Wishes in Catsablanca: 7.22.13 Epcot Wedding PJ&TR! Updated 03/09/15

I love everything about your PJ so far!! I hope you don't think it's rude, but I did laugh a little when you said DF forgot the ring at the engagement... it just seems so typical of a guy! :rotfl: But your actual ring is so gorgeous, I've never seen one like that and I love it.

And I adore your theme as well! It sounds like you have so many great ideas and I'm looking forward to reading about them!
Just joining in! First, congratulations!! Your ring is GORGEOUS--- and how typical of a guy to forget the ring!!! And I absolutely adore your theme--- my MOH and her DBF love Casablanca, so I always think of her when I think of the movie. :love: (Would you believe I still haven't seen it though? I know, it's a shame.)

I can't wait to hear more of your plans! I love Epcot weddings!
Hi sweetie just checking in!!! I forgot to say that 'Casablanca' is one of my all time favourite films too!! When I lived in Gibraltar, we were frequent visitors to Morocco as it was just a short boat trip away. Boy, I can tell you that the real Casablanca is no where new as romantic or beautiful as the movie!!:sad2: It is not a particularly nice place at all IMHO!! Such a shame I had such romantic notions and high hopes of it!!!
Nicole, your plans sound great! I love the inspiration board, too. :thumbsup2
Thank you!

I love everything about your PJ so far!! I hope you don't think it's rude, but I did laugh a little when you said DF forgot the ring at the engagement... it just seems so typical of a guy! :rotfl: But your actual ring is so gorgeous, I've never seen one like that and I love it.

And I adore your theme as well! It sounds like you have so many great ideas and I'm looking forward to reading about them!
Thank you! And, I laugh every time I think about the whole scenario, so I don't blame you at all! :rotfl:

Just joining in! First, congratulations!! Your ring is GORGEOUS--- and how typical of a guy to forget the ring!!! And I absolutely adore your theme--- my MOH and her DBF love Casablanca, so I always think of her when I think of the movie. :love: (Would you believe I still haven't seen it though? I know, it's a shame.)

I can't wait to hear more of your plans! I love Epcot weddings!
Thank you! You know, I meet a lot of people who haven't seen Casablanca. It's a really lovely movie though, I love watching it, and of course, highly recommend it!

Hi sweetie just checking in!!! I forgot to say that 'Casablanca' is one of my all time favourite films too!! When I lived in Gibraltar, we were frequent visitors to Morocco as it was just a short boat trip away. Boy, I can tell you that the real Casablanca is no where new as romantic or beautiful as the movie!!:sad2: It is not a particularly nice place at all IMHO!! Such a shame I had such romantic notions and high hopes of it!!!
How disappointing when these things don't match up to reality. My DF and I were on a Disney cruise last year that stopped in Gibraltar, and it was one of my favourite stops. Such a unique place! Unfortunately it was a little too hazy to see Morocco on that day, but I was thinking about being so close to Casablanca (and yet so far) at the time, I'll admit! :laughing:
So I've been thinking all week about when I would next get a chance to update my PJ, and it looks like I'm probably only going to have time on the weekends. I have such an insane school schedule, I pretty much have class from 9:00am to 7:00pm Monday through Thursday, and by the time I get home and have dinner I'm ready for bed. :sad2: But at least I have one more thing to look forward to about the weekends: going on the Dis!

And now, I'm going to post something that probably seems very random, but which I'm pretty set on! And that is...

The Cake Topper!


The wedding cake is important to me. I look at a lot of bridal websites and magazines, and I have to say I think it’s going to be harder to pick a cake than a dress: I have a very clear idea of my dress, and no idea about the cake.

I’ll come back to the cake later on... I’ve still got a lot more internet searching to do on that one.

But one thing I’ve pretty much decided on is the cake topper. As I noted above, my DF and I are fond of cats. What I really wanted was a Duchess and O’Malley cake topper. Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of Aristocats merchandise available, especially if you’re looking for something other than Marie. Anyway, my DF doesn’t love Aristocats as much as I do, so maybe it’s okay that I haven’t been able to find anything.

I was thinking that we could use the Jim Shore Disney cat figures, but I'm not totally in love with the folk art style of them (for my wedding, that is) and they've proved pretty much impossible to find. Here's what they look like for anyone who hasn't seen them, we'd be using Marie and Figaro:


But while looking on Etsy one day, I think I managed to find something even better! I found a seller than does custom cake toppers, and they are absolutely adorable! Get ready for copious amounts of photos!





Shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/kikuike

I love them! :lovestruc We would go with the cats that are in the last picture, but with the veil, top hat and tie in our own colours. The only thing I'm not sure about is the base. The moon is really nice, but it's a pricey little addition. I was thinking maybe trying to find a champagne glass like the ones that are in Casablanca (I'm a little insane, I know it! :lmao:) and putting the two cats in that or something. I have no idea where I'd get a glass like that though... Hmm. I don't know... it's a work in progress!

Ahaha! I was just revisiting the cake topper etsy shop and there is a groom cat with a bowtie instead of a necktie. My groom cat is officially going to have a bowtie! End of crazy edit.
That topper is simply gorgeous!!! Good choice!! Gotta love Etsy, I spent sooo much money on that site when planning my VR!!!
The topper you found on Etsy is just too cute!! And Jackie found you a great link above with the champagne glasses - even if you don't get them for the topper you should totally get them and use them somehow!
ADORABLE!!!! I love the cake topper.

As for champagne glasses: ta-da! http://www.historycompany.com/productdetails.php?p=244
Oh my goodness! Those are perfect! :worship: Thank you so much for finding those! :hug:

That topper is simply gorgeous!!! Good choice!! Gotta love Etsy, I spent sooo much money on that site when planning my VR!!!
Thank you! I love Etsy too, I see waaaay too many things that I want to buy on there, I'm going to have to be very careful not to over do it! :laughing:

Awww! The cats are adorable.
Thank you, I really love them! They stray a little (well... a lot) from the theme, but I think that'll be okay. ;)

The topper you found on Etsy is just too cute!! And Jackie found you a great link above with the champagne glasses - even if you don't get them for the topper you should totally get them and use them somehow!
She really did find me an amazing set of glasses, I am definitely going to buy them! They'll be perfect for our toasting glasses even if it doesn't work out for the cake topper.
So I have to pop in and confirm that this morning my DF and I ordered the champagne glasses that were found by DoomBuggy092. Thank you so much for finding those again, they are exactly what I was looking for! I can't believe they're called Casablanca champagne glasses and everything, so amazing!

Here's a picture, because after all, they're going to be mine pretty soon! :goodvibes



Here's looking at you kid.

They are a set of four, so we are definitely going to be using these as our toasting glasses and as soon as I get my cake topper, I'll be testing out all kinds of arrangements to see if it will also work the way I envision it. I'm so happy and excited!

I'm going to probably look into getting them engraved or etched or something with our names and date. This is like my first official wedding purchase... It really feels like this is happening now! :cloud9:
I am so glad I could help! They are quite classy and I love them :) My MOH and I have decided that I should major in online shopping. :rotfl2: Congratulations on making your first wedding purchase!
I felt the same way when i bought my dress, like this is really happening!!! I think the 1930's & 40's theme/feel is so classy... i luv it :lovestruc
Just found your PJ!! Love love love your Casablanca plans-- so fun and unique!

And, all of your rings are gorgeous! :laughing: Your story is so sweet.

Congrats! Can't wait to read more!
So glad you are doing a movie theme wedding. Mine is going to have some definite star wars ness to it for sure!

I am so glad I could help! They are quite classy and I love them :) My MOH and I have decided that I should major in online shopping. :rotfl2: Congratulations on making your first wedding purchase!
Thank you again so much! You are definitely talented at online searching, I swear I looked online so much before and I couldn't find anything! I need to definitely work on my own online shopping skills!

I felt the same way when i bought my dress, like this is really happening!!! I think the 1930's & 40's theme/feel is so classy... i luv it :lovestruc
Thank you! :goodvibes

Uh-oh. You people have gotten me browsing etsy. I think I'm heading into dangerous territory! :cutie:
Oh it is definitely dangerous! But so, so fun!

Just found your PJ!! Love love love your Casablanca plans-- so fun and unique!

And, all of your rings are gorgeous! :laughing: Your story is so sweet.

Congrats! Can't wait to read more!
:rotfl: Thank you!

So glad you are doing a movie theme wedding. Mine is going to have some definite star wars ness to it for sure!

Thank you! Your wedding plans sound super fun too, I also love Star Wars!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

So I feel like I finally get to come back on after a two week, or so, hiatus. It has been a very rough last few weeks. I'm not sure if I mentioned this explicitly, but I am away at school in another province, so my DF (and the rest of my family) are all back home in Ontario, and I'm out in Nova Scotia. Two weekends ago I was busy visiting home to attend DF's cousin's wedding. It was really beautiful and sweet, and I think there were a couple things they did that I definitely want to add to my wedding now! :laughing: (As a side note, one thing I loved was they had named their tables after places they'd visited together, and of course they had a Disney World table!)

The weekend that just passed my DF came out to visit me. It was/is Canadian Thanksgiving, and I was stuck at school working on a play :headache:, so he came to spend time with me since I couldn't leave! :lovestruc Unfortunately he left a couple hours ago, so I'm back to feeling a little down. Thank goodness for the DIS! :goodvibes

Anyway, my champagne glasses arrived and they look lovely. Technically I haven't seen them in person, because they're at DF's house, but I'm going to have him send me a photo later on! So exciting!

I'm working on another update, which I hope I can manage to get up today before jumping back into another busy week!
There are not a ton of opportunities for do-it-yourself projects in a totally in-park wedding at Disney, unfortunately. One big one that I can definitely work on, however, is the invitations.

I’ve actually gone back and forth a lot about what I want these to look like and what I think I need them to convey to our guests. Obviously there is a lot more information that needs to be given for a destination wedding, and arguably, yet more for a Disney World wedding. So I kept going back and forth between:

1. Very informative invitations and no STD/simple STD
2. More informative save the dates and a simple formal invitation
3. Simple formal STDs and invitations, and informative newsletters

So many combinations, so many options. I think my DF and I have finally decided to go with simple STDs sent out very early, invitations around the one-year mark once everything is confirmed with DFTW, and then newsletters as necessary to fill in any gaps.

For our save the dates, were going to do a simple card with ourselves as Disney caricatures, the date and of course, that it will be at WDW. My DF is working on putting these together, and I actually haven’t seen any of the work he has done on them yet. But I’ve been pushing him to send me more regular updates. :P

Now, back to the invitations. While looking at invitation ideas on the internet I found a couple amazing links to “book” style invitations – handmade and bound books that include all the details. I really, really loved the idea the instant I saw them. They are of course a lot of work, and probably not the most cost effective invitation out there, but it would a huge project that my DF and I thought could take a very long time in those early months of waiting for some actual planning to begin.



Source: http://ohsobeautifulpaper.com/2011/02/diy-hardcover-vintage-inspired-book-wedding-invitations/



Source: http://www.merrimentdesign.com/smythe-sewn-letterpress-wedding-invitation-book.php

What I am hoping to achieve from this project is a little hard cover bound book, with all the details about how we met and got engaged, the formal details and schedule, and then a few basic ideas about travel and expenses, that way all the info would be in one convenient location, and hopefully it would be harder to misplace a whole book than a single invitation card. I can hope anyway!

Also, I was thinking there are a couple of people who I already know won’t be attending the wedding who might actually like to have something like this as a keepsake (my grandmother, for example, who defintely can't travel the distance). Anyway, we’re going to be making one invitation book per household, which we feel will be a manageable enough number.

At this point I’m writing most of the text for the invitation and DF is doing most of the graphics, but I’m hoping we can trade off on that a little too. And even though I thought I said I was against a logo/monogram, it was the first thing DF started to come up with. And it’s super cute, so it’s okay. (I’ll post these later on.)

And lastly, just to contribute something that I’ve actually done, here’s the colour palette that we’ve decided we’re going with for our wedding! Yay! :banana:
OMG! I love those invitations! I wish I had thought to done something like that--- too late now! But they are PERFECT! :lovestruc

I like the color inspiration a lot too! Nice!

And I'm sorry you're missing DF. I live far away from my family too (I moved to Wisconsin from Connecticut last year)--- but I kind of like it. :lmao: Hope you feel better!


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