Wk of Jan 22--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

oh I really want to become a tri geek. Look a this race:


I think I'm going to start making room in my schedule for swimming at the Y and taking the 2 hour spinning class at my gym. I just don't know how I'd ever fit in real biking and afford a real bike.... Now I'm starting to wonder how you fit it all in?

Sunny- there's an olympic distance the same weekend. Mo is racing the olympic on Sat and I'm registered for the half on Sunday. We're going to have fun, come play with us:) It's the same race organizers that put on timberman later in the summer but both of us are racing the half that weekend rather than just me. You can meet me at Belmont Wheelworks tonight and I'll help you find a bike.(twisting Sunny's arm, he he)
Morning - thanks for the bouncing Tigger and Goofy - woke tim up to tell him you're sending me bouncing goofy's the make me come, and lamented my lack of Minnie medal, he says I can come - on my own. I came back with 'if we lived in England I'd go on my own...' tim is now practically packing thinking we're moving back!

Not much for me to report trainingwise - as it's currently 8.30am Sat morning and I'm typing not running. I went to a wedding yesterday so I may switch my long run to Sunday - I've been invited tri training this afternoon so may go. I suppose I'd better see if I can still float/pedal before I turn up on race day, not a bag fan of the seaswims though. There's been jellyfish out there recently (I will call him squishy and he will be mine). Helen
My schedule's all messed up this week. I missed Wed training due to a migraine, then realized I needed to do my LR today since we'll be in Orlando tomorrow. And...there's only 5 weeks til the Sarasota half :scared1: I'm wondering if I shouldn't have planned to do another half so soon after WDW, but they've already mailed me my bib number (#1011) so I guess I'm committed. So 6 miles today at 13:56. Here's my splits:
mile 1 13:57
2 13:24
3 14:02
4 14:05
5 14:10
6 14:07

My last 6 miler during training for WDW was a 15:21 pace.

On the bra question, I can't imagine not wearing one during training (does that make it a training bra? :lmao: ) . I get mine at Walmart...I like tagless ones by Best Form and Fruit of the Loom (that reminds me, I still don't have a DIS tag yet? Wouldn't it be cool if the tag fairy gave us all WISH marathon team tags...hint, hint :rolleyes1 )

In the interest of TMI, I do the commando thing with spandex shorts because I wear two layers, nylon shorts with pockets over sausage shorts. The nylon shorts have pockets to carry my phone and the sausage shorts prevent chafing. Adding an extra layer of undergarment to all that just didn't make sense. For buying pants, I've gotten all of mine at Target...don't know if that makes them good or not, but they seem to work okay for me.

That was me that walked home from the tire shop last summer. That was when I was working from home...I live about a mile and a half from the tire place :)

Tiff...I looked on the Minnie form, but don't think they asked for finish time. I was talking about half registration.

More dings, more dings :bounce: . Y'all just have to come down for a WISH Girls Day Out at the Minnie ::MinnieMo Btw...I never fly anywhere...what's a ding?

SWAG=scientific wild :rolleyes1 guess

Burning question of the day...how do you answer the phone while you run? I'm on call for the office for three weeks so have to spend every moment with my cell. I realized today that in a year of training, no one's ever called me while I was out on a run (don't know if that's good or sad :confused: ). Got a call while I was out today...went something like this: notice phone vibration...stop...turn off Garmin...turn off MP3...whoops, didnt push the button long enough...turn off MP3 again...get phone from left, oops no, right pocket...darn it, pocket's zipped...unzip pocket...answer phone...good grief, take ear buds out of ear...answer phone. I'll be needing to figure out a better way to handle this in the future.

Whew...boy, that's a rambling post! Bet y'all are glad I work the rest of the week ;)
Helen - I must agree! I would not like to meet squishy!! Bad squisy, bad squishy!! The cheap fares for me to do minnie are already gone :-( That didn't take long. I can't spend that much money that fast (I'm afraid to fly!!! It is actually more amazing that I got on a plane than it is that I did goofy!)

Sunny - meet lynn!!! Get the bike!!!!!!

Lynn - make her get the bike!!! Tell her it is good for the unmentioned body part! and that spinning class is not as fun as being outside!!!

Obviously, I did not find anyone to play w/ me today. Bummer too b/c the temp is in the 50's! No one wants to kayak. I wish Mel and the wild todd were here! They would go!

I'm posting a pic of my 50k route for next weekend. It is an out and back. I tried to draw the route on for the elevation profile but it is not exact. Anyway, here it is!!! It is free and there is no sign up, you just show up if anyone wants to come!!!!!

Hey look, the smoking smiley is back :smokin: Why do the keep changing? I can promise that we won't be "smokin' " on the 50k We are going to walk all the steep hills (uhhh. the whole thing!) and probably run intervals on the runnable parts. Last yr. we just did the up part (25k) We started 30 mins early since they allow early start and you keep your own time. We basically got passed by everyone and got to the top too late for the beer and chilli frito pie. Last yr it was pretty warm though, so the thought of chilli made me feel a little nauseated anyway!

MelRhoads said:
Obviously, I did not find anyone to play w/ me today. Bummer too b/c the temp is in the 50's! No one wants to kayak. I wish Mel and the wild todd were here! They would go!

That we would...our boats have been in dry dock far too long! But why don't y'all come here...it's 73 today!
Mel-- that's pretty much how I always answer my cell. I guess I'm a loser, I don't get enough calls to learn how to do it slick.

MelR-- that course is insane! The whole end is up hill. Your gonna die :lmao:

I don't know why the smilies keep jumping around. Just when I think I know where to click they move again :confused3

So if I answer a post with "Im so sorry to hear that :lmao: " just know I really meant :grouphug:

Well the outdoor bike thing is going to have to wait for spring. I'm not ready to tackle biking in the snow and ice yet.

Off to the gym now... no clue what I'm going to do.
plutosmyfav said:
MelR-- that course is insane! The whole end is up hill. Your gonna die :lmao:

I don't know why the smilies keep jumping around. Just when I think I know where to click they move again :confused3

So if I answer a post with "Im so sorry to hear that :lmao: " just know I really meant :grouphug:

Sunny - You're a pip! :rotfl: I can't wait to meet you IRL.

Have a great weekend everybody! :hippie:

Two more DINGS to Orlando

Buffalo to Orlando for $44-$49 One-Way!
- Fare is valid for travel everyday, March 1 through June 9, 2006 only

Pittsburgh to Orlando for $34-$39 One-Way!
- Fare is valid for travel everyday, March 1 through June 9, 2006 only
Mouse Skywalker said:
Two more DINGS to Orlando

Buffalo to Orlando for $44-$49 One-Way!
- Fare is valid for travel everyday, March 1 through June 9, 2006 only

Pittsburgh to Orlando for $34-$39 One-Way!
- Fare is valid for travel everyday, March 1 through June 9, 2006 only

Dave -- If you can come up with PHL to MCO for late March into July, I will owe you a HUGE :love1: and :worship: !!! :teeth:
MelR-- that course is insane! The whole end is up hill. Your gonna die

Sunny - The course is an out and back. I only did the route for the out, so the whole end is actually downhill! You are totally right though, i'm probably going to die!!! I must be getting too arrogant or forgetful, b/c I keep thinking it will be bad, but basically no big deal????? There have been a few athletic events in my life that have totally changed how I operate. The first was about 12 yrs ago when i went on a backpacking trip in CO to climb one of the 14ers. I had NEVER done anything even remotely similar to that before and had never really done anything physical. It was SO Hard and I swore (this is actually on tape) that I would do that "never again!" I believe that was followed by "and I mean it". Shortly after our return to AR, I realized that my body just did more than what my mind thought it capable. I bought a backpack! And did it again!!! After that, I tried to find ways of pushing my body to do more and I started martial arts, which I did for about 4 yrs. Somewhere in there, I experienced some emotional life crises (is that the plural?) and bought a mountain bike to relieve stress. Well guess what... I started riding and riding and I signed up for a tour for charity (I signed up for the 10 mile b/c that sounded like alot to me). When I got there that day, I decided to do the 50 miles and then I talked some people into doing it with me. That was the 2nd major athletic event that changed the way I thought. I pushed my body again to do more than I thought it could do and I was brave and introduced myself to a totally new experience. After that, I started regulary riding 20 miles several times/week until I got pregnant. When we moved here, the boy was 4 mos old and I hadn't been riding regularly again yet (duh.) Then when mother's day out started, I started riding 20 milers 1/week until I got a crazy idea to sign up for an adventure race (where I ended up meeting a friend of EC's) Through the adventure races, I met some women who also worked out on the same day as my mother's day out and then we started basically having mini adventures on Thursday's. This year the 3rd great even happend that changed the way I think. I ran Goofy. It changed me b/c I was afraid I couldn't do it and I did!!! It wasn't even as bad as I thought it was going to be. Anyway, since I have gotten back from Goofy, I've been climbing routes that I was scared to do and I have been mt. biking more aggressively. It made me feel really good to tackle something that I was afraid of. I'm sure eveyone on this board understands that after doing amazing things that we didn't think our bodies could do. I've been feeling so brave since goofy that I forgot about feeling like that about races!
You are right, I probably am going to die on that race though :lmao: ;)
OK..I am reading and :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: about the bra thing! This is also while I am eating Little Debbie Swiss Rolls that I got for my children's lunch. I guess I won't be OP today!

Now about the bra thing.....don't wear undies like Melissa, but got to wear the bra...even though...
Sorry guys...
DD5, totaly ruined my..well you know, as a baby. She thought of them as a buffet, do you ladies know what I am saying? Ahhhh, being a mother and what we give up.

Melissa...If DH would let me, I would run that with you. He is totally anti spending $$ right now. Ahhh, the Kitchen sink! Next year, you need to come and help me. I totaly LOVE Chocolate!

Skywalker - Any flights from Charlotte, NC? :teeth:

Burning question of the day...how do you answer the phone while you run? I'm on call for the office for three weeks so have to spend every moment with my cell. I realized today that in a year of training, no one's ever called me while I was out on a run (don't know if that's good or sad ). Got a call while I was out today...went something like this: notice phone vibration...stop...turn off Garmin...turn off MP3...whoops, didnt push the button long enough...turn off MP3 again...get phone from left, oops no, right pocket...darn it, pocket's zipped...unzip pocket...answer phone...good grief, take ear buds out of ear...answer phone. I'll be needing to figure out a better way to handle this in the future.
My DD7 school called 1/2 way through a 20 mile run. I answered like I wasn't doing anything...except breathing hard. :lmao: When I picked up DD I though I should explain what I was doing. She said she was wondering why I could not get my breath....I won't say what she thought I was doing..but I bet you can figure it out. puckerup:

Ran 10 miles today and my butt hurt from all the biking I have been doing! Hey I have lost 1lb! :banana:

The DING'S did me in and I've bought a ticket to MCO for Minnie Marathon Weekend:banana:

My DH wants to run with me. Is that cool? Are males welcome? He wants me to make sure it's alright...

The Garmin should be here tomorrow and I should be prime to let the Minnie training begin. :cool1:
AWESOME SARA!!!!!!!! I think someone did bring up the question about men b/4 but i can't remember the answer.

Christa - I wish you could come!!!! maybe there are some really good last minute deals from charlotte to xna or tulsa!
:woohoo: :woohoo: GO SARA! GO SARA!




MelR - Did you sign up for MINNIE??

Hmmm...maybe a Kitchen Sink meet for next year's races? Beaches n Cream is small. We might have to eat in shifts, but it could be fun!

Carrie...I had a thought about your foot today...maybe a stress fracture? What do you think, Lynne? Ortho's not my thing.
Wow - y'all are the coolest chattiest group around! I can hardly keep up with the all the posts - lurking is a hard job around here :rotfl:

DING DING DING - wish we could fly to Orlando on SWA here!! I am SOOOO jealous of all of you who can get these fantastic deals - I can't imagine how often I'd try to visit WDW if we had SWA!!

So my nasty cold has finally gone and I made it back to the gym for my pilates class today. You could sure tell it was January - the class was packed with "new year's resolution-ers" - there was hardly room to breathe in there. It was still a great class though and I swear I feel stronger after each class :banana:

So glad to see that more of our WISH group is coming down for the Minnie. Cam and I are just too excited and can't wait to get the group together again! I hope we can manage a dinner together on Saturday - it was so fun to see everyone and talk before the big race.

Chimera/Mel - saw your post about sudoku. I love them and would do them constantly if it weren't for the laundry, cooking, grocery shopping etc. that for some reason have to come first :rotfl2: I got a pretty easy book for a Christmas gift and have now moved onto a Mensa ediiton - harder but FUN!!

Judy - congrats on the running - you'll be smoking those sweepers in January!!

Gotta go get ds up from his late nap and get ready for dh to come home. Hope everyone has a great night and weekend!
I think today's a rest day for me. I've been travelling back from Columbus to Rochester today (I'm in Cleveland now). I wish I could take advantage of the DINGS, but maybe another day. Hope they help some of you.


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