Wk of Apr 22--WISH Walking/Running Club

Moral: Strangers may lie to you on the course and say you're "looking good," but your wife will ALWAYS tell the truth.

Ah yes, I was amazed at the lightning speed in which Paul loaded 10 gallons of ice from the vending maching into the tub when he saw me!
Leana - :rotfl: That's why you wear your medal, so people know why you walk funny. ;)

Hi all! Sorry I haven't been around this week. Between exams and work and some personal stuff, I've had no time to myself and I'm about ready to go pull the covers over my head for the rest of the weekend. But exams are done and it's the weekend. I guess that's something.

I have no hope of catching up this week, so I'll have to make more of an effort for next week.

I will toss by two cents in on what I like and don't like during races, though...
I really like....
When people use my race number to cheer me on by name. (Makes me feel special..)
When people tell me how good I look. (Why Thank You!!)
Encouragement from other runners on the course.
Most all the other cheering from the sidelines.

What I really don't like...
Dear Army Man at Mile 22.5 at MGM Studios. Shut. Up. Thank you. :)
Non-runners in the parks who look put out having to use the crosswalks.
The TNT coach in 2006 that kept telling people to run way faster at the start of the race. OK, I understand that we need to get some time between us and the sweepers, but seriously we have 26 miles to go. Let us pace ourselves.
Having to watch the WISH team via computer this year. :guilty:

Lunch time here...
Happy training,
Kevin :earsboy:
Leana--that was too funny!:lmao: I can so totally relate to the torture of trying to put socks on the next day--but I have to say they left out of the video what was the worst pain for me--trying to get up off the toilet seat. I honestly thought I was going to have to sit there all day until DH came and helped me up!
Leana--that was too funny!:lmao: I can so totally relate to the torture of trying to put socks on the next day--but I have to say they left out of the video what was the worst pain for me--trying to get up off the toilet seat. I honestly thought I was going to have to sit there all day until DH came and helped me up!

Oh my gosh! I can SO relate!! No one mentioned anything to me about having issues going to the bathroom post marathon. I think I just hovered over the toilet for a couple of days until I could sit down again! :rotfl:
What I like to hear:
Several times other runners on the course have come up and said "I love your shirt!" or at the end of a race I had one lady tell me our saying really kept her going through the whole thing.

What I don't want to hear:
Any reference to how far it is or how much is left. Unless I can see the finish, it's too far away ;)

Sunny...yeah, it could affect AST, one of the liver tests that has some relation to skeletal muscle. Might make your creatinine (kidney) slightly funky as well. Of course, having a DQ hot fudge sundae the night before fasting bloodwork is really not good for your blood sugar or cholesterol levels :rolleyes1

Leana...OMG!!! Too funny!!!!
I work on Hanscom AFB and we've watched the C-5 come in for air shows before... Takes your breath away.

Wow, you work on Hanscom AFB?!? My best friend growing up (and best man in my wedding) was in the Air Force Band that was stationed at Hanscom. I went to visit him many times.
Sitting on the toilet after a marathon! That is pain. I couldn't even hover afer WDW this year though. I had to lower myself onto it using my upperbody strength....men have it so easy! :lmao: ;)

I xtrained today by eating icecream!:rotfl: My sweet DH knows how much I love anything mint and when he feels like I need a boost, he brings home mint something....it was Edy's Thin Mint Ice Cream.:love: :cloud9: popcorn::
It has been a hard week for me health wise. I have a real serious test next week. I haven't told anyone here (even my mom, dad, sis, and other family...DH does know) so I cannot go into details, but the test is Thursday. Please pray it turns out OK.
Hi! :wave2:

Did 3.1mi yesterday in 30min, and 4mi today in 41 min. IT band was a little sore today but not too bad.

Since we're sharing post-marathon potty stories, here's mine:

WDW 07 was my first full marathon, so I had no idea how sore and stiff I would be afterwards. The next morning I got up to go to the bathroom, and I literally almost fell INTO THE TOILET. Started to sit down, only to lock up and crash toward the toilet. Luckily, I caught myself on the bowl and the side of the tub. What an embarrassing "marathon injury" that would have been :blush:
Hello Everyone

I meant to write this first time, fogot, so sorry

Christa many many prayers coming your way!!!

I wish I had a fun potty story, but I don't, we have not done a full yet. This year's Disney will be our first full.

7 days from now I will be at Expo picking up MINNIE packet, then on our way to OHANA for a night before graduation celebration dinner. YES I AM STRANGE we are spending whole weekend of grad at DISNEY!! :banana: :banana: (Driving over to Tampa Saturday morning for the festivities, then coming back Saturday eve) I am a little Disney crazy. :woohoo:

Anyway training update:
5 miles in 45 minutes -- today I told the heat to take a hike, it was not getting me down (it was 89 deg at 4 when I ran and sun was beating right on me) so I consider this a good time.

Going shopping for something to wear for graduation now!!:cheer2: (should be studying for finals, but I DON'T WANT TO!!!)

It has been a hard week for me health wise. I have a real serious test next week. I haven't told anyone here (even my mom, dad, sis, and other family...DH does know) so I cannot go into details, but the test is Thursday. Please pray it turns out OK.
Christa- I have my fingers and toes crossed for you that everything turns out OK. I wish you all the best. :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:
Christa - Prayers for your tests and you while you have to wait for them. We hope everything is ok. :hug:
Hey all!

Christa-many prayers and thoughts coming your way. Please update us as soon as you can and feel comfortable doing so!:hug:

Had a STONKER tonight!! Was scheduled for 10 miles and got 9.64 in. Don't remember the time, don't care! Everything hurts right now. I know part of the reason is I didn't give myself a rest day before the LR--but I have to work all weekend (the horrors!) so I had to get it in today. So now I"m drowning my sorrows in pizza and beer!:rotfl2:

WISHing luck to all those with LRs and races this weekend!:thumbsup2
Sunny said:
I'm astounded. I, too, must add my deepest thanks for your service.
I definitely have to show this to my bro. He's nuts about avaition. How does that compare in size to a C-5? I work on Hanscom AFB and we've watched the C-5 come in for air shows before... Takes your breath away.

For Judy's sake, isn't HOOAH something like "heard understood acknowledged" I recall something like that said at my Dad's retirement party.

Aw shucks guys, no thanks necessary. :)

The C-5 is probably 2.5 - 3 times bigger than the C-130. Both aircraft are used for airlift. However, the C-130's primary mission is tactical and the C-5's, strategic. What that means is, the C-5 delivers to the staging area, the C-130 delivers to the forwad area.

Today, given the size of some of the Army's equipment (M-1A1 tank, and others), the C-17 was developed to deliver to forward areas.

As far as Hooah, I had to look it up, and it means that, and just about anything you want it to. :laughing:

Take care.

Christa – Good thoughts enroute.

Angie and CrazySecretRecipe – Great job with the training.

Stephanie – Sorry to hear about your stonker.

Sunny – Listened to the music. I liked it. :)
Hi Everyone,

I want to add my prayers and best wishes to you Christa. Hopefully all will work out fine. pixiedust:

I ran my last run before my race on Sunday. I did 3.5 miles with "faster" 1/2 miles interspersed. I ran the faster pace at what I hope will be my pace in the race. Hopefully my body will remember what that feels like once I get into the excitement of the race. This race is part of the USATF New England Grand Prix Championships so there will be a whole lot of speedy people there. Of course they will be running more than twice as fast as I hope to. :upsidedow

Have a good night everyone.

Christa-Prayers for your good health.

Stephanie- You'll get a good run out of the stonker run. It always works that way.

Angie- You'll be able to study better for exams once you have the perfect outfit!

Kevin-Glad you're done w/ exams.

Leanne-That video was great! Thanks I needed the laugh. Oddly, it was also very motivational.

Sunny- You look like the get away girl for a bank robbery!

Melissa-Happiness is a warm puppy! Enjoy your new addition.

Nancy- We'll be going to Williamsburg this July. Thanks for the hint about where to get a good morning run. What time do you have to do it to see all that?

Carrie-Hope you get some relief.

Cam- I love that path from OKW/SSR! It's so nice in the morning!

Yes, it is absolutely appropriate to acknowledge what you and your colleagues do for us every day. Without your efforts our society wouldn't have the rights and freedoms we have today. A few people may forget that, but I for one, do not.

True Story: In October of 1988 Martha and I were in Normandy with our 3 year old blond daughter. We found the American Cemetary at Colleville Sur Mere, and walked into that most sacred ground. As the 3 of us walked around and reflected on what so many young men had done there in 1944 I observed a gentleman, probably in his 60's, walking through the cemetary and weeping openly. I assumed he was a veteran of those fields, visiting his friends who had sacrificed everything for us. I thought about taking Lesley up to him and telling him "excuse me Sir, but I wanted to thank you and your fellow soldiers for what you did for me, but especially for what you did for my little girl, who thanks to the sacrifice of you and your friends is able to live free, and can grow up to be whatever she likes, wherever she wants. Thank you."

I thought about doing this, but realized it would be an intrusion on that gentleman, who had traveled a long way to face his friends and his past, so I didn't do it. I suspect that was the right choice, but I do wish I could have expressed my appreciation for him and his generation, who did so much for all of us. Given the 63 years since June 6, 1944 I suspect that gentleman is no longer with us, but I think often of that day, that gentleman, and the too-young men who lie under the French soil.

You are a big man Big Vic. I look forward to seeing you either in October or next January.

I xtrained today by eating icecream


It has been a hard week for me health wise. I have a real serious test next week. I haven't told anyone here (even my mom, dad, sis, and other family...DH does know) so I cannot go into details, but the test is Thursday. Please pray it turns out OK.

Sounds like you deserved that ice cream.:hug: :hug: Hope your test is a healthy result!

I have to share this - a video from the Flora London Marathon showing how to spot the marathon runner...



Last year...a set of crutches for me would have been nice.:rotfl:

Hi! :wave2:

Did 3.1mi yesterday in 30min, and 4mi today in 41 min. IT band was a little sore today but not too bad.

Since we're sharing post-marathon potty stories, here's mine:

WDW 07 was my first full marathon, so I had no idea how sore and stiff I would be afterwards. The next morning I got up to go to the bathroom, and I literally almost fell INTO THE TOILET. Started to sit down, only to lock up and crash toward the toilet. Luckily, I caught myself on the bowl and the side of the tub. What an embarrassing "marathon injury" that would have been :blush:

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

On the IT band--my PT had me take an exercise ball...I get in the plank position with the ball on the side of my leg and then roll up and down on the IT band....kinda hurts like nobody's business while you are doing it...but it really helps to work out the IT band so that it is not as tight.

Hello Everyone

7 days from now I will be at Expo picking up MINNIE packet, then on our way to OHANA for a night before graduation celebration dinner. YES I AM STRANGE we are spending whole weekend of grad at DISNEY!! :banana: :banana: (Driving over to Tampa Saturday morning for the festivities, then coming back Saturday eve) I am a little Disney crazy. :woohoo:

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: for Angie!!! Jealous that you will be at Expo..but just somehow couldn't fit training while laboring.:rolleyes1

I know part of the reason is I didn't give myself a rest day before the LR--but I have to work all weekend (the horrors!) so I had to get it in today.

Hmmm....that means you qualify to try for the Goofy.:rolleyes1

I ran my last run before my race on Sunday. I did 3.5 miles with "faster" 1/2 miles interspersed. I ran the faster pace at what I hope will be my pace in the race. Hopefully my body will remember what that feels like once I get into the excitement of the race. This race is part of the USATF New England Grand Prix Championships so there will be a whole lot of speedy people there. Of course they will be running more than twice as fast as I hope to. :upsidedow

Best of luck this weekend. I hope the weather is nice for you!

Craig: :sad1:

Prior to page 18....:yay: shout outs to you--I read it all in between stuff..but too tired to go back to respond. So hope the injuries heal and training goes well yadda yadda yadda.:rolleyes1

Well we are headed to EPCOT tomorrow.....gonna test the waters and indoctrinate our little one into the world of the mouse. Keep your fingers crossed that our day is fairly uneventful.


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