
To see through the eyes of a child....this is the
Feb 7, 2006
I just need to shout from the roof tops, WE ARE GOING TO WDW FOR 9 DAYS!!!!!!!For my 35th and our twin sons 10th birthdays!!! :bday: This entire thing was soo sudden, not only are we ( DH,ident.twin DS's 9, DS 5 and DD 3) going but, my parents his parents and his sis' and three kids 12,9,4. Now I find out today that my Bro. and wife, with DS3, and DD 1,are interested. This is a dream come true for both sets of grand parents. I have only been once, Honeymoon 1996. So now i get to go back exactly 10 yrs later, with all of the people that I hold so close to my heart.I have some concerens, one of them being is that my DH sister and I feel its very important to keep our kids togehter to experience it all together. We are very close, I don't want to miss any reaction my 2 nephews and niece will have!!!! I have heard from so many people in the DIS that we should split up. Has anyone felt the way I do .We will probably never have this opportunity again with all oour kids with their grandparents. We have arranged a FREE day, this will give everyone an opportunity to do what they want when they want ALL DAY!!! This is day 8. I am trying to arrange something really special that night for all of together, to end our magical, wonderful , & extremely memorable trip together. This is a vacation of a lifetime!!!!! It is still 8 months away, but the excitement just won't seem to subside, eventtually I am sure it will. Oh, by the way recently our best-man moved to Flordia I can't wait to call him and share the news. ANY COMMENTS!!!??? I would love them. :goofy: :mickeyjum :donald:
Lets do the math ...We were here on our Honeymoon March1996 :love:
Coming back to celebrate our twins 10th Birthdays!!! 2006
We had a REALLY GREAT TIME!!!!!! I LOVE PIXIE DUST!!!!!! :tink:
Never grow up!!!!
Congratulations!! But, I have to admit you will be stuck like this. Actually it gets worse! We are leaving in 12 days and I am driving my family nuts. My inlaws are going also and we are excited to share this with them. We went last year and my husband and I were saying this was a trip of a lifetime within 2 months after returning we were planning our next trip. Have a great time. And go ahead and shout from the roof tops! Us DISERS will understand. :dumbo: :goofy: :mickeyjum :donald:
you are pretty much stuck this way. I have done NOTHING today but sit on my lazy rump on the DISBoards...sad. LOL
Sounds like you had a really great time the last time you were there!

Are you hoping this time will be as "fun" as the last time?? :lmao:

Congrats!! You have a lot of planning ahead! Have fun with and enjoy every minute of being stuck!!!! :goodvibes
I think flexibility is the key here. You have a lot of people going and Disney has a way of bringing out the worst in people!!! (Yes, it does bring out the best too)

Just don't overschedule and don't plan every waking moment together. It does sound like the trip of a lifetime and you want to have great memories. COMMUNICATE BEFORE YOU GO!!! Find out everyone's expectations. Make sure to include everyone in the planning so that there are no surprises when you get there.

Have a great trip and bring back great memories!!!


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