Wk of Dec 4--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

Congratulations, Heather! 4 kids in 5 years, endurance athlete, and now partner! Phew, you are an over-acheiver!!!! :cheer2:

Cam-- Sending :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: For the college wait and elephant and gorilla and whatever else you may have in your living room :rotfl2:

Christa-- if running a marathon doesn't earn you a bag of mint milano cookies what's the point :confused3 I'm sure you earned them fair and square!

I didn't so much as lift a finger all day yesterday in hopes to appease the bod. I plan on doing upperbody weights and some cardio other than running today. I still feel wiped out, but I'll play it by ear :listen: .

ETA: Renee, Thanks for the rewards card info. I just called and they said it should arrive in a week. phew! I think running must kill brain cells :rotfl:

Heather - COngrats on making partner!!!!

Kathy - SO sorry about the accident!

Honibee - Welcome Back!

DId my first real tempo run last night. SInce the whole hip thing, my pace was my pace, not getting faster. I think my stride has finally come back!!!! Doesn't hurt that there was no wind last night for the first time I can remeber. (Living about 7 miles from Lake MI, the wind is usually pretty string) ANyway, it was great!!

A couple more sets of inspirational lyrics:

JIMMY EAT WORLD - The Middle Lyrics
Hey, don't write yourself off yet
It's only in your head you feel left out or
looked down on.
Just try your best, try everything you can.
And don't you worry what they tell themselves when you're away.
It just takes some time, little girl you're in the middle of the
Everything (everything) will be just fine, everything
(everything) will be alright (alright).
Hey, you know they're all the same.
You know you're doing better on your own, so don't buy in.
Live right now.
Yeah, just be yourself.
It doesn't matter if it's good enough for someone else.
It just takes some time, little girl you're in the middle of the
Everything (everything) will be just fine, everything
(everything) will be alright (alright).
It just takes some time, little girl you're in the middle of the
Everything (everything) will be just fine, everything
(everything) will be alright (alright).
Hey, don't write yourself off yet.
It's only in your head you feel left out or
looked down on.
Just do your best, do everything you can.
And don't you worry what the bitter hearts are gonna say.
It just takes some time, little girl you're in the middle of the
Everything (everything) will be just fine, everything
(everything) will be alright (alright).
It just takes some time, little girl you're in the middle of the
Everything (everything) will be just fine, everything
(everything) will be alright (alright).

Movie: Ice Princess
Artist: Michelle Trachtenberg
Song: Reachin' For Heaven

All my life
There was just me and my dreams
And the days went tickin' by
Like the beat of my heart

Spend my nights
Wondering how it would feel
When the waiting would end
And tomorrow would start
Suddenly I see a light
Out of the darkness
I'm comin' alive

So this how it feels
Reaching for heaven
This how it feels
Kissin' the sky
This what it means
Touching for heaven
Like the phoenix rising from the flames
I'm reachin' for heaven

All this time
I never knew I was so strong
But you made me find the fire
That was there all along.
In your eyes
I can see all I can be
Suddenly I want it all
And I know you'll catch me whenever i fall

And you alone have showed me
Shining new horizons
Now for all I owe you
It's my turn to show you

So this how it feels
Reaching for heaven
This how it feels
Kissin' the sky
This what it means
Touching for heaven
Like the phoenix rising from the flames
I'm reachin' for heaven
Reachin' for heaven
This how it feels
Kissin' the sky
This what it means
Touching for heaven
Like the phoenix rising from the flames
I'm reachin' for heaven
Reachin' for heaven

See it. Believe it. Achieve it.

Let's start picturing the smile on our faces as we cross that finish line!!!!
Oh, here's a funny for you. I got mom and dad's Christmas card last night. WIth all our snow and cold issues this year effecting our running, wouldn't you know it? Yup, Ther card was "I'm dreaming of a White CHristmas." Not this year! :o

Oh, on teh NFL topic. DId anyone see NFL today Sunday where they discussed the firing of Mariucci? It summed things up nicely. Also, there were about 20,000 people at the WIngs game Tuesday night that were singing "Fi-re Mil-lan" instead of "Let's go, Red Wings."

SOlo - GOod luck this weekend!
Unlurking to send some :wizard: to Kathy and Cam and some :cheer2: for Heather!!!!!

Nothing new to report here. My hip is not doing to bad as long as I don't do much with it. I have yet to try running again as I still have pain in the evenings. If this continues I will likey be going to a specialist after the first of the year.

Good luck to everyone!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to everyone for the Congratulations. I finally went to the gym this morning. I did 60 minutes on the TM and wasn't even a bit tired. Who knew training for a year would actually work? :confused3 I am very glad that my month off due to hip injury did not affect my training. The best news of all was that my hip did not bother me at all today.

Like others doing the MFM walk/run half-marathon program, I am on track to complete 6 miles this weekend. What has happened to me that 6 miles is no big deal? :rotfl:

Cam- Here is one of my favorite John Bingham quotes for your inspirational post-its: "Who you can be doesn't depend on who you have been."
Just one question! Why do official race pictures make me look like a cow?
Just got them in an email and when I saw them I :earseek: :scared: :eek: :faint:.
Here are a few samples.

This is me @ the 1/2 marathon point.

This is me crossing the finish line! Don't ask why my mouth is wide open. I must be screaming in pain!

The others were to ugly to post! I am now back on the WW wagon! AAAHHHHHHHHH!

Thanks for checking out the info on if men can run the Minnie...I've been trying to get my coworkers to run with me but they all think I'm crazy. One person even said that she didn't have the energy to respond (I sent an email out with the link) to tell me that I was crazy...

I went out last night to shop for both a running fanny pack and an MP3 player--I found a smallish pack that was intended to hold a CD player while walking (so it has some padding and a reflective band on the waist hooks). But I have no idea what I'm looking for in an MP3 player. Anybody have any suggestions on this topic? Ones that they like...dislike? Do you have trouble keeping the earbuds in while running? :confused3
mazzypig said:
I went out last night to shop for both a running fanny pack and an MP3 player--I found a smallish pack that was intended to hold a CD player while walking (so it has some padding and a reflective band on the waist hooks). But I have no idea what I'm looking for in an MP3 player. Anybody have any suggestions on this topic? Ones that they like...dislike? Do you have trouble keeping the earbuds in while running? :confused3

Mazzy -- On the fannypack issue, I found one that was recommended here on the REI website at the outlet. It holds a water bottle (I want to be able to carry enough of my powerade/water mix in a flavor I am accustomed to). It also appears to have room for kleenex, a couple of power bars, honey packets a small camera and a cell phone. Those are the things that are on my fannypack list right now. I am hoping mine will arrive today or tomorrow so I can try it out the next couple of LWs.

As for an mp3 player. I am very very keen on my ipod shuffle. I know there are others out there and lots of pros and cons on the various models, but this is the one I have and it it small enough for me to stick in my pocket (I tried wearing it on my arm, but the armband chafed the underside of my "old italian lady batwings" :rotfl: ) I have been refining my playlist every time I use it to find the songs that promote a good walking pace and high energy and inspiration. Who knows -- I may not even end up using it for the 1/2 if I am distracted and motivated and taking pix, etc., but I am definitely taking it with me. I even just bought a wall charger so I can use it for workouts the couple days before the 1/2 without risk of running out the battery.

The choice of both items is as personal as your event outfit. Just give yourself plenty of time to get used to the item so that you know there are not fit/slippage/chafing issues. Great advice I got here! :grouphug:
Not much time to talk this morning, but I have to brag about something....

We arrived in Alabama last night. It was 40 degrees when we landed at the "airport" (seriously, smallest one I've ever seen) and it felt like a heat wave. So nice. The very first thing that came to mind that I wanted to do: Run!!

So this morning I did 4 miles in a little under 37 minutes running along the Tennesee River. I'm going to try and get my long run of 8 miles in tomorrow along the same course.

Sounds like everyone else is doing great as well. Keep up the good work!! I can't believe we are less than 30 days away.

I better dash--
Happy training all!!
Solotraveler :earsboy:
Awesome, solo! 40 degrees sounds really cold to me, but hey, glad you find it motivating! :teeth: Good luck with your LR tomorrow.
Christa-- You look great! Stop with the "cow" business right this instance!!!!

Solo-- if 40 feels like a heat wave, how are we going to handle running in Orlando :confused3 Yikes! I know I wouldn't need a coat if the temp reached 40 right now!

Just back from the gym. Spaghetti arms :banana: :banana: :banana: I really knocked 'em out today. But I have a new problem. Veins! They are starting to show on my bicepts and I have pretty bulgy ones on my right forearm. I hate veins but I guess its unavoidable if you reduce your arms to jello twice a week :p

I am starting to panic and I need help with my accommodations decision. I am still holding 2 reservations. One at the Swan and one at POR.

I like the idea of walking to the marathon start, but POR has double beds and I find that my feet actually hang off the end when I stretch out! See I told you I was tall. There is really no way DH and I could sleep in a double and both get a good night's sleep. I was thinking about bringing an air mattress and letting the kids sleep there and then DH and I could have separate beds. I just read a post over on the Resorts board that complained about the terribly hard beds at POR. I am really starting to be concerned now.

The Swan is my other choice. I am paying about the same for this room. It has two queen heavenly beds but I will need to bus it to the start line. We would also have to rent a car if we stayed her because we couldn't use Magical Express for our transfers from the airport to the hotel.

Any opinions?
plutosmyfav said:
Christa-- You look great! Stop with the "cow" business right this instance!!!!

Solo-- if 40 feels like a heat wave, how are we going to handle running in Orlando :confused3 Yikes! I know I wouldn't need a coat if the temp reached 40 right now!

Just back from the gym. Spaghetti arms :banana: :banana: :banana: I really knocked 'em out today. But I have a new problem. Veins! They are starting to show on my bicepts and I have pretty bulgy ones on my right forearm. I hate veins but I guess its unavoidable if you reduce your arms to jello twice a week :p

Sunny - Have I ever told you I LOVE YOU! :rotfl: Thanks! I just hate race pics. As for veins in the arms. When you are a buff as you are, the veins have to go somewhere.

Solo - 40 is still cool for me but I live in NC near the coast.

JUST WENT AND PICKED OUT MY BIKE! I an $200 away from a dark blue women's Trek road bike. :love: :banana: :cool1: Biking is so cool! Melissa and xterratri and any other bikers out there, you are my heros! I think I can CONvence DH to spring the $200 so I am going to put it on lay away next week!
Was going to swim today, but DD7 now is sick and had to stay home from school.
:listen: Wait, you can walk to the start from the POR? That's where I'm staying. I wish my info packet would hurry up and arrive, I feel like I don't know anything. How far of a walk is it?
mazzypig said:
:listen: Wait, you can walk to the start from the POR? That's where I'm staying. I wish my info packet would hurry up and arrive, I feel like I don't know anything. How far of a walk is it?

The start for the FULL is across 2 streets from OKW and POFQ. Riverside will be a little bit of a jaunt. And the HALF would be an even further bit of a jaunt.

From the front entrance of POFQ--you could easily get to the marathon start in 10 minutes (not including time from your room).

However--you miss the hoopla, but most who do this rather sleep in a bit longer.
solo - I'm soo jealous! Yes, 40 would feel warm. Brings me back to my #1 concern all year. I'll melt in the heat! Have a great time!

COlleen - That's a toughy. I'd want a good bed to get a decent night sleep before running, so I'd go with Swan.
Hi there - how's this for irony, I run 20 miles, no injury. I sit still on a kayak for 90 minutes, injury occurs!!! Apparently I have an immobile sacrum (something to do with pelvic bones but I was too busy getting freaked out by the little plastic spine thing she was waving at me to work out what) which got a bit too imobilised while floating down the river and is rubbing on a nerve somewhere. Good news after 20 minutes of hideously painful manipulation hip problem has gone - I just have to stretch about 4 times a day. I love physios!!!! So, not sure if that relates at all to your problem Cam - my thing wasn't pain as you think of pain - more like a burning or tugging (which apparently indicates nerves rather than muscles anyway).

Christa - I'm with you on the cow thing (although you actually look just fine, trust me). My theory is that it's because the photographers kneel down and shoot upwards - best way to give someone a double chin let alone three stomachs. And don't even get me started on what wearing a fuel belt does to the mixture, so not pretty.

Coleen - can't remember if this is your first race or not, but if it is, chances are you won't sleep that well the night before anyway and will easily be up in time to get on the bus. If you're the type of person who wakes up every hour before a plane flight, you'll do the same the night before race night - so I'd go for the comfy bed and make the most of it the night before, the night before the race (if you get what I mean) for a really good long sleep. Also, if you've never raced before it's quite good to get there early as you will want to go to the loo 5 times, put your gear bag in 20 minutes before you should in case they drive off, go to the loo another five times, tie your shoelaces six times and all this nervous panicking eats up the minutes -or is that just me?

Good luck this weekend all - I can't believe I'm considering a 14 mile run as a rest week. Helen
I'm finding it harder and harder to keep track of all the posts I mean to reply to! Then again, I'm finding it harder to keep track of everything. :rolleyes:

Carrie- The Middle is one of my all-time favorite motivational songs. There's only a handful of songs that have survived on my mp3 player for years and that is one of them. Those lyrics ROCK!

Colleen-- I went through the same agonizing decision about resorts and decided to go with POFQ. I love the beds at Swan... I don't recall if I liked or disliked the beds at POR in 2001. Oh the decisions are killing me!!!!!

Just dropping in to say hi! About the only way I can keep up with all the posts is to check in a couple times a day.

Snow is supposed to be heading our way tonight and tomorrow so I'm going to TRY to do the treadmill tonight (did I say how much I hate the treadmill?)

Sound like everyon'e doing fine. :)

Hey everyone--

Christa--pics look great!! Don't worry abt it!

Sounds like you are all on the right track!! I am getting soooo excited. I just added Disney's Greatest Vol 1-3 to my ipod. Awesome songs on there!!!

Another funny story from me if you guys remember my Powergel story from last week. Today I'm at the library and I checked out a couple pilates DVDs for my non-running days. The librarian (not even the one checking me out!) says "Oh, getting a jumpstart on new years resolutions!" She said it friendly but dang, I'm starting to develop a complex!!! I didn't bother telling her I'm running a million miles a week--just wasn't in the mood. Just so weird since I always rent exercise dvds and have never gotten a comment before. I'm no toothpick but sheesh!

No running for me today. Doing 8 tomorrow and then the Florida Beaches Half Marathon on Sunday--can't wait for that!!!

Is anyone doing the kids races during marathon weekend??? I decided to get my parents a hotel room so they can come with our kids. So looks like we aer doing all the family stoff as well!


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