WISH'ers walking, running and "other"ing in 2012--General Discussion thread

Welcome Maryanne. The site Maura just posted on stretching looks great. I stretch a lot after running and even bought a DVD for extra stretching.

Maura You have had quite a time since the Boston. I know you did great at the Chip and Dale, as I hold that over my son's head...almost beat by a 50+..keeps him working hard. Hope you are able to work out your injuries.

Jackie You were down in my neck of the woods...I forgot about that race. I should have come over a cheered you on. Glad you had fun.

AFM I'm lovin' my runnin'. I just go out (about twice a week) and run 6-9 miles and the weather has been beautiful (although the pollen is a little thick). I'm doing speed work once a week on a TM too. Plus my yoga, pilates or kettlebell DVD once a week. I hope to do a 10K next weekend and use that time if I need something fast for corral placement. Then in May I hope to run the Castaway Cay 5K. That would give me a race each month this year so I'm, thinking I should do something each month this year.
:cool1:So excited! I did my first 5K walk/run today and I wasn't last! I even passed a few people! :banana:

I've NEVER done anything like this before. I was a fat kid, fat teen, fat adult - well, I still am a fat adult LOL - but I am trying to change that. I am signed up for the 5K at Disney in September. I've been worried about the mpm requirement. But, today I proved I could do it! And, I have almost 6 months to get faster!
Just back from vacation so I haven't checked in recently!
Thanks for the concern and suggestions for my knee. It seems totally better. I did 13.1 miles last weekend (training run for next weekend's half marathon) and felt fine. No lingering pain this week. I do think I need to cross-train more. I really believe my quads are weak and that's why I get calf muscle strain and then knee pain. My friend wants me to try spinning class with her so I might do that.
I'm taking today off because I have a terrible cold with lots of congestion. Hoping a rest day helps!

Hi everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself. After years of leading a very inactive life and being very overweight, I have decided to do something about it. To keep me motivated in my new healthy lifestyle, I've set my sights on the 2013 Princess Half. Reading all of your stories, bios, and posts is so inspirational. Thanks a bunch!
Joan Glad you are in a happy place with your running. May the (running) force be with you.

mahipp Awesome! COngrats on your achievement. I hope you celebrated.

Amanda Cycling is a great way to work on quads. Spinning is a good workout. If you decide to pursue, find yourself a pair of spin shoes. Don't have to be expensive, but it makes a big difference to be clipped in and using all of your leg power..

Happy Mom2 Welcome to the bunch. Congrats on taking the first steps--literally and figuratively! It takes a lot of strength to say your goal out loud. Good for you.

I am easing my way back in and so ran 4 miles this morning before coming back to watch Tom Boonen ride away from the field at Paris-Roubaix. He is having a great year--and he is so easy on the eyes to watch!

Happy Easter,all.

Hi All!
Joining in!
I signed up for the 10 mile Tower of Terror Race in September.
I've NEVER walked/ran a race like this before. I did walk a 5k a few weekends ago and survived!
I probably would be considered Pooh sized and this race at Walt Disney World is my motivation to lose weight and get healthy!

Looking forward to chatting with you all in the process. :goodvibes
Hi All!
Joining in!
I signed up for the 10 mile Tower of Terror Race in September.
I've NEVER walked/ran a race like this before. I did walk a 5k a few weekends ago and survived!
I probably would be considered Pooh sized and this race at Walt Disney World is my motivation to lose weight and get healthy!

Looking forward to chatting with you all in the process. :goodvibes
Welcome! The Tower of Terror sounds like it will be a fun race. Great job setting goals to be healthier. I know race training keeps me motivated to exercise. :thumbsup2

Hi again, WISH friends. I took a few months off from running after the Wine and Dine. I've been easing back in the past 3 months or so, mostly race walking but sprinkling in as much running as my knee will allow.
2012 Goals
* Local race - half marathon or 10k
* Disney race (ToT or W&D, depending on our schedule)
* Train for a full - Mickey 2013
* Extra credit: destination half marathon (if I can swing a long weekend away)
Hello all! :wave2: I just signed my mom and myself up for the half-marathon in January! This will be my second half and my mom's first and we are both SO excited! This will also be my mom's first trip to the World :goodvibes Just wanted to pop in and "introduce" ourselves! A wee bit about us: I ran competitively in high school and have run by myself off and on since then just for fun, but I am currently way out of shape and so excited about getting back into running more consistently and seriously. My mom is a very active lady but has never been a runner, so I'm trying to take the reins here and coach us both :cheer2: Now to go browse this thread...:thumbsup2
Goals for this year:
1) KDF Full.
2) Several Haves, haven't picked one after Princess
3) Trail half or full John Ffigawi inspired me
4) Train with DW for 2013 Mickey (Her 1st).

Goal 1) met today.

Gisselle22 lthiesfeld07 :Welcome
Feel free to ask questions, people will be happy to answer. You and your mom will have fun at princess.

Princess Bride Welcome Back. I had dropped off the thread since February.

lthiesfeld07 :Welcome
Feel free to ask questions, people will be happy to answer. I enjoyed W&D, I bet ToT will be fun to.
Congrats, Rose! Hope it went well.

Welcome to the newcomers. Hope you're popping in over at the other more active threads and getting good advice.

I am back to running in the month of April. I've slowly worked my way back up to 7-8 miles for a LR. Next few months I am going to do my half training plan so I can build up to my July training start for NYC. Yup, a lot of training with no race plans. I'm okay with that though. I tend not to race a lot--I haven't mastered the skill of "running a race for fun" yet. But I am going to try this time around.

Between driving from MI to SC (last week) and then driving from MI to MA (this week) and then flying to Scotland (end of May), I have gaps in my running. I view it as "enforced rest" and will enjoy it all. Plus, it's not like I'm just sitting around!

Enjoy the week. Can you believe it's May already?

Wow it's been a while since I last popped in...

Welcome to all and so glad to see other healing and completing goals!

I did a small 10k a few weeks back, my first,...won the old lady group with a great time for me, 52:34. Still in my "happy" running place. As my DH and I plan and train for an upcoming adventure, I will probably be MIA a bit. We are going to Spain the end of Aug and going to walk 400K in the Northern area along the Camino de Santiago, from Leon to Finisterre. This will be something we will do together...as I run, he doesn't, he bikes, I don't.

Hope when I check back in everyone will be enjoying his/her journey.
Hi all, I've decided to do the princess half instead of my normal tri training next spring.
June already!

Did a meh run of 10 miles today. First LR in a couple of weeks after a wonderful trip to Scotland. A freakish weather pattern meant we had sun and 70's the entire time we were there. So much for the rain/cold weather gear I packed.

Hope everyone is adapting to the approaching summer. Coach Charles gives great advice on how to do it well.

Hi Everybody!! I've stalked the boards for a long time and, finally getting comfortable commenting! I'm signing up for the Princess half 2013 (my first ever race). I posted this on the Princess half board but I am somewhere between excited and terrified.

Just started this week doing the run walk method and, so far so good... This is a fun interesting journey. So thankful for the Disboards and all the support!:goodvibes
I signed up for the Disney World 2013 Half Marathon. EEk, :scared1:what have I gotten myself into? I did a marathon a couple of years ago so this should be only half as hard, right?
Did a nice 7 mile tempo run today.....of course, it was at the gym since it's 100F around here. Now just chillin' with a G&T....with Mickey ice cubes, no less!

NYC training starts in 2 weeks. 13 miles this weekend as part of my base building.

Keep cool!

100 here too. 102 tomorrow, and our Galloway group is scheduled for 13. Yippee! I never thought I'd think running in 100 degree weather was an every day occurrence, but it seems to be the norm this summer.

Helllooooo WISHers! It's that time of year, for me to think about training for January. So here I am.

Maura: I love the idea of following a run with a G&T. But you already knew that. I need to dig out the Mickey ice cubes. I already know where the gin is.:lmao: Good luck on your 13 miler.

Jackie: How did your 13 miler go? And in triple digits. I know you were careful, but yowsa!

AFM: I did my 6 miler inside today. I headed outside for the mid-week runs, and it wasn't pretty. Ended up with migraine-like symptoms. Luckily, it's raining right now, and our area should see a significant drop in temps. I don't hate the treadmill, but time goes faster on the ground.

I know it's been a while since I was on the general thread, so I'll just add that I haven't been doing a lot of (any) races, but I'll be at Tower of Terror! :cool1:
My 13 miler turned into a 10 miler. We needed more group leaders to stay with the group doing 10 than with the 13 mile group, and since I'm doing a half next weekend, I chose to go with the 10 mile group. Wasn't that generous of me? :thumbsup2

Annie has to add salt to her diet to keep the migraines from coming when she's outside in the heat. No amount of fluid will save her. Took us 6 years of soccer to figure that out, but a bag of potato chips or pretzels worked wonders. Same holds true when she's running now. Don't know if it would help, but it might be worth a try.

I don't have Mickey ice cubes. :sad1: I only have wine glasses. Must remedy that on the next trip. :scratchin

Jackie: Good luck on this weekend's half marathon! And thanks for noting the salt thing - I don't have a lot of salt in my diet, so I'll give it a try this weekend. :thumbsup2

Seriously, what would I do without the input and advice of my WISHer friends?

AFM: Not a lot of mid-week reporting to do, but I'm trying to get back into regular posts. In my BIG news, DOOD and I finally committed to the Goofy. We last did it in 2010, and it's time for 39.3 miles without icicles. :rotfl:

Plus, this is the first time in a couple of years that our schedules will allow for the additional training. Fingers crossed.


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