WISH Check-In week Of 2-10


<font color=blue>The TF is busy trying to tag peop
Sep 4, 2000
Good Monday Morning WISHers!! How was your week!! Mine went ok. Having the flu has it's advantages. I lost 4 pounds this week. Now if only I could do that again only without the flu we would be doing great!!! Oh well.

Valentines day is fast approaching and I was wondering if anyone has any big plans for this chocolate filled eating out diet endangering day?? Any Tips to help those who do have to worry about the temptations comat it??

Welcome to all the new WISHers.

WISH Totals: -21/+9.8/-127.00
Have and great week everyone and Happy WISHing
I am down 2 more pounds and am almost at my 10 lb. ribbon (and will drop a point class with that milestone).

The chocolate thing...well, you could check out this past Thursday's Healthy Cooking thread for some tasty treats (a little self promotion:D ). But I had the most interesting thing happen to me while cooking some treats this weekend. I lifted a bag of sugar and a bag of flour at the same time and it dawned on me...I have lost almost this much weight. What an eye opener!

Because I'm big I haven't really "felt" the weight loss. Clothes are a little loose and those that were loose to begin with are not fitting now. But to actually physically hold that amount in your arms...it's a real incentive. You can feel it and then imagine walking up and down the stairs with it or running through the yard playing tag while holding a bag with that much weight in it.

I tell you, that was the biggest and most profound example I could have had. Now when temptation starts, I just think about that experience and I don't feel hungry any more.
I am down 1 lb. this week.

Valentine's day is not a big thing for me with chocolate (I don't like it). DH and I don't get each other anything. So no worries here.

Hope everyone has a great week and nice Valentine's day.
Up ALOT! 4 pounds!! Only 9 more weeks until we cruise -- and these have got to be 9 serious weeks!! Look out!
I am down 1 pound. :)

But today is hubbys Birthday and Thursday is Valentines. And we are going to Vegas for the long weekend so I need to stay focused on eating smart. Although I think I will get a bit of walking in around all the casinos/resorts.

wonderwoven: I actually lost a pound or two on the ship - I really don't know how, but here is my tip....
Take the stairs!
Down 3 pounds - not a bad first week!! Hope everyone has a great week!
Good morning everyone. Hope everyone had a good week with a better one to come. Didn't know what to expect this week. I've been walking quite a bit, but was too busy to walk at all this weekend. I was happy to still come away with a 1 pound loss.
Valentine's day might be a problem next year when I have to take it in moderation, but it won't be a problem this year. I swore off anything out of bounds the night before Thanksgiving, and I won't make exceptions to this until our next trip to the world (11 days, 21 hours and 30 minutes from now, but who's counting), so no real temptation. Some times it's easier, at least for a little while, to skip completely than to eat just a little.

Week 12: -1/-36/34 to go
Well, I am down a pound which I find amazing. I did not do a good job of mointoring last week. Maybe job stress causes weight loss! Keep up the good work everyone.
I'm down one pound but that's only because I was up one pound yesterday!

Very frustrating weight loss this time around. Still only down 8 lbs and this last bit is just not moving. Still, I'm sticking with it. I've got a whole fresh week ahead of me and by this time 7 days from now I could be singing a happier song!

Congrats to all who lost, keep at it to all who are waiting until this week to lose! :D
Well, earlier in the week I was down 2 lbs - but after the weekend I was back to no change. Grrrrrrrrr!

But, to be honest, I was an eating machine yesterday - so it serves me right. I did get a good report from the doctor last week, though!

On to better things this week...
First week back at WW--lost 4.8 pounds. amazing what you can do when you stop eating at McDonalds!
Robin M.
Hello. Thank you so much for the posts and PMs. I haven't cried in 6 hours which is a new record. My face aches though ... almost like a strange flu.

I weigh-in on Wednesday and pretty much consider it throwing money away -- I haven't thought about points in a week.

aprincessmom (and others): I've heard it suggested that we should get an old backpack and buy a 5 pound bag of flour or beans each time we lose 5 pounds. When you start to think all this fuss and bother hasn't done much, carry the backpack around for an hour. Then feel the relief when you put it down. I'm at 21 pounds lost and I'm sure the backpack would feel heavy.

Comet was my WW brisk walking partner. Now he's buried in the woods we used to walk in. :(
Sounds like a lot of us had the flu last week. I was SICK, SICK, SICK for the entire week. As a consequence I did not do my normal exercise routine. In addition, on Saturday I was a food craving maniac! I really don't know quite what was up with that... and I managed to keep it at a reasonable indulgence... but boy it was a tough day.

The bad news is... I seem to have gained 2 lbs this week. The good news is... I suspicion part of it is water gain from the salty foods I indulged in on Saturday.... so if I behave myself this week - and ease back into my exercise... hopefully it will go away as fast as it appeared.

Congratulations to the rest of you on your good efforts. I am always very encouraged to read your reports. :)
Well, except for Saturday, I stayed within my points range all week, and I only lost .6. Whoever said the last 10 pounds are the hardest sure knew what she was talking about! I am so tired of writing down everything I eat, of wanting one of those potato chips that my son is eating but I won't even have one because I know I won't stop. And I want DH to get me chocolate for Valentine's Day, but I know I really shouldn't eat any!!!!!

There's one lady in my WW meeting who every week complains that her problem is that she doesn't eat enough and that she has to FORCE herself to eat. I'm about ready to smack her!!
Hello everyone. It's amazing -- and great -- to hear of your successes.

Amy - go ahead and smack her.

I was down 2 for a total of -22.8.

I've walked 3 times in the woods where Comet is buried. Twice I was sobbing
and talking loud to him. Once I made it and remained calm. I've sort of hurried
through my grieving process in order to help the kids. I repeat some of the
helpful info from www.petloss.com to myself when I feel about to fall apart.
I've also voiced my regret at not kissing him good-bye in the exam room. I told
the kids that I'm sorry we didn't do that -- but the vet didn't think he was in
any immediate danger. Luckily, we kissed him tons while he was alive. He's in
our video of Christmas tree decorating and he's as happy as can be. He also
gets in trouble on the tape for putting things into his mouth. He was a
Retriever after all -- and that's what killed him in the end. He ate something
that injured his intestines and let an infection get in there. I know he ate
rocks and socks. The autopsy results aren't back yet in order to know if it
was a fungus or bacteria.

Sorry to go on about this. One of the grief things is telling yourself that you
were doing what you thought was best at the time you were doing it. I really did.
It also helps to know that nothing could have saved him and the vet can't
believe he lasted as long as he did. It also helps to know there aren't many
nerve endings there -- he never showed signs of pain! He was never lethargic
until the last day at home... and that was very sudden.

I'm still open to hearing the good/bad about getting a new dog.
Sometimes my heart wants to pour love on a little creature. Other times I enjoy not
having to get up at night to let him in/out.

Thanks for listening.

Keep up the good work. You're a great bunch of losers! ;-)
Oh Mom-to-3, I know how hard it is to lose your furry kid. My Max died back in 1994 (the day after my & DH's 10th anniv.). He had lung cancer and there was nothing they could have done, but the day he died, I went to work as usual and asked my parents to come to our house and check on him; he died while they were there and I wasn't. I know he adored my parents, but I still feel guilty that I wasn't there for him. And boy, do I miss him!

You've got to follow your own heart when it comes to getting another dog. We got one about 2 months after Max died, and he turned out to be the dog from he*#. It broke my heart, but we had to give him back to the Humane Society after about 3 months (too rough with the kids). We waited another 2 years, and then we adopted Sheba from the Humane Society and she's the best thing I could hope for. (Except that it's quite obvious she loves DH more than me!!!) Sometimes there's a hole in your heart that only a furry critter can fill.

Hang in there! Comet was your baby and you're going to miss him for a long, long time. Just remember all the happy times. {hugs}
Well, we're back from our week at WDW and I have returned home with the 'flu. Luckily I was fine up until Monday night so our holiday wasn't ruined by illness, however, the return flights to Bermuda were not good! We had a 1 hr. flight from Orlando to Atlanta then a 2 hr. 10 min. flight from Atlanta to Bermuda - whew - it was hard going as I was feeling so poorly.

However, I did not gain one ounce whilst on holiday. It must have been all the walking we did. So that was pretty pleasing to say the very least!! I'm back on track seriously now so watch out for my diminishing weight loss in the weeks to come. I never want to be on holiday again feeling bad about how I look. I ducked out of all of the photos and consequently because of my poor self esteem we do not have one family photo from our trip - that is really sad. We're going on holiday again in August and have decided on 2 weeks in British Columbia, Canada - I vow to feel good about myself on that trip!

Anyway, WDW was great, we had a ball and now it's back to "normal life".

Good going to everyone and keep with the programme.:D
I lost .6 this past week for a total of 14.6. I'm happy even if it's only half a pound--hey it's half a pound in the right direction. :) I will not be able to weigh-in this Friday or Saturday because I have a wedding rehearsal and wedding to go to. I am probably going to miss the next week too because I'm going out of town. I got engaged this past Sunday, so needless to say we did quite a bit of eating out. I am going to not let this bad week become 3 bad weeks--that's my main goal. I don't want to backtrack a lot.

Amy--there are some really obnoxious people at WW sometimes. I just remind myself that if they had to force themselves to eat they wouldn't have a weight problem and be at WW in the first place. Plus, those people usually fall off the wagon soon from all that deprivation. I'm in the last 12 pounds, and I can definitely agree that these last pounds are HARD to get off. Good luck! :)
I lost 1.4 lbs. this week which was great with me. I am vowing to be very happy with each and every loss so this was a good week. I am dreading Valentine's Day a bit but my dh is quite aware of my committment to WW so hopefully it won't be too bad. We will probably go out as a family for a Valentine's Day on Saturday night and I'll do my best to stay focused.

Good luck everyone and remember that every week is a new opportunity to get closer to our final goal.

Hugs to you Mom-to-3. I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved companion and hope you are feeling better soon.

:) :) :)


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