Wk of Jan 15--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we're a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. Some of us are training for the 2006 Disneyland Half and for the 2007 WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news/training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

Here's the Marathon FAQ, a great place to answer your marathon questions:
Disney Marathon FAQ
And some websites for further running/walking info:
The John Bingham site:
Jeff Galloway's site:

Pacing Calculator
Howard...glad to hear you came through well!

Cam...your photos are great! I love the one of you and Rhonda on Main Street!

Helen...answered your lost and found question on last week's thread, sorry, shoulda put it here :upsidedow Glad to see you're back safely and was very happy to have met you!

Heather...so your shoes are on a train? :confused:

Lisa...I saw a lady in the full wearing a shirt that said We Need More Cowbell!

Carrie...where are you?

Sunny...so you'll have Goofy next year and the whole family running along with you? Sounds pretty cool :cool1:

Maggie...congrats on your 1.5m! I trained on a walk/run program for this year's half, but want to train on the run/walk for next year. I want to have more time for photos and potty stops next time :hyper:

Christy...yay! Glad to see you'll both be back next year!

Sara...thanks for the info! After seeing the corrals this year, I definitely want to start as far up as I can ::yes::

Nancy...come on down for the Grouper Run! Looks like a nice course, though I can't promise you castles or characters.

Back into training mode for me. I've been following the first post-race recovery week in MFM, but stretched today's LR to 4 miles instead of 2 to keep me on track for the Sarasota half in March. I felt slow (14:33), but had a frigid 23mph wind with 32mph gusts to run with. I still need to work on XT and now that y'all mention it, probably need to get some more tempo runs.

Have a good week!
oops, I accidentally posted to last week's thread:

TXBelle said:
For those following the running shoe saga: Ordered new Asics to replace new Asics that DH sold at garage sale for $1. UPS misdirected the package to a rail car around Mesquite, TX on Tuesday (according to Tracking information). No sign of running shoes, no real person to talk to at UPS, and no response to e-mails by UPS Customer Service. :faint:

Heather, when we met at MK and parted ways I walked about 10 feet and it hit me, "SHOES!" She's the one with the shoes :rotfl2: Actually, I'm kindof amazed at how slow I was to put real people with screen names.

So sorry to hear of your pain. Hoping it goes quickly :wizard:
Chimera, I am interested in following MFM. At least i think I am....tell me alittle more about it, most importantly, when do you begin training? I am interested in the full next year.


renee :flower3:
wiskband said:
Chimera, I am interested in following MFM. At least i think I am....tell me alittle more about it, most importantly, when do you begin training? I am interested in the full next year.
renee :flower3:

Marathoning for Mortals by John Bingham, a self-described 'adult-onset' athlete. I think he says he didn't start running until he was 42 or 43. They interviewed him before the start of the half and the girl interviewing him obviously had no clue who he was :sad2:

The book has training programs for both the half and the full, plus chapters on equipment, nutrition, the whole race experience. The training programs are for walking, walk/run, run/walk and running. The half is 14 weeks, I believe the full is 20 weeks. I'm bizarre, so I doubled up the half program and did each of the first 11 weeks twice, partly for confidence and partly due to my schedule so that if I missed a run, there'd always be another week to do it.

The other book I liked was the Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer. Great for the mental aspects of endurance events.
Just saw this contest for 2 free entries for the Minnie, including two nights at a Disney Hotel and tickets to the parks for two days for 2.....so if you win, you HAVE to bring me!! Good luck! It would be great if someone here wins it....especially me :rotfl2:

Minnie Marathon Contest
Liz - NOOOOOOOO - dont tell anyone about it!!!!! I was keeping it on the down low so i would win :teeth:
MelRhoads said:
Liz - NOOOOOOOO - dont tell anyone about it!!!!! I was keeping it on the down low so i would win :teeth:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Well, I was hoping that at least if I didn't win.....somebody here would! I can dream can't I? :sunny: :flower3: :upsidedow
I have been reading all your posts for awhile now, and you all have inspired me to train for the full next year. I have always wanted to do it, but never been motivated enough to try. Well, reading all the stories from this year's event has me really motivated to try. I am very active, I just don't run that much. I play ice hockey 2 times a week, and I am a physical education teacher, so I am very active. I started running this past week, I went 3 times for 2 miles! That is more running than I have done in a long time!!

I am very excited to train for this, and I figure I have year to train so I can do it. Thank you to all of you for the motivation to do this!!!
Okay, I'm glad that I figured out what was going on. I hadn't realized that you guys started a new thread each week.

I hate to admit that last night I was up until 1:30AM looking through the lost photos from the half marathon~ silly me. (After working a 12.5 hour shift at the hosptial) :rotfl2:

Here are two things I was wondering: 1- Did anyone get swept from the half?
2- They turned off the scoring devices at 3:55 hours (allowing for the last person to cross the finish line and 3:30 mintues for the event) for the half- did everyone from the back of corral H really get through in 25 mintues? :confused3 I was in G and I don't think I made it across until 6:26 (or so- I got so excited that I forgot to look at my official start time) and I crossed the finish line at 3:58. (My husband asked me if I was the last peson to cross the finsh- I just laughed really hard) I guess I would have really liked to have made it across the finish before they shut off the clocks :( - but I guess after doing the half with no training- I should just be pleased to have finished at all.

Okay- just venting for a second...done now.

I officially registered for my first race ever!! St. Patty's Chicago 5K run/walk.

I figured while I had the credit card next to the laptop--I would just go ahead and register for the 2007 Half Marathon!!

So I am officially registered! :banana:

My Dh even said he may think about registering for the half or full. :earsboy:

I'm back!!!!! It killed me not to be able to check here in WDW, but I survived. ;) TRs with photos and dial up stinks, but mine is posted.

OK, who died in their first r/w yesterday? OK, I did 26 on SUnday and wanted to crawl for 3 yesterday. How sad is that.

FYI - Dh wants to go back to prove this year was not a fluke. He's not ready to sign up yet, but we're thinking hard about it. If I run, I may do the half instead, but I may not want dh to show me up either. ;)

Still have tons of catching up tp do. It was wonderful meeting everyone Saturday - Monday adn spend time time with Helen and Tim Wednesday. The surprise visit by solo was awesome too! Not sure if I should be honored that I was not too weird for him to introduce himself in the tour or offended that it took him over halfway through to decide to do it. ;) ;) Boy did it catch me off guard to have someone walk up and sak if I was from MI. What did I do? lol.

Craig - Huge congrats on teh goofy, wish I had gotten a chance to tell you inperson!

Congrats to all that I missed. Maybe next yeaer I can get to TE!!! ::yes::

Welcome to the new team memebers! Enjoy the ride!
magslite said:
I officially registered for my first race ever!! St. Patty's Chicago 5K run/walk.

I figured while I had the credit card next to the laptop--I would just go ahead and register for the 2007 Half Marathon!!

So I am officially registered! :banana:

My Dh even said he may think about registering for the half or full. :earsboy:


Congratulations Maggie! I hope it isn't too cold or windy- yikes. (I work in Chicago) Good luck! Let me know if you find any cool running stuff down there...
OK - I'm finally back at it (at least a little) We went climbing yesterday. I only climbed 2 routes, but I lead one, which is a big deal for me, b/c I never lead! I didn't fall :teeth: I have to say I was pretty happy about that too. I fall all of the time when I toprope climb, but you only really fall a few inches, but I did not want to fall while I was leading b/c it could be several feet!

Today, I got to mt. bike and go on a 30 minute walk with my neighbor. I actually did not fall/crash mt. biking today, which is totally rare!!!! I think I've got a mt. bike/trail run planned for thursday and maybe a trail run on tuesday. I feel a little hyper!!!!!!! Didn't even nap today (big shock)

Carrie - I'm so glad you are back. I have been waiting to hear about your race. I was the person who introduced myself somewhere near the end! I totally loved the shirts. They were so awesome for picking people out on the course!!!! I actually got to see you and your man finish! Very inspiring!
Celeste - I am hoping for an early spring! :earsboy: I found this website for the Chicago area runners association. They list all the races for the year. I just counted out 8wks (since I just started the 5k training program) and chose this one. I run in an inside track now, but will move outside before the 5k.

I am also a nurse - I work tele in the suburbs.

Have you run any local races?

Maggie and Celeste.....There are a few of us getting ready for the Captal City Half Marathon in Columbus....and then for the Chicago Distance Classic...you guys ought to think about joining us for them! Lily and I had a GREAT time at the Chicago Distance Classic last year and would love to see a few more WISHers there!! Columbus is April 1, and the Chicago Distance Classic is August 13th. Last year the Chicago race was awesome...and the weatehr was quite plesant! We had a great time...do think about joining us....and that goes for anybody else too...I am having a slumber party at my house for Chicago and you are all invited!! :sunny:

:cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
I got 6 miles run over the past week 3 on Monday 3 on Tuesday. Then I got a blister on my arch that is only now healing so hopefully next week I will be able to run more.

Does anybody have any hints on blisters and how to prevent them on the arches?? I don't have any problem with toes and have the blister proof socks which apparently don't work where I need them to. I think I'm going to try moleskins next week but would love more ideas. :)
I got a nice blister today too....and I am bummed! I use LOTS of body glide and I also put about a teaspoon of Blister Sheild in my "blister proof" socks. I think I am just one of those who will ALWAYS get blisters. At least mine are on my toes....the ones on teh arches sound really painful! Feel better soon!
magslite said:
Celeste - I am hoping for an early spring! :earsboy: I found this website for the Chicago area runners association. They list all the races for the year. I just counted out 8wks (since I just started the 5k training program) and chose this one. I run in an inside track now, but will move outside before the 5k.

I am also a nurse - I work tele in the w. suburbs.

Have you run any local races?


Another nurse :banana: I am a Neurosurgical ICU nurse at Rush- but live in Lake County. :upsidedow

No, I have not run any local races- I walked my first half marathon last week at WDW. I am not a runner- :rotfl2: I just want to be. I looked up the info online for the St. Paddy's day run....looks interesting. For some reason I think I am working nights during that time frame....I don't function very well during those times. :faint: So, I don't think I will be joining you for that one.


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