Wk of Feb 3rd-- WISH Walking/Running Club

The hours/miles team competition is definitely helping me. The motivation of helping the team out is working!
I need a few more game players if anyone is interested?????

Karen every time I click on the link you put up for the spread sheet it crashes my laptop, did you install a Panda block?

Confused Panda:confused:
Panda - The game is definitely motivating me. There've been several times when I wanted to roll over and go back to sleep, but I knew I needed the minutes for the team! (And I get double credit - we're doing a similar challenge at work that pays CASH at the end of the year!)

Susie - Glad you're okay!

DH has informed me that he wants to do a half with me. Looks like we're doing the Crystal Coast in Morehead City in March after all. That means I can't slack anymore, so I went out and did 10 with the group this morning, then came home and took the dog out for 2 more so I could claim 12 for the day!

I'm enjoying the challenge Dave.

When I click on the team stats link I am asked for a password.

Anne, thank you for posting from Susie. I do know it is certainly a terrifying experience. Prayers for all everyone there.

MSDave, :eek: more lime green stuff! OMG! I might have to get something like that for DH for winters here. Often he complains about wrist coldness and I think these "arm gaiters" would be just the thing for him! I'm sure he would LOVE the color choice too!

Karen, good question. Is anyone connected to MelR that can let us know she is ok.
Amy – please take it easy with that arm. You do need it for running, too, sweetie!! ;)

Krista – I thought of you this morning when I saw a beautiful pregnant woman (~ 5 months, I’d guess) walking on a treadmill, looking very content and fit. :cool1:

Susie – I am so glad to hear you and your family are safe. I’m sorry for what you and your friends and neighbors are going through. Sending you huge hugs! :hug:

Anne --Thank you for passing along Susie’s message. :goodvibes

Bubba – Congrats on all the awesome activity you are getting in this week!

Debra – so glad you are feeling better! :cutie:

Hawaii Jeff – WISHing you lots of :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:

MSDave – those are just wayyy too awesome!! If I thought I’d EVER actually train in the bitter cold, I’d NEEEDDD them. But alas, I am a TM junkie. :blush:

Jackie -- :woohoo: on inspiring your DH!!! That is just awesome! I am so impressed that you went out and did 10 this morning!

After being down with the flu for much of this week and even missing two days of work :eek: (those of you who remember my “new case” will realize that missing work for me just is NOT an option!!!), I did get to the gym this morning.

I hit a new PR on the TM – 4.35 miles in 1 hour!!! :woohoo: I am soooo excited! Last weekend, I had hit a new PR of 4.19 miles in an hour, so kicking it up a bit and seeing the monitor read 60:00 and 4.35 felt so good!! I also did a relaxed hour on the bike (only 9.35 miles there), but in two hours I burned about 730 calories. Now, what to eat? ;)
Question for everyone. How do you like the miles/hours game? Do you think it's helping you stay motivated?
Since you asked...
I love that the game has me motivated.
I know I would not have gotten out there probably even half the time this past week if I didn't have my team counting on me.

But, I do not like how it is splintering everyone. I miss my fun-loving WISH group on the main thread. :sad1:
I understand this group has gotten huge and I know things have to, and will change.
That doesn't mean I have to like it. ;)

On a training note - I did 75 mins. of fitness yoga this morning.
My workout today...

3.1 miles at a 10.09 pace.
1.0 miles on the Cross-Trainer.

I feel good! :cool1: :thumbsup2 :woohoo:

Just a warning, classes begin for me on Monday. Although you don't see much of me now, you'll see even less of me for the next 3.5 to 4 months. I will be with you in WISH Spirit though and want you to all keep training hard in my absence. By the time the Minnie rolls around I will be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Be good and don't do anything I wouldn't do while I'm gone. :upsidedow :laughing:


Hey everybody!

I have not been posting much lately. It is really busy at work this week - I'm an admissions director at a private school, and this is the height of the admissions season! Crazy busy - lots of extra meetings etc. - but all good.

I managed to get a nasty cold yesterday, but got out for a short run anyway. It's worse today, so I'm canceling my planned cross-training and just taking it easy. I made the mistake of commenting that "Boy, everyone else is getting sick and I've been so healthy!" thereby jinxing myself! :sick: Hopefully this will pass soon. I'm pretty sure it's just a cold, and not the nasty flu that some of the kids/teachers in the school have gotten.

I'm really loving being part of the team! I have signed up for a mid-April 5K (the Clean Air Run) which will be my first official race. I'm looking forward to it - I'm almost up to 5K in my runs at a respectable 12.5 minute pace.

I'm sending prayers & hugs out to those of you affected by last week's tornadoes. :hug:

Take care!
WWDave - :lmao: Sorry the link is crashing your laptop. I did notice that it sometimes takes a bit to load.

Lily - You do have to create a username/password to log into google to view the spreadsheet. It won't let you make changes to the spreadsheet, only view it. It also tells you who else is viewing it at the same time.

SWDave - Love the arm warmers

Cam - Glad you are feeling better

Kristi - I totally agree....I like the motivation, don't like how it is splitting us up so much. :confused3

:wizard: To those that are sick and/or injured

Sorry to those I've missed. Brain isn't functioning to well at the moment. :laughing:

I was supposed to do 5 miles today but the weather wasn't co-operating so ended up on the TM at the gym. Did 1 hour & ended up with 4.3 miles including the warm-up. Since Minnie training doesn't officially start for me until Monday, I figured the 4.3 was close enough. :rolleyes1

Have a GREAT weekend!
I need a few more game players if anyone is interested?????

I want to play, I want to play!!! I've been feeling left out now that the teams are up and running--all the active threads seem to be team things.

So add me to the list. I'll be glad to do my part.


Did I REALLY commit to a Half Marathon?

I just did a 10K jog/walk in an hour and 20 minutes. I joged 4.6 miles of it so I was pleased with that. Howeer, I think I am dying LOL! This is the farthest I have tried to go since last July 4th!!! Oh MY!! However, I think I can complete the 10K that I signed up for later this month.

I have a feeling i will be sore tomorrow!

I was really afraid the boyfriend would lap me. (I did the 5K course twice at the park and he was doing the 8 mile loop twice.) If he did I missed it thank goodness LOL!

I went shopping for him last night and wound up buying myself a limelight New Balance Tee which I can wear to the Minnie if we don't get shirts by then!

Hope everyone has a great weekend and those of you with events have a great time!

(I think I am going to take a nap! LOL!)
Kristi - I totally agree....I like the motivation, don't like how it is splitting us up so much. :confused3
Thanks for saying that. I was feeling like I was the only one who felt that way and debating writing what I did in that post for a long time (days actually - before Dave asked). Now this whole shirt thing is dividing everyone up further. :sad1:
Thanks for saying that. I was feeling like I was the only one who felt that way and debating writing what I did in that post for a long time (days actually - before Dave asked). Now this whole shirt thing is dividing everyone up further. :sad1:

Kristi- I'm with you on this one too. I may not post alot but I read everything you guys say! The friendliness and support of this board is important to me. I enjoy logging on and seeing where everybody is on their training. Writing something is so much different than saying it. Writing is easily misunderstood, and that's probably where we're having some problems.

I do enjoy the motivation of the team effort, it's made me put in many more miles than I would of normally!

I think UNITY here is very important, especially with so many new teammates. I hope we can get the shirts resolved.

I sure have missed reading everyone's posts the last couple of days but my life went CRAZY :upsidedow !!

Even when I was the heaviest into my classes at school I never experienced anything like I did the last couple of days at work!!! I am REALLY sorry I don't have time to catch up with everyone and I am going to try really hard to keep up next week :rolleyes1 but I just had to tell you guys something:


:dance3: I DID 5 MILES IN 50 MINUTES!!!!!:dance3: yeah!!!! I couldn't wait to get home and tell you guys!!!
Cam - Congratulations on your TM PR! You are absolutely rocking! :banana:

Angie - That's TERRIFIC! I know that feels so good. :cool1:

Carol - Great job on your 10K! Naps are just fine - my DH will confirm that he usually finds me sound asleep after my Saturday LR.

Kira - Feel better soon.

While online looking at registration for the half we're planning to do, I discovered there's a 5K downtown tomorrow...

Hey guys! Just thought I'd check in as I really haven't been able to say hi lately. So....Hi! :) Am I the only one who's having an incredibly hard time keeping up with the weekly thread, the miles threads, and the shirt orders threads? And then there's this little crazy thing called WORK that seems to get in the way of all of this fun. :sad2:

I'm glad to see everyone's doing pretty well and making great progress. Can you believe it's been a month since marathon weekend?? Seems like it's been no more than 28 or 29 days, but not a month. ;)

Ok, so let me tell you about my biking today. I went out for a nice (supposed to be ) 40 miler this morning. The air was crisp, the spinning felt easy, life was good. Then about 12 miles in, I started to feel my front tire getting low on air pressure. A flat. No big deal, I had a spare tube and always have my tools with me. So 15 minutes and one tube later, I was ready to go again. I was planning to do 20 miles out and back, but figured I should probably head back towards the car since I didn't have a spare anymore and I thought that once I got back near my car, I could do a few out-n-backs closer to safety in case I had more problems. Well, I got about 3 miles before my front tire started going flat AGAIN! Stupid me, I think I had pinched the new tube against the sidewall, but sure enough, it was leaking. I stopped and pumped the last of my CO2 catridge into the tire and kept going. I made it another half mile before it was completely flat. :sad2: So there I am, in my biking cleats, in the middle of nowhere on a bike trail 8.5 miles from the car. I figured with my cleats or in my bare feet, it would take me about 2.5 to 3 hours to make it back to the car pushing my bike. Luckily, I always carry my cell, so I called Krista who was only minutes from heading out the door for a 2 hour walk. She looked me up on Google Earth, mapped it out, and picked me up and took me to my car. Did I ever mention that she's the best? :thumbsup2 So two hours after I got my second flat, I made it back home. And in one piece, so I really can't complain.

Anyway, I'll stop talking about me. I'm going to go back and catch up with a thread that has gotten way out of my reach (so why ARE we so chatty this week?? :) ). Hope everyone's having a great weekend. Good job to all getting those steps in!

Wow Steve....quite an adventure! So glad Krista was able to rescue you :). It's really odd that you had this issue today..Scott and I were *just* talking today about how we both know it's just a matter of time before we get a flat on one of our long rides. And yeah...being in those bike cleats is NOT cool...those cleats aren't made for walkin' LOL! I really need to get the kit...not that it helped you today...BUT...it's one of those things that I've not purchased yet. :rolleyes1 Your story just reminded me that I need to make that trip to the bike shop tomorrow. Great effort though! Too bad you couldn't get that 40 mile ride in...our team sure as heck needs the miles :laughing: .

Speaking of which...WOW...everyone is posting such wonderful hours and miles! :thumbsup2 Lots of activity going on for sure.

Angie: AWESOME RUN!!! Congrats :)
I have to agree that the up front work in the competition has kept me off the training thread, my true love. Now that we have it working I'll be able to focus on training.


Way to Go with the 5'er after surgery. Be sure to take it slow and build up after the shock to your body.


1 more semester and you're done. Of course I once said the same thing, and then went back to College for 5 more years. Interested :idea: .


Your story has a happy ending thanks to Krista. However, you cost the Rabbit's a bunch on miles. If you look at team 5 you'll see ThunderMatt put in98 miles last week, so we really need to bang out some miles.

I'm getting back after the marathon. Tomorrow is the first tempo run, a bunch of 1/2 mile repeats, easy then hard, and REPEAT (until you keel over and puke :laughing: ).


:dance3: I DID 5 MILES IN 50 MINUTES!!!!!:dance3: yeah!!!! I couldn't wait to get home and tell you guys!!!

Angie -- I am sorry work was crazy (been there, living that!), but WOOHOO!!! :woohoo: Awesome run, kiddo! :cool1: I am so happy for you!!! party: Now, REST!!!! :hug:

Steve - That story could have turned out SOOOOO ugly, though I am sure Craig would not have minded you cranking out another 3 hours worth of exercise! :lmao: So glad Krista was there to rescue you! Girls ROCK!!! :hug:

Thank you, Jackie! :love:
I am sorry for not posting on the main thread, but between work and school I have not been able to get on much. But I will try to get better about it. Well nothing really new for me to report. I am doing well in classes they are just keeping me very busy. Lots of work to be done, plus I have been trying to work in lots of gym time. I hope everyone is doing well.


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