Wk of Aug 5--WISH Walking/Running Club

Renee - Thank goodness it's cooler here, even if it is humid! I think I sweated out every ounce of the 2 gallons of water I drank yesterday.

Dave - Great run this morning - sorry you weren't feeling it

Bill & Vic
- Just ignoring you guys!

All CDC runners
- Good luck! Have a great time in Chicago.

Did 17 miles this morning. Have decided to go ahead and train for the full marathon in Raleigh and stay with the half in Disney. I'm still registered for the half in Raleigh, so I can change my mind up until race weekend in November, but I'll be ready for either. Now I'm headed for an ice bath followed by a shower. It may only be 77 (what a welcome relief from 104 yesterday!), but there's not a dry spot on me!

Here is the report on my race this morning:

Race day, The Franklin Ky, Garden Spot 5K.

Very hot and humid, but honestly not as bad as it has been so really can't complain. Still felt it though.

The runners/woggers took off at 7:30 and five min later the walkers. I was in good company today, on my right was the Tenn state men's senior champion, and the two other good racewalkers, on my left was the Ky women's state senior champion, the state women's master champion and about six other racewalkers some I'd never seen before. One fellow looked like he could take on the Western States 100, all long ropey muscles and not an oz of exra fat.

When our gun sounded we were off like a pack of wolves smelling dinner, by the first quarter mile five of us were well ahead of the others. I was trying to hang with the good walkers and hit the first mile in a race PR of 10:18. This first mile had been mostly up hill us now I realized why I was hurting.

I decided I better back off the pace or I would never have enough left to finish strong. Had it been a nice cool day on a flat course I would have seen how long I could hold that pace but not today. I was holding a solid third place so I backed off enough that my 2 mile split was about 11:30 average per mile, that was more normal for me in a 5K.

The last mile had more hills and I cought my first wogger at about 2.5 miles. With about a quarter left I rounded a corner and saw the big finish banner. I was still in third place and so I picked it up a bit for a brisk finish.

I was 3rd and won the masters division, nice T-shirt and lots of cold Orance Juice at the finish. Not my best race but it was fun and I got a nice trophy so life is good.

Hope everyone has an awesome day, time for a nap now, then work darn-it.

Dave--- What a great job on that race. Congratulations on placing 3rd. I am amazed at the speed you can walk at.

Jackie--- Good job on your 17 miler. I am not looking forward to when I have to do those LW.

Moonie--- You are doing terrific with your training.

Renee--- Good job on your 5 miler in the heat.

TnTsParty--- Glad you could at least get in 4 miles on the TM on Thursday. LTO at times.

MSDave--- Way to go on your 14 miler.

Beth--- Norm said you stayed to do the aerobic class and stretch. I only managed to do 2.5 miles after that Pump Class. My inner thighs and shoulders were hurting yesterday and today. I wasn't as sore as I thought I would be. Maybe you worked harder than me. :confused3. The rail trail was great today with a nice breeze, I started out at Gladfelter Station. Hope you can get your LR in today.

I was up early and got in a 10 mile LW on the rail trail. It was a beautiful day as the heat and humidity are gone. Then did 45 minutes of mowing to do all the trim work. DH can use the tractor for all the rest. Now to get some housework done and then I am resting for the remainder of the day. While that is the plan will have to see if that happens.

Good luck to all the racers at CDC.

MS Dave, Moon, Jackie, Nancy - You all got in awesome runs this morning!!

Sunny - Thank you so much!!

Leana - I am so jealous! As someone that doesn't really have a running skirt yet, I have to say I admire your collection!!

Jen- It is awesome that your daughter is training with you. It is amazing how well their little bodies adjust to the running. After 3 months mine can now run 3 miles, granted it takes about 45 minutes, but he's gotten to the point where he can do the distance which is amazing!!

All our CDC runners - Good Luck!!

I started my run at 6:30 am. It was the only time cool enough for me to get it done, and like Jackie said, even though it was 77 I was soaked to the bone by the time I was done!! I ran 7 miles in 1:02:37, about a 8:56 mpm. :cool1: Right before mile 3 I saw a big black something cross the road way ahead of me, and I immediately knew what it was, though I prayed I was wrong. I kept running, telling myself that it was my imagination, kind of like that black dog thing truckers talk about. As we got closer though I saw what I had been fearing. A big black BULL! :scared1: Seriously, and if that wasn't bad enough right next to him was a big brown and white long horn steer BULL. So what did I do?! I stopped, dead in my tracks, staring at these bulls and trying to figure out what to do. :idea:Thankfully, there was a gentleman a little ways behind me that I had just passed and I could see him coming so I waited for him to catch up and asked him if I could run with him past the bulls. He laughed at me, but told me it was fine, he was even nice enough to run between me and the bulls (I didn't ask him to do that I was embarassed enough as it was). :blush: After we passed the bulls I stayed at his pace and talked to him for a while, turns out he ran Disney this past year, and is doing it again this year too. Then I went on my way to finish my run. When I had to run by the bull the second time I watched him the entire way. I must have looked hilarious staring down the bull as I ran, but every time I took my eyes off of him I got this feeling he was about to charge and I'd have to turn around real quick to see where he was again. :sad2: This is the second time I have gone out for a 7 mile run on the rail trail and the cows have been out. :scratchin Maybe I need to stop running 7 miles, it's either 8 or 9 from now on!! When I was a little girl we all got off of the bus in my little country neighborhood and one of the local bulls had gotten out. It started chasing a huge group of us down the road, and cornered 2 different girls and hurt them REAL bad. Ever since then I can't handle bulls, cows I don't mind so much I used to work at Gustafson's Dairy pulling calfs, but they couldn't pay me enough to get near a bull. You would think I would get over this eventually. :confused3 Between cows and roosters I am in real trouble for a country girl, huh?! Now that I have shared my embarassing story I am off to go grocery shopping!! Have a good weekend everyone!!

Hi all!

Sounds like eveyon is training hard!:thumbsup2

Got my 30 minutes in today. Accoding to HH's plan, I have 3 miles tomorrow.

Good luck to all our CDC WISH-ers today!

Hey group....good afternoon! I did my LR today, and it was 15 miles!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: That is the longest one yet! I only averaged 12:00 to 12:30 min/miles, but it got done. The weather was really nice, with a cool breeze most of the way. I got up early to get it done, and was on the trail by 7:45 am. It was nice to get it done.

PaDisneyFan: I missed you on the trail.....good job on your LW. How did dh do? It sure was a nice day today.....at least it wasn't hot! Hope your housework gets done!

Hi guys.

I got way behind on reading and posting, so I'm just going for a quick note and will start again next week. :goodvibes

I did swim and walk this week. Today I did 2.5 miles in 38 minutes and 1.5 miles of that would have beat the sweepers.:banana:

I felt pretty good about it considering it was about 104 degrees out there.:cool2:

Hey group....good afternoon! I did my LR today, and it was 15 miles!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: That is the longest one yet! I only averaged 12:00 to 12:30 min/miles, but it got done. The weather was really nice, with a cool breeze most of the way. I got up early to get it done, and was on the trail by 7:45 am. It was nice to get it done.

PaDisneyFan: I missed you on the trail.....good job on your LW. How did dh do? It sure was a nice day today.....at least it wasn't hot! Hope your housework gets done!


Beth--Great job on doing 15 miles. I got there around 8:05 but started at Gladfelter station and went south and made 2 pits stops at Hanover Junction. I know you didn't start there as I was the only car in the parking lost at Gladfelter. Norm was obsessed with the leaves so he stayed home and did yard work.

Dana--- When you said a big black thing, I was thinking snakes since DH has seen them on our rail trail. Luckly the cows along our trail are fenced in. Cute story. Great job on your run.

Dona--- Good for you walking in that heat.

Terri--- Good luck on your 3 miles tomorrow

I know have a huge blister under my 2nd toenail. It is really ugly. It has ruined my wonder nail painting I got with my pedicure. I didn't even know I had the blister until I went to take my shower. I just got rid of all my purple toenails, and now I am going to have another one.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


I was wondering how to join the W.I.S.H. racing team? I havent completed any racing but am interested in starting a traing porgram and eventually running in a 1/2 marathon.

Thanks for the info.
disneyluv...you just joined the team ;) Welcome! but you'll want to head on over to the Aug 12 thread. We start a new thread once a week because we're all so chatty!


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