WISHing to Lose Weight - Amy's Journal - Comments Welcome!

I often find distraction saves me in times when I'm feeling "munchies" coming on...not sure if it would help you too...here are a couple of ideas

1. brush your teeth - feel all fresh!
2. grab a magazine to page through
3. play a computer game
4. go for a walk
5. come post how you are feeling on your journal
6. chew gum or ice cubes
7. find a "safer" alternative
8. paint your nails, so you won't want to smudge them while they dry

Don't be disappointed in yourself for giving in. Rather, see it as evidence that you are human and ask yourself, "What could I do different next time?" Disappointment is a waste of energy...use the energy towards a plan for the future. (Sorry, the counselor in me loves to sneak out!)
Thanks for the advice! I'm going to make a list of your tips to carry with me this weekend, in case I get a case of the temptations.
I often find distraction saves me in times when I'm feeling "munchies" coming on...not sure if it would help you too...here are a couple of ideas

1. brush your teeth - feel all fresh!
2. grab a magazine to page through
3. play a computer game
4. go for a walk
5. come post how you are feeling on your journal
6. chew gum or ice cubes
7. find a "safer" alternative
8. paint your nails, so you won't want to smudge them while they dry


Deb, these are great ideas!
Breakfast: egg beaters
Snack #1: fiber granola bar
Lunch: 5 oz. can of light tuna, slice of bread, string cheese, diet pop
Snack #2: 100 calorie pack
Dinner: salmon, cottage cheese, cheese dip & sticks
Snack #3: yogurt balls

Exercise: 1 hour walk, light arm weights

Weight Lost: 19 lbs (115 to go!)

Everyone's support helped me stay on track! Knowing that I am being held accountable on this journal is a good motivator.
Breakfast: fiber granola bar
Snack #1: almonds
Lunch: 5 oz. can light tuna, slice of bread, string cheese, mushrooms
Snack #2: cheese dip & sticks
Dinner: 4 oz. salmon, cottage cheese
Snack #3: sugar-free mint

Exercise: 1 hour walk

Weight Lost: 22.2 lbs (111.8 to go!)
Sounds like you had a great day yesterday. Are you working on increasing your pace/distance when you walk? I'm hoping for suggestions on how to do that. I try on the treadmill, but feel like I'm going to pass out.
Feeling very discouraged today. Let myself go and gained 7 pounds over the 3-day weekend. I am so mad at myself.
Im sorry if I have not been as supportive as I should have been. I didnt relize how much my bad eating was affecting you. You have my word from here on out that I am with you 100%.

Sounds like you had a great day yesterday. Are you working on increasing your pace/distance when you walk? I'm hoping for suggestions on how to do that. I try on the treadmill, but feel like I'm going to pass out.

increases should be small...either just a little farther, or just a tiny bit faster...or maybe add an incline..gradual and slow prevents injury. too much too fast, not good
Everyone's support helped me stay on track! Knowing that I am being held accountable on this journal is a good motivator.

:thumbsup2 good stuff

Okay, listen 7 pounds...pffft, not worth freaking out over. Some is probably water weight...and some is just a couple of bad choices.

No need to beat yourself up - we're human. :) Just make a better choice today

See, this is a lifestyle that we are learning. Better choices on a regular basis. Moderation on a regular basis. It's about learning how to be able to eat in a healthy way -- so you made a couple of bad choices...it's life. Not anything like kicking a cat or something...just some food you put in your mouth..right?

:) Today is a brand new day - take it one meal or snack at a time, and just think...what if i use a smaller plate to keep my portion in check....or what if i had this - minus the extras like cheese or butter on it...or what if I moved a litlte more today than yesterday...

small choices, one at a time -- you can do this
Being angry at yourself is okay if you take that anger and channel it into something productive. Think about how you will turn it into motivation...where can you take power to make the changes needed to get back on track?
Breakfast: egg beaters, hot chocolate
Snack #1: almonds
Lunch: turkey sandwich, cheese dip & sticks, banana
Snack #2: 1 serving of chips & homemade salsa
Dinner: salmon, cottage cheese, green beans, mushrooms, slice of bread
Snack #3: yogurt balls

Exercise: 1 hour walk

Weight Lost: 16.4 lbs (117.6 to go)

Monday went a lot better than the weekend. It was much easier staying on track with a structured schedule. Thanks again for all of the support! :hug:

I also wanted to talk a little about how I lost self-control this weekened. On Thursday night (New Year's Eve), we went to my dad's and had some friends over. They ordered pizza and sides, etc. I was all set to make myself a turkey sandwich, but when I saw that pizza - all self control went out the window. There were thoughts going through my head telling me that I shouldn't eat the pizza and how I was so happy when I was eating healthy, but I had this overwhelming feeling of "I don't care!" And I ate.. and ate.. and ate... almost like I was feeding an addiction. Every bite tasted wonderful, and each bite made me feel wonderful. I didn't care one bit that eating healthy improved every other aspect of my life, because I felt wonderful right then. That continued throughout the weekend.

I'm now trying to move on from the disappointment in myself. The thing I try to keep saying is "I'm worth it," however I have trouble believing that most of the time.... something to work on during this process. Today, my goal is to drink a lot of water.

CC- I'm not 100% sure how to do the quote thing without messing it up, so in response to your question about increasing while on the treadmill... I personally like to play mind games with myself. For example, if I'm walking comfortably at 3 mph and want to go to 3.5 mph, I will trick myself into going to 3.5 for a minute. Once that minute is over, I'll say just do it another minute. And before you know it, I've gone 10 minutes at that speed. Probably not the best way, but it works for me. Good luck with everything!
when everyone else is indulging in the goodies we love, it's easy to feel that way...just try to remember that get togethers can be about enjoying each others company - more than about food. When i put that in my mind, it helps make it easier..

if you want something you enjoy like that - if you can control it a bit, maybe go in with the idea that you will have a slice, but only one...you've had something you enjoy, but don't overdo it

Like anything in life, if we learn from the experience, all is good, ya know? Look at the experience and think how it might help you at the next "get together"
Breakfast: egg beaters
Snack #1: banana
Lunch: 5 oz. can of light tuna, pickles, miracle whip
Snack #2: almonds
Dinner: roast, potatoes, carrots, cottage cheese, 2 slices of bread, chips & salsa
Snack #3: yogurt balls

Exercise: 1 hour walk (carried weights 1/2 the time)

Weight Lost: 17 lbs (117 go to)

Was feeling extra hungry on Tuesday. Even this morning (Wednesday morning), I woke up feeling hungry. Yesterday's water intake was more than usual. Will try and do that again today.

Last night, I tried on some t-shirts for an upcoming Disney trip. Most of them were still a little tight, but hopefully they will fit in about a month!!!
First of all - CONGRATS on the weight loss! You are doing great!

Second - I just wanted to drop by and say Hi. I totally know how you feel about the food. I try to justify that it is OK to have treats on specific days, because it is part of the party. I am trying to convince myself that the party isn't about the food, it is about the people. Someday I may listen to my own advice.

Keep going, you are an inspiration to me.
Breakfast: string cheese, clementine
Snack #1: banana
Lunch: turkey sandwich, cheese dip & sticks, apple
Snack #2: 100 calorie pack
Dinner: hot cocoa, leftovers from night before
Snack #3: yogurt balls

Exercise: 1 hour walk with weights the whole time

Weight Lost: 16.4 lbs (117.6 lbs to go)

Haven't seen a lot of weight loss lately. I haven't been following my meal plan for dinners lately and have been eating larger portions because of it. Tonight I will stick to my dinner meal plan.

Thanks for the support! I don't feel like much of an inspiration yet, but hopefully one day I will!!
Even if the food isn't perfect you're doing some exercise and I think that really helps :thumbsup2 You can get the food back on track with a little effort.


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