Wk of Aug 5--WISH Walking/Running Club

Drive-by:moped: request for advice on a groin pull injury. Has anyone ever had the misfortune?! I don't wanna REST:mad: . However, I have been burying my head in the sand about it for a few weeks and it is only getting worse. I will NOT run this weekend:scared1: and I will ice it and faithfully take my ibuprofen. Any idea how long I actually have to rest to give me the best chance to avoid reinjury? It is just not pleasant:scared:

Best of luck to all of our CDC'ers:banana: :cool1: . I'm definitely WISH green with envy also.

Judy - Congrats for the WW adherence and the lbs lost:thumbsup2 .

SWDave - Congrats on your speedy race:cheer2: !!

Perhaps being sidelined will allow me to stay in the loop on this thread:surfweb:

I had a really good TM run this a.m. - 5 miles @ 9:11 mpm. At least if I am unable to run for a bit my last one was a good one. TGIF!!
Hey all! Well, I did it--16 miles inside today. I did 12 miles on the indoor track--guess you would call that a "gross" of miles--yes, I ran around what our trainer kindly referred to today as the toilet bowl, 144 times!:scared1: Finished that portion in 1:53 and then headed to the TM for the last 4 miles, which I finished in around 38-39 minutes. I've had my ice bath and now crossing my fingers that both kidlets take long naps today!

To all heading to CDC--I am green with envy! My dsil lives in Naperville--but I just couldn't make it work this year--maybe next year!

sara--PD for your groin injury!:wizard: I hope someone here has some sage advice for you--I know with any injury I've had (they've only been minor) I followed Bingham's advice of 3 days of rest and then try it out--if it still hurts, 3 more days rest and then try again. If the pain is still there, then see a dr.

sunny--PD that you get your surgery scheduled ASAP!:wizard:

SWDave--WTG on your 5K--you were smoking!:banana: And love that your DDs were out there too--how fun that they got to pick out of the treasure chest. My DD got a ribbon for finishing a 1 mile event and she treasures it like it's a precious gem!

Jen--How cute about your daughter! Oh, and love the name too-my DD is an Emma!:cutie:

Leana--OMG on the skirt collection--do we need an intervention???? I love the Roller Girl, but have not tried the gym girl yet. Get a little too much chub rub with the Marathon girl, also feel a little exposed. Glad to hear the booty pain is improving. Hope the massage helps!

WWDave--Good luck with your race tomorrow. Take it easy in the heat--hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Okay, going on memory here and it's apparently failing me. Have a great weekend all--I'm going to be slaving away making some more $$ for WDW!
And the wenches ran and hid... :scared:
Who are you calling a wench??? pirate:

Hi, WISH team and TGIF!

Today is a rest day for me. I'm planning on running outside tomorrow, just 5 miles. I'll try to get up as early as possible to beat the heat! (We are supposed to get a break - tomorrow's high is only 92!)

SWDave - Great race! See, that "tough run" paid off. What an impressive time!

Jackie - Take it easy tomorrow with that long run in the heat!

:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: to all our CDC participants. May you have cool weather, injury-free races and lots of fun!

I'm working tonight; ushering at a theatre. Looking forward to it!

Happy training, all! :)
Good afternoon everyone.

SWDave – Congrats to you and the DDs! Great race report.

Krista – WTG with the TM 6 miler!

Mel – Good luck at the CDC, and the forum is in good hands. :rolleyes1 Bwaaaaaaahahahahahaha!

Kristi – Congrats with the 3 miler.

Nancy – WTG with the training.

WWDave – Good luck with your race tomorrow. If Richard Simmons ever met me, he’d never talk like a girl again.

Leana – WTG with the training.

GaJen – WTG with the 3 miler!

Judy – The puckering and unpuckering will continue until the TOT. :woohoo:

PatsBill – I think we should have a “Wenches Wet T-shirt” contest tomorrow. :thumbsup2

Jen – Good luck at the CDC.

Sara – Sorry to hear about the injury.

Stephanie – WTG with the 16 miler!

Hey everyone we're driving to Chicago as I'm typing this. Wireless cards are the coolest things!!!!!!! :thumbsup2
Good evening group! Not much to report today.....I did take off today for my LR tomorrow. Yesterday was 3.5 hours of exercise. I ran 5 miles on the treadmill, 60 min pump class, 30 low impact aerobics, and 30 min stretch class. I was really tired last night! I am really sore today too.....Advil has been my friend!;)

Nancy: How sore were you today? Class was quite something, wasn't it?

SWDave: Great report.....your kids did great, and you were flying!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana:

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend....may the weather be with you!

Hey Krista... we are at the hotel about 1 1/2 hours outside of Chicago. "I'm too excited to sleep!"

I wanted to thank everyone for the Well WISHes. We will all have a great time. I am not here for a PR, I am here for enjoyment!!!! I already decided that if it takes me 3 1/2 hours, well that is time well spent with friends!

Colleen - Are you not registered for Disney??? It's almost full. You better HOP to it!!!
Dave—WTG on the trail race! Dude, you were moving! If you keep up that craziness, the next time we run a race together I really WILL tie a rope around you so you can drag me to a faster finishing time. :)

Leana—nice job on the 3 miler!

Judy—congrats on the 3.6 lbs loss! Can you teach me how to do that? I’ve completely forgotten.

Sara—oh no, sorry about your injury. Take it easy on yourself. I know it’s easier to say from the “other side” of the fence of an injury, but the rest this weekend really will help and you have to know it won’t hurt you to miss one LR. Hope you get better soon.

Beth—wow, that’s quite a workout! Way to go!

Jen—HI from just outside of Chicago! Glad you made it to the hotel ok. We’ll see you guys tomorrow!

Krista and I made it in to Crestwood, IL tonight (after a few wrong turns that ended us up really close to downtown Chicago. Krista says it’s my fault and I, in turn, correctly blame her. ;) ). I know I should be getting to bed soon, but after driving this afternoon and the excitement of the weekend building, we’re just not tired. And we got some authentic Chicago pizza tonight. Mmmm, mmmm! Of course, we’re still completely up for more Chicago pizza at Gino’s tomorrow. :) By the way, I’m still pushing for the cab ride instead of the 1 1/2 mile walk to Gino’s from the Hilton. :thumbsup2

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Take it easy out there on those LRs in this heat. Talk to you all later!

Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

OK, I'm waking up and fueling up for my LR. I have 14 miles on tap this morning, and I'm thinking... uuum, I could have done this in Chicago. Oh well, I'll be thinking of you all out there.

Sara- So sorry about the groin injury. You take care of yourself. Get some rest, and ice, and rest, and ice. How about a ice bath soak?
OK, I'm back from my run. I did 14 miles on the Erie Canal Trail in 2:19.54 min/9:59 mpm. It was just an OK run. It felt like it was taking a lot of effort to get my steps in. Oh well, I got it in. I gotta shower, take the girls to their first meeting for the kids marathon, then take DD9 to tae kwon do, and then we're off for Delaware.

Busy, busy...
Wow MSW Dave - you are impressive 14 miles already this morning. I am debating if I want to do the LR today or tomorrow but I might do it later this afternoon on the treadmill. For some reason I feel that is cheating (but trust me while I am on there I don't feel like I am cheating - its always right before I do the TM run that I feel I am not being pushed as hard as I would outside. I just don't want to die in the heat!! LOL

Good luck to all those doing CDC - and how cool Krista to be on the net while traveling in the car!!

I didn't do any workout yesterday but Thursday I ended up doing a 4 mile run on the treadmill. Had a quality audit at work this past week and had to get in early so I wasn't able to get outside to run. Maybe tomorrow I can get my dh out (his knee and foot have been bothering him the last couple of times he tried to run) so we will see.

Good luck to everyone on their LR or training this weekend!!
Good morning, WISHers!

I got out and got in 5 miles this morning. It was awfully humid -- I felt like I was slogging through pudding. Glad it's over and done with! I was thinking about our CDC racers and hoping they have better weather there!

Happy training, all! :)
Good morning everyone!

Thanks for all the tips from everybody on practicing run/walk intervals on the TM! I'm definitely going to try it out next time I'm in the gym. :thumbsup2

Leana, thanks for the coupon-code tip for the running skirts...soon as I break down and decide to get one, I know where I'm going to go! So far I'm doing pretty well with my running capris though...I think there's something about the skirts that feel pretty exposed (which I'm not quite ready to do just yet ;))

The heat finally broke here today, with lots of great cloud cover and a cool breeze. I've taken the last two days off because my hip and foot were bothering me a bit (I think I have a touch of plantar fasciitis :/ ), so I had been planning to do 6 or 8 miles this morning, depending on how I felt and how hot it was. I got out on the trail and ended up feeling so great that I went for 9 miles! I tried a 7/8-1 run-walk interval this time, varying between 7 or 8 minutes because I'd forget to check my cell phone to see when I could walk again :rolleyes1 I ended up pulling in an overall average of ~10:42/mi, which is even faster than I've been practicing on the TM without walkbreaks! :woohoo:

I think it also helped that yesterday I loaded up my iPod with a bunch of great new running songs, including some of my Disney favorites to get me pumped :) "Be a Man" from Mulan is just one of the most inspirational songs there is, don't you think? :cheer2: I wasn't totally exhausted at the end of the run, either, so I'm really feeling good about how things went.

Glad to see so many people are doing so well this week in spite of all the heat! I hope things have cooled down for a lot of you like they have here (and that they STAY that way!)

Have a great day everyone!


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