WISH Check-In Week of 10-6


<font color=blue>The TF is busy trying to tag peop
Sep 4, 2000
Good Monday Morning WISHers!! How was everyone's weekend?? I was buisy trying to get dome Christmas Crafts done. It was realy nice for a change to be able to not do much except crafts. I decorated for Halloween, did the laundry and straighend the house but I still had lots of time to do other things!!

Well on the dieting front it did not go well this week. I did not stick to wat I needed to even half of the time. On the up side I did loose 1 pound. So today is another new day. I brought 2 containers of yogurt, some carrots, some ff French dressing to dip the carrots into and a can of tomato rice soup to heat up for lunch. Dinner who knows!! But If I can behave today that will be one day that I did what I was supposed to.

WIth the colder weather setting in that means less time outdoors. This is also when many people tend to start eating more and more of the worng kinds of food. Halloween is fast approaching and that means parties and lots of goodies. anyone have any fool prro ways to stay out of the candy dish??

Welcome to all the new WISHers. Remember to drink you water!!
Movement is the key. Move more sit less.

Happy WISHing
I finally got to go to my WW meeting this past Saturday, and I will now be able to attend this meeting regularly. :) I gained 1.4 pounds in 3 weeks, which doesn't please me. The good news is, this has helped increase my motivation. I'm just tired of not doing well like I did at the beginning. I have gotten too lazy and have not done what needs to be done, so I'm starting over. My mom is so sweet, and she is buying me an inexpensive treadmill so I can start being dedicated to a walking routine. I think that increasing my exercise will really help. Here are my "start over" stats:

-8.8 total/+1.4 this week/17.8 'till goal
I lost another 2lbs. Next weekend will be a challenge because we're heading to the beach for the weekend. I'm trying to plan and make sure I have things I can eat and not cheat too much!
Hi, didn't check in last week due to DH's accident.
I did horrible last week with the emotional eating, but still lost 4 pounds over the last 2 weeks. I think I worried them off.

I started back with the walking today, 2 miles at lunch.

My stats: lost 16 pounds since 8/11/02.
I have been journalling with eTools at weightwatchers.com very carefully for a week. I had positive and negative bank balances as the time went on. Today my weigh in showed a loss of 3.2 for a total of 57.4

The careful journalling drives me crazy -- but I can tell it helps. My estimating had gotten too generous. I guess I will continue for a while. My one-year on WW anniversary is 12/3 -- less than 2 months away!!! I don't think I will reach my personal goal by then, but we can try. Well, actually, when I do the calculations, it would be pretty much impossible to lose 25.4 pounds by then.

You should have seen me at the gym yesterday using the universal weight machines. It was me and 3-4 young buff guys. There are plenty of machines so we weren't in each other's way. I would set the stick at 20 pounds and they would change it to 250 when it was their turn! I wanted to ask them what kind of jobs they had that allowed them to be working out at 10am.
Hi all! I'm back on the WISH board after taking 6 months off my weight loss efforts to fight breast cancer. Weighed in yesterday for the first time since March - I only gained 5.5 lbs over these months in spite of all the treatments and being less active. And most of those 5.5 lbs came during these last 6 weeks while I celebrated the end of my treatments, LOL!! So I'm back on track now - I had lost 31 lbs before my hiatus, gained 5.5, and now I have 12.8 left to lose to hit my goal. I CAN DO IT!!!
We had a really rough week. LOTS of bad news, lots of late nights at work, I had a migraine for 6 days, and every possible kind of stress was stressing us out. Needless to say, we did not go to the gym, and ate out often and in large quantities. Despite the pizza, chinese take-out and the Outback, we still managed to lose....

This week I lost 1.5 bringing my total to 45.5 pounds

Ted lost another pound, bringing his total to 66 pounds

My guess is its probably all from losing muscle from not working out this week!

Keep up the good work, everyone!



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