WISH Check-In week of 2-17


<font color=blue>The TF is busy trying to tag peop
Sep 4, 2000
Good Monday Morning WISHers!! How is everyone doing today!! Well is is cold a snowy here so you know that means I want to stay in bed. I refuse to let the weather make me think that way so I am sitting here putting my socks on so I can go to Curves before I go to work. I have no idea what has gotten into my head but hey let it stay there for awhile!!

I did ok this past week I lost 1.75 pounds and I joined Curves so if I anctually go It should help a little. I have also been drinking my water!!

Speaking of water what other low/no calorie drinks does everyone like to drink? I like diet Pop/soda. About anykind. I try not to drink to much of it though. I also like chrystal light as well as ice tea and sf lemonade. I drink maybe 1 cup of coffee a day and like herbal teas from time to time. once in awhile I will even have a cup of FF hot Chocolate. It helps when you need something different to try another kind of drink from time to time!!

Welcome to all the new WISHers!! Have a great week everyone and keep up the great work!!!

Happy WISHing
Hi WISHers! I don't weigh in until Wednesday, but wanted to say hello.

Yesterday at church, a woman I know said, "You look great! How much weight have you lost?"

I proudly replied "Almost 23 pounds."

It felt so good. So let's keep on fighting the fat fight. My favorite phrase is still:

Success stops when you do.

Jiminy mentioned diet cocoa -- I just want to say that the 25 calorie cocoas have been a life saver for me during Valentine's. It calls for 6 oz of water so be sure you don't put in too much or it will be weak. I use a little less and enjoy eating the clumps!

*I have various flavored fizzy waters - I always buy store brand on sale.
*I like Fruit 2 0 which is found at drug stores/Target. It is very strong so I use it when I need a sweet boost.
*I try to grab a bottled water whenever I'm heading out the door to do chores.
*I drink tap water, too. I find that putting ice in makes it too cold to drink quickly so I don't use much ice.

I'll post my weigh-in on Wednesday. I REALLY want my 25 pound magnet! I have to be prepared not to cry if I don't get it.
Well, OOOPS. I posted using DD's name.

The above post is Mom-to-3 (Mary). :D
Well I stayed the same this week. Which was actually better than I expected. I had a bad weekend! Although I did walk 3 miles on Saturday so maybe that offset some of Sunday's food!

As for drinks I am pretty boring Water and Diet Coke. I try to only have two Diet Cokes a day, but sometimes it is 3.

Keep up the good work!
Well....sad to say I am up a half pound from last week.Mostly because I gave into the V-Day cravings and had chocolate AND a semi-not-healthy dinner that night. We went to one of our new fave resteraunts in town and I had an appetizer(shared with DH)and a huge dinner.:( I feel so bad for caving but this week I am determined to work it off and I"m not worried about next week. I'll be doing so much walking at USF that any calories I take in will we walked off.

Another pound this week. I had been shooting for reaching the half way point before our next trip to the world. All of a sudden the trip is only a few days away, but I hit the goal two weeks ago. Now I'm gonna need some help from everyone the next couple of weeks, to keep our weekly loss total up. I won't be around to check in next week, and I'm sure I'll be up when I check in on the 4th, after 9 days with Mickey & Friends. If someone promises to lose extra that week to make up for my gain, I promise to return the favor when I get back.

Almost forgot about the drinking. I don't like water, or coffee, or tea. I usually average about 4-5 diet soft drinks a day (Usually Dr. Pepper, Mounatin Dew, or Pepsi), and don't drink much else. I will sometimes have a glass or two of water at a restaurant, but other than that nothing to drink except for the diest cokes.

Week 13: -1/-37/33 to go
I was up one pound this week. I'm on the cusp of my "I enjoy being a girl week" as my sister and I call it. Which isn't bad since before I started WW I'd gain 2-4 lbs that week before. I was hoping to just stay even but I can't complain too much!

I am a water person. I love to drink water, don't particularly care for soda. I do like lemonade in the summer -- squeezing the lemons, adding the sugar and mint. It's just yummy. When I have a cold or an upset stomach I crave peppermint tea or ginger tea. It's like a comfort food for me.

Otherwise I drink water...straight up, hold the rocks!:)
I didn't weigh when I started last week, so I can't say how much I've lost if any. It is that time of the month and even with water retention, I feel like my tummy looks a little flatter, so I'm encouraged.

I drink Clear American from Walmart, a lot. I am partial to white grape and cherry. I also love to drink water with lots of ice. Sucking on the ice helps me with food cravings. Sometimes I use food to get centered. I learned that from my son's Occupational Therapist. I have Sensory Integration issues and when I feel low on energy I use food to get me back up. Ice sometimes does that for me, too.
I lost 1 lb again this week. It is coming off slowly.

I drink mainly water, but some mornings I do have hot tea. I don't drink alot of pop, usually if I have a bottle it will last 2-3 days.

Have a great week everyone.
Wow. I am just back from a long weekend in Vegas. And I havent weighed in. Although I would bet I am up a bit.

But fear not I have a renewed attitude about getting healthy and am mentally revising my goals.

With all the walking we did around the Strip I realized that although I get a fair workout each week, I need to spend more time "training for WDW" i.e. walking. Boy, 3 hours of strolling around can really take it out of you. So, I am dusting off the treadmill and committing to powering it up 3 times a week (Yes, ;) I will use it once I power it up)
That in addition to my Curves workouts might take a bit extra time but in Sept. when we are walking around World Showcase I will be glad I did.

Thanks for all your support, I am glad these boards are here.
Hi everyone.....

After 1 free week at Curves and finally joining last week. Last night I weighed myseld and have lost 5 pounds!!! That's without really putting much an effort towards eating better, so hopefully I'll continue to make progress once I change my eating habits. I've not exercised (besides walking around WDW a few times each year :p) in about 5 years and am feeling wonderful!

I can't yet drink the 8 glasses/day but am working up to it. I'm not much of a soda/pop person, and have always preferred flavored seltzer waters, so that's not too much of a challenge to cut out the sugary beverages.

It's nice to see how everone shares there progress here. I'm glad I have this forum for support. :)
Well, after an entire week of never being within my points range, by some miracle I only gained 0.2. Don't ask me how I did it! The real challenge comes this week--my neighbor brought over my Girl Scout cookies last night and even though I'm at work, I can hear them calling to me. I need to draw on every ounce of willpower I have to resist eating the whole box at one sitting. 2 points per cookie. 2 points per cookie. 2 points per cookie.
Had my weigh-in today and I was down .8 for a total of 23.6. I REALLY want my 25 pound magnet. I've barely exercised since Comet died. He was my walking buddy.
Mom you will get there be patient!! and Amy I can help you eat those cookies so you don't gain to much!!!:D
No way Holly!! Those Tagalongs are ALL MINE!!!! I won't even share with DH or my kids! :D
:D I see what a pal!! You are making the ultimate sacrifice to save my points for the week by keeping all those coookies to yourself!! Thanks AMY!!!!:D
That's right, why should 2 of us get fat from my Girl Scout cookies---I'll eat them to save you from gaining weight! That's what friends are for. :D
I just got back from my first check-in in 3 weeks. I'm down 2.2 pounds from last time, but my fat mass is down by 7 lbs! That drops my body fat% to a total fat loss of 10%, my total wieght loss is 55 lbs. I've been at this for 7 months. Slow and steady, thats me! But my goal was to be at my goal weight by june, and I only have 15 more lbs to go. I think I'll make it!

I've been really struggling the past few weeks on the food side. I tend to indulge a bit too often (like the angel food cake I just ate) but I''m really keeping up with excercise and water, so it must be working. Hopefull I'll get out of this rut soon. Kepp up the good work everyone!

I weigh in on Saturdays. Last week I had only lost .4 for a total of 5 lbs. Today I had lost another 2.4, for a total of 7.4. Only 32 pounds to go! I'd like to lose 20 of it by our trip which starts July 7. I think I can handle 5 lb. a month if I get through girl scout cookie time. Slow and steady wins the race!
Robin M.


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