Will You Chill Out if I Sprinkle You With Pixie Dust? The End p136 *New TR Link* p138

I'm here! Late as usual but here! :)

Isn't it nice when you have a good flight crew? Makes a big difference.

The kids pictures are too funny!! They all looked positively thrilled. :)
Signing on! I wouldn't miss the report for the world. It sounds like you are all off to a great start. Let's hope it stays that way but I'm guessing maybe not since you alluded to making your brother mad a couple of times.
I'm here! Happy to see that you began your TR! :woohoo:

D Day is always one of the best parts of a trip. Even if everything goes wrong, you still can tell yourself, "In a few hours, I'll be in WDW." :thumbsup2

Glad to hear that the flight went well and the crew was amusing. Has to be nice to see people making the most out of their days.
Here! :yay:

Great rate on the rental car! Guess I need to start stalking the transportation boards :thumbsup2

How did you like The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo? Don read the whole series and loved them!

YAY!!! You started!!! I'm in!


:welcome: Dee! Thanks for joining in! Glad to have you along for this adventure!

Wouldn't miss it :goodvibes

:welcome: Dawn. Thanks so much for joining it. Let the saga begin!

I'm in....can't wait to hear all about it; great start. :thumbsup2

:welcome: Kathy! I really appreciate you getting here so promptly, especially with all you have going on at home.

Woo hoo! :cool1: Did I make page one?

:welcome: Amy! Yup - you made it right on Page 1! I thought about you when my one nephew wanted to do the Jedi thing so badly but it was too late to sign him up. I felt so bad. :sad1:

:welcome: Wendy! So glad you are here. You are going to LOVE AoA. I hope I have some pictures posted before you leave. If I don't have them here I'll make sure they get on your TR.

Here! Can't wait to hear all about it and enjoy another report filled with your gorgeous photos.

Going back to read....

:welcome: C! So glad you're going along for this crazy ride. Can you believe that the F&W trip is just around the corner? :woohoo:

Impressive stats! 4 beds, 5 pools, 7 resorts and 6 new restaurants! Wow!! And of course you know I am pleased to hear you indulged in an adult beverage each day... vacation the way the universe intended it. :)

I made apple martinis everyday as my pool drink. ;) That doesn't include the in park drinks. :rolleyes1

You know - I can't go to the MK with out thinking about our idea for a shooter stand right outside Fantasyland. :rotfl:

I'm here! Going back to catch up! :happytv:

:welcome: Doris! So glad you made it!

I'm in!!! :banana::banana:

:welcome: Michelle! Thanks so much for joining. Glad to have you along for the ride!

Pick the kid with the most potential. :rotfl2: Love when the flight crew has a sense of humor. Definitely makes a difference and score on the full can of soda (how sad is it that this is now one of the measures of a good flight?)

This was the best flight crew EVER! They were hysterical, although slightly irreverent. I loved them, although their might be some people who found them offensive. It may have been a bit much for the first time flier with plane anxiety. I was cracking up left and right!

Yes - a full can of soda IS a measure for a good flight. :laughing:

What did you think of Girl With the Dragon Tattoo? I've heard good things about the whole series but tried and couldn't get into it. Wondering if I should try again.

It took me a while to get into the book and just as I really started getting into it - guess what??????? I left it at one of the BWI quiet pools the afternoon before we left and it never showed up in the lost and found. sniff sniff. I am going to order a new copy when I order Nick's summer reading books.

Poor Denster with a cold. Hope it didn't slow him down once in WDW. I am crazy on planes with purell and emergen-C or airborne. Not his fault and would never want him to miss his vacation but don't want to catch the bug either. :upsidedow

I know he felt like crap but he was a trooper and, with the exception of buying two different types of cold meds (which are essentially the same), he went with the flow.

The funny thing was when we were waiting in the airport to board this kid behind my started coughing with the most horrendous cough ever. I went right to the bathroom and washed my hands again. :rolleyes1
Love the list!!! I'm here

:welcome: Cynthia! So glad to have you along for the fun! Now that I am home I am totally stoked for F&W. Can't wait! :woohoo:

I made the first page, wow! I like all of the chapters you have listed.

You sure did! :woohoo: Your first post was on the first page!

I like flying out of small airports, it's so easy.

It was wonderful. It was my first experience and I loved it. I am so sad that Air Tran pulled their service from there. Honestly, I don't know why anyone who lives in that area would go to Philly when they can fly from there. Can't say enough good things about it. :goodvibes

Great score on the rental car. Bob figures it would just as long to park a car, then catch the parking lot shuttle as it would to ride a Disney bus. I don't see it because we go when the crowds are very low!

I think that's partially true, but NOT when you are staying at a treehouse (as you will see). I did have the advantage of having the AAA diamond parking pass, so that helped. And we needed the car for our trip to Daytona!

Can I just start by saying I'm so glad you started this? Because I am so glad you started this!
Heyyyy what a great travel day! So smooth. Other than Denny's cold! Yikes, hope that didn't last long!

I knew I had to at least start even though I didn't write much. I have all my pictures downloaded and the first day edited, so I'm off to a good start. I should do another update later this week!

Oooohh how did you like? Was this your first time reading it? I loved it, but I won't say much more in case you haven't finished yet.

Don't say anything else...nah nah nah not listening. I lost the book my last day. I'm almost positive I left it at the quiet pool at the BWI and it didn't show up in Lost & found. I was really getting into it and was SO disappointed I didn't have it to read on the way home. I am going to order another copy.

Your flight crew sound awesome! Pick the kid with the most potential, too funny. A great arrival day, can't wait to hear the rest!

Those guys were HYSTERICAL. I couldn't stop laughing. :rotfl:

Woohoo! I'm in! I love our airport here, small enough to not feel lost, yet big enough to get a decent amout of flights in and out. Sorry about the cold, yuck! And that rental rate is amazing, I think we paid at least $120 for 3 days back in September!

:welcome: Disneymoon! You are very fortunate to live near such a cool little airport. Loved it. I hope we get a chance to fly from there in the future. It was awesome not paying for parking and for getting to see Denny's mom.

I see you have a new baby on the way and a trip in 4 months! Congratulations! :woohoo:

Wow! You are off to a flying start - you took up most of page one!!

I'm here and ready to read!
ETA: The flight crew is awesome!! LOL!

:welcome: Sheree! Yeah - I'm sort of a page hog like that!

That flight crew was an absolute blast. We had all girls on the return flight and they were not nearly as funny.

I'm here! Can't wait! Hahaha I'm glad yall didn't have to leave poor Denny behind!

:welcome: Marissa! Thanks so much for joining in. I can't believed Denny actually thought they might not let him fly. too funny!

I'm here!!

:welcome: Danielle! So glad you had time to check in when your trip is just days around the corner. :woohoo:

I love flying out of new airports. I find that to be kind of exciting. Unless the airport sucks....then I'm not so thrilled about it. :lmao:

My sentiments exactly! I find flying from a new location to be part of the adventure. It was fun and interesting. Yeah - I'm a geek that way!

I'm glad you guys got an awesome flight crew. I love it when they make jokes and try to make it fun. And scoring a whole soda? Cha!

It was a great flight thanks to that awesome flight crew. They were a hoot and a half!

Scoring the whole soda can - Priceless! :rotfl:

I'm here for the fun :)

:welcome: Pam!! It wouldn't be a TR without you! :woohoo: Thanks for joining in!

Yay! You started your TR! Can't wait to hear about your trip. Glad you had a good flight and that flight crew sounded fun!

:welcome: Danielle! So glad to have you joining in for my latest TR! Our flight was perfect and the flight crew was awesome! :thumbsup2

I'm in and loving it so far. We used to fly AirTran and loved it but since we are in SWA's hub (DFW) then AirTran isn't allowed to fly anymore. Makes us sad - but we can't wait for SWA to be able to fly straight through to Orlando!

:welcome: CW4DW! Thanks so much for joining in! Ugh - that's got to be so frustrating for you. I have found since the SWA/Air Tran merger the flight schedules from my closest airports stink.

Hi! I'm joining in for all the fun!

:welcome: amanda! Thanks so much for joining in! I see you have a PTR going on now. I'll have to check it out.

Sounds like y'all a had a nice, uneventful flight! :thumbsup2

Can't wait for more!

It was a great flight and a great flight is a great way to kick off a trip! :woohoo:

I'm in. Can't wait to read more!

:welcome: donna! Thanks so much for joining in! I see you have a summer trip planned to the BC! I bet you can't wait!!!!!

I like that line too. It reminds me of one time when I was flying down to Orlando and there was a family that was surprising there kids about where they were going (WDW) and they asked the flight to not say that we were heading to Orlando. So the flight attended then came on and said "despite what the next announcement says we will be going to our scheduled stop" They then went on to welcome us on board our flight to Regina via Montreal. The Captain even went along with it when he made his announcement about landing in Orlando and said "as you can see we have not gone to Regina via Montreal but are in beautiful sunny Orlando."

:welcome: EastYorkDisney Fan! Thanks for joining in! what a funny story. Did any of the other passengers stop and say "WTH?" when the flight attendant made that announcement. That's great that everyone paid attention and went along with it. But those poor kids must have been so confused when they got off the plane in Florida. :rotfl2:
I'm here and on page FOUR???? Ughhhh so sick of being computerless! :lmao:

Great start! Your flight crew sound so funny, I love entertaining flight crews, they always make me less nervous to fly!

Can't wait to read more!!
Thank you! Yes we have a baby due in August and are planning to take a mini trip the first weekend of November. We are insane haha.
Joining the fun.

:welcome: micandminforever! Glad you can join the fun and your another DISer with a trip right around the corner. :woohoo:

Great start!

Thanks! :goodvibes

I'm glad you could get your brother and his family on the train. I can't even imagine the turmoil...

Ugh! It got pretty bad there for awhile. My SIL was all ready to make her travel arrangements and my brother kept dragging his feet. When I finally tried to explain that I needed to either invite another family or rebook smaller accommodations he got on board.

I love regional airports! So easy! Sometimes leads to confusion, though. We were coming back from a trip to Washington DC and scanning the boards we couldn't find our flight to Boston. "Duh, We're flying to Manchester" my son piped up, rolling his eyes.

I bet Manchester is a nice airport and you are lucky to have that alternative.

The window displays at ABE were awesome.

Aren't they great? What a nice touch. It's great to be proud of your region!

Love the picture of the tunnel in the faux monorail!


Of COURSE I'm here!!!!! :banana::banana::banana: Can't wait to hear all about your trip!

You BETTER be here! So here's your official :welcome: Sara! :thumbsup2

:welcome: Jackie! :woohoo: So glad to have you along for the ride and with your trip only days away!!!!!!:woohoo:

I have never ever been first to post on any TR...I'm so happy that it's your's!:hug:

party: Well this DOES call for a party!!!!!! party:

You can't beat a great flight crew! Your's sounds hilarious:goodvibes Your trip is off to a great start, I love when everything goes smoothly right from the get go:woohoo:

They were so freakin' funny! Seriously, Markie Mark was dancing all over as he was showing us how to put the life vest on. It was a hoot! If I could have had my phone on I would have videotaped it. It was THAT comical.

Sounds like a fun trip so far

:welcome:15isto2! This trip gets a lot bumpier so hang on. It doesn't take long for the first meltdown to occur. :rotfl:

What a great beginning. Poor Denny, I hope it didn't last too long.

The worst part of the cold didn't last long, but the cold itself hung on for awhile and spread to Nick and then to yours truly! :sad2:

I can't see some if the pictures on the first page, is it just me?

I'll have to go back and look. I have a pro account so I should never run out of bandwidth. I hope they are still there. :confused3

I'm here! Love the list! I'm so looking forward to hearing all about it!

:welcome: Tina! So glad you're here and loving the list. And you will hear about it ALL! ;)

IYou know I agree with you about departure day. Always great! And, yes, small airports are the best. VIP service...that's a good way to put it!

I LOVED that airport. I only hope I get a chance to fly from there again. The woman who checked in our bags double as the gate agent. How can this be a losing proposition for the airline. They don't even need their own ground employees.
I'm here... And hope you used air cannons to shoot the pixie dust that him... How can you need pixie dust at Disney??? :sad2: I guess we'll find out... :rolleyes:

:welcome: NancyLuvsMickey! And, yes, I could have used a couple air cannons and aimed them right at my bro! :rolleyes1 In fact, for the first few days I could have used a whole arsenal of pixie dust, so stick around.

I can see where that would spook you, a casino in the middle of it just seems plain odd.

The casino is actually several thousand yards away from those old steel stacks. They did a really good job refurbing that area and I am sure there are more plans in the works, but I used to think it would be horrible to be trapped in one of those buildings overnight. EEK!

I'm glad you laughed. :rotfl:

That makes a flight SO much more fun, it is so rare any more and all the more memorable for it.

So true! EVeryone is so uptight anymore about flying. I enjoyed the levity and I guess these guys figured the route was being discontinued so why not go out with a bang. :laughing:

Glad you had a smooth fun flight and quickly arrived at MCO :goodvibes

Nothing like a quick flight made better by the fact that it was efficient and the flight crew were awesome! Loved those guys!

I hope the Florida sunshine helped Denny's cold and he felt better quickly! :)

Denny is really a trooper. He felt really crappy on Sat and Sunday, but he never complained. :goodvibes I don't think I would act as well as he did.


Is he taking a picture or trying to send a text :lmao:

Picture, I think, so he could text it later to his GF. :rotfl:

my first time subscribing to a trip report. :cool1:

:welcome: Ahenderson! I am quite honored that you picked my TR as the first one to sub to. So welcome to my TR and welcome to the DIS! I hope you really enjoy the boards as much as I have. There are so many great people over here on the Trip Report boards. I rarely leave this area because I just love reading about others trips! :goodvibes

I'm here! Late as usual but here! :)

:welcome:DWGal!!! I am so happy to have your along for another TR! And you are far from late. Right on time, I would say.

Isn't it nice when you have a good flight crew? Makes a big difference.

It was wonderful. The crew was great and it actually helped pass the time more quickly. Loved those guys!

The kids pictures are too funny!! They all looked positively thrilled. :)

Glad you liked the kid's pics! They really were excited about this trip, but it really was hard to herd them all together. Still, seeing the world through their eyes makes it all worthwhile.
Wow!! I don't check in for a couple of days and you're already on page 4?!? Okay, I'm caught up and subbed in...let the MEK times roll! :cool1:
Signing on! I wouldn't miss the report for the world. It sounds like you are all off to a great start. Let's hope it stays that way but I'm guessing maybe not since you alluded to making your brother mad a couple of times.

:welcome: Lisa! So glad your made it for another crazy TR. Yup - the pixie dust was mostly meant for my brother, but you'll see about that soon enough.

I'm here! Happy to see that you began your TR! :woohoo:

:welcome: Alicia! Thanks for joining in!

D Day is always one of the best parts of a trip. Even if everything goes wrong, you still can tell yourself, "In a few hours, I'll be in WDW." :thumbsup2

That is SO true. No matter what happens there's a 99% likelihood you will be with the mouse by the end of the day! :goodvibes

Glad to hear that the flight went well and the crew was amusing. Has to be nice to see people making the most out of their days.

They really were making the most out of their jobs and it was so entertaining. They could do a stand up routine just on the material they were doing on the plane. Really funny!

Welcome Michelle! So glad you are here! :goodvibes

Great rate on the rental car! Guess I need to start stalking the transportation boards :thumbsup2

That's exactly what I did and it paid off. Some guy swooped in there one morning with this combo of a code and a coupon and *pow* Big Savings. I was thrilled!

How did you like The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo? Don read the whole series and loved them!

It took me a little while to get into the book, but once I did I really looked forward to reading it and then *BAM* the worst thing happened! I lost the book. I think I left it at the pool and it wasn't in the lost & found. I will be ordering a new one soon.

I'm here and on page FOUR???? Ughhhh so sick of being computerless! :lmao:

:welcome: Jen! So sorry your computer is still not working. You're waiting for a power cord, right? I hope you get it soon. I hate being computerless. It's such a drag.

Great start! Your flight crew sound so funny, I love entertaining flight crews, they always make me less nervous to fly!

Well, you would have loved these guys because they were freakin' hysterical!

Can't wait to read more!!

I've got another installment planned for later this week. :goodvibes

Thank you! Yes we have a baby due in August and are planning to take a mini trip the first weekend of November. We are insane haha.

Hey - enjoy it while the baby is small and is sleeping a lot. Portability is important.:thumbsup2 I don't think you are insane at all! Congrats!

Wow!! I don't check in for a couple of days and you're already on page 4?!? Okay, I'm caught up and subbed in...let the MEK times roll! :cool1:

:welcome: Bill! So glad you made it on over. Buckle up for the drama. You are my last reply. Now I can stop over and see your DC pics!
Hi. I read along on your last trip report and am looking forward to reading this one too. I always enjoy your drink selections and photography. I am even going to visit Williamsburg this fall after reading your TR.
Oh - and one final thought - I LOVED flying out of ABE.

Hi, I'm subscribing! I was just browsing trip reports to get hooked on and first you reeled me in with the love of our local airport, only a 1/2 hour away from me and where we always try to fly out of. But you really got me with the non-committal family members, I love it!! Can't wait to see how this goes!!!:banana:
:welcome: EastYorkDisney Fan! Thanks for joining in! what a funny story. Did any of the other passengers stop and say "WTH?" when the flight attendant made that announcement. That's great that everyone paid attention and went along with it. But those poor kids must have been so confused when they got off the plane in Florida. :rotfl2:

Yeah there was a bit of that but also since the airline in question has a bit of a reputation of fooling around like that most people understood that. I think the kids were really excited about landing there as they were going to WDW.

Another time on WestJet the airline in question one of the pilots was welcoming everyone one on board to there no stop flight to Calgary, at the time they didn't have that as an option. All flights to Orlando were out of Toronto.
Hi. I read along on your last trip report and am looking forward to reading this one too. I always enjoy your drink selections and photography. I am even going to visit Williamsburg this fall after reading your TR.

:welcome: cmaee! Thanks so much for joining in. I will definitely be posting more drink pictures - shock - I know!

:woohoo: Yeah for Williamsburg. I hope you love it! I would really like to go back there at the end of the summer but I already have too many getaways planned. I know - poor me! :rolleyes1 If you have any questions just let me know. And if you need the name of a good VRBO contract for a rental just pm me.

Well you sure picked the right one to subscribe to first! Mary Ellen always has great TRs!!!

Looking forward to more!

Thanks Sheree! What a nice compliment!

I was thinking of you guys when we visited AKL on this trip! We actually ate there twice so stay tuned! ;)

Hi, I'm subscribing! I was just browsing trip reports to get hooked on and first you reeled me in with the love of our local airport, only a 1/2 hour away from me and where we always try to fly out of. But you really got me with the non-committal family members, I love it!! Can't wait to see how this goes!!!:banana:

:welcome: ireneryan! Thanks for joining in! You've got a great little airport in your backyard. Initially my DH was not thrilled with the idea of flying from ABE but he lightened up when I said we would be visiting his mom first. After the whole experience he loved it! :goodvibes

And - yes - there will be drama with the family members! Stay tuned for that.

Yeah there was a bit of that but also since the airline in question has a bit of a reputation of fooling around like that most people understood that. I think the kids were really excited about landing there as they were going to WDW.

I can't even imagine being a kid and arriving in Orlando to be told I am going to Disney world. That's awesome. I admire parents who can pull off a surprise like that because I never could. I can't keep a secret like that to save my live! :laughing:

Another time on WestJet the airline in question one of the pilots was welcoming everyone one on board to there no stop flight to Calgary, at the time they didn't have that as an option. All flights to Orlando were out of Toronto.

Now that probably caused a bit of confusion! :rotfl: Too funny!

Looks like a fun trip - can't wait to hear all about it!

:welcome: FairyGodmotherJen! So glad you joined in the fun. It really was a fun trip that had a little bit of everything!


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