Wk Of Nov 3 - WISH Walking/Running Club

It is so hard to keep up with this thread,

Happy Anniversary to Kristi and Jen.

Kristi--- That does stink what they want your DH to do. I hope things work out for you.

Jen in GA--- At least you did some weights. A couple of weeks ago I went for a stretch class and got in the door and found out it was cancelled. Turned right around and went back out.

Good luck to everyone who had a LR or LW this weekend.

It is suppose to be cold and raining on Sat so might end up on the TM for my 14 miles. Taking a good book to help pass the time.

Hi guys.

Happy Anniversary Kristi and Jen! I love the monorail pic Krista. That rocked! :rockband:

As most of you know, we've had a bad guy in my area trying to grab women runners. :mad: I signed up for a safety clinic at the running store I just bought my new shoes at. I hope I learn something!

Cecilia, it is at Big Peach Running off Johnson Ferry if you're interested. It is next Wednesday at 7 PM. You have to register, but it is free.

I ran 4 miles this morning at an average pace of 10:28. I've only run this pace once before and it was for a 2 mile run. :woohoo:

I'm happy my pace is getting better, but for some reason I've been in a real funk. I'm eating myself crazy. If it wasn't for the running I'd be the size of a house. I've gained 4 pounds since summer ended and that is alot for me - I'm right under 5 foot! :sad2:
Can't......keep up......with thread! :scared:

Hello All,

Just checking in. Did 16 mile LR today; it was a chilly 44 degrees. Did my 5min/1min run/walk; my average was 11:00 min/mile.

I think I may have finally learned to stick with vanilla flavored gel, as today I tried Strawberry Clif Shot at mile 5: Yuk! :mad: I was out of vanilla, so rather than try the Razz flavor I had with me, I ran by the house at mile 8, changed my sweaty hat and gloves, scarfed down a few pretzels and 16 ozs of Powerade and headed back out (oooh, so tempting to just stop and hit a hot shower).

Anyway, I'm both a little excited and scared to think I have only 3 more long runs until WDW Marathon Weekend. :eek:

Have a great weekend everyone! I wish you all well on your training, long runs/walks, and races. Extra well-wishes to all nursing injuries. Happy training!
Happy Anniversary Kristi and Jen!!!

Did an awesome 7 miler today! Wanted to keep going, but had to be back at home before DD left for work.

Just back from the gym - did my 40 mins on the bike reading about ridiculous celebrities! I haven't xt in a lonnnggg time. It didn't feel that hard while doing it, and I didn't think I got sweaty enough. ;) Until I stood up! OMG! My legs were rubber! So, I think it had some positive effect. :thumbsup2

Thanks for the :wizard: for Chad. His boss is at work with him, but hasn't talked to him again yet. His boss is crazy and likes to play with people. it's a power thing & it's not fun. So, in light of all this - I am going to sit on the couch and watch tv all night. Maybe have a couple of my Mike's Lemonades. Oh, and eat the rest of the chinese left over from our depressing lunch today. The worst that can happen is that he goes back on unemployment. Thanks for letting me vent! (as if you had a choice! ;) )
Ah, pretty....happy anniversary to you


Wasn't it someone else's anniversary today too? Jen maybe?
Good evening everyone! :surfweb:

Monte: any s**w to report in the high country?

Krist and Jen: happy anniversary!!

Optimator: I've got 3.25 hours planned for Sunday. My trainer suggested some alternate routes to what I've been running and I'm rather excited to try them. Gotta spice things up!

Goofyin08forErica: congrats on the 7 miles!!

SilverE: :thumbsup2 on the 16 miles today!!

lenshanem: :scared1: I just do not understand people like that. Please stay safe!!! I'm not trying to make a joke about it and I've gone through a self-defense class, but--go for the groin. Don't mess around.

Kristi: your DH's boss needs to be slapped around! I am so sorry to hear about this. I'll keep my fingers crossed that he works things out to everyone's satisfaction.

Stephanie: glad to hear you're feeling well. I must be channeling you as my LRs are on Sundays also. Hope yours works out this week!!

WWDave: I don't drink milk. I've lost the enzyme to break down lactose and, well, you don't to be around me when I drink milk. Yogurt is different.

I ran 3 miles in 31:10 this evening. That was nice. Tomorrow is a rest day but Christmas shopping so that COULD be considered cross-training!!! For those with races this weekend: good luck!! Hope everyone accomplishes their goals for this week!
Hey everyone... Just a quicky. I had to leave work early this morning to get DD. She had a fever, which by 3pm hadn't gone down. In fact it spiked to 104. I took her in out of fear for the flu (the staff was scared also). After 3 tests for everything contagious..... it is a UTI. Poor thing. She is 4 1/2.

Tomorrow is the big mileage day for me and we had drizzlly snowy stuff today. I may be doing it indoors if it doesn't clear up!
Happy anniversary to Kristi, Jen and their DH's.

Carrie - good luck in the race (and dh, too)!

Dave - I drink whole milk sparingly. Usually in my cereal or with chocolate chip cookies :rolleyes1 To try to get more milk in me, I like lowfat chocolate milk. I remember reading somewhere that chocolate milk is a good post run drink (not with a beer though :) )

Cam - Good luck tomorrow!

Kristi - sorry to hear about Chad's work issue. Hope it works out for you guys. I have a boss like that, too. He wants to control everything. He thinks nothing of moving people around on a whim, whether it's good for our dept. or the person. Morale is so low ay my job, so I can sympathize with you and Chad.

Steve and Erica - great job on your runs!:thumbsup2

If I could get Genie to grant me a running wish, it would be consistency in training. LTO this week and I have not done anything all week until today.
I knew I wanted to do a long r/w today so I took the day off from work. I picked a point to point route and timed it so I would get to the end at about the time a friend got out of work (so she could give me a ride home).

I ended up doing 10.77 miles in 2:37:35. It comes out to roughly a 14:50 mpm pace. I lost a couple minutes getting stuck a traffic lights and when I was eating my Cliff Bar. I think I'm going to have to stick with the Cliff Shotblocks instead of the bars. I can't seem to keep a quick pace when trying to eat the bar. I'll have to figure it out soon. When I finished, I was wiping my brow and wiped off a bunch of salt from my skin. Need to make sure I eat something that will replenish that, especially during the full.

Oh yeah, no blisters! (love those Injinji's):banana:

Renee: OK, here's the plan.....John and I are going to park our car in the Wakefield TPC parking lot and basically do a square all around WP. If you like, I'll look up the street names. If you go around the outside of the traffic circle near the pool, it will be a 5 mile loop. I plan to do it 3 times and then add another 1/2 mile up Falls of Neuse, turn around and get in my 16! If you wanted 18, you could do it 4 times and shorten the last one by taking a side street. John is going to stop at 12, take the car and get some fresh hot coffee and bagels and then be waiting back in the TPC lot when I finish my 16 If this all works out, life is good!

Jeanne - Maybe I'll see you out there. I've worked up an 18 mile route around Wakefield (and Crenshaw and Forest Pines...) and DH (who will stop at 12 miles) will start around 8:00 or so. Good luck with the 16!

Martha, we're suppose to get s**w on Sunday and just an F.Y.I., registration opens up, on Jan.2nd, for the Leadville Heavy Half. Do you want me to register you and Carol?
Easy 4 miler for me tonight --- 14 miles early in the morning, hope I can get to sleep early & not watch to much :happytv: :rotfl2:
Happy Anniversary Kristi and Jen!

Kristi, fantastic pics. Love them.

Stephanie, glad you are feeling better.

Good luck on those LRs everyone.

I'm behind schedule, but will be giving it a good whirl tomorrow.

Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

OK, I'm waking up and fueling up for a LR this morning. This will be my first LR outside since the Marine Corps Marathon. I didn't make it out the door last week - so here's hoping I do better today.

Kristi- I'm so sorry Chad is having trouble with his boss, and I know what an impact that must have on the family. Hang in there. I hope it all works out. BTW: I was thinking of you last night. I watched a little of the Next Great American Band, and saw your boy Johnny up there.

Terri- The Marine Corps Marathon group is thinking of taking on the Philadelphia Marathon next year. Are you game?

Martha- We've had the fluffies flying already here this week.

SilverSteve- Great job on your 16 miles.

Erica- Great job on your walk! :thumbsup2

I know I missed a ton, but good luck to everyone on their LRs today.

Oh yeah and Go BLUE!!!!
Good Morning Everyone -

I am off for a big run. At least it is 10 degrees warmer than yesterday. Well procrastination never accomplished anything so I better get moving!

Cam- Do you actually watch videos while you run? I am confused?

Shan - Thanks for the info about the safety class. I have actually taken a few. Years ago, when I worked in Jacsonville, there was a serial killer killing women (prostitutes mostly) on the highway where I worked. My boss enrolled me in a couple very serious classes back then. Turns out, he was smart because when they caught the guy it turned out he was a worker for one of our vendors and was in and out of my offfice all the time.

Oh and the weight gain could be muscle conversion. Muscle weighs more than fat so sedentary people that start to work out can actually gain weight while losing inches. Running does make you hungry so be sure to eat a light healthy snack immediately after running. It will help. Nothing with sugar though as it makes you crave more sugar.

Have a great day everyone! Go Tigers!

Just back from the gym - did my 40 mins on the bike reading about ridiculous celebrities! I haven't xt in a lonnnggg time. It didn't feel that hard while doing it, and I didn't think I got sweaty enough. ;) Until I stood up! OMG! My legs were rubber! So, I think it had some positive effect. :thumbsup2

Thanks for the :wizard: for Chad. His boss is at work with him, but hasn't talked to him again yet. His boss is crazy and likes to play with people. it's a power thing & it's not fun. So, in light of all this - I am going to sit on the couch and watch tv all night. Maybe have a couple of my Mike's Lemonades. Oh, and eat the rest of the chinese left over from our depressing lunch today. The worst that can happen is that he goes back on unemployment. Thanks for letting me vent! (as if you had a choice! ;) )

Kristi, what is it that you and Chad do?

I worked for an aweful manager at my store for 4 years, but I enjoyed the work and decided she was not doing to beat me. I won out in the end when she finally dug her self a deep enouth hole that she had to resign. I was even offered the job when she stepped down. I chose not to take it since it would require a lot more hours, it's a salaried position. The new boss is great, he lets me run my section like I was hired to do, what a concept.

I slept in a few extra minutes so I have to get my can out the door and on the road. I'm not going to accomplish any Goofy training here in the recliner.

My dear pretty princess is determined she will get more miles than me this week. I think she has won this week. Besides I don't want her to hurt herself, she is a girl after all. (In kidding don't beat me, she will whack me when she reads this anyway). I am very proud of her. She did her 7 miles yesterday in 1:35. She has about 35 miles for the week.

Remember it's the rest day after the hard effort that makes you stronger, two many hard days in a row will tear you down and not build you up like regular rest will. It's funny most people buy into that with weight training but forget it with run/walk training. You can run/walk several days in a row and get the best results if you do a varied routine: LSD, short fast training and tempo or fartlak.

Have a super weekend y'all.

Training Panda:hippie:
I am up for XT today apparently. DD has a softball pitching clinic for 2 hours and I am her designated catcher. Hoping to get in 6 miles later if my knees are still talking to me!! ;) Happy training!!!!!!!!!
Kristi, Jen--Happy Anniversary to you and your DHs!!

and Kristi--so sorry things aren't going well for Chad at work. I know that can't be easy. You guys hang in there, ok? We'll be thinking and praying for you both.

Ok, just getting fueled up for the LR this morning. 12 miles, and I promise I'll take it easy on the knee. Good luck to everyone with LRs and races today. Hope to hear lots of good reports.

Not much going on today. Having some people over today to watch the important football game (GO HOGS!) We don't have any of those dreaded Vols fans around here do we??? I did see a tiger fan, but I'll let that slide.;) Gotta get DMac some more yards to get him back in the Heisman hunt--want him to run all over Ole Rocky Top today.

Okay, enough of my off topic football chit chat---Resting here again today. Feeling back to my old self--even back to drinking my morning cup of joe. When I was sick it just didn't taste good. Weird! But still gonna give that 14 tomorrow a shot--which reminds me, need to go get some Gu today.

Kristi--that just makes me :mad: about Chad's boss. What a jerk! I hope something works out for him!

Martha--Hmm, maybe you might try channeling someone else this weekend--don't want you to blame me if the run goes sour. I've already got one strike from RnR, don't want another!;) :lmao:

Jen--I hope your DD starts feeling better soon! :grouphug:

SliverE/Steve--Only 3 more LRs before WDW??? What plan are you on??? Can I sign up for that one!!!

Steve/Krista--From my sweet, kind, loving DH--GO BROWNS!!!!!!

Has anyone heard from Christa since her trip to WDW? Anyway, time to go. Have a great Saturday all!


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