Wk of Feb 10th-- WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.

WWDave's 2008 Miles and Minutes Team Threads:

Master Game Roster

Master Game Spreadsheet

Donald's Defiant Dashers Team Challenge


Hakuna Matata Team Challenge Hours/Miles

Super Goofs Team 4 Miles Challenge

TEAM FIVE: Herc's Heroes--Post miles/hours here!

TEAM #6: OHANA-No One Gets Left Behind:Post your miles/hours here

Walt's Warriors (Team 7) Miles and Hours

Team 8 Jessica's Rabbits Bios and Info
Lightning was on the streets today! 4.02 miles in 46.48 min :banana: Not a PR but the best pace I've seen in awhile.

Steve...yikes! Glad you caught Krista in time to come rescue you.

Lynnda...:wizard: for you and the fam. So sorry to see everyone's ill.

Sounds like lots of us are having a bit of LTO/WTO lately.

Erin...do you graduate in the spring too?

Angie...congrats on your run!


WWDave...love the game for the motivational effects! I got out for XT twice last week, havent done that in months. I am concerned about the same things Kristi and Karen mentioned. I've seen a lot of grousing about what minutes people are counting and whether some of the minutes are fair/appropriate. I think we're focusing too much on the details and losing sight of your big picture of just making sure we're getting out and doing stuff.

Thanks to Karen's brilliant suggestion, the Master Game spreadsheet is now linked to the first weekly post so it's easier to find!

Lots of cool threads around right now! Heather has shared the history of the first WISH team and Matt has a great thread where we can post our worst race pictures EVER!
Hi Y'all!

I'm getting ready for my 12-mile run tomorrow, then it's TAPER MADNESS for the next few weeks until the Sarasota Half-Marathon. Wheeee!!!:cool1:

Steve: so how did she GoogleEarth you? Do you have GPS on your phone and she looked up the coordinates?

EVERYONE: I know it seems a little wierd with the Miles/Minutes groups, since there are some folks who are able to rack up the really high numbers:worship: , and others (like me) who just aren't able to do so:guilty: . So maybe the team-competition aspect isn't really healthy for us as a team.

:idea: SO what if we maintain our Miles/Minutes groups (they are fun and easy to keep up with), but we compete against ourselves to keep our WISH Team OVERALL total miles/minutes high every month? I think then we could all celebrate at the end of a month (for example) that we all contributed to xxx hours and xxx miles total...and we can shoot for an even higher total the next month.

:cheer2: And at the POP Century meet next year, we'll celebrate our amazing year-long totals!:cheer2:

Well, that's my thought. And we can still have a blast with our small groups and encourage eachother. :grouphug:

Have a great week, all!
- Jeff
Mel- No I am not Graduating in the spring, more like spring 2011. But I am working hard at keeping that date set.

Jeff- I agree that we need to lose the "Prize" at the end of the game. We will all be winners having done something for ourselves.

My thinking on the game is have everyone set up personal goals each month, like I will run 50 miles in February. Have everyone be held accountable to their goal but have it a personal thing.

As far as not posting on the main thread I fell like I am kind of in a minority on the team. I am young and go to school while working. It is very hard for me to read five pages each night plus do everything else I need to do.

Tempers have been high this past week with the Super Bowl and the mess with the shirts. I think we as a team should just take a step back and figure out what is really the cause of the strife, and work to fix it.

Lynda- PD and good thoughts coming your way from CNY. I hope Timmy gets better soon.

Kristi- I loved your pictures from the Worst race pictures thread. I will try to contribute more.

Team as a whole- I am thinking about setting up a sub-thread for College students trying to stay healthy, What are your thoughts?

I am going to get off my soapbox now.
Good evening team:

I just want to post a few personal thoughts as to current WISH board events and hope you'll indulge me. Feel free to skip this post as it is probably more of a ramblings by Bill (as to posts made by Bill) than anything else and I'm guessing it will end up being long.

To start, I want to make sure everyone knows I have not recently (or in the past) intended to hurtfully attack anyone personally. As to **Krista** it was intended as end of the year football trash talk to a spirited fan of a rival team (though I do admit that I went a little overboard) and as to **Amy** I thought when I posted that I had sufficiently stated my sarcastic intent prior to making my statements, including about formally protesting to a non-existent International Olympic sub-committee. As to these specific individuals, I hope I have made proper amends.

People have also contacted me about my comments regarding the Philly/MCM thread. My comments about it started last summer and in part played into my post expressing my hope that we stayed together as a single team when the "Challenge Game" was first being proposed. I know as the team (any team) gets bigger, factions develop. From my perspective (which isn't necessarily worth much), I thought this was starting with the MCM thread. When I have time, I do lurk there to see if there is training, event or related information that may be useful to me. The people there are great and have a wonderful repore with one another. The thing was, there were frequent posts on the main/weekly thread to the effect of what happened to **MouseDave** we haven't heard from him in a while and has anyone heard from **Jodi** (I am not trying to pick on people here, just using them as examples of people who others cared about). Those people, however, were right here on the WISH board posting regularly on the MCM thread. Before the "Challenge Game" my concern was that this may begin to occur on a more wide-spread basis given the number of teams and people participating. The game has just started and it seems to be a great motivator. Time will tell, but it seems the weekly thread has slowed down and that there is now a lot of activity on the individual team threads. I don't go to every teams thread to see what's being discussed there, but I hope (from a selfish point of view) its nothing that I might benefit from. I hope, as I stated prior to the start, that these sub-groups don't become entrenched at the expense of the team.

Finally, to the extent anything I have done has caused the "Great Shirt Crises," I apologize. To me, ITS A SHIRT to identify the group. Who is the group? The PEOPLE inside the shirt. I didn't know communicating with eye2eye would call into question ongoing shirt orders and create such a debate. Clearly, there are team members who feel strongly about and/or vested in the current 2 year old design, down to the font, size of the runners and location and angle of the stars ;). I think that is great (**Attention-NFL Football team reference coming) as even to this day I complain about the "new" Patriots "Flying Elvis" logo and blue shirts that replaced the original "Pat the Patriot" logo and red jerseys. Even though the shirts changed, I still support the team. Hopefully, whether wearing an "original"/current WISH shirt, a personalized WISH shirt or a high school gym shirt, the team will support each other (to the extent those team mates are identified/identifiable).

I hope everyone has a great Sunday and week of training.
I saw the sun today! And was it nice and warm finally. LOL.

I took my Girl Scout troop to the University of Hawaii for Sports Day, where they played tennis, jumped rope, and played volleyball with all the female UH athletes.

I will be out on my Sunday 8 miler around Diamondhead Crater and back.

Enjoy the Pro Bowl, it should be a nice day. But the weather forecasters are still saying it's going to be wet again next week.
Originally Posted by TigerLily03
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you

Dear friends:

My purpose with the teams was to get everyone through the post marathon weekend depression that a lot of us do. To get us through the cold of winter and the heat of summer and stay motivated.

But even more so I took what Lily said to heart. I wanted to make all the people who normally just lurk feel more comfortable posting and letting us get to know them.

In addition I wanted us to have fun. It sure looks like we have a lot more people posting regularly. We have already met some wonderful new people.

When we go to Disney we all break up into smaller groups and have fun, we don't all stay in a group, this is no different. We still have our group meetings but it's natural for people to make special friends that have similar interests to hang with the other times.

I'm removing the prizes from the game since that seems to be an issue. It wasn't going to be a new BMW anyway, maybe a medal or a stuffed panda for the winners.

I try to keep the teams even with a strong miles person or to on each team. I keep the rules as lienient as possible to encourage people to do something. The person who can't walk over a block is still an important member of the WISH.

I am so sorry if people think it's splitting the WISH up. I never intended for that to happen. We are a family but a huge family. I will be happy to just stop the game if that's what everyone wants.

Dave: First of all, I think the panda needs a group hug...:grouphug:

I think there are a lot of issues right now within the team. There are a lot of new people (myself included) who are throwing out ideas and trying to participate in a way that they feel will improve the team. There is also a contingent of originals who want to keep things status quo. Herein seems to lay the problem.

For myself, I can say that none of the ideas I have suggested were meant to be anything more than an idea to be tossed around. I never meant to cause hate and discontent but, alas, one misconstrued word or text taken outside its true meaning has caused a lot of problems for a lot of people lately. I think that Erin posted on the shirt thread that everyone needs to step back and take a breath. We newbies are not trying to change things, we are trying to make it better. Sometimes change is not better, but sometimes if it brings more people in and together, it is.

Dave, I love the miles challenge. I am someone who needs goals and a reason to move sometimes. I never did care about prizes or being the best, I just want to encourage everyone on my team to be THEIR best. I love everyone I have met virtually or in person from the WISH team, they are all an inspiration in different ways. I don't think the miles challenge has changed that as we are still the same people inside. I don't think a new shirt color, hat color, design or anything else will change that, because we are still the same people inside.

Too many feelings have been hurt without meaning to be and I truly feel bad for that. I think we all just need to breathe in and feel the WISH team love that is really out there. :flower3:
Good Morning WISH Team,

Just checking in to say hello. :wave2: I've been mostly cross-training these days (snow shoveling :headache: !) with a little treadmill running mixed in. No more events/races planned for me until the end of May; just trying to keep a fitness base throughout the winter.

Have a great week everyone.
**Positive Influence Panda** In my opinion, there is no need to stop the game. It has greatly influenced and motivated people to get moving and exercising and has brought many out of lurkdom. My hope is just that people don't forget about the weekly thread as a place to share/exchange information and ideas.
First, I agree. Dave, :grouphug:

As a VERY new WISHer, I wouldn't expect my ideas or input to be given the same weight as people who have been here for months, or more. We all know that being a "member" of a group for years doesn't mean you are contributing to that group and that being new doesn't mean your ideas are terrible, BUT.... we also know that new people may not stick around.

In October few years ago, I joined a gym (which, sadly, has since closed or I'd be in amazing shape--I loved that place!). Come January, the place was full. By March, the gym closed because not enough people kept up with their memberships. Part of the problem is that the owner tried to cater to the wishes of the people who showed up in January, and some of those decisions made it difficult for those of us who had been going five days a week for a couple months. In the end, those decisions didn't help anyone because the gym went out of business.

That said, as a new person, I'd like to echo what has been said on so many threads--I just want a shirt so I feel like I belong and people can identify me! Since I'm stil trying ot wrangle a way to get to the Minnie, it is really important to me that I have a lime green shirt with the "classic" logo on it. I don't think that having "third jerseys" is a team-breaker; I think the arguments that have resulted from those jerseys could be.

I worry that the sniping and arguments might make this place feel less welcoming and supportive. Lots of people are lurkers, and they might not feel comfortable lurking any more. I would hate to think that.

I appreciate that it hurts people's feelings when they are told their size doesn't exist, or that they are the wrong size or shape to fit into the existing clothes. I live with it all the time. Being short and thin and having a cartoon shape, it is hard to find clothes that fit. I have had sales people tell me my size does not exist, and it hurt my feelings. No one should feel that way.

I like that RR offered to cut lime shirts to fit those of us who are smaller and needed a specific style of shirt. I don't care if someone else wants a watermarked shirt. I don't care if someone wants a more yellow shirt made of cotton. I don't see that a few shades between lime and safety yellow are deal breakers for any of this.

The reason we are all here is so we can get in shape and embrace a healthy lifestyle. We live in a fragmented world where neighbors don't necessarily have the same interests. I have people in the "real world" who are training for the Donald, and who, in fact, talked me into it. That said, our schedules and training levels aren't the same. So I found this WISH team so that I would not be alone while I figure this whole "being active" thing out.

I love that the small challenge teams help us get to know people better. I have trouble keeping up with these longer threads, myself. But I suspect that the alternative will be that people will not post and/or not read this thread without those smaller threads.... I like the challenge teams, and I like that there are people watching that I really get off the sofa. It's a team, and I'm letting people down if I don't do my workout. Nice. :)

Okay. Done rambling. Since I have switched this week to the less-aggressive Bingham plan, today is rest day. Tomorrow, I work out, but with less intensity than I've been pushing myself.

Thanks for listening if you bothered to read this. I understand if you skipped to the bottom. :)
Good Morning Everyone!

Another beautiful sunrise this morning! I love my new front porch. I haven't had time to fix my new house up at all, but lucky for me, my daddy bought me a rocking chair for my front porch as a house warming gift. There is something inspiring about sitting and watching the day begin.

As for the WISH team, we are suffering from growing pains. It's a good thing. Embrace the changes that are a natural result of that growth.

I think the challenge teams have a very positive effect. They are motivating. They also make this very large board more personal. I have noticed that with the challenge teams keeping the weekly thread less crowded that we have heard from several new runners. Those voices would have been drown out just a few weeks ago.

I run a lot, but it wasn't so long ago that a mile or 3 miles was a huge success. I love hearing about those mile stones and sharing thei excitement. Keep it coming.

Have a great day everyone!
:grouphug: Panda Dave...your heart is absolutely in the right place with this challenge. You've been nothing but a gentleman, nothing but supportive and really tried your best to make the game fun and exciting. As a competitive person, it really drives me, and I love having the smaller team group to check in with as the large thread can be overwhelming, even for someone who's been hanging around the WiSH forum since early '06. NE Bill....don't mind me ;)....I was honestly just trying to explain my position. Beyond that...once the initial excitement wears off...and it will to some extent...I think that everyone will be in a routine of posting in both threads.

And remember...there is no reason to stay away from someone's team thread just because they aren't your team. I read what others are doing for ideas and inspiration. Seeing what types of workouts people are finding, how well others are doing, saying "hi" to some kindred spirits on other teams. Even talking sci-fi with my bud Deb :). Anyway...for the most part the team challenge has actually allowed me to get to know a lot of people better. :goodvibes

Shirts...I think what happened here is that words and meaning can be taken out of context in this format. I haven't weighed in on the issues up until now because it's just become such a sticky matter. I'm very much go with the flow on this subject. A lighter weight option is a great idea however, that's my only issue, because I usually wear singlets when I race (unless it's super chilly). Everyone involved with the shirts has put in a lot of time and we thank you for volunteering to do so! :thumbsup2

I think as this group continues to grow it is just natural that smaller groups will form within anyway. There are just SO MANY people to try to get to know. I don't think having the smaller groups really takes away from the intent of this wonderful place. Everyone knows to go to the events thread for advice, questions, information, friendly discourse. I truly don't think the integrity of the boards will be lost. Just give this game some time to shake out and figure it's place in the grand scheme. I don't think we should throw it out the window yet. JMHO :goodvibes
I don't post much on this board because I am more of a numbers person than a people person. The challenge got me to exercise every day this week but Wednesday. In the past I tend to only keep up with the Saturday exercise, probably why I had shin splints for the marathon.

If it wasn't for this group and their support, I would not be the proud owner of a Mickey medal. i have to thank my daughter for giving up a decent time for sticking with me until the last 3 miles. She needed to go ahead to get her second goofy medal. The scream teamers were life savers through out the full 26.2 miles. The group at the Beach Club, where I was handed a bottle of cold water and told I was doing great, made me finally realize I was almost done and would get the Medal. Many thought I got swept but there were still people at the W tent when I finished. I realize doing only the weekend training was not the smartest but I had no motivations to do the rest.

We were able to follow the WISHers ahead of us by their shirts. We were almost able to catch up with Cam & Rhonda by following their shirts. I slowed down and barely stayed ahead of the sweepers but it was comforting to see team mates ahead.

This exercise challenge is keeping me moving when I would rather crash after work. Maybe my body will be in better shape come next years Marathon Weekend.

Thanks to everyone for their encouragement throughout the year. I am considering signing up for the Half in 2009. I am also considering the marathon in Hawaii in December with the girls. I need goals to keep me going and get me out of my chair.

Lynnda - hope your family is feeling better soon. So sorry to hear little Timmy is not doing well. :grouphug: :grouphug: Feel better soon.
Good morning WISHers!

Hoping everyone is having a great Sunday. It is a beautiful day today in NW Florida.

Not much training to report (2 miles on the TM on Thursday) as I’m still feeling the effects of my bout with pneumonia. I did buy a new pair of running shoes (Asics 2130). Maybe I’ll christen them today.

A few ramblings from a grumpy, old, retired Senior NCO.

I agree that we’re experiencing some growing pains. That’s a good thing, and remember, “this too shall pass.”

WWDave – The team competition is great. I’ve heard nothing but good things about it. Like Amy said, once everyone gets in the groove, things will work themselves out. No worries here.

PatsBill – luv ya, brutha!

The shirt deal. I’m all about choices, but I’d hate to see this splinter the group. I love the original shirt. Heck, I just put an order in for an additional one. But, I also understand the reasoning behind a lighter fabric and a shirt cut for a better fit, and the idea of a “bolder” looking shirt. I don’t have a problem with any of them. I just think the “WISH Team” (That means everyone, old and new) need to discuss it (and we have) and decide what’s best for the team. JMHO

To all of our new teammates – I apologize if I haven’t formally welcomed you. So, :welcome:

Lynnda - Hope the family is feeling better.

Cam - Hope you're feeling better

One last thing. In these days of turmoil and strife, let me offer this to everyone.

The Cheeseburger of Peace. ;)


Take care. :)
Good Morning Everyone

I obviously missed the "spirited discussions" which took place last week. Once the semester begins I sort of parachute in and out, based on my available time, plus I have spent more time relatively figuring out the training game.

First, you'll notice I called it a GAME, not a competition, as that's how I see it. I like the way it is set up, miles by any self-propulsion method, and total hours of weight, yoga, pilates, etc., or CV exercise. This allows all to include all our time, so for me, the 30 minutes of weight work I do twice a week gets picked up in the game, although I don't show it in my own training log, which only captures running, x-training, and biking time. If the game helps motivate some folks that's great. In my case I cannot imagine the game will squeeze 1 more mile or minute out of me, and I'm content with that too.

As structured, the folks who are doing heaving biking, perhaps for a biathlon or triathlon will be the big miles contributors and the teams with lots of these people, and the team construction was pretty random, will accumulate the most miles by far. I'm fine with that, and hope others are as well, since biking is certainly a CV exercise, and I didn't think WWDave was handing out the keys to his blue Mustang to the winning team anyway. Now if the red Ducati of my dreams was the prize, I'd go to the whip today on my team members.

Second, regarding shirts and sizes, I'm really glad I missed any and all chippy comments about that. There are a few of us who are very nicely proportioned, but I think it's fair to say a few of us would like to drop a few pounds. Personally, If I could just drop 10 pounds I'd be sooooo happy, and I'm sure my Oct 2009 TOT would be in 69 instead of last fall's 72. C'est la vie. Thankfully no one here has ever pointed out those 10 extra pounds I carry, and I hope I've never made similar comments to others. I think I'm in the majority here in the opinion that this isn't acceptable. Period.

Third, I'm almost as happy that I missed the chippy comments about the just terminated football season. Our passions and caring are what make us feel alive. I just don't see any reason for pointed comments to another person about their passions. Good natured teasing among very good friends is entirely different, however, and that may be a cause of some misunderstanding here. As Heather posted, this little group has been mixing for years, and some of the people have become incredibly good friends, witness the 7 Minnies. You may see a comment that looks a bit over the top, but it may be between 2 such friends, and enjoyed both ways. Don't look to offend, and don't look to be offended.

It wouldn't be me without some type of generally rude comment (not pointed at anyone, peace dude :hippie: ), so here it is. After watching about 2/3 of last sunday's football, I suspect I've watched my last American football game as a matter of principle. Well at least I thought I had tuned in to watch football. I had really noticed this trend during fall football games, but Sunday was too much:

A few plays - 3 commercials - touchdown - 4 commercials - point after kick - 3 commercials - kick off - 4 commercials - 3 plays and punt - 4 commercials. Repeat for several hours.

I have many reasons why soccer is better than football, and here is one of them. On March 16 the 3 of us have tickets to see Everton play Fulham in west London. At 1:30 the match will kick off. The first half will be played straight through without breaks or TV timeouts. Halftime will take 10-15 minutes. The second half will start, and will go about 48 minutes with injury time, again without breaks or TV timeouts. We'll be out of the stadium a bit before 3:30. No wonder American TV hates the game, there aren't any breaks in play so they can bombard us with "a few words from out sponsors."

By the way, I have registered for the Minnie. I love the 15K distance. Today is the first tempo workout, half mile repeats, training to hold sub-9 mmpm pace on May 4. So I'll see many of you ladies on early May. I would make the required comment about hoping for a cool and dry morning, but I assume on May 4 in Orlando that isn't bloody likely.

I personally never read any comments that were negative towards anyone in the whole shirt drama. :confused3

I know this group would still accept me even though I still have a massive leftover mommy belly that will probably be hanging to my knees in another twenty years or so. I can't say that for people that I come across thru my daily life - neighborhood, DH's co-workers and friends...

I appreciate that, this place will let me try to run w/o judging me like I shouldn't be trying. And most importantly, encourage me when I have nobody at home (except DH) doing so.

As a VERY new WISHer, I wouldn't expect my ideas or input to be given the same weight as people who have been here for months, or more.

Actually I think everyone on the team has an equal vote/voice, new or old. I think that's the cool thing about this forum. If the 100+ of us met IRL once a month, most of us would sit in the back while 4 or 5 people did all the talking. Online, everyone gets to have a voice.

I agree with Cecilia, feels like growing pains. We've grown a little bit every year, but I think last year, we experienced phenomenal growth.

Generally, this time of year is a time of change for the team. Marathon weekend's over so there's more time to deal with team administrative stuff. When we started the weekly threads (Jan 2005) I used to try to post a question at the beginning of each week just to get people talking (and I was new so I had a lot of questions back then ;) ). Now the team is easily self-sustaining. I think Dave's game idea is brilliant and a great way to take some of the pressure off the weekly thread. I see a lot of people mentioning that the weekly threads are overwhelming and I feel bad because I can't fix that. I think the game helped.

Dave...don't stop the game. I like the small group because I'm getting to know people like Nancy and Jeanne who hangout more on the walkers thread. We've also found out there's a bunch of secret Trekkies on my team and Jeff's and a bunch of us are turning 40 together this year (that way I don't have to go kicking and screaming into the next decade alone ;) )

I look at these smaller groups like the Minnie group, Philly group, Walkers group etc as Special Interest Groups. We're a large enough team now that we can accomodate these SIGs while still maintaining our integrity and group focus as a team.

I do sometimes miss the 'old' days when we were smaller and everyone knew everyone. I still can't believe there were people at the Pop meet that I didnt' get to meet :eek: But I don't think growth is bad and I don't want to stop. Every person that joins us means that what we're doing is good and right and beautiful. I really enjoy new members joining us, especially those folks who are brand new to the journey like I was back in the day. Being 'old' around here, I miss the excitement of that first year's discoveries about the things my body could do that I never would have imagined. It's great to have the new folks coming in because their enthusiasm is infectious and I feel like I can give back to them with what I've learned from a team that has given me so much.

Shirts...I'll take the hit on that one. I was the one that pushed for the new tech shirts, then stepped back and asked if we were doing too much with all the options floating around. Mega apologies for all the turmoil. It was never my intention to make other teammates feel excluded or divided.
Well...I'm still relatively new here.

I must have missed a bunch of stuff, though...there are people who don't want to do the challenge? Is it because of some smack talk or people wanting it to be sort of competitive? I am competitive, and I sure would like our team to post big numbers....but I wouldn't come down on anyone who does less...we're all at different levels of fitness, different degrees of time available, life happens, etc... I think if it propels anyone to get up and go for a walk, or walk/run a little more often, or whatever, then that is great!!! I'll be putting up bigger numbers later in the spring and summer, but it's not to make anyone feel bad...it's just part of my training...and yes, I'd like to "keep up" with some of the other athletes.

No opinion on the shirts...missed that whole discussion.

And....what is LTO/WTO????

Happy training/moving/being healthy!!!:thumbsup2
Thank you for the cheering up words. I have to admit when I came on this morning and read the weekly I was very upset. I love the WISH people and the WISH concept. I was hurt deeply that people thought I was breaking up the board with my game idea.

I see the WISH as an ideal that stands for something more than it's parts. A lot of us carry the scars of many of lifes battles. Someone once said that true courage and character is judged by how many times you can take what life hands you and still get back up and go on.

True happiness is not chasing being "perfect", some times you have to accept what you can do and what you can't. WISH to me is kinda about that. We are all equally special wonderful people reguardless of our strengths and weaknesses.

A special thank you to those of you who sent me PMs to cheer me up, believe me it helped a lot.:love:



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