Within 24 hours I left my job, my boyfriend, and life behind to go work for Walt Disney World!

Hooray! That's great news! I think it would be wonderful if you could find a position with wardrobe/makeup at Disney, too. If that's what you want.
Yay Khalee!!!! We are coming down on September 5th so I'll be sure to look for you!!!! I am so happy that your position is now permanent!! Way to go, girl! You must have your own Magic Band, right?? I think I'm going to bring you a little surprise so when I run into you, I'll have something for you! Yeah!! Your family must be so proud of you! Heck I'm old enough to be your Mom, so I'll be proud of you for them!:flower1:

Of course! YAYYYYY haha I can't wait!:dogdance:

So excited for you and congrats on your permanant position! I think it is great that you got your Disney position plus you may be able to get back into hair as well! Hope to see you when we come down in October!
Thank you !!!! I hope you find me too!!!

I just found and read your whole report so far! I'm moving my son down next week to start his college program and am bracing myself for the possibility he won't come back home. It's his first time off on his own and I hope he can have just half of your positive out look when things go wrong or home sickness hits.

I'll be in the parks late September/early October and I will definitely look for you on Main Street.

Looking forward to hearing more of your adventures and thanks for sharing your real story.

Thank you for reading!! That is so exciting! What is his role?!
I've been following your story and I am so happy to hear that things are working out! I did a lot of "crazy" things in my early 20's, and to be honest that's the best time to get out and enjoy life and take risks. Now that I'm approaching 30(ahh!), I still do not regret the things I've done and I have a TON of awesome memories. Keep your head high and ENJOY every minute!

Also, I can totally sympathize with the car issues. My first car was fairly old when I got it, and I constantly had problems with it no matter how many times it got a clean bill of health from the shop. Most of my crazy adventures occurred in that car and I often broke down at the worst possible times. Older cars can be unpredictable and I think you handled everything great, trust me. Take it from someone who has been through more car catastrophes than you can imagine lol
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No one is a hater or told her that she is going to fail. people were just being realistic with her. and the truth of it is that with out people bailing her out every time she needed it, she wouldn't be where she is. got money from an unnamed family source to rent the uhaul when her car broke down. had a free place to stay. was going to babysit to help pay her way, but now that money will pay for the car she was given. got to borrow a car to get to and from work, and got a car basically given to her from people that she hardly knows. if any of these things don't happen, the story is totally different.

so the real inspirations here, in my opinion, are the generous people that have helped make her dream come true. those are the ones that I want to emulate. they are the heroes here. don't get me wrong, I am glad it is working out for her, and do wish her the best, but lets not pretend she worked through a bunch of hardships on her own.

I'm WAY late to this party, and just reading through the TR now.

But this...this I have to comment on.

What you're saying...it's true for every story about every dream anyone ever had, ever.

Dreams come true with hard work, a little luck (pixie dust if you will), and through the support of the amazing people you surround yourself with. Whatever form that support takes. Nobody does it alone, even if they think they do.

In my 41 years on this planet....more than some, less than others....I have given and received help and support that has drastically changed the outcome of my life, and the lives of those around me. To me...that's a life well lived. And it's dreams well dreamed.
Thank you! That is not rude at all! We are there to serve you and what you want!! You can always ask for magic shots- as well as for "different" shots to be taken. I recommend this especially for anyone who has purchased the memory maker ahead of time!!! Since you have already bought your photos - you should take advantage of every photopass photographer you see - ask for magic shots as well and different photos. (ex: ask a photographer on main street to take photos facing Cinderella Castle as well as turn around and get a shot of you with Main Street USA behind you!) The only thing I would keep in mind is asking for "different" photos if the photographer has a long line - because then everyone will want them and it could get crazy! However, if I don't have a line I love to have fun and take some extra photos! :) Thanks for asking!

We do Memory Maker (aka whatever they were calling them prior) a LOT. We'll be down there in Oct, again, and will be doing it for that trip, too.

I find it works out GREAT to let the Photpass photogs know that when you walk up to them (do they see it, now, with the band scans?). We found that, doing that, we got a TON of extra photos and magic shots...because they knew they were actually going to be used/purchased. I don't think that's because of any incentive other than they realize that it's going to be a productive use of their time to do all the extra stuff. :)
Congrats on the permanent position! So happy for you! I'll be in WDW from 8/23-9/3 so I will definitely be on the lookout for you!
SO happy to stumble across this thread!
We are down in October and will look for you!!
For the negative ones: If she goes home and returns to her old job or a different job, she can at least say she tried! Now is the time to try it out! Good luck
I have loved reading this thread and look forward to updates! My one regret of my college years was not doing the Disney College Program. I was very close but was told that I would need to reapply, make a new portfolio, and interview again for the College of Education after returning from Disney. :sad1: I really wanted to work at Disney, but I REALLY didn't want to do all that work again. Reading about your experience, although you aren't there for the college program, allows me to live vicariously through you! I am rooting for you and so happy it has worked out so far. Keep posting - it seems you have a lot of fans!

I'll be in WDW from August 14-21st. I'll definitely be looking for you! :)
I'm jumping on a bit late. I usually skim through some trip reports, don't post, often get bored by day 2 or so :D But yours is more of a life story than a trip report. You have taken a risk, one that many of us wishes they did. Maybe not the disney/orlando part, but there are many people in the world who wish they had followed that one dream, start fresh etc. Thank you for sharing all your emotions and trials with us. I'm definitely following along. Hopefully I'll be able to spot you when we go in the winter!
I just found your trip report and I want to say congratulations for being independent.

We will be down there Oct 25 to Nov 1. Unfortunately we are early morning people. We even have an 8:15 breakfast at BOG for Oct 31st. I can't wait. I have never gotten photos from Disney. I love my camera.
Congrats on getting full time! Happy to hear your update!

Hope you're adjusting to the heat. Working nights probably helps with that.
So I just read this entire TR, my gosh you are a brave, fearless and energetic woman!!! congrats on this amazing new adventure and for getting a permanent position with photopass!!!! Looking forward to future updates :)
Loving your story -- just spent my morning reading it. I drove across the country for a nanny job when I was 22 and the transmission in my car died and I was stranded in the middle of nowhere for four days while some guy who I had to trust to be honest and as nice as he seemed towed it out to Kansas City to be fixed. This was in the days before cell phones and stuff (I'm 45 now) and it was a near disaster, but it all worked out fine. Girl, let me tell you, I STILL can't laugh about it. Although... typing this, I kind of just did. So that's progress. Anyway. Good on you for taking life by the horns when you're young and able to do what you want to do. That rocks.
This is awesome! How were you and your boyfriend?? I have a boyfriend right now, and I plan on keeping him til' the DCP program I want to do next fall. Will it be really really for our relationship in terms of me always goin to be busy and only really seeing him once a month?
So happy for you! Everything is falling in place for you :) I think you are right where you are meant to be. I know it is only going to get better and better for you because you make things happen!!
I am sure I speak for everyone here...

WE WANT TO READ MORE OF YOUR WRITING!!! I can't get enough ;) there are not many stories to follow like yours that are full of adventure, courage and determination!! It is so inspiring I can't get enough.

I have a few questions...

1. did you travel a lot in your life?? I bet you did but I am curious.
2. what is your dream job at Disney??

Thanks and keep living your dream girl!!
Loving the report. Life is not about always making the smartest choice. It's about resiliency. We don't get to pick the things that just happen to us, but we do get to decide how we deal with them. I so love that you did this. Congrats on your amazing adventure and the courage to do it.

People make comments and judgements on us our whole lives, but no one amazing ever got that way by listening to the doubters. Keep at it. Can't wait to read more. And I'm totally prying, but I'm totally interested in what happened with the boyfriend too.


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