Wk of Oct 30--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training


Port Orleans French Quarter is at most at 1/2 mile walk from the starting line of the full marathon. This year (both half and full at same start location) we left the lobby at 5:30 and were in the corrals by 5:40.

For the half in 2006, the start looks to be at about mile 1 of the full marathon course, so we'll have a bit farther to walk on Saturday morning. Still beats other methods of transport to the start.

Only you can decide how to balance the resort you'd like to be in for your visit with a resort which makes it easy to get to the starting line. I feel strongly enough about easy access to the start that even though we are DVC owners at the Boardwalk Villas (bought specifically for use during the week around the marathon every January), my wife and I slip over to POFQ late in the evening before the race so we can sleep longer and get to the start with minimum effort.

If you are interested in Port Orleans (Riverside is right next door) I would jump pretty quickly. Last year when we checked in the place was very full, literally crawling with runners.

P.S. Small world, but my mother was born in Rogers, Arkansas. I suspect it's changed a bit in the last 70 years, however.

Oh gosh---I feel...well...goofy!!!

I soo wish I registered for it---then there woudl be no torment and wonder over what to do.

Here's the official scoop.

I am not cleared to run for "at least" 2 more weeks. I got permission to walk on the treadmill--but with a very stern warning to not walk for speed...I can use it to practice my walking to make sure that form is correct. Due to muscle weakness, the IT band will try to compensate and I would be at risk for a setback--so no speed.

The PT is very conservative in his prognosis and says the half will be no problem. Until I run--he just cannot clear me for the full...b/c there is no real guarantee of finish. He can't say that I will fail either--b/c he cannot assess my running...b/c I am not allowed to run.

So I made hubby promise to register and train for the 2007 full..and I am going to run the half with him.

I would be much more accepting of this if I knew that doing the full would be really bad and not doable...the torment is that noone can say that it will be.

But hey--it's Disney--and I guess last years Mickey needs a buddy and not a twin and my efforts to finally log 1 of 50 in the 50 marathon attempt...will have to wait another year.

The good news---when I was doing 1 legged biking--my right leg can do 100rpms. And that's fast (for me anyway). This is on the easiest setting too. Well two days ago, the left leg had trouble making it to 1 full revolution...and even yesterday morning when I did my range of motion on the bike--I was at times not going fast enough to keep the bike data thing going (you know--the auto pause or shutting off b/c your going to slow). Last night without even trying...I got up to 60rpms. YEAH!

The therapist did not question my ability on the cardio...its the stupid quad!

I should take a picture--so you can see what he's talking about. When squeezing my quads--my right one looks....well...awesome...you can see all the definition and chiseling as a result of all that wonderful training. The left leg--well it is flat! It's got nothing. Yesterday--I can finally see some sqeeze near the kneecap--but not even close to squat!

I still don't comprehend how 1 day of immobility just makes 10 weeks of training on the quad--literally disappear.

Anywho--I'm on board for the half and I suckered hubby into the full for 2007. Buwahahahahaha....maybe that was my plan all along ;).
princessmomma said:
Sara, thanks for the info. How was your 2005 experience? Were you happy with your time? Was it too cold, too hot, just right? Did the masses of people bother you? I love to hear about others marathon experiences. How was mile 20, were the last 6 miles tough??

Colleen, I have to preface this by saying I am a recreational runner by nature. I prefer not to race at all except at WDW and 2005 was my first marathon. I run for fun, fitness and as a natural anti-depressant. I was happy with my time. My DH and kids saw me at mile 23 and couldn't believe how great I looked. I never felt the need to run hard during the race and I just was taking in the entire experience. I normally train exclusively on a treadmill, so the heat really didn't bother me at all even though it was unusually warm from past WDW marathons. I really wasn't bothered by the masses of people. There are some parts of the course where it narrows a bit which is kind of a PITA as far as crowd control goes. I never ran at a pace I knew I couldn't sustain for a LONG period of time, so the last 6 miles weren't bad for me. Mentally, the last mile was tough, if only for the sole reason that emotionally I knew I would be conquering this mighty feat. When I heard the Gospel choir singing at mile 26, it was hard to run while you're crying, KWIM?! For me it was more about the experience and I STILL to this day tear up remembering parts of the course (World Showcase in the dark is particularly emotional for me). As you can see, I could go on forever about the 2005 marathon. The memories are truly priceless. I can't wait to share it with you all.
msblrobs said:
When I heard the Gospel choir singing at mile 26, it was hard to run while you're crying, KWIM?! For me it was more about the experience and I STILL to this day tear up remembering parts of the course (World Showcase in the dark is particularly emotional for me). As you can see, I could go on forever about the 2005 marathon. The memories are truly priceless. I can't wait to share it with you all.

Oh, no, I am tearing up already! Not a Gospel Choir :cloud9: , that will really put me over the edge! I hope I can hold it together with all those people at the end of mile 26! :thewave:

Thanks for telling us tidbits of your experience, others have mentioned the first 4 miles through Epcot in the dark was a great experience too!

Craig, seriously, you left your lobby at 5:30??? So the 3:00 a.m. pick ups of those staying at the all the other resorts? Even if it takes an hour to get to the race start, that is still 4 a.m. Methinks I need to re-evalute my resort choice.

Wow, everyone is doing wonderful sounds like! I am doing pretty well myself. Starting to get more confident about finishing. We have our 10 mile LR scheduled for Sunday--dropping the kids at my parents while DH and I run and then we'll return for dinner--what a deal!

Doing 6 this afternoon but woke up with a pinched nerve in my neck--hopefully it won't "cramp" my style too much during the run-ha!

Craig, how do you walk to the start?? I am staying at OKW and am doing the full--how would I get there??

Yes, absolutely.

My first WDW race was January 2004, and I didn't feel like the 3 a.m. bus, so I walked out of the Boardwalk at 5 with a plan to get to the start. I made it with some luck, but just before 6 a.m. I saw lots of people walking over from Old Key West and Port Orleans That was enough for me.

For the January 2005 race my wife ran for the first time, and yes, we walked out of the lobby at POFQ at 5:30. I would have stayed a bit longer but Martha was pushing me out the door. You don't go through the staging area at all (so no porta-potties), but you literally walk past the guard booth, turn left, walk maybe 200 yards, cross the canal on the bridge and you are at the start for the full.

This year I guess we'll leave the lobby at 5:20 for the half, and 5:35 for the full. I figure anything I can do to sleep later and spend less time standing is gold.


When you exit OKW literally walk west toward the light and the sound. You cannot miss it. They have big lights at the start and the dj's are talking. Again, there is a concrete bridge over the canal, which is used by cars during normal times, but not on race morning at 5:30.

msblrobs said:
As you can see, I could go on forever about the 2005 marathon. The memories are truly priceless. I can't wait to share it with you all.

Go on! Go on! I love hearing the stories, too! It gets me sooooo excited. I can't wait :Pinkbounc

Lisa-- Sounds like your finding new ways to challenge the athlete in you. Now you can PR in One legged cycling!

I just did a very easy run. I chose a course that is almost all flat (it meant taking my life into my hands to run on a very busy street, but my knee comes first :p ). I did 7 miles at an avg pace of 9:41. I am so amazed that such a pace can feel easy nowadays. I wore my new knee band and my stability Asics (Kayano's) instead of my Cumulus. As soon as I got back to my desk I got the leg up and its icing as I type. (Hope no one comes to see me for a while) :blush: So far so good :goodvibes

Oh but I do miss the leg press....

OMGosh, sounds like some people, other than myself, are having knee probs. Ugh, hang in there, guys, we'll make it. My right knee woke me up @ 3a.m. this a.m., throbbing...nothing a little ibuprofen couldn't take care of. Considering buying stock in the stuff soon.

Everyone doing the full is making me quite jealous. I signed up for the 1/2, hardly expecting to finish, let alone run it, but I'm now convinced I should be able to run (wog) the whole thing. Kinda makes me wish I signed up for the full instead. Oh well, maybe next year. This is my first attempt @ running more than 5 miles, so....

ARGGGh! Craig, you're killin' me! I'm staying @ BWVs 'cause I thought it was a spot w/ easy access to the start of the 1/2. I'm wrong, though, aren't I? I shoulda stayed @ OKW. 3 a.m. & I do not mix well!

My mom is walking the 1/2, she's 69 a training like a fool. Yesterday, though, she had a serious mishap. She was cleaning windows @ her house & one fell down & amputated here L pointer finger below the first knuckle! Man, I felt so bad for her, she was so upset (mostly mad at herself). They couldn't re-attach it either. While in the ER w/ her & the doc, I looked @ her & said "I hope you don't think that in some bizarre way, this gets you out of doing the half with me?" She laughed & said it wasn't her toe, it was her finger. She & I both have a twisted sense of humor & the Dr. was all but mortified when we discussed the possibility of her receiving discounts on future manicures. I guess that was in bad taste.

I hate my knees, did I mention that already? oh, ok.

I tried, but I got scared and overwhelmed. I checked out one of those sites and it was overwhelming. I'm going to try to call the resort and make a reservation. Yes, I can adventure race for over 24 consecutive hours, but I can't do this!!!!!
Oh Jodi, so sorry to hear about your Mom's finger! I hope she does well.

I just checked online for a Disney resort for marathon weekend and they only offer All star Music, Wilderness Lodge and Villas, Contemporary (at a big price) and maybe one other, but no moderates.

Craig, thanks for the info. I guess I will need to book POFQ early for 2007 marathon!! :flower:

MelRhoads said:
I tried, but I got scared and overwhelmed. I checked out one of those sites and it was overwhelming. I'm going to try to call the resort and make a reservation. Yes, I can adventure race for over 24 consecutive hours, but I can't do this!!!!!

I hear ya! I'm a veteran DISer and I'm overwhelmed and panicked by the new "Magic Your Way" park tickets. I haven't figured out what I need yet. Oh I miss the old days when there were just a couple of choices....

My advice is to get a ressie down, and then continue to research. You can always change your ressies if you figure out something better but they will fill up fast.
MelRhoads said:
I tried, but I got scared and overwhelmed. I checked out one of those sites and it was overwhelming. I'm going to try to call the resort and make a reservation. Yes, I can adventure race for over 24 consecutive hours, but I can't do this!!!!!
GIRL! I understand! This is why DH handles everything. He loves it and I just tell him what I want. I have a phone phobia (dont ask) so he has to call and make all the ressies.

Jodi - Hope your mom is doing well. You remind me of my relationship with my mom and sis. We are sick in the head too.

Craig - You are my hero! I could never wait that late to go over to the start. DH would love that, but I fear I would panic. We are staying at the GF the 1st 2 nights then transfering to BWV. We will ride the monorails over and let me pee 1000 or so times. I have to try out as many pot-a-jons as I can. :rotfl: It is part of my sickness in the head. He just laughs @ me.

Do you guys do the meal plan thing???? What about park hopper - WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? I think I am going to ge the meal plan for all 7 days, park hopper for 4 days for all of us and let the man and manchild get their other 2 passes when they get there on race days. IS THIS OK. TELL ME!!!!

Goofy should be easy compared to this!
Hi guys - has everyone seen the code that's up over marathon weekend, It's code YRE and while the bumph says it just upgrades you to park hopper and water parks, it does also give you room discount too - I was very happy when I put down the phone, basically our tickets worked out free!!!.

As for corrals, personally, trying to keep track of a bunch of people around the start of a race this size could be really hard, so it might be better to arrange a 'catch up point' somewhere in Epcot where you all convene, might be easier than a) trying to move corrals b) trying to stick with a group of people you dont know that well when surrounded by hundreds of other people you don't know at all- if you're running you're going to be ahead of the sweepers so 5 minutes break shouldn't hurt - just my opinion. Also the first year I did it, I put down a 2.15 pace and was in corral J as they had them stacked in two lines - I was over the start line in a matter of minutes - so the As and Bs might not always mean what we think.

Oh and Mel, Park Hopper means you can go to more than one park on different days. Handy if you want to see one particularly parade on a day when another park has longer opening hours or if your family want to see you run through say Epcot and Magic Kingdom - my advice, head to the bookstore, buy the Unofficial guide to Walt Disney World, book a rest day in bed and prepare for panic!!!! Actually, the first time we went to Disney we just turned up, trotted about and had a fab time, it's only when we got to visit 6 we started strategising!!!! Helen
MelRhoads said:
Do you guys do the meal plan thing???? What about park hopper - WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? I think I am going to ge the meal plan for all 7 days, park hopper for 4 days for all of us and let the man and manchild get their other 2 passes when they get there on race days. IS THIS OK. TELL ME!!!!

Goofy should be easy compared to this!


I think it is cheaper for the "man and manchild" :rotfl: to buy 6 or 7 day hoppers then to split it up into 4 and 2, the two will be quite expensive. You could just buy your four day hopper (a hopper allows you to visit more than one park in a day).

I would recommend that you purchase room and tickets separately (Ticketmania has good prices on tickets).

As for the meal plan, it is ALOT of food. It is convenient but we would not do the meal plan again.

If you do the meal plan, I would recommend 2 meals a day, not 3. Way way too much food. I second Helen. Buy the guide. Still feel free to ask away here, though!
Jodi- so sorry to hear about DM finger. My mom is doing the 1/2 with me also. She's 64(and she can smoke me in pacing)

MelR-ask away! My friends call me the "Disney Nazi" The hotels are selling out so you def. need to go ahead with your reservation. We are staying at the WL for the 1st time. Cant walk to the start but its a beautiful hotel. Kids will love it! I agree about getting tickets at Ticketmania, much cheaper & great service.

Today was SR did 2.79 miles at 14:20 pace. Tomorrow I'm doing my first spinning class. Hope to be able to walk Friday :rotfl:

Cam-Everytime I tell my mom how much (or little) time we have left she says "stop that" It's comming faster & faster!

I made my ADR today for Chef Mickey's , this will be another first for us. The boys are excited about eating at the restaurant we always ride over.
Hey all! Just read the email WDW sends us for the marathon and 1/2. There are 2 starting points for the marathon. Red and blue depending on corral. They go different ways in EPCOT! Did you all already know this and I am behind? This is the first I have heard of it. Please humor me and say you are surprized too. :confused3
gatorphipps said:
Hey all! Just read the email WDW sends us for the marathon and 1/2. There are 2 starting points for the marathon. Red and blue depending on corral. They go different ways in EPCOT! Did you all already know this and I am behind? This is the first I have heard of it. Please humor me and say you are surprized too. :confused3

Yes, Christa, just read it! It is a surprise for me too!!

Glad to read our packages are in the mail.


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