WISH'ers walking, running and "other"ing in 2012--General Discussion thread

You're all official just by posting! Welcome to the WISH team! Many folks are still returning from marathon weekend, but you'll see activity picking up again soon. There will be plenty of folks going to Princess so you'll have a built-in support crew at the ready.
Hi All! I've made a commitment to train for the Princess Half in 2013. I have a long way to go, but I'm out there. Right now I'm just trying to stay un-injured.
So welcome to all who have joined in the fun. WISH is not a formal thing--no memberships, lists, rosters, dues, secret handshakes, hazing rituals, etc. As soon as you show up, delcare your intention to do something--you are a WISHer.

I've been thinking of my goals for 2012 and reflecting back on 2011. I give 2011 a C-. On the one hand, I ran Boston! This was a wonderful experience, and even though my race was less than I hoped, I still had a great time. But on the other hand, losing 5 months of running to a herniated disk really sucked. It messed with my body and mind.

2012 has started out well, though, so here's hoping it continues that way. As for goals: still sorta TBD. Stay healthy is one--but I'm not sure how much control I really have over that!

So what does anyone else plan to do this year?

So welcome to all who have joined in the fun. WISH is not a formal thing--no memberships, lists, rosters, dues, secret handshakes, hazing rituals, etc. As soon as you show up, delcare your intention to do something--you are a WISHer.

I've been thinking of my goals for 2012 and reflecting back on 2011. I give 2011 a C-. On the one hand, I ran Boston! This was a wonderful experience, and even though my race was less than I hoped, I still had a great time. But on the other hand, losing 5 months of running to a herniated disk really sucked. It messed with my body and mind.

2012 has started out well, though, so here's hoping it continues that way. As for goals: still sorta TBD. Stay healthy is one--but I'm not sure how much control I really have over that!

So what does anyone else plan to do this year?


Maura, hope this year is much better for you.

AFM, 2011 started great with my first Dopey. The marathon was also my first and finished under 5hrs. walking. Things were going well until bicycle crash April 2nd. Sixteen weeks later the 24/7 neck collar finally came off but still have problems today along with other crash related issues.

2012 started by completing my 2nd. Dopey and 2nd. marathon but due to lack of preparation I had knee and calf problems. Finally got out today for a 3.5 miler and feeling better. 50/60 mile bicycle ride tomorrow then 10K or 15K on Sunday.

Have a 5K in 3weeks, 1/2 marathon relay with DW in early March followed by a 1/2 Ironman Duathlon 2 weeks later. April is Derby Festival 1/2 Marathon, Sept. is ToT 10 Miler, Oct. is W&D Half M, Nov. is Space Coast Half M and might include some other Duathlon events. Would like to try a small triathlon but bicycle crash added to the problems with shoulder that orthopaedic said only a replacement would solve.
I go away for awhile and you guys get rid of the hazing rituals?? ;)

I've been keeping up with folks on FB so not spending as much time here. I'm not working this month and won't go back to fulltime til Sept, so you may be stuck with me more often for awhile.:scared1:

Can I just say, Maura is a fabulous relay partner! That was one of the most fun Disney races I've run in a long time.

My personal race goal is 50 half marathons by the time I turn 50. Last weekend was #20 so I just need 5ish per year to make it (July 2018). I'm thinking to do the full that year as a cap off since it should be the 25th anniversary.

Next up is Princess to maintain perfect princess status and NC Half. Considering RunRaleigh and Flying Pig, then one in June would level me up in Half Fanatics. And then there's fall!
I go away for awhile and you guys get rid of the hazing rituals?? ;)

I've been keeping up with folks on FB so not spending as much time here. I'm not working this month and won't go back to fulltime til Sept, so you may be stuck with me more often for awhile.:scared1:

Can I just say, Maura is a fabulous relay partner! That was one of the most fun Disney races I've run in a long time.

My personal race goal is 50 half marathons by the time I turn 50. Last weekend was #20 so I just need 5ish per year to make it (July 2018). I'm thinking to do the full that year as a cap off since it should be the 25th anniversary.

Next up is Princess to maintain perfect princess status and NC Half. Considering RunRaleigh and Flying Pig, then one in June would level me up in Half Fanatics. And then there's fall!

The 50 Halves by 50 Years sounds GREAT.:thumbsup2

Since I'll be 62 this year at least that goal is something I can forget about. :lmao:
Welcome to all the newbie :flower3:

Maura I think running the Boston Marathon gives you a better then a "c" for the year and the fact you were smart on healing you disk and continuing to run once better.

MelGood luck on you 50 by 50. Sound like you are well on your way.

John VN Your are amazing too. Injured for o long and anyone who runs more than a marathon in a weekend...:worship:

AFM-I ran my first and last marathon. My family wanted to see me do it and now they don't want me to do it again and neither do I. I finished 5:04 and hoped for under 5, but I did stop for several pictures and the heat got to me after about the 15th mile. I was on target for a 4:40 at that point. I will be perfectly Princess next month. Returning for my fourth with my DD as Team CoolRunnings with our rasta look.
I love to run, but I don't think I like events. I love being out and seeing nature and being in the fresh air. I don't like all the people and getting up at 3. So I will continue to run, but probably not do events. A girl can always change her mind.
Today was my first exercise since the marathon and I did an hour of pilates.
Welcome everyone! Saw many new faces this year at the races and many I've been lucky enough to see each year. The meets were alot of fun as well. The pre-race jitters to post race bling sharing was good fun.

My first goal this year is to be more involved with this thread in particular. Used to do the weekly/monthly thread back in the day and hope this year the thread is more active.

In 2011 I only did 2 (Think of the way the guy says 2 in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) well I can't just do 2 (Also the same guy) so this year I plan to do many more halves. After this past weekend I am already at 2 so I'm off to a good start. :thumbsup2

What races? I'm not sure yet. I have 5 or 6 in mind right now (Cap City, Cleveland, Tower of Terror 10 miler, Air Force, Columbus, etc) and I'm still thinking on what I want to do for the 2013 Marathon weekend. The relay coming back would make my decision much easier. :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2
I was going to grade my year rougher, but then I saw what some other people have been through and I am upgrading mine to a B+.

I posted 3 goals last January:
1) 3 Haves :thumbsup2 Princess, Kentucky Derby Festival, Wine and Dine
2) Sub 2:00 :thumbsup2 1:53 at KDF
3) Marathon :guilty: Didn't train or register. But I am going to do the Kentucky Derby this year.

Goals for this year:
1) KDF Full.
2) Several Haves, haven't picked one after Princess
3) Trail half or full John Ffigawi inspired me
4) Train with DW for 2013 Mickey (Her 1st).

John VN You will enjoy the KDF half. There is lots of crowd support, and a lot of different urban neighborhoods. If the course is the same as last year it is flat.

goofyinohio KDF might be a good choice to get you to 5 or 6, I did not see a spring race in your plan.

Mel Good Luck on the 50 by 50. Too late for me, it would be about 1/month. I think I could get 60 by 60. I'll cheerlead for for Kentucky Derby instead of Flying Pig, unless you still need Ohio for half the states.

Newbies Welcome all. Stephanie and firecracker, you will meet a bunch of wishers at Princess.

I've been lurking for the past few months while I trained for my first half marathon. I just wanted to thank everyone for the advice I have gotten. It's great to have such a support system. I did the marathon relay at Disney World last weekend. It was such a great experience. I didn't think I would have so much fun. Now I may be hooked on Disney races. :) Thanks again!
bon2313-welcome and what do you mean by writing, "Now I may be hooked on Disney races" Just admit that you are. That's the first step towards recovery. :rotfl2:

Mike-thanks for the KDF information. Flat is GOOD and maybe we'll see you there. Great goals for this year and the start on next. :thumbsup2
I've already completed one of my 2012 running goals which was to finish my 1st full marathon. I was really affected by heat in the last 8 miles but I did ok for me.
I'm already registered for 2 half marathons this year - one in April and one in October. Not sure what else I'll except I know I'll be training for that Mickey medal again!
My other goal for 2012 is to increase my overall mileage. I know I'm capable of going a bit faster and putting a little bit more time into training. Nothing crazy! My fastest half is 2:36 and I'd like to be below 2:30 and eventually (not necessarily this year) below 2:20.

Registered for NY Marathon tonight. They are supposed to confirm my guaranteed entry in the next few weeks. So there's one thing on my race calendar for 2012. NOw just need 1 or 2 other things.

Joan Sorry your marathon experience (and your racing in general) didn't measure up. Enjoy your running and maybe you'll find some race experience that will be a good one.

Chris I don't do that many races either. Part of me wants to change my mindset and do more races "for fun", but the other part of me wants to run races where I try to PR all the time.

Mike I am also looking to get into more trail running. I think a half would be a good start.

Amanda Good luck with your quest for more speed, although depending on the plan, more mileage is not necessarily needed--just some varied training (speedwork).

Goodmorning...I see the disboards have not gone dark so at least I have one thing to keep me entertained.

I did a kettlebell workout with my DH this morning. We bought a DVD and some kettlebells and gave it a try. We probably bought to much weight, but we didn't know and were going on what we had read and what we had been using for other weigh training. It will be interesting to see how I feel in the morning and I will be going to the gym to do speed work on the TM.

I'm running the Princess with my DD so I must be prepared to do well. Depending on how she feels (she has some issues with her heart) she may want to try a sub 2 hour or we may just be taking easy.
:wave2: Remember me? :goodvibes

Been on Facebook more than any place else lately and for some reason the DIS boards hang badly when I try to access them from work. :confused3 Since I spend 8+ hrs/day on the computer I tend to stay off it at night and weekends.
However I have been lurking and am going to try to post more often again.

Was so great seeing you all in WDW!! The Pop meet was fun as always and of course everyone on the full course cheering and providing fuel. THANK YOU!!!!!

Think 2012 is going to be a change up kind of year for me. After the knee surgery last year I was side-lined then warned to stop the distance running. Yeah. Ok. :rolleyes1 I am cutting back on the long distances and concentrating on my tri work. Also more trail running to reduce the impact on my knees. And weight loss. Again. :headache:

Hoping we all have a great year!
Hey Liz. It was great to see you and Patrick, even it it was for a brief time. Good luck with your re-vamped training. I find myself feeling guilty about buying a wetsuit and then never using it for a tri. I haven't found that big ole "butt kick" to get out and try a 1/2 ironman.

I am back to "training". but not sure for what--kinda makes it hard to pick a plan, then!

Hi Everyone!

I didn't post (or even know!) about WISH in 2011, but I had 2 goals:

1) Run 12 road races
2) Get a sub 35 minute finish on 5k.

I got my 12 road races done (8 5k's, 1 5 miler, 1 10k, 1 20k, and 1 half marathon), even though that meant pulling out 3 in November due to rescheduling of races and not running any in January/February (I live in the Northeast and last winter was brutal).

A sub-35 minute finish on a 5k eluded me, but I dropped my average pace by about 2.5 minutes/mile, so I am excited about that.

My 2012 goals/plans:
1) 4 halves in 4 months (Disney Princess, Charlotte Motor Speedway, OBX Flying Pirate, and Diva Myrtle Beach)
2) VA Beach RnR
3) My first full marathon (Philadelphia)

The full is my little secret right now, only my running buddy knows!
I'm fairly new to the W.I.S.H. Boards, but I really enjoy them. I ran my first half / race this past October at Wine & Dine and have been hooked ever since. Been running a lot of 5K's, 10K's and whatever I could get my hands around.

I did run the Donald Half in 1:34 so one goal of mine is to get below 1:30 in the Half in either the Princess or Wine & Dine.

Second goal is to complete my first Marathon in March (Atlanta) and try for a really good time at next year's Mickey.

3rd goal, and most important...staying INJURY FREE!

Hope everyone has good experiences running. I know that I am hooked badly.
Welcome bellerunner and EddieMcCoy2!

Bellerunner....12 races is alot. You should be proud of that accomplishment. And your time reduction is very impressive. Good luck with your upcoming 1/2's and with training for the full. There's at least one other WISHer doing Charlotte, and I saw the Outer Banks marathon while poking around for races in NC (My SIL lives there and we are thinking of a visit)

EddieMccoy2.....you are blazingly fast! You and Frank (FireDancer) can vie for title of "Speediest WISHer". I would love to hit 1:45, but I don't know if that's really doable. Good luck with your marathon. The DIsney course is pretty fast--assuming you can avoid the traffic, which is doable.

AFM....taking arest period due to some sort of hip flexor/groin strain I obviously suffered on SUnday. Not a big deal. Just will nurse it til it feels better. So XT and yoga for now.



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