Wk of June 24--WISH Walking/Running Club

Hi all!!

I know I'm going to miss folks with my catching up, so I apoligize in advance...

Sunny-- :grouphug: Glad to see you back here and sorry things are so difficult right now. Wish there was more I could say....

Carrie-- (Nerd alert) Re: Air versus water: It as something to do with water's greater specific gravity, which is why you 90 degree water is fine while 90 degree air isn't, and the reverse holds too... 60 degree air is great, but 60 degree water is a recipe for hypothermia.

Dana-- :faint: Not for the snake, but for that spider. Ewwwwwww!!! Guess I should go turn in my man card.....

Jen-- Glad to hear that you got inspired again. I have the same thing every once in a while, especially deep in training. Sort of a "Why do I enjoy this again?" Sometimes all it takes is to just get out there and not worry about time or distance or pace. Great job! :thumbsup2

Kim-- Glad that you are still doing Scotia. This weekend I heard lots of great things about the race (but not so much the course, esp the full...). It should be fun!!

Howard-- That's one impressive log!! Great work!! (My log contains..... 2 races. I need to get out more....)

Judy-- Ugh, on the whole physical mess. Can you talk to your surgeon about it to see if they will accept your recent physical? The whole thing seems a bit silly, no?

Craig-- If you're out there... I owe you a small debt of gratitude for my PR last week. When I headed out, I got to thinking about your post about pushing ourselves and decided I was going to really give the race everything I had and it really worked out. So Thank you!! I hope I can apply that to my training from now on.

Everyone-- Looking ahead, I notice that I am only about 2 weeks away from my ADR date, so in case I missed it, have we talked about marathon weekend meets yet?? I know we started early last year and wanted to make sure I didn't miss something....

Today's a rest day for tomorrow's 12 miler. Happily the weather has cooled somewhat here, so if I get out in the morning I should be fine. We have friends in town from Toronto this weekend (we just saw them 72 hours ago...just so happened they were headed here this weekend), so I have to try and not have too much fun tonight. ;) I really need to get all the details squared away for both my upcoming marathons this weekend too....

Almost done with my race report, so hopefully I can get that posted today.

Back to work here...
Happy training,
Kevin :earsboy:
Hi Team!

Has anybody had a chance to read the RW article about some of the best half-marathons? I'm thinking ahead to 2008 (yes I am a little compulsive) and wondering if anybody is interested in picking a race or two for a WISH meet? I know in the past some of us did the Columbus Distance Classic, some of us have done the Flying Pig, and some of us are doing the Chicago Distance Classic this August...I am sure there are many more too! So - what looks good? I think the Festival 500 looks amazing.....35K participants, and you get to do a lap around the Indy Speedway - - - but when/what is the new possibly princess WDW possible half going to be all about? The Festival 500 is May 3rd, 2008 and registration closes very early, I wonder when we will have definitive info about the new WDW race.

Hmmm....the Bingham event also looks good. And while it is not on this list there is a full/half in early Dec in Vegas. Oh my, the choices are so tempting. And I thought I read somewhere about a Niagra Falls event that crossed over to Canada. There is also a Bryce Canyon (Utah) half with the course along some of the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen, but with one really big problem as far as I am concerned....it is 13.1 miles all downhill. Ouch! As beautiful as the setting is, this is one I am going to pass on!!

So what is everyone planning? I am limited by my pace (ssssloooow) so I am looking at events with a generous time allowance.

ETA: I'm not necessarily interested in huge, famous events - but ones that looking interesting and have great bling! Oh and relatively easy access to an airport (especially one SWA flies to)
Pat, WOW!! I'll get my RW out right away..I really thought I would like to do a half in each state. I was kindof bummed about not being able to join all of you in August in Chicago. DH thinks it will be too hot. Now, it's too late. I really was interested in the Vegas one for this year, as I am only doing the 5K at WDW. There's a half in Virginia Beach in March that's supposed to be really fun. Not a RnR, but a St. Patrick's day event. Wendy's Outer Banks one looked good, as did the Apple Fest one...I'm right there with you!!!:goodvibes Anne
ADR planning, 2008 race planning--gonna drain my bank acct early this year! Ya'll could always come here for the Little Rock half in march. The 1/2 part of the course is really nice and it's a walker friendly course. I'm trying to talk Dsis into it, as I won't be running the full here in '08. Unfortunately, the huge bling (world's largest finisher's medal) is only for the full finishers, but the 1/2 medal is nice too.

Kim--love the grad pics! And unfortunately, no Dings here to MCO yet! We have our return flights already, now just gotta find out how to get there!l And we just booked a hotel for Thursday night at the airport so we can come in Thurs. late instead of Friday. $60 on Hotwire!:banana:
Ah, races for next year.... Any race you are interested in, it is worthwhile reading the comments on http://www.marathonguide.com/index.cfm. I looked at the Niagara event, but it got really poor comments it seemed like.

My first choice for a spring half is the Disney event if they wind up putting one on. Otherwise I will likely be deciding between the BMO Vancouver half or the Flying Pig.
The Scotiabank Vancouver Half in June may be on my radar too...we'll see.

For sure next fall I want to run the Marathon Des Deux Rives in Quebec City at the end of August. This one looks amazing... Probably just go for the half again...

And April 2009....I am definitely doing the Flora London Marathon.

I'm not really one to plan ahead or anything though....:rotfl: Still waiting for my RW in the mail...
For sure next fall I want to run the Marathon Des Deux Rives in Quebec City at the end of August. This one looks amazing... Probably just go for the half again...

This is one I'm considering for 2008 too.......

I've actually been thinking alot about '08 myself. It's extra tricky for me, since I graduate in April and hopefully I'll be launching myself into a career of some kind....

I always thought I would do the Mayor's Midnight Sun in Anchorage in June 2008, but that might take a backseat. I thought maybe Paris or London as a graduation gift, but they are too early in April. I'm looking at Blue Nose in Halifax (mid-May) or ING Ottawa (late May) as possible Spring Marathons.... I'm going to put in for the NYC lottery again in '08, so who knows. So I guess my only firm commitment is the WDW Full in '09! :thumbsup2 :rotfl:

Kevin :earsboy:
Kevin - You know....if you wind up moving to TO (and are a full time resident) I think the only way you can register for NY is through a tour. You have to reside in the US to enter the lottery. The good news about that is you get guaranteed race entry...

I would love to do London sooner, but I think it is way too close (training and $wise) to Goofy this year, so 2009 will be it!
Ah, races for next year.... Any race you are interested in, it is worthwhile reading the comments on http://www.marathonguide.com/index.cfm. I looked at the Niagara event, but it got really poor comments it seemed like.
I ran the Niagara Fallsview Casino half marathon last year (I guess now it's just the Niagara Falls International Marathon). It was my first ever half marathon. Because of that, I enjoyed the race, but all and all I would have to rate it as just OK. The weather in Niagara Falls in October is pretty cold and rainy (if you're lucky), and it didn't have really great spectator support.

Here you can see me in my WISH gear - search for BIB#2859.

I might run it again because Niagara Falls is so close, but I wouldn't go out of my way for it.
This is one I'm considering for 2008 too.......

I've actually been thinking alot about '08 myself. It's extra tricky for me, since I graduate in April and hopefully I'll be launching myself into a career of some kind....

I always thought I would do the Mayor's Midnight Sun in Anchorage in June 2008, but that might take a backseat. I thought maybe Paris or London as a graduation gift, but they are too early in April. I'm looking at Blue Nose in Halifax (mid-May) or ING Ottawa (late May) as possible Spring Marathons.... I'm going to put in for the NYC lottery again in '08, so who knows. So I guess my only firm commitment is the WDW Full in '09! :thumbsup2 :rotfl:

Kevin :earsboy:
So I thought if you didn't get selected in the lottery you were guaranteed to get a slot the following year, or do you have to not be selected for 3 years or something like that?
So I thought if you didn't get selected in the lottery you were guaranteed to get a slot the following year, or do you have to not be selected for 3 years or something like that?

It's "Three Strikes and You're In," so I'm a shoo-in for 2010!! :thumbsup2

Leana-- International residents can also enter through the lottery, but it's much MUCH more difficult to get in than for US Residents via the lottery. I know for sure that if you are not a UK resident, the only way to enter Flora London is through a tour, though. :mad:
ohhhh, a race in Quebec? I've been wanting to go back to Quebec! Somehow Disney always gets our vacation $$$ though. :confused3
I've been wanting to go back to Niagara (Chad's never been), but I can go there outside of a race if that one is not so great.

Did Anne mention Applefest?? YAY! That's right near me! :banana:
Wanring though - they only want runners, no walkers.

Judy - I totally understand your frustration with your doctor's office. Having had many medical problems over the years, and a mom & sister who work in hopsitals/doctor's offices....call & speak to the office manager a.s.a.p.! If that doesn't work, demand a call from your doctor directly. If this doctor is even just okay, I would think (s)he would find a spot for you in time to have the surgery. Go pull an Evil Queen on 'em! ;)
And lots of :hug:

And where is that Carrie of ours? Doesn't she know that she has a mission today? :-)
If I survive my first 1/2 (wait, that's my first race at any distance) in Chicago in August, and I think that I might want to keep up with this, I am going to register for the Festival 500. As you might have noticed in my few posts here, I am just a bit of an IndyCar fan and I would LOVE to run a lap on the speedway. Last year it filled up in November (I think), so you do have to register early if you are interested.

If you are interested in runners' comments about the Festival 500, you can find some here: http://www.trackforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90040&highlight=marathon and you can view the Indy Star coverage here: http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/section?Category=SPORTS14
A friend of mine did the Festival 500 at Indy this year. It was his first BIG volume race. He said it was fun, lots of support, but because there were 35000 runners it was sometimes congested. He also said that once you got to the Indy 500 and had to run it, it was a little tiring to be running around a track. I think he said he would run it again, but his wife said no way. She thought it was just too many people.

I ran the Green Bay 1/2 Marathon in Wisconsin (Home of the Packers) and really enjoyed it. There is a 5K, 1/2 and Full. It was May 20th. I ran all by myself but the people were so friendly that I pretty much always had someone to talk with. It was never congested either. I think there were 5000 people for the 1/2 and full and there were lots of walkers!! We also got a free bratwurst and beer after the race!!!
If I survive my first 1/2 (wait, that's my first race at any distance) in Chicago in August, and I think that I might want to keep up with this, I am going to register for the Festival 500. As you might have noticed in my few posts here, I am just a bit of an IndyCar fan and I would LOVE to run a lap on the speedway. Last year it filled up in November (I think), so you do have to register early if you are interested.

If you are interested in runners' comments about the Festival 500, you can find some here: http://www.trackforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90040&highlight=marathon and you can view the Indy Star coverage here: http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/section?Category=SPORTS14

Oh Meghan....I'm pretty sure I read somewhere on the site that your Festival 500 race entry fee includes admission to the opening day of the Indy time trials.:woohoo:
Pat, WOW!! I'll get my RW out right away..I really thought I would like to do a half in each state. I was kindof bummed about not being able to join all of you in August in Chicago. DH thinks it will be too hot. Now, it's too late. I really was interested in the Vegas one for this year, as I am only doing the 5K at WDW. There's a half in Virginia Beach in March that's supposed to be really fun. Not a RnR, but a St. Patrick's day event. Wendy's Outer Banks one looked good, as did the Apple Fest one...I'm right there with you!!!:goodvibes Anne

Anne, I was worried about the heat too, but it really wasn't bad. The start of the course is between some really neat big buildings (lots of shade) and the last portion is right along the lake shore (lots of breeze). Honestly I was more uncomfortable this Jan in FL than I was last Aug in Chicago. So, it that is all that is holding you back.....come on over!
Anne - I was worried about the heat also, but the difference is that it is summer now and I am training in it. Last January I was training in winter conditions and then was blasted with horrible weather in Florida. I really don't think that Chicago could be worse than Florida. The saying goes "Cooler by the Lake" and when I lived in Milwaukee, that was true!!!
Pat and Jen, Thanks! That's what I told DH..it's right on the lake...I guess I could try again (is it still open??), and tell him he could be my scream team.. Covered Bridges is another one, if you can get in! Even though the Vegas one has a faster time, they keep the course open for slower walkers, :cool1: . We just have to contend with traffic.

Kristi, Oh, RATS! I remembered looking at that one..and saw that Applefest is a runners' one. That one I will NOT be doing..thank you very much.;)
Judy, Judy, Judy,
Go pull an Evil Queen on 'em! And lots of :hug:
Yeah..what she said!! Seriously, I really understand your frustration! My MIL went through the exact same thing..needing a physical, then a heart check, back to the optometrist, back to the surgeon..for her first cataract surgery. Needless to say, she is NOT looking forward to the paperwork for the other eye. The surgery itself was nothing..the paperwork was the hard part!!
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere on the site that your Festival 500 race entry fee includes admission to the opening day of the Indy time trials.

It sure does. :) I noticed when I was there that a lot of folks were wearing their medals this year. The medals are pretty darn cool!
Quick question for whoever's out there: Have you tried TP Massage ball or the Quadballer? I saw it on Insider Training/Triathalon and was wondering if it would be good. TIA!


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