Wk of Jan 29--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we're a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. Some of us are training for the 2006 Disneyland Half and for the 2007 WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news/training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

Here's the Marathon FAQ, a great place to answer your marathon questions:
Disney Marathon FAQ
And some websites for further running/walking info:
The John Bingham site:
Jeff Galloway's site:

Pacing Calculator
Daytrip to AK for the Expedition Everest preview. I didn't ride it, but DD13 and DH highly recommend it!

Popped over to MK and said hi to Erin who was running the tea cups!

Lynne...thanks for taking the consult ;)

Cam...glad that Howard's feeling better! Good luck to your DS on his test! Was he in the Duke program (I think it was called TIP)? DD13 did it in 4th or 5th grade then there was something about being able to take the SAT as a 7th grader. When is your DD marching at WDW?

Liz...love the idea of a WISH team tshirt! It would be cool to have a 'generic' team shirt that we could wear for all of our races!
Morning all- I'm gong swimming & doing pilates today.

14 weeks till MINNIE!!!! ::MinnieMo I'm so excited. I've registered, I've mailed off the deposit for the condo (since doing girls weekend we needed more that 1 bathroom, got great rate for Windsor Palms) and in 1 more week I can add walking back to my training, woo hoo!

I've been working on our tax returns & since we will be getting a refund, I will be getting my new bike soon. I can't wait. Yesterday was a beautiful day (62 & sunny) it would have been a perfect day for a bike ride. I can't wait to get my new bike, helmet & some riding shorts even. I'm gonna be a bike geek soon :teeth:

Keep up the good work everyone!

Nancy-I wish I lived close enough to do that race with you. Sounds like fun (even if its at that other park) I'm sure your slower pace is a direct result of not feeling good. So take care of yourself & get better!
Good Morning Everyone:

For those of you looking to do the Minnie, Southwest has their DING fares from the Northeast again.

Hartford to Orlando for $44-$49 One-Way!
- Fare is valid for travel everyday, March 1 through June 9, 2006 only

Manchester to Orlando for $44-$49 One-Way!
- Fare is valid for travel everyday, March 1 through June 9, 2006 only

Providence to Orlando for $44-$49 One-Way!
- Fare is valid for travel everyday, March 1 through June 9, 2006 only
OK, I got my DING post out of the way.

Mel, your quick trip to WDW sounds like fun. Sounds like you had a nice weekend with the family.

Liz - I like the idea of a generic WISH team t-shirt too. I would wear it for any races I do. I am really serious about doing the Crim 10 miler in Michigan in August, and maybe I can meet up with Carrie (wtpclc). I would even wear the t-shirt for my training too.

MelR - you were asking if I signed up for the marathon yet. No, I haven't signed up yet. I'm telling myself that I am going to give myself a good month of training, and see how it goes before I sign up for any races. I know me, and right now I'm on the high of getting back into my training and I'm really excited about it. But I need to see if I can keep it going and maintain it. So if I really keep this exercise going (and this board is really helping me), I'll sign up in March. However, I still need to figure out what to do about DD8's princess: birthday being January 6th the day before the race.

OK, I'll report back on how my walk went today.
Hi Everyone,

Today I will be just doing Winsor Pilates - this week I am going to start the method that is in the book "The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer."

Have a great Sunday everyone!

Dave - My husband's family lives in Flint. Phil (my husband) and I ran the Crim w/ his sis. last yr. She does it every year. We ran it at about 11:00 mpm. It was perfect b/c it got us right up to the first LR for the marathon training! The course was VERY fun. I'm hoping we go back this year. it was a fun trip for our family and it was good for the boy to go see his grandparents instead of them coming here. My bro in law went to wayne state for psych. he teaches and i think is the vp of rochester college. he used to do quite a few neuropsych evals. Maybe you two run in the same heady circles!!!! :confused3

Sign up for the marathon now and you'll keep you high! You'll keep working out just so you can finish and so you can run through the parks!!!!!! :banana: :banana: Actually, your plan sounds awesome! I'm sure you'll be posting in march with the update. I totally understand the birthday thing. The boy's birthday always falls right around our favorite adventure race in april. the adventure race is generally an overnight thing, so we always have to figure out how to send him off w/o feeling too guilty. Our guilt is removed by sending him to nana and papa's where he is lavished with attention and gifts :teeth: I think disney world is a good guilt remover too!!! Good luck w/ your training this week.

Can y'all tell phil is working this weekend and that i'm starved for social time???? i think i've posted about 1million posts in the last 24hrs! I'm going on LR today and that will give me an excuse to post again later.
Morning everyone and welcome to the new week.

Jodi, let me know how you like the Windsor Pilates.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday!
jodistar said:
Hi Everyone,

Today I will be just doing Winsor Pilates - this week I am going to start the method that is in the book "The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer."

Have a great Sunday everyone!


I forget about the Pilates, I need to break it out for days that it rains and I don't walk outside. Thanks for the reminder.
Dave -- thanks so much for posting the DING PHL to MCO! I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can get a flight early am on 3/31 and come home evening of 4/2. I have DING installed on my office computer and hope I can figure out how to use it if something comes up. Rhonda was kind enough to check for the fare last night after you posted, but no flights those dates and times for any amount even approaching reasonable. :sad:

chimera said:
Cam...glad that Howard's feeling better! Good luck to your DS on his test! Was he in the Duke program (I think it was called TIP)? DD13 did it in 4th or 5th grade then there was something about being able to take the SAT as a 7th grader. When is your DD marching at WDW?

Hi, Mel! Andy wasn't in the Duke program and I am thinking that if he doesn't make it into the Hopkins Talent Search for this summer, I may look at other options at Univ of Delaware or maybe Space Camp. He is going to performing arts camp for 3 weeks but I'd really like for him to have a fun educational experience, too. I am hoping that with the proper exposure to something of interest to him, he might become more academically motivated. He is wayyy too smart and is cruising mostly on pure talent and little effort. I HAVE to find something that catches his attention besides performing (he is an incredible singer and actor and I am having a hard time with his current aspiration to try to make a living on Broadway). I joke with him that he should aspire to be the Director of Crew Entertainment on the International Space Station! :rotfl2: (He USED to want to be an astronaut!)

Melissa -- can you tell I am right with you on starving for social interaction? The papers piled on my desk are calling but I really wanna hang out with you guys! :rolleyes1
Hi everyone! I was able to get my first outdoor (I usually run on a treadmill)-Garmin run in today! It was cold, rainy and windy, but I actually beat my usual time per mile! It was great-- I LOVE my Garmin!! Now, if I can just get my computer to install the software, I'll be all set!!

I do an hour of pilates once a week-- I think it actually helps a lot not only with my abs (which makes me able to run stronger), but also with breathing-- I find that I can control my breathing a lot more when I'm running, which makes it easier to run longer/faster!

Dave-- I also second the signing up for a race now-- it is such great motivation to keep running!!!

Have a great new week everyone!!
Mel - I'm so ashamed of you for not riding EE. ;) ;) OK, just jealous that you had the oppotunity.

Lynne and Mel -OK, confession time. I'm so embarrassed. I think I figured out the foot issue. Have I mentioned that I'm embarrassed adn ashamed. I was given a shoe medallion before the marathon. Put it on, and ran a whole marathon. Never noticed anything until later in the week. Thought it was just wearing teh sandals and walking so muc, wlhtough tehy never bothered me before. Well finally just removed the shoe charm Thursday night for the heck of it. Saturday was much better. When dh looks at the shoe charm, he tells me it's bent. Yup. Probably not a good thing. Seeign as the foot is much better, that's likely it. I was going to just drop it and hope no one asked, but I should have known better from you guyss. SO, I'm just a big dork. Thansk for the offer of help, though. *insert smilie with bag over head here*

DAve - 2 miles in 15 minutes is awesome. Last march, I could barely run for 1 miute intervals!
Hi Everyone: 2 more DING fares good until 6pm CST.

Chicago Midway to Orlando for $44-$49 One-Way!
- Fare is valid for travel everyday, March 1 through June 9, 2006 only

Indianapolis to Orlando for $34-$39 One-Way!
- Fare is valid for travel everyday, March 1 through June 9, 2006 only
Mouse Skywalker said:
Hi Everyone: 2 more DING fares good until 6pm CST.

Chicago Midway to Orlando for $44-$49 One-Way!
- Fare is valid for travel everyday, March 1 through June 9, 2006 only

Indianapolis to Orlando for $34-$39 One-Way!
- Fare is valid for travel everyday, March 1 through June 9, 2006 only

Thanks for the Dings Dave- I'm thinking about going down for a quick weekend and this might help. I also have Ding on my computer....what a great thing. I hope SW expands their schedule soon- I need tickets for July.
Can someone tell me how I will know when there are DING fares? I haven't received any notifications at all and when I clicked on the program this morning it just said no new notifications or something like that. :confused3:
I'm back from the 15 miler. My pace was 10:53. It was 11:03 until the last mile and 1/2. I ran w/ EC (who can obviously kick my butt and run way faster!) and phil (who has NEVER run over 10 miles and that was the CRIM last august, which he didn't train for). Phil runs about 2 1/2 to 3 miles 2 to 3 times / week. Anyway, he came with us. He told us to tell him when he had run a 1/2 marathon just so he'd know. I told him when we hit 13.1. Then at 13.5 I said "only 1.5 miles till we are back. He said "Do y'all really push it out at the end?" I told him I didn't, but he and Sarah could go ahead b/c she needed to run faster anyway. They took off! I could not keep up at all. My last mile and 1/2 were around 9:35mpm. I don't know what they did but I'm sure it had to be under 8. Their final overall pace was 10 seconds faster than me and that was all from the last 1.5!!!!!! That amazes me that he doesn't train for the long runs and he can run 15 w/ us!!!! I guess it b/c he is an endurance athlete anyway from the adv races. What a STUD (sound familiar cam???). I forgot to mention, he got and returned 2 pages during the run too!! I think I almost have him talked into doing disney w/ me (sound familiar Sunny????) next yr.

So I had 2 deep thoughts on this run today. You know the "what I learned from my LR today" thing:
1. I've GOT to get body glide (where do you find that stuff? I having big time chaffing right under my arm on the inside arm part)

3. How in the world am I going to run 31 miles through a mountain range next saturday when 15 today on the flat road was enough to wear me out????? I'M GONNA DIE!!! :eek: :faint: :scared1: :snail:

Carrie - I'm glad you solved your foot problem! Don't feel too silly. People put stuff on their shoes (like chips for race timing or the i.d. bands) so a shoe charm is not totally out of the question!! It's really great that you figured it out and it's not something big like a compression fx. or something. Lynn will probably start including the question "do you wear a shoe charm" on her history and physical's when people come in with a pain presentation from an athletic injury like yours!! :lmao: :rotfl:

:coffee: This smiley is in memory of my coffee maker. I had to use the perko. again this morning just to get my morning java/sport nutrition. I think I'm addicted to these smileys. they are just so funny!!
MelRhoads said:
So I had 2 deep thoughts on this run today. You know the "what I learned from my LR today" thing:
1. I've GOT to get body glide (where do you find that stuff? I having big time chaffing right under my arm on the inside arm part)

You can get it from their website bodyglide.com or from drugstore.com

I hope I don't get in trouble for posting these....
I got ours from roadrunner sports but also saw it at the shoe store in the mall (foot locker or finish line or something like that) I think they also have it at dick's or sports authority too.
MelR-- I've never used bodyglide. I use vasoline. Its really cheap and works. But I've seen the bg in our sports stores.

DD went to the Y with me today! :cool1: We did the TMs for 30 minutes. I hope she will go back again.

This is sort of off topic but I just have to share it. In all this training, it never really ocurred to me the connection with my Dad's work. I stumbled across a website last night selling the energy bar that my Dad invented! He invented it for the army and the army sold it to two brothers who are marketing it now. Here's the site:


NOTE: I'm not endorsing it, its actually kindof high in fat! I just gotta brag :)
The site doesn't mention my Dad as the inventor, but this one does (2nd column, 2nd paragraph):


In addition to not endorsing it, I have to tell you my Dad did all the lab and field testing on this bar and he doesn't recognized many of the claims they make!!!!! Such is the commericial market...

Dave or Anyone - Does anyone know how to access those ding fares? I have it downloaded on my computer but the Chicago/Orlando has not come up for me. That would work fabulous for our hopeful March Trip!!!!!


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