Wk of Jan. 20th-- WISH Walking/Running Club

Ooops, Carrie - I am a bad Helen - I know exactly when that was as well. Thursday,right after the parade - I remember looking over and thinking 'I know you' but by the time that thought had actually reached my conscioiusness and translated into 'go say hello' I was down the road and Tim was mission 'get to the monorail'! In my defence, I was also being weepy as that was our last minutes in Disney until who knows when which always traumatises me! So, sorrrryyyyyy....

Not much else to report, it's Australia Day here, which is kind of like the 4th of July. I've never lived in a country that's celebrated it's national day before so it's quite exciting - we've got boat races all round the harbour, jet plane fly pasts and fireworks - and it's sunny too.

Tim has just come in and said 'what are you doing?' I'm sure he thinks Im going ot sign up for 2009 and not tell him! If only he knew the Tower of Terror is the one I really want to do as I'm desperate to do Disney at Halloween!!! I really need to win the lottery. Helen
Cam, great idea to add another medal for your tasting session reminder. Fantastic opportunity. I'm sure someone will need no convincing to do that.

Becky, congratulations! This is such a great opportunity in so many ways! Family, remember--WISH Team is your Family!
Helen - No, I'm sorry. No one should be held accountable for their actions during their last moments in Disney. :sad1:
Hey Carrie - Since you are Helen brought it up... DH said he ran into you on Tuesday (our last day) when I was off with the kids (I think we were buying candy!). I was like... WHAT, you didn't make her wait for me to come back! I was so sad to have missed you! I am seriously giving you a hard time at Minnie just to make up for all the missed out time at the marathon!!! :lovestruc
Oh, I have to ask you guys something.
Howard and I have to go to Orlando at some point late summer or early fall to do a tasting session for cocktail hour and reception foods. Don't you think it would be a GREAT idea to do that the day before the race for the taste? :rolleyes1 I think SOMEBODY may need some convincing. :confused3 Can you imagine that? :sad2:

Yep and I think a follow-up session around the end of October (Tower of Terror) is also a good idea. Just tell Howard it is part of the planning and since he told you to have fun, you are planning on it. That way you can write off the expense as a wedding cost. ;)

Ok, Cam I had a senior moment and had to think what you were referring to when you were referring to your VR journal. Then I realized you met it was right here on the DIS, dah. What a wonderful love story.

Jeanne--- Gosh again this week I have to come and slap you upside your head. You did it and no one can take that away from you run, walk or crawl. You earned that medal. As a side note I called AAA to have my dummy DCL reservation changed to the 5/23/09 date.

Hi to everyone else. These threads are moving to fast for me to catch up with everyone.

Yep and I think a follow-up session around the end of October (Tower of Terror) is also a good idea. Just tell Howard it is part of the planning and since he told you to have fun, you are planning on it. That way you can write off the expense as a wedding cost. ;)


Bill -- I LOVE the way you think!!! :hug:

Ok, Cam I had a senior moment and had to think what you were referring to when you were referring to your VR journal. Then I realized you met it was right here on the DIS, dah. What a wonderful love story.

. . . I called AAA to have my dummy DCL reservation changed to the 5/23/09 date.

Hi to everyone else. These threads are moving to fast for me to catch up with everyone.


Thank you so much, Nancy!! OH, and are you sure you wouldn't want to move that cruise back JUST a little bit to tie into Princess weekend 2009, whatever and whenever that might be? Geez, we are getting devious, aren't we? ;)
I know this is late, but Amy Beth (I think) asked about running and training for a marathon....I agree with Matt..look on beginnertriathlete.com. I log my WOs there and go by the training plans somewhat. I also only run around 3X a week even when training for a marathon. I know others may do more, but this has worked for me.

Runnin 15 tomorrow in the yearly shirt run.

I know everyone is having a hard time keeping up, but this happens every year. Give it a month. Then, like the YMCA, it will be not as busy. Everyone is excited about post marathon and the new year.
Cam - I'm so happy for you and Howard and your family. What a great love story, indeed! :goodvibes :cloud9:

Jeanne - I get the same reponses from some people as well when asked about my finishing time. :rolleyes: It kind of diminishes the joy of compeleting it...for about 2 nanoseconds. Ha! A funny thing happened as Karen and I were walking at MGM during the marathon. The Evil Queen character was watching us and others as we walked by close to where she was standing. She yelled at us that we were supposed to be running - giving us her evil eye. I yelled back that at least it was more than what she was doing. She didn't say another word. :laughing:

Angie - from one former "quitter" to another - :hug: I'm still not quite to the point where I enjoy the training but these races really give me something to look forward to and feel better about myself. I will say that everytime I get a little faster or reach a new milestone, I get a new high. I'm hooked thanks in large part to the WISH team. :thumbsup2

I saw the Spirit of the Marathon movie last night in Little Rock. We had to drive for 1.5 hour there but it was worth it. :thumbsup2 The theater was pretty full. I didn't know a soul. I too looked for WISHers in the race and wished there could be others in the theater as well. There were a group of people sitting behind me and Steve talking about the Disney marathon and knowing some folks that did the Goofy. They talked for quite a bit about it. I so wanted to pop out my Mickey medal that I still have in my purse :rolleyes1 but I didn't. Oh, but I wanted to. ;)
Susie--what theater? Scott and I are interested if they show it again!

Got in 3.something today--had some sleet/freezing rain, so had to leave early. Hope everyone has a good night

Cam--What FlBill said!:thumbsup2
OK SO I HAVE REACHED THE BREAKING POINT :scared1: I have to run or I'm just going to lose it. NO seriously this has been the worst week at work I have had since I graduated and it sucks but... I went to dinner at Carrabas -- YUM favorite restaraunt inthe WHOLE world:) , where I tried to console my self with raspberry martini. :cool1: 2 for 1 there you know, so Im walking around like a lush with 2 in my hand waiting for DH and kids, enjoying the peace:rolleyes1and guy going out door in front of me drops it back on me and 2/3 of one of the drink spills all over me and my sweater. PERFECT ENDING TO THE PERFECT WEEK!!! :eek: So what do I do but slam the other 1/3 and put the glass on the table and proceed to the next drink.

But seriously to the good part of my night, proceed to Dick's sporting goods to get new pair of running shoes, still have same shoes from MINNIE last year. Even though not too much training going on last 9 months still way too long. BUT GUESS WHAT I GOT -- - WISH SHOES Seriously I always wear Asics 1110 so now we are moving on to 1120 - I know wayyyy behind the time but what appeared before me but lime green wish shoes. ON SALE!!!!!!:dance3: Im not talking just lime green trim, Im talking lime green all under the mesh. I looked all over the internet for good pic but could not find so like the running dork that I am took a pic for you guys


So I don't know if you can see but they are WISH shoes made for the WISH team I am sure of it. OK so now I just need, shirt, visor etc to go with it.

Ok the bad news is after all my inspirational posts I feel a little down today. DH and I have always trained together and stayed pretty even as far as pace/distance etc. Well tonight was a major wake up call that he is WAYYYYYY ahead of me now and I don't know if I can eve catch up? He ran 7 at 8:45 pace :love: He is my hero and he would stay with me wherever we are whatever we do. But I used to be right there with him and it frustrates me.

Sorry for extremely long post but I do have quick ? about shoes. Do you guys wear your running shoes 1 size too big or 1/2 size too big. I have been wearing one full size too big 8.5 instead of 7.5 but it has always felt kind of wierd and they didn't have 8.5 in WISH shoe so I got 8 but now I'm paranoid!!!

Sorry again

I'm so jealous, I WISH I would of been able to go see the Spririt of the Marathon movie. I can't wait for it to come out on DVD in the summer! Thanks for all your reviews.
hi guys i know im only here every now and then but i am back training for my 1st full marathon in april at big sur cali, anyone else doing that one? i am thinking of signing up for the goofy but i know its filling quick. Anyone who didnt get the chance to see spirit of a marathon last night should make every effort for the feb showing. it was awesome. we didnt have too many people show maybe 40 at our theater but still it leaves you beyond motivated. :) hope you guys had a good week. happy jogging
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

OK, I decided not to do my LR with the Fleet Feet group this morning. I think trying to keep up with them is pushing me too fast, and that's what's irritated my ITB. I'm going to go to the gym and hit the exercise bike. Boring, but I'll put on the DIS Unplugged Podcast to entertain me.

Angie- Hang in there darlin'. It does sound like you've had a lousy week, but it also sounds like you are dropping into a negative mindset. Try to break out of it if you can. Think about the positive things - such as the shoes you found. The size 8s may work for your running, but if they don't - don't get down on yourself. You can use them for your everyday shoes, and have a constant reminder of your WISH team support.
Hey, Angie, sweetie! Congrats on the awesome shoes!! Woohoo! They are rockin' !!!! I WISH I could wear that style but I need a really wide toe box. I dont' know what to suggest on the size. I have the weirdest running shoe situation. I wear an 8 or 8.5 dress shoe but my running shoes are 9.5W! :eek:

Kim -- I don't know of anyone doing that marathon but wanted to WISH you luck with your training! :goodvibes
Love the shoes! I'm looking up the nearest Dicks to see if I can get a pair. Asics fit my feet, so they would be perfect! I wear a 1/2 size larger, but I'm a newbie, so not the best to advise you.
Angie- Hang in there darlin'. It does sound like you've had a lousy week, but it also sounds like you are dropping into a negative mindset. Try to break out of it if you can. Think about the positive things - such as the shoes you found. The size 8s may work for your running, but if they don't - don't get down on yourself. You can use them for your everyday shoes, and have a constant reminder of your WISH team support.

You are not kidding, I have tried to stay positive all week with this situation at work but by last night I was losing the battle. Things feel and look much better this morning and thanks for the good advice. Went to the gym this morning and did Body Pump and core, shoes feel good so far. Of course I have not run in them yet. :confused3

I am very happy that DH is doing so awesome with his training. He was disappointed with his time at Disney -- whatever, he did great :hug: . But he is doing Sarasota 1/2 in about a month with some other firefighters from the station that run faster than him, so he has to try to keep up with them you know. :lmao:

Off to a birthday party :wizard: Hope you guys have a good day.



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