cupboard for I dont know what (looked like a waist high food storage cupboard), hanging space with a shelf over for luggage, two mirrors, 5 lamps, two bins and bunk beds. The only problem I have with the rooms is that stupid wooden frame around the bed. Ive lost count of the bruises ive incurred flopping onto the bed or getting out too quick only to bang my legs on the flippin'thing - so be warned! The bathroom is small with a single sink and shower over (power shower part is very strong - nice!)
Eager to get to the parks, we threw (delicately!!) the clothes in the drawers and hot footed it to the buses. One had just arrived so off we set. Couple of minutes later we were joining the crowds and entering the parks!! I still get that spirit lift as I head towards the gates. Ticket in the machine, and we're in!! Unfortunately so are about a million others!! It was busy! It was some sort of holiday for the spanish as they were there by the plane load! Very nice and polite however (oh, and some of the men were real hunks!!) Didnt hear many english voices but obviously they were there as it was Bank Holiday weekend. Lots of French also there - more than normal I think due to tomorrow being a public holiday over here. First stop was BTM. 60 minute wait and no fast passes - maybe not. On to POTC - once again a wait but only 30 minutes. Not sure if im just getting old and my eyesight fading but I swear the lighting in this ride is getting dimmer! Having been guided round the queuing system by my boys (could not see a blomin' thing!) we jumped into a boat packed to the gills. It sat very low down in the water (my youngest swore blind it was lower where I was sitting - what did he mean!!!!) On the second drop a wave which would have done a surfer proud gushed over my side of the boat (hmm, maybe my son had a point! - bet it was the man in front of me :blush: ) Still it was nice and cool on my derriere as we exited into the sun once again. Wandered through into Discoveryland where we queued over an hour for Autopia. Mad? I must be! 1 hour for a 3 minute ride!! All the bushes around the track were covered in white soft flower like blooms which wafted their seeds (kinda like cotton wall balls but smaller) all over the slow moving cars. My two kids decided to ram each other along the track (frowned upon in Disney) but I couldnt open my mouth to yell at them for fear of the pollen stuff coming in it was that bad (and besides - im a laydee!) The queue for Space Mountain was again 1 hour with no fast passes available so we went on Star Tours (20 mins wait). Now my insides were churned up so we opted for the more sedate Dumbo ride. Although still 45 mins+ wait its a ride we always do on the first day. My 14 year old pretended it was kids stuff but he still moved the lever up and down with a grin on his face to rival the cheshire cat. On we went to Peter Pan but the queue was overflowing the zig zag lines so we went back round to Indiana Jones. I dont go on this as its a backwards ride but the boys joined the queue whilst I munched a fruity ice lolly on a bench. They took so long I was forced back to purchase a smarties ice cream which Id just finished as I saw their ginger heads bobbing towards me in the crowd. Wiping the ice cream off my chops I denied having had two ices ( :guilty: ) and we headed off to PM. This was another long queue (at least 40 minutes) but as there were no ice cream vendors around I had to wait in the heat with the boys. After this ride we went to the Silver Spur. Luckily there were seats available and we sat right underneath the lights in the centre of the room where we could see the meats being cooked on the griddle thing. Service was fast but the meal came wrong. I ordered steak with baked potato which looked remarkably like chips so it was returned, the boys had burger and chips which was almost raw so this too was returned. I ordered a beer and got a large bottle of water (were they trying to tell me something???) but eventually it was all sorted and we got complimentary puds (creme caramel was divine). Bloated and tired from the food and heat we eventually wandered out of the park at 7.30pm. It closes at 8 so not bad for a first day queuing! Walked back via the village. Lots of teenagers and 20 somethings strutting their stuff in tiny skirts and tight tshirts (how to make a gal feel old and frumpy - just take a walk on the wild side down in the village - enough testosterone and lip gloss to last a lifetime!) Loads of flies around the lake. The panoramagic balloon was huge. 12 euros for adult and 9 (i think) for a child up to 9 years for a quick up to the end of the steel rope, about 3 minutes in the air, and then back down again. And boy oh boy was it high!! Its standing room only too so if your knees buckle - tough!! The atmosphere was great back at the hotel. Outside people were eating and drinking, kids were riding on the seated bikes you could hire (the ones where 2 sit side by side with a smaller child in the front) - fantastic. I love this place!! Turned in for the night around 10pm, showered and (carefully) jumped into the bed. The power shower is really good. The jet is stingingly powerful but be warned ladies, dont drop the soap, bend to pick it up and then stand up under the jet with the water spraying directly onto your nipple! :sad2: I speak from experience believe me! You dont wanna go there!!! Ouch wasnt exactly the word I used but itll suffice on here! Just had enough time to listen to the peter pan storytime on the radio - er - not for me you understand!! then off to the land of nod...
Up at 7.30am. Its already hot outside. The forecast is for 27 ish degrees with blue skies and no rain. Guess who didnt pack the sun tan cream :confused3 Went for brekkie at 8.30am. Absolutely jam packed! Queue out of the door. The lady at reception suggested coming back after 9am as it would be quieter. You know what! She was a smart lady cos when we went back at 9.05 we waltzed straight in! Breakfast consists of cereals, rolls, croissants, pain au chocolat, yoghurts, jam/choccie spread, cheese, ham, tea, coffee, hot chocklit, milk and orange juice. Its all self service so sharpen your elbows if you want to get in and out quickly! Having eaten our fill we opted to walk along the river to the village to see if anywhere did sun cream. Nope. But seeing as we were here, it seemed rude not to shop! Kids got fed up after about 20 minutes of me trying to decide on the glass with the mickey picture on or the big mugs with villans on (I sweated blood in there - decisions, decisions!) I bought both and arranged for them to be taken to the hotel shop for collection by me later. A very helpful man in the shop said you can get sun lotion at the tabac inside the station. So, 7 euros 20 later with nivea lotion slapped on, we entered Walt Disney Studios. Not so busy in here yet - mind you not so much to do. Went to the stunt car show which started at 10.30. Excellent as always. Then onto the studio backlot tour. We managed (luck or misfortune?) to sit in the carriage which is right next to the water surge in the canyon - yep you do get wet - never realised before! But not to worry as you then get dried off/burned when you enter London!!! Fun! You bet!! The boys did the Rock n Roller ride (a wait of 30 minutes) whilst I went in search of ice lollies (see a pattern emerging from yesterday). Then stopped for a cuppa before going into the animations show. I love this. It was cool inside which was a bonus. Cut across from the show and went into Armageddon. I think this is good but a wee bit of a bore. Very jarring on the back if you stand near the bit of floor that jolts but other than that I could take or leave it. It was now about 11.45 and very hot. You felt drained as the crowds began to grow and the ride times with them. We decided to get an early lunch and went to Annettes Diner in the village. No wait for a table. Had their chicken and burger roll (bit carboardy) and the boys had rock n roller burgers (big burger twice the price!) Had a lovely beer then out into the sunshine once again. Went down into the park - big queue of people coming in the turnstiles. Went up and queued 20 minutes for the Train around the park. Nice to cool off chugging around the different lands. Went round twice (deliberately - we did not miss our stop!) Then down to Fantasyland to do the runaway train and the little boat ride thing behind the station. Cute! I think my two lads were the oldest children on the rides!! Back onto snow white (swinging by peter pan fastpass on the way). 40 minutes wait and had to sit with another family whod been eating garlic (or washing in it as it oozed out of their pores). Held breath and tried to enjoy the ride. Good thing it was so quick. Dashed out into the sun again. Round to POTC (30 mins) then back for fastpass PP. I love this ride. My fav. of all! After this we got another fast pass this time for BTM and then nipped back to do IASW. The queue on this was up the stairs, all around the world at the front and heading down the hill. Decided we could live without seeing those little beings and went round to star tours again. Phew! It was hot inside the queue of this one! Waited about 20 minutes (seemed to be the ride with the least wait time on this holiday). Then went through to BTM. This is the boys favourite ride. Showed our fast pass (i repeat fast pass) and joined a queue which took 25 mins to reach the entrance to the mine shack! Think theyd dished out too many fast passes for that time of the day!! And they all seem to be in front of me!! Oh well, were here so smile!! Feet hurting now but will survive. Half way to the stairs going down I felt the heat getting to me and had a bit of a funny turn. Well, actually not funny at all. I think it was one too many ice lollies!! I thought I was gonna be iccky and the boys said I looked purple. The people were really nice and moved out of the way whilst a large man (italian?? ) helped me down the steps. I did feel a wally because as soon as we got to the bottom of the stairs my head cleared and I felt fine. But the cms insisted I sit at the side of the ride with the kids for a couple of trains before allowing me to continue. I bet all the people who saw me there thought id tried to dodge the queue and got caught out!! Well, it makes for an interesting day. I didnt even thank the gentleman so if by any chance he comes on here - thank you and I hope I didnt break your arm with my ample chest as I leant against you!!! Having screamed all the way round we left and bought the picture at the end cos we were actually all smiling and facing the right way!! Went to PM (30 min wait). Nice and cool in there. The cm was very good and made a lot of us jump in the lift by coming behind and speaking close to your ear. You could say she got into the 'spirit' of the thing! Once outside we jumped aboard the paddle steamer for a trip around the lake of BTM.Back on dry land we headed for POTC again (20 min queue). Bit of pushing from a group of french students who thought they should be allowed straight through. Big family ahead of us soon put them right! he hehe I love it when a plan goes wrong!! Decided that as it was almost 7 by now we'd go back to the hotel for a rest before coming into the village. Back at the hotel we went to the Red Saloon. Had a rum and coke whilst the boys had sprites. 10 euros 40 so not cheap! Back at the room I lay on the bed and closed my eyes - intending to rest for half an hour. Finally woke up at 10.30pm when my oldest tried to pull the cover over me!! Bless!! He said id been snoring which must be a lie - I dont snore!! Theyd given up trying to wake me to go to the village, had eaten all the biscuits, drank the oj wed saved and got themselves ready for bed. My youngest was almost asleep in the top bunk. Felt a bit guilty that id neglected them but was really too tired to think too long. Washed at the sink (couldnt face power shower - ached enough without ..... ouch!!) Tumbled into bed and fell asleep again listening to the gentle hum of people chatting outside room...
Oh goodness Widget, I sat here laughing my head off reading your trip report! Fantastic! Haha! It sounds like you had a great time. I especially liked the part about the power shower, hehe!

Oooh you wrote more! Will read that now!
May Day Bank Holiday!! Roused at 8am. Gosh these beds are comfy! Put on tv to get weather report - woke the kids with a start as forgot that when you turn the tv on the sound is REALLY LOUD!! Forecast is for showers but warm. I hate it when they say this. Should you take a coat and bake inside it whilst staying dry from the showers or do you stay cool and get soaked when the passing shower turns into a torrential downpour!! Decision taken for me by boys who said they were not gonna take their coats around all day. Packed up and took the bags to the luggage depot next door to the reception. Headed into breakfast (around 9.30). Quite busy with english and spanish. Must say the children weve encountered this time have been really well behaved. Lots of smokers around though - even in the queues. Ive no objection to people smoking but its a wonder more small kids arent burnt by these thoughtless smokers in queues. Small kids dont look where they are wandering and when you get a crowd its easy for one of them to brush up against a lighted cigarette. Decided to cross over the river to Santa Fe and catch the bus there for a change. But once we got round the corner of reception to the bus stop we saw the queue was huge. And i mean huge, not just 30 people but more like 150! This it would seem is where a lot of english are. We could hear the children getting impatient with the wait. Decided to go back and walk into the parks. Went alongside the river past SL. Got bitten on the arm by some great black fly thing (no, it wasnt batman although it was almost the same size!) Went over the bridge, round the lake with the balloon, and into the village. It was about 10.15 and although it was still quite bright the clouds were gathering and the rain was falling lightly. It was still warm though so the rain was welcome. By the time we got to the turnstiles of the park the drizzle had stopped. Went and got a fast pass for BTM (better luck today!!) and then on round to POTC. No wait. The park was definately quieter today (you were right Diberry). From there we went into Fantasyland. Busier here with loads of young children. Did PP, Snow White and Dumbo in just over an hour then headed to IASW. My youngest then had a bit of a hissy fit as he didnt want to go on - he gets upset because we have to leave the hippo behind on the ride!! Decied it wasnt worth the hassle so round into Discoveryland. Boys did Space Mountain again then Orbitron. By now it was around 11.30am and the park was getting busier although not as bad as yesterday. Went to queue for Autopia (30 mins read the screen, more like 45). Just as we got to the front of the queue it began to rain. Just as we got in the cars it bucketed it down! Driving in the rain with the top down is not romantic let me tell you!! Drowned rats we were as we exited the cars! But at least it kept the pollen things down!! However, as soon as we went over the bridge at the exit of Autopia the sun came out!! We went to the ice cream parlour on Main Street and had one of their single cones with topping - yummy!!! Sat by the toilets and baby room munching our cones watching the world go by. Got very hot in the afternoon. We didnt stop for lunch as not hungry. Did BTM (queue with fastpass about 10 minutes - no funny turns), followed by PM and then hopped onto the fire truck down to main street station. Left the park around 2pm and went to the village. The boys wanted to go on one of the little boats for hire. I dont do peddle boats (my figure is way to large) so we opted for an electric ferryboat. Now, if you fancy a laugh go down to the lake and watch people like myself trying to squeeze into a life jacket. Once done up, you couldnt see the lower half of my neck as the thing has a life of its own and is stiff as a board!! But even more funny is when you sit in the boat. The whole life jacket rides up and all my kids could see was the top of my fringe as the rest of my face was buried inside this orange monstrosity!! Not exactly the leisurely trip I was hoping for. Finally decided to undo the bottom clip which allowed the jacket to gape enough at the bottom for me to pull it down. I did have a go at driving the boat but now I know why Ive never passed a driving test!! Well, how was i to know you were not allowed to ram the metal barrier around the balloon. I swear it was the steering - faulty of course!!! Chased a mummy duck with her babies (theyll probably have to have therapy when they are older) and then allowed the boys to take the boat back to the dock. Actually they physically took control as they said I was embarrasing them with my bad driving!! Back on the dock I noticed lots of fireman types in black boots and smart shirt/trousers. I joked to my eldest that if I fell in now one of them would have to give me the kiss of life. Unfortuntely for me, I didnt fall in, and one of them spoke perfect english and informed me that mercy missions were only done as a last resort!! (Charming!) Mind you, he was smiling at the time - or was it a grimace!!
Went to the Sports Bar where we all had a non alcoholic cocktail called a punch bag. It consisted of orange juice, apple juice and strawberry syrup. It was delicious and just right for a baking hot afternoon. Only had about an hour and a half left so took a quick visit to the shops in the Studios and had a candy floss - not something ive seen here before. 3 euros for a whopping great pink frothy ball on a stick!! The lady serving looked like she was about to perform open heart surgery as she was togged up in goggles, hat, apron and gloves. But when that floss starting swirling around I could see she needed all this equipment as she got more on herself then she did on the stick!! But it was amusing!!
Finally, after a fantastic 2 nights, we headed to the station to catch the Eurostar home. Lucky for me there was noone sitting next to me so I could put the holdall on the seat. We had a little sergent major for a eurostar manager who shouted "whose are these carrier bags in the luggage rack" (some poor chinese ladies) "They are NOT supposed to be here remove them at once!!!" I know she had a job to do but she could have been nicer. Also the buffet car lady was horrible too. We all got on the train at 6.15 and as the buffet was open I went down for a sandwich for the boys. She snapped at me and the queue behind "remember, weve only a limited supply so when its gone its gone!" D,aaa!!! Isnt that what normally happens!!
So, now im home with a slight touch of sunburn, bit of a jippy tummy, no pennies in my purse...but ah, the memories!!!!!!
Yes, Bonnie, that power shower could do a lot of damage - or you could have a lot of fun!!! You never know, maybe youll have one when you go in June to SL!!! Hope your holiday is as much fun as mine was. :flower:
That is such a fantastic trip report. You have a wonderful way of writing as if you're talking - absolutely brilliant!! Sounds like you had an absolutely fantastic day - though very exhausting!!! (Incidentally Indiana Jones isn't backwards any more so you've no excuse to have extra ice lollies next time!!! :rotfl: ) Thank you for bringing it all to life. Can't wait for the next installment!! :sunny:
Loved the second and third installments too! I agree with Diberry that you really bring it all to life. Fantastic report, so funny! I loved the part about the life jackets and the ducks needing therapy! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Also, the part about your youngest not wanting to leave the hippo behind on IASW... I don't know why that made me laugh so much!
Brilliant widget!! You should be a writer!! Thank you very much for the laughs!! I can just see you peering over that life jacket!!
Hmmm. Ive just poked my eldest awake and asked him about the Indiana Jones ride no longer being backwards. In typical teenager kevin fashion he has grunted and I think it was loosely translated to mean you wouldnt have gone on it anyway!! Its nice to know the kids tell you everything isnt it!!
My daughter and I dared ourselves to go on it when it started going forwards again last year but haven't done so yet!! Maybe next time????? ;)
Hehe, I think it started going backwards the year after I last rode it, and now it's started going forwards before I had the chance to ride it backwards! I think I would prefer it forwards, anyway. ;)
Thank you widget - that was such a fun trip report!! :goodvibes And you managed to do SO much!

Now, if you fancy a laugh go down to the lake and watch people like myself trying to squeeze into a life jacket. Once done up, you couldnt see the lower half of my neck as the thing has a life of its own and is stiff as a board!! But even more funny is when you sit in the boat. The whole life jacket rides up and all my kids could see was the top of my fringe as the rest of my face was buried inside this orange monstrosity!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Tell me about the life jackets - they must be standard Disney issue. My DH took a photo of me in one when we went canoeing at WDW. It's a back view with just half my head visible above my huge, high shoulders!! :teeth:
widget said:
Went to the Sports Bar where we all had a non alcoholic cocktail called a punch bag. It consisted of orange juice, apple juice and strawberry syrup. It was delicious and just right for a baking hot afternoon.

That's sold me - great drink and a catch up on the sports news!

Fun reports to read, makes me even more excited to be going in July - 2 months and 15 days, not that I'm counting :rolleyes1
You just brightened my work day considerably! I'm so glad you and your boys had such a nice time.

I must say I'm surprised it was so hot in April/May! Is that unusual? I'm considering first week of October - think I'll go do some research about Paris weather!

Great report - thanks again!
:flower: :) :flower: :) :flower: :) :flower:
Widget, I've moved your Trip Report onto its own post to make sure everyone sees your adventures!

I've not done the title properly so am trying to rectify that, I hope you will excuse this :)

I've had a really quick read of the first part and it looks very funny! I will be back to read it properly in a bit!


Absolutely brilliant trip report. I've always thought I wouldn't be up to writing a good one and now I know for sure that I wouldn't!

we fairly keep you busy - moderator here, quiz mistress on UK Dis and then you make sure everyone gets to read Widget's report :) :)

Brilliant report, Widget, I've really enjoyed reading it, especially the bits about the shower and the lifejacket!:rotfl:

Glad you all had such a wonderful time.:flower1:


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