Wk of Feb 25--WISH Walking/Running Club

Moms2girls, I use to be a nail tech. and if your missing toe nail bothers you then you can always have an acyrlic nail put on.

My friend and I snowshoed for 2 miles today and boy was it a killer. The wind was blowing like crazy and it was bitter cold. The snow came to our ankles and in some spots to our calves....we witnessed a small avalanche (across from us on another mountain), which was neat to see. Trust me we were in a safe area.after our workout we soaked in the hot tub for 30 mins. now I'm ready for a nap! lol
I just did 4.5 miles on the track. It was nice - school vacation week & apparently people don't exercise! I did my w3/r1 for the first 2 miles. My asthma was bothering me (darn cats at my friends's house yesterday!), so I walked the last 2.5 miles. Total time was 59:27.

Chad signed us up today for that stretching class for 'athletes' that starts next week. :scared1: I think we are the only 2 people signed up though, so it might be cool to have semi-private classes! The class holds 30 and no one else was signed up today - class starts Tuesday.

Ashley - I just wear the Nike uni-**** sports bras. Works for me!

I better get by behind to sleep and get to work early tomorrow. More snow coming & I better be there early to make sure the crappy school closings program works! :rolleyes: I swear that program is going to be the death of me - it never runs correctly. Then producers start freaking out & yelling at me since all the other stations have theirs up. Gosh, I love my job. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: At least I get to surf the internet all day! :)
Hi WISH Team!

I'm going to start from here and work backwards as best I can.

Monica, I've got to say I so love to read about your snowshoe extravaganzas. I'd like to try that, but not here.

Ashley, funny you should mention that you are shopping for the jog bra. I have Moving Comfort, and really like them--for here. I used them over the Goofy time and I must say, I need to find something else. I have been looking at the Enell, but they are $$. Yet if it means comfort, I am so tempted. I was very chaffed at the chest band such a "road rash" it was not happy. I don't want to face that for the Minnie. You might try your local running store. That is where I got the Moving Comfort ones.

Stephanie, I think you're in taper mode no? Relax and don't push.

Jeff, cute story about "Wild Tod" I'm sure if there were pics that they will be cute.

Cecilia, oh I'm sorry about your hamstring pain. Take it easy. Hope you were close to being able to get home without too much struggle.

MelR and Dr. Phil--good for getting in the steps. Maybe your bodies are still tired or just need a slow time back in. You've been giving it a lot these days.

Christa, hope you get that doc apt. and get it figured soon. PD to you.

Kristi, ouch on those nails. You might want to have the shoes double checked. I'm still going through the "healing" from the Goofy, but I know someone who had a pedicure w/o a nail and they applied a fake one for her so she felt all pretty again and comfy with her sandals. Now she is not a runner and could wear her sandals. For me, I'd probably stick them in my running shoes and off they'd pop!

Bill--Good luck in the race to get the paint on before the baby.

I'm mostly on track with my training for Minnie. Only difference is I am using elliptical instead of TM for the running part. I'm swogging, swimming, weight machines and stretching stretching stretching. I'm kinda nervous since I'm really not putting in too many "real" steps and the few I've done have made me worried. Oh well, can't change things just keeping at it. Hoping for the best.

I think I'll miss the Idol results tonight. Going to the gym and still waiting for DH since he's wanting to go with me. We work out totally differently, but we are there in the same building and I like that he is trying.
Coming out of lurking and (and a full week of unexcused non-running :blush: )to announce that I just got my Garmin Forerunner today!

Hopefully that will motivate me to get back out there. It just hasn't been happening this week. Stress OVERLOAD! Bleah.

Hope everyone's doing well! Here's hoping that I'll be able to keep up better next week!
Hi, everyone!
Cecilia -- I am so sorry you are in pain. Sending pixiedust: for a quick recovery! Take it easy! :goodvibes:

Well, I finally did it! Not only did I beat my PR for 5K (on the treadmill) of 40:22, but I also jogged for 16 minutes straight!!!! :cool1: :banana:
My 5k time was 39:44!!!! My first-ever sub-40 minute 5K!!!!
MAN, I really wish I could do this pace outside. But jogging on uneven sidewalks/streets is so scary when you can't see it. But, how fun! And I couldn't wait to tell you guys! Overall pace 12:49.
Well, unfortunately, I wasn't able to get my run in today. I had to stay late at work setting up for our gymnastics unit which is starting tomorrow, and I also I had to get ready for a presentation I am giving at a conference tomorrow, which means I had to make sub plans for school also, and that was all after I did my afterschool program, and taught 5 classes today! So, after finishing all that I just didn't get a chance to do my run. Oh well, it will have to wait until tomorrow.

Mel-Good Luck in your race this weekend, sounds like you will have great weather!
Martha--Have fun in New Orleans!
Jen--I hope your foot is feeling better soon! Be sure to rest it. I hope you make it to your retreat with all that snow-Hang in there!
Minnie--How did the new job go today?
Angie--Hope the knee is feeling better soon! Please take care of that.
Anne--Yikes! An open course doesn't sound good. I am not sure would want to race on an open course. Good Luck this weekend!
Matt--WTG on your PFT! Good Luck this weekend!
Christa--Hope you are feeling better really soon! I know the feeling, I am finally getting over being sick, I wasn't feeling well for about 3 weeks.
Melissa--WTG for getting your first run since the 50k in...and a great pace too!
Cecilia---Sorry to hear that your hamstring is bothering you. I am glad you decided to stop when the pain worsened. Take it easy and don't push it till it is feeling better!
Jeff--Your DD must have been so cute riding through the house with all her gear on! Don't worry about skipping your race, you should rest your foot so you don't make it any worse. There will be plenty of other races!
Ashley--WTG on your run!
monte--sounds like an awesome workout that you got snowshoeing!
Lily--Hope you had a great workout in the gym....I was disappointed by the Idol results, thought the wrong people got voted off, but oh well, that's how the show works!
TxAng--Can't wait to hear how you like your new Garmin--I really need to get myself one of those!!!
Cam--WTG ON YOUR 5K!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: Isn't it a great feeling when you have a great run like that!!!

Sorry if I missed anyone! Hope you all have a great friday!!!
Hi All,

I am going to try & do a big catch-up here….sorry for being so long.

Carrie – Great job on the Ice Festival 5k. I can see from the photos why it is called an “ICE” Festival. Glad you got your confidence back on the TM. Sounds like you’ve gotten a real mixed bag of weather today. ;)
Melissa – Very scary having the roof rack with the kayak’s on it fall off the car. :scared1: Glad it wasn’t more serious.
Mel – I haven’t read Non-Runners Marathon Trainer. It sounds like a book I will have to check out. I like the idea about a paragraph to repeat to yourself to help through the rough spots. It looks like you’ve come up with a great paragraph for yourself! Good luck on the race this weekend!
KristiRed – Like the new name. That is too funny that John was in your dream….hope he didn’t go someplace too good without me. :lmao:
Mike/Optimator – Good job on your runs!
Angie – Best of luck with the new job. Sorry you are having problems with your knee. pixiedust:
Dena – Sorry you have been sidelined on your walking. pixiedust: that you are feeling better soon.
Dave – How’s the Tae Kwon Do class going? Bet your DD is loving doing it with you. Very cool that you took the garmin with you sledding.
Cecilia – Congratulations on the new house! Hope the leg is feeling better. pixiedust:
Tiff – Glad you hear you got to do an outside run. I very much prefer being outside too. Hope it works out that you get to do RFTT. John & I will be there. We’re running it together for our 25th Wedding Anniversary.
Christy – Great job on your 3k! The food sounds yummy.
Kim – I always worry about traveling in the winter. Never know when a major storm will hit. I am sure you will have a great time with whichever race you decide to do. John & I will be in WDW for the RFTT in October and for Marathon Weekend in January, so either way we will get to meet you.
Liz – Glad your training is going well.
Martha – Very smart slowly increasing your LR’s. Sounds like a great plan for remaining injury free. Have fun in New Orleans.
Jim – Great race report. Love the competition between you & your DS. Wow…that you finished with the exact same time.
Andrew – Like the new name. Hope you are enjoying your TM.
Lily – Glad you were able to get an outside run in. Sounds like you had a couple of good date nights.
Cam – Good luck on your 5k this weekend! Sending lots of PD to Andrew for some quick healing. Was he able to get in any skiing before breaking his wrist? Was he in the Poconos? I’ve heard the slopes have been pretty icy. Not the best conditions for skiing/snowboarding. Congratulations on the TM 5k PR!
Vic – Great job on the 14 miler!
Anne – Good luck on your race this weekend! A NOT closed course…that could be scary. :scared1: Looking forward to reading your report.
Krista – Hope the IT Band is cooperating with your training. I like your XT….organizing your closet. Have fun shopping for more shoes to fill the new rack. ;)
Jen – Enjoy your quilting retreat! pixiedust: that your foot is feeling better!
Craig – Have fun in New Orleans!
Leana – Good luck with your Minnie training! Great quote!
Colleen – Hope you are having fun in WDW!
Christa – Great LR Report. Loved the photo. You look great after running 8 miles. pixiedust: that you are feeling better soon.
Bill – Glad to hear the calf is feeling better. Have fun painting & setting up the babies room.
Mike/goofyguy – Loved reading your Ugly Mudder race report. Sounds like you had a lot of fun.
Ashley – Great job on your 10 miler. I haven’t had a chance to post my races on the race/events calendar. Will try to get to that soon. Thank you for doing it.
Terri – Thinking about you today. Hope your surgery went well. pixiedust: for a speedy recovery!
Stephanie – Good luck on the race this weekend! The lipstick stop cracked me up.:rotfl2:
Matt – Great race report! Congratulations! And congratulations on your PFT!
Sunny – Sorry you are having a lot of pain. Hope the dr ok’s the increase in meds.
Heather – Sorry you have been sick, but glad to hear you are feeling better. Good luck on your Minnie training.
Judy – Thanks for the background info on Mist. She really has been through a lot. Thanks to you, she will spend the rest of her life being very well taken care of & loved. Loved the photos. It is great that you have a renewed sense of excitement for training.
Susie – Good luck on your half-relay race this weekend.
Laurie – Congratulations on your PR for 3.5 miles!
Steve – Sorry to hear things have been busy at work. Great job keeping up with your training.
Jackie – For me, being signed up for a race seems to help motivate me to get the training done. Great job getting your runs in & congratulations on the 12 minute run! Hope your hips are feeling better.
Claire – Glad to hear you have getting in your jogs, xt, & weight/strength training. Good Job!
Minnie – Best of luck with the new job!
Kevin – Sounds like a fun surprise trip. Belated Happy Birthday!
Maggie – pixiedust: that the elbow continues to feel better. It is so very sad about the little girl next door. It was nice that she knew she had someplace to go.
Jeff – :welcome:
Susan – Glad you were able to run outside!
Judy & Cam – I’m sure you will have a blast at the concert. I may go see Kenny Chesney this summer when he comes to the Arts Center. Got to see Sugarland and Brooks & Dunn last summer. They were both great. Jennifer Nettles has so much energy. I was getting tired just watching her. :lmao:
Kathy – pixiedust: that your toenail grows back quickly.
Monica – Great job getting out there in the wind & bitter cold to snowshoe. I hope to someday get to try it.
TXAng – Enjoy the new Garmin.

Glad to hear so many have been able to get outside for their runs/walks. Really makes you feel like spring is right around the corner.

Also….glad to see so many Nascar fans.:car: I’m a Jeff Burton & Carl Edwards fan, Sean (DS20) is an Dale Jr. fan, and John (DH) roots for the M&M’s car (doesn’t matter who’s driving it :lmao:)

As for my workouts….well, I haven’t been getting in as many as I would like lately. Hope that will be changing next week. Went to Savannah, GA last weekend for a wedding. Drove down 13.5 hours on Friday, wedding on Saturday and then we drove home on Sunday. Ended up stopping in Virginia on the way home due to the ice/snow in the DC area so didn’t end up getting home until Monday afternoon. While we were in Savannah, John & I did get in a short 30 minute run along the river. It was nice to be outside and what a beautiful place to run. Unfortunately though the 30 minutes was all we had time for. Had to go help set up for the reception and then get ready for the wedding. One of my best friends DD has been living in GA with her fiancé who is in the army. He was supposed to be getting out of the army this summer, but was told they were not letting him out and that he was being deployed back to Iraq in August. They decided they wanted to get married before he was deployed. Then a couple of months ago they were informed that the deployment was pushed up to early May. The whole wedding was put together in less then 2 months. The army gave him about a day & a half off to get married. Had to be back out in the field for training on Sunday morning. The wedding was beautiful. For anyone that is familiar with Savannah….the wedding was held in Lafayette Square and the reception was at Chart House. Someday I’d like to get back to Savannah to actually have more time to do some exploring.
Karen--Do you know the date the Kenny Chesney will be at the Arts Center this summer?? I couldn't find a schedule online for the Arts Center yet and they always have great country concerts there. DBF and I saw Toby Keith and Joe Nichols there last summer.

I see you are from Jackson--my sister lives in Jackson, so I spend a lot of time down there visiting with her and my two nieces and nephew. Jackson is a great area.
Hi Everybody,

Didn't get a chance to read through the recent posts. Been in la-la land for most of the day. Just wanted to give my WISH family an update:

Doc said my surgery went well (although my foot is aching like crazy right now. I tried to be tough and not take the pain killer (percoset), but I gave in a few minutes ago. Hopefully, it'll help me sleep through the night. I'm on crutches with NO weight bearing for the next two weeks until I see Doc again. Then we'll see how things are and what the next steps will be. He did say he thought I should be okay in enough time to train for the Nike Women's marathon in Oct. :) (but I'm only doing the 1/2 - to help get ready for Goofy 08).

I'll try to catch up tomorrow. Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes.

Laurie – According to Kenney Chesney’s website, he will be at the Arts Center on Thursday July 26th. We were there for Toby Keith & Joe Nichols too. They both put on great shows. I usually go to 5 or 6 concerts a summer at the Arts Center. Can’t beat the price of lawn seats. We go for quantity of concerts, not quality of seats.:lmao:

Small world that you are in Jackson a lot. It has grown a lot over the years. I have pretty much lived here for the last 33 years. All except for about a year or so when John (DH- Space Ranger) & I first got married. That year we lived up in your neck of the woods….Garfield.
Whew...what a day off for me. I feel like I put in a full day. Before Christmas my DW wife and I had decided to re-decorate our family room. So today was the day I finally went and bought the paint, taped off the trim, etc..etc. One coat is on and I am waiting to apply my second, and most likely, last coat.I feel like I did a workout, I even broke a sweat using the roller. So lets count that as my xt, even though I have been slacking in that dept. this week.
Cam - When I get on my TM for my 5K tomorrow I will have to visualize I am trying to keep up with you.....AWESOME time! I hope Andrew heals fast and is back at it soon. With a name like Andrew I'm sure he's not gonna let this set him back from anything fun!:banana:
Jeff - As a recent delurker myself I say WELCOME!
Kathy - I had a similar problem after the WDW 1/2 with my feet. For whatever reason my shoes decided to rebel against me and I got some wicked blisters and half of my tonail on my left small toe became detached.
Karen _ Ohhhh you betcha I am enjoying myTM...my DW Darcey is even using in frequently (although she initially told me before I bought it that she probably wouldn't) and she loves it.
Angie - I hope your knee gets to feeling better! How is your new job going?
Matt - Congrats on passing your yearly PFT. We live just around the corner from an Army Reserve Center and it's not uncommon to find them doing the running portion of their PFT's on the bike path that runs behind my house.
Terri- Glad to hear you got a good prognosis from your doc! Get well soon and take it easy! You'll be back before you know it.:thumbsup2
Mel - Picked up that Non Runners Marathon Trainer book, and found it interesting that it is based on a class offered at University of Northern Iowa.
Bill - Hope your painting is going better than mine.

A big Go Get 'Em for Cam, Matt, Anne, and Heather for your races on Saturday and to Stephanie, Susie, Vic, Bill, Mel, Chester, and Matt for yours on Sunday! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Good Morning Team: :surfweb:

Wow, I have missed almost a week here because of work. I apologize, but I need to go back and read up on what everyone is doing. I've been keeping up with my training though:

Monday - 4 miles on TM in 9:25 mpm pace
Tuesday - x-training 30 min SWOG/deep water run
Wednesday - 5 miles on TM in 9:31 mpm pace
Thursday - 4 miles, 5x hill repeats outside, 9:20 mpm pace.

I feel very strange not knowing what my team mates are up to. Please forgive me for the drive-by post.
I do have a bra question, though, and I'm sure I've missed it. What kind of sports bras do you like? I do not have runner's ****s, mine are quite real, so I need a real holster for them. Any help?

Sorry guys! I worried about your nipples, now I need some people to help me!


I do have something to add here. One of my female running buddies tried a new bra out at Gasparilla. It had a zipper front in the middle where she carried her Gu's. I'm not sure of the brand.

She liked how it worked. And it gave her one really big uni-b***.

Coming out of lurking and (and a full week of unexcused non-running :blush: )to announce that I just got my Garmin Forerunner today!

Hopefully that will motivate me to get back out there. It just hasn't been happening this week. Stress OVERLOAD! Bleah.

Congratulations!! I hope you like it. I love mine. I just bought the bike adopter so I can use it to track cadance on my new bike.
Good morning, everybody. Happy Friday!!!!! Well, I had to cut my run short last night by 2 miles. I was supposed to do 3, ended up just doing 1. I think my IT band is starting to act up again. Sigh. Remember on Wednesday when I said my quad was tight? Well last night during the run, my IT band was aching, not really hurting necessarily, but I was very aware of where my IT band was. Does that make any sense? I stopped before it started to actually hurt, and then I wondered all night long if my IT band was really hurting or if the pain is psychological. Does it hurt because I am expecting it to hurt? Or does it really hurt? I'm making an appointment to have my running evaluated at my running store to see if maybe I am wearing the wrong shoes or if I need orthodics or maybe even if I need to see a sport therapist. Since they only do the evaluations on Saturday and I can't go tomorrow, I have to wait until next Saturday. So it's back to the elliptical for me!! I just don't understand where my IT band issues are coming from, I hurt it last spring, but it completely healed itself. I didn't have any problems from April-December, my IT band started hurting in the middle of my 18 miler. I wear motion control shoes, I just got new ones in December, I run most of my runs on the TM, so there isn't a crowned road factor and I control the speed so I'm not running too fast without realizing it, I've been following training plans so I'm not ramping up my mileage too fast. It just doesn't make sense. I'll say it again--SIGH!!!!!

Ashley--I wear Champion bras that I get at Target, but I admit, I'm not very well-endowed. ;) I've heard good things about Nike bras for bigger chested women.

Karen--I just bought 2 new pairs of shoes. ;) It sounds like you had a nice time in Savannah, sorry the trip home wasn't the best!!!

Christa--What did the doctor say??

Terri--I am SOOO glad that surgery went so well!! :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for a quick recovery!

Cecilia--:wizard: for your hamstring!

Angie--How's the knee doing? Good luck on your 5K! :wizard:

Cam-- CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are wicked awesome!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Stephanie, Anne, Mel, Bill, Vic, Heather, Cam, and Susie--I'll be thinking about you all this weekend! You guys are going to rock the course!! Can't wait to hear your race reports. :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
I am so behind on posts. How did I get there???

Cam - :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: That didn't warrant a phone call last night? I actually had my ringer on. ;) COngratuations!! You are going to rock on your race!!!

Krista - I am so sorry about your IT issues. I know exactly what you mean about something not hurting, but letting you know it's there. I get that a lot when I'm healing. I don't understand what's going on either. Are you still using the band? :wizard: :wizard:

Terri - Sending you speedy healing dust! :wizard: :wizard:

Karen - What a post! Hope you get more trianing time soon!

Well, I intended to do teh TM last night, but one was broken. After 5 minutes of waiting adn knowing aht I had a lot ot do at home, I gave up and fdid teh elyptical. I put it on a carido program adn holy cow was that hard! I think my quads needed it, though. I'm losing my hill-ability with all my TM works outs. I have no idea how we'll get 5 miles in tomorrow. Right now, it's ice everythere. WIth a high of 33, I don't think the will clear from the bike path anythime soon. :( Looks liek I'll be maxing out my tm time. Yuck! (I can't handle more than an hour on the TM and that's the longest hour of my life. If this keeps up, I may be asking teh Easter bunny for a video Ipod.)
Beep beep... Drive-by.... :car:

Cam-- Way to go!!! That's a great 5K time!!

Terri-- Glad to hear your surgery was a success. :wizard: for some fast healing.

Carrie-- Sister, I feel your pain. I was all good and ready to get out yesterday morning only to find everything coated with a nice thick layre of ice. Then the sleet. Then the rain. Then the thunderstorms. And now it's snowing again. :sad2: I keep having to remind myself that we haven't quite gotten to the four months of nice weather we are alloted per year. :rotfl:

To Everyone Racing this Weekend--- Good Luck!!! Have fun!!!

(Sorry for those I missed... I promise to catch up later...)

So yesterday was a gym day with the weather. I only managed a couple of miles on the treadmill before I had to switch to something different. I know it's really backwards of me, but I run considerably slower on the TM than I do on the roads-- so that gets frustrating (and boring...) So 2 miles in the way too warm gym, then 20 minutes on the elliptical and cool down on the bike. I would expect something similar this evening, since, as I mentioned, it is snowing again... Oh, almost forgot, I booked my hotel for Goofy last night-- I'll be at the Yacht Club.

It's Spring Break next week, so I should be around quite a bit more.... seeing as classes are cancelled and just about everyone in my office is on vacation. Hopefully I'll be able to start a trend and get here every day again. :thumbsup2

Happy training all!
Kevin :earsboy:


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