Wk of Nov 26--WISH Walking/Running Club

plutosmyfav said:
I think MelR and Colleen have been bad influences this week ;) I'm thinking "hey, if they can cut their LRs in half, I can, too! Why be so rigid" :rotfl:


Hey Sunny, glad I can help. :goodvibes I attribute my 18 mile LR being reduced to 9 after remembering Carrie's post about "why kill yourself on a training run...the objective is to get the start line on January 7th." (or something to that effect.) :rotfl:

Seriously, I knew I had nothing for energy that day and I knew that if I cranked out 18 miles I would be weak and/or sick for 4 or 5 days after. I feel great today after the 9/9 the last two days and will be rested for my 10/20 in a few weeks. Onward and upward!! :thumbsup2

wtpclc said:
Sunny - You just need your friends' names. It goes to your cell phone. You send the link to yout friends and family if they want to track you.

How do I manage to complicate everything :confused3 I followed the link and it asked me to log in. I did and there were 3 boxes for emails and then more boxes for cell phone numbers and carriers. It said it would send confirmation # to each cell phone...

I guess I should start over. Dx has always been amazed at how confused I get over simple things...

You wouldn't believe how long it took me to navigate their site to confirm we are actually registered.
plutosmyfav said:
How do I manage to complicate everything :confused3 I followed the link and it asked me to log in. I did and there were 3 boxes for emails and then more boxes for cell phone numbers and carriers. It said it would send confirmation # to each cell phone...

I guess I should start over. Dx has always been amazed at how confused I get over simple things...

You wouldn't believe how long it took me to navigate their site to confirm we are actually registered.

It did seem a little more confusing this year. I guess you could do it teh way you were talking, but it sends a message to your phone/e-mail and you need to put in a confirmation number. I think that last year I put in our cell and our e-mail to track us. The number of boxes they have, though, seems a bit far fetched. Just enter as many as you want and leave the rest blank.
plutosmyfav said:
You wouldn't believe how long it took me to navigate their site to confirm we are actually registered.

I really dislike navigating their site. Funny, when I went there fro the third time today, I got to take a surevey. I told them the navigation stinks, ok is difficult. Then I had to answer how many times I'd been there in the lst 3 months. I went with 11 - 20, max was 20+. I may have been overly conservative. :blush:
MelRhoads said:
Chrsita - I'm starting early this year. You can fly into NWA and stay here!!! Sylamore 50k (really cool sweatshirts) here is the website www.runarkansas.com click the link for the sylamore 50 near the top. :rolleyes1
OH! Tempting me! When is this? I may be able to save up for it...or maybe convence Ron to go with me! If only I were rich! But I am not signed up for anything after WDW yet!
Melissa - Duh! Feb 17th...I guess I need to read! Let me start working on DH....Oh let $$ rain down from the sky! :thumbsup2
I miss one day of reading the thread and I have 4 pages to catch up on!

This place will be out of control in two weeks when everyone starts the taper and we have nothing better to do than complain to each other that we're not exercising enough and eating too much. :teeth:

ETA: maybe I should read Krista's posts (who happens to be sitting right next to me on the other computer) before I post the exact same thing. Oops! :)
Helllooooo, team mates!
You all are a riot! :rotfl2: Thanks for the laffs... :goodvibes

Decided to do my 8 miler today as we are going to the World tomorrow to see the Christmas lights. :banana: (Don't get tooo envious..it's supposed to rain the whole weekend!) Judy freaked me out in an earlier post with doing 9 miles...then I remembered that she was adding a mile..whew! So, off I walked...mile 1...2..3 ..FINALLY the legs are feeling good and doing fine..mile 4 and my brain wants me to quit! I check everything..no pains, feel ok..why am I having this argument???!! At mile 5, I slowed waaay down, but insisted that 8 was going to get done. You should have heard the whining at 6, 6.5, and 7!!! I kept saying,"What if this was January 6th? Whatcha going to do, quit??!!" Oh, it was ugly. I even heard, "You've done a half. You have a castle medal. You don't need this." I don't understand. :confused3 One thing, I got new shoes 3 weeks ago and I think that they are messing with my stride. I think the heels are higher than I am used to, so I am landing flat footed instead of rolling. Does this make sense? Fortunately, I can return the shoes, which I think is what is going to happen and it's back to KAYANOs. I didn't have any problem with the K's, I just thought that these would be better...wrong!

Mel, those that are wiser have spoken about the first post. I had posted on the trip board in 2005. When I decided to do the half, I came to the DIS in search of a marathon thread and found Judy's question about starting a thread for first time half marathon walkers. You are the best with keeping up with all of this!! :love: Anne
Just a quick post. I went out and did 4.77 miles tonight and had an overall pace of 10:21. I changed my intervals around a little and I am still trying to get my body to accept it. It is conforming slowly but it still complains.

I think I will pass on all the gray hair and other things and just say that a certain 3 year old son has given me enough gray hair so far. :teeth:

Good evening!

I can't keep up with all of the posts. Y'all type too fast! :rotfl2:

Not a good running night. I ran out of gas at 3.5 miles. Just didn't have any energy. But, a little is better than none. :thumbsup2

I think its about time to put the boys outside one last time, and then hit the hay. I'm tuckered out.

Good night all.
Judy - :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for Mist! :grouphug: for you.

Anne - your report sounds similar to what I go through in my LRs. The first mile or two, I dread that I have a lot more to go. Mile 2-3, I question my sanity. The next mile or two, I try to convince myself that I can't do it any more. At that point, I tell myself to just get the steps in and don't worry about the pace. This is where I really struggle - I have to force myself to keep going. These emotional games playing in my mind drive me crazy. :crazy: (Note to self - get thee an mp3 player now!) Somehow, I manage to finish and then I feel good about it. :goodvibes

Mel - OMG! We'd really stand out wearing some of that gear! :lmao: For those of us "not on the skinny side", we'd really stand out - just what we want. For those that tend to be a little more conservative, there is the solid lime "Disney" green available. Holy Cow! :teeth: Actually, if I were at a proper weight, I'd probably wear some of that. :rolleyes1

Now, about that SnotShot..... :eek:
escape said:
Mel - OMG! We'd really stand out wearing some of that gear! :lmao: For those of us "not on the skinny side", we'd really stand out - just what we want. For those that tend to be a little more conservative, there is the solid lime "Disney" green available. Holy Cow! :teeth: Actually, if I were at a proper weight, I'd probably wear some of that. :rolleyes1

Ya, what she said :rotfl: My bottom half is always in black :blush:

MelR and Colleen-- I was just kidding :teeth: You are both so well trained; half an LR won't make a spec of difference. As for me, I started late with no "training to train". I'm really on the border so I shouldn't be "tagging along" with the bad kids :teeth:

Anne & Susie-- a big part of LD training is learning how to deal with that psych stuff. I'm the same way, the first part of the run is dread, followed by "hey, I can do this", followed by more dread then it's over and I'm so happy I did it.

Well, I think those tights would go great with my purple jersey. I just wish I had a lime green wish shirt to wear under my purple TNT jersey and then I could wear those tights and EVERYONE would know who I am!!! Hmmmm. Yes, yes I know all the people wearing those tights were skinnyish but at least with me, there would be no question of people seeing the pattern.

This is going to require a little thought..... Do you think they have a pair that would look like something Cruella would wear? half black/half white? That would be appropriate.

I blew off my 5 miler yesterday. I was "listening to my body" and evidently it was saying "keep yourself planted in this chair." So as punishment, I am going to run a couple miles today - gasp - on my official rest day!!! Just enough to get the aches and pains out before tomorrows LR. This is a cut back week so only 10 tomorrow. (oops I wasn't going to say only anymore)

Off to shop for tights..... but what if its hot? decisions decisions. Oh and speaking of decisions, Sorry MelR, but I have already signed up to run 3 half marathons next spring (I have completely slid off the edge of sanity) so I don't think I should add a 50K just yet. (some small flicker of sanity is left)

Happy Trails everyone
OMG!!! They have fabric that looks like a dalmation!!!

Now I just have to find something lime green to add to the outfit..... or do you guys think you would spot me :lmao: in just the tights and my purple jersey???


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