Wk of Oct 30--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

As a victim of the mat---make sure you finish in regulation time, Mel. You can be deadlast in regulation...but once they turn off the mats, I'd hate to see for all heck to break loose. Shouldn't be a problem since they are using the silly arm bands....but, I was the victim of the mat...still got the one medal though!
Craig: Hang in there, a lot can happen in 10 weeks. I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't REALLY nervous about it also :-)

Mel: WTG on the race :-)!! Thanks so much for the words of wisdom on the Goofy Challenge. I also plan on running both rate at my training pace. DH is worried about running the half since this will be his first race, so he is my 'out' as far as taking it as easy as possible the first day. For the full I just want to get through it...and get that medal!

12 mile LSD yesterday and a 3 mile recovery run this morning. I went to my first physical therapist appt. this morning for plantar faciitis on my left foot. It is resolving nicely and I am looking forward back-to-back long runs this weekend.

Nancy: Love house. It is so beautiful. I thought I could move to FL, but visiting Orlando in both May and October of this year put those dreams to bed...Being a Northeasterner leaves me defenseless in the heat and humidity.
My thoughts on completing the Goofy is the same as Melissa's. I am going to go out nice and slow (training pace) with multiple walk breaks to just cross the finish line before the time limit. I am not looking at any PR or maintaining 10:00 pace for the whole thing. I just want to have a good time, get lots of pictures taken, and finish with the ability to walk around the parks for a few days following the marathon.

It is all about the medals (3 from the Goofy and one more from the Disneyland half!)

Stay injury free everyone. I get to start training again this week. (took a week off after my marathon on the 23rd).

Craig - I think I'd look very seriously at a w/r or r/w plan fo rthe full. As you've said the half is your race. Your goal for teh Goofy is just to finish. I know you have the innards to finish if you allow yourself to perform below your typicals standards.
Carrie - for Goofy, on the full, I am definitely walking the waterstops and I'm training by walking for 45seconds every mile and 1/2 on long runs. (Except when EC takes her huge dog, then we have to walk every 1/2 mile for about 15 secs. for him to pee and sniff and other doggie business :dog2:) He usually only does the first 1/2 of the LR and we drop him off at her house to refill h2o. :dog:
Craig, I have learned something by doing my Wogs with DD after my LRs. A relaxed walk/jog is doable on tired legs. Of course our Wogs are only 4 to 4.5 miles so far, but I do them sometimes within an hour of finishing my LR. What I find is the first steps into a jog are so painful I want to scream. But amazingly, the legs loosen up and it becomes doable. Since DD is still much behind me in training, she tires long before I start to need a break and I'm force to walk. It never ceases to amaze me how easy it is. I feel like I could do miles and miles like that. My rambling is aimed as saying if don't push too hard for the half and then take the full at a seriously slow walk/run schedule you will be able to finish, I'm sure of it. DDs wogs end up being an average pace of ~12:10. Maybe you should aim at something like that for the full. But it might also mean rethinking your goal for the half. I know you've been planning on having a good pace for the half and then just finishing the full. Maybe the half might need to be a bit slower to save your legs for the full. I dunno, but it worries me to hear you so scared. I know you can do it. :grouphug: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

For today: I just did my interval training. Outdoors because it is GORGEOUS out today :sunny: However, outdoor running near work means hills, so I got a double treat :rolleyes: (I hate speed work and I hate hill work) I can't figure out how to get my splits out of my Garmin without uploading to my pc (at home) so I don't know all the stats yet. But it said my overall pace was 9:02 (6.5 miles) with my best pace being 7:14 :cool1: (I made each 1/2 mile interval a lap). I can't wait to see them. What I'm finding these days is I am running faster but my runs are harder. But I can't seem to force myself to run slower and more comfortable.

DD isnt' going to do the 5K. She didn't run this weekend or last weekend (which means no runnign for 2 weeks for her). So I will do it alone, which means I will push. I'm planning on taking some vaca on Friday for my LR so I can have Sat as a rest day before race day. I think I will shoot for a PR.

Wow! I just spent the last 3 hours reading last weeks and this weeks training thread. You guys have been busy!! :banana: Stephen and I are back home :guilty:, but leaving this time wasn't so bad because we'll be back in 67 days!! Which means the half marathon is in 68 days and the full is in 69 days!!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: We had an awesome vacation and it was great being able to run in Walt Disney World. It was great for Stephen to be running around the Epcot resort area loop, since that will be the last mile of the full--I think that will be a huge advantage to him mentally during the marathon--to know that he already ran that route and to visualize that the end is near. :smooth: We drove the half course (as much as we could), so I could see the cloverleaf entrance and exit ramps and the hill at the Contemporary. We "practiced" running out of Cinderella Castle, I'll have to post our pictures tonight.

It was really hard getting into a groove while in Disney, I'm not sure if it was just running in a new place, heavy stomachs from so much food (boy did we eat!! :mickeybar :cake: ), or the hard running surfaces (Stephen and I discovered that WDW is mostly concrete--our shins really took a beating), but my runs weren't that great. I ended up skipping 2 short runs, one because I just couldn't get out of bed, and the second was because Stephen got sick on Thursday and couldn't run on Friday--I was just giving him moral support. :rolleyes: I did my lr (5 miles) yesterday morning at Fort Wilderness (Stephen attempted to run 13 miles, but he was still sick and his body wouldn't let him finish), my Garmin was a mess, at one point it said I was running at a 42:00 minute mile pace and 30 seconds later it said I was running at a 7:00. Okay, whatever. :rolleyes: I finished 5 miles in 1 hour and 3 minutes, so even if the run wasn't that wonderful, I was pleased with my time. Being in Disney really made the marathon seem real, as we were leaving the Magic Kingdom Saturday night, I told Stephen the next time I see the Cinderella Castle, I'll be running through it!!!! :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: :banana:

I have so much to say to everyone, but I've spent A LOT of time on the boards already today. I hope everyone is recovering from their injuries and surgeries and hopefully getting over the running blahs! In 68 or 69 days it'll all be over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Krista princess:

Oh, yeah, Happy Halloween!! :maleficen
OH MY GOSH--I forgot to tell you guys: I DID MY FIRST NEGATIVE SPLITS!!!!!! :dancer: :dancer: I was so excited!! It was on my 4 mile lr last Sunday (before the hurricane hit and it was NASTY outside and my times were a little slow), I forget my exact times now, but I think it went 12:50, 12:24, 12:23, 11:24!!!!!!!!!! I was ecstatic!!!

Krista princess:
Craig - YOU CAN DO IT! :cheer2: I agree with Sunny, Melissa, and who ever else said the goal is to finish both races. I will also be taking it slower on the 1/2 and then just doing my best on the full. I would LOVE to PR but have to remind myself this is an animal and I have never done an Ultra b/4. Bree, DH, and I do r9/w1. Bree has a little beeping watch to tell us when to stop walk and run (got it @ Wal-Mart). Also, try to eat/drink a little on both races like a GU or banana or something. This will help you not to bonk. You are more than welcome to join Bree, DH, Ron and me running. Ron is great @ pacing and I think you 2 would get along great. :teeth:

Krista - Great Job! :banana:
Hi guys. not much for me to report today, walked my four miles last night as it seemed a bit soon after the race to run (I've got to do 8 miles tomorrow night and 16 on the weekend so figured I'd practise my walking breaks!!)

Mel: Helen's English Dictionary entry 4(?): Loo roll - umm, I spose the US equivalent would be toilet tissue, basically paper stuff you normally have in bathrooms but seems to be eaten by tissue consuming monsters in portaloos on race days.

Entry 5: Boiled sweets - am stuck for US equivalent here, think Jolly Ranchers (I think). Ie nasty, sugary candy that you suck for hours until they shrink!!! But v good way to get sugar burst while running.

Heather: nemesis left in the dust - beaten by 11 whole minutes. I know it's bad to gloat, but just let me do it once!!!

Melissa: Many brave points to you for rock climbing during you race, and hey you weren't just in the top ten, you came eighth. My running buddy here placed first in a 50km race recently, despite coming in an hour after the last other competitor as she was the only woman daft enough to do it - she got a her name on a cup and everything!!!!

Craig: Chill - take a dose of the Helen philosophy to the race. I started out planning on finishing at 4.30 and running the whole thing, then it slipped to 5 hours with breaks for photos, now it's 'ah blow it, I'm running to 30km then I'll see how I feel so long as I get in by 6.30 I'm sorted!!' Have decided I want to finish smiling and with legs bendy enough to get on test track before it closes for rehab - it's my first marathon so whatever I do will be a PB! You can do this as long as your inner greyhound stays firmly muzzled during the half - after all, this time you're not really trying to PB a half, you're trying to PB an ultra distance event so why risk that goal for a measly half (sorry everyone else, I know a half isn't measly really, but this is Goofy pep talk time!!!)

Anyway, that's my lot, its lunchtime for me and a bag of doritos is calling my name. Helen
littlegreydonkey said:
Entry 5: Boiled sweets - am stuck for US equivalent here, think Jolly Ranchers (I think). Ie nasty, sugary candy that you suck for hours until they shrink!!! But v good way to get sugar burst while running.

I think Boiled sweets = hard candies. Hard candies here come in many varieties of tastes and shapes. :)
Completed week 4 of MFM walk half. Saturdays LW ended up at 5.5 mi including warn up and cool down. I completed the distance in 88 min and a average pace of 16.11. The time included waiting to cross the road 4 times. Will try to get a little faster.
I agree with Krista, you go away for a couple of days and the thread(s) just fly.

Did my 60 minutes tonight and it was pretty slow. However, it wasn't the stonker it may have been. I've had a grand total of 15 hours of sleep for the last 4 nights and I didn't get to head out on the run until 5:30. It's definitely different doing the full run after dark as I changed my gait somewhat to the stability gait I use running in the snow. I couldn't see what the road surface was like and I knew that there were cracks, potholes, etc. So the slower pace was probably a combination of being a little tired and the running in the dark thing.

Saturday's 6 miles(or so since the Garmin chose to misbehave that day so I didn't run with it) was ran at the Mall. I did carry a camera and got what I think are good pictures of the Capitol Building, the Washington Monument, the Reflecting Pool by the Lincoln Memorial, and some pictures of the WW II Memorial. The last time I was in DC was a month before the WW II memorial opened and less than 2 months after my grandfather, an army air corps WW II veteran, had died so I really wanted to see that.

The conference was great. I need to sort through some of the information presented and summarize it and then I will post it here. Topics covered included hyponatremia, dehydration, heat acclimation, blisters, and many more. Working the race itself was awesome. I was psyched for running Disney anyways but more so now after watching/working the race this weekend. We were at Aid Station 6, shortly after mile 16 so far enough in for people to have problems. I got to watch the faster runners going by as we stood cheering them, handing out some vasoline, and tylenol. The last Clif Pace group I recall seeing go by was the 4 hr one and then we stayed busy for a couple of hours. The docs at the station let the student docs(there were 3 of us) do most of the assessing, diagnosing, and treating under their supervision so I got a lot of hands on practical experience. It was mostly cramping, dehydration, blisters, musculoskeletal soreness, so not exactly rocket science to treat but still nice to be allowed to do so.

So the best story of the weekend is how my classmate and I got back to the airport on Sunday. We took the blue line from Pentagon City to Rosslyn and switched to the orange line. We were headed to West Falls Church to catch the Washington Flyer bus back to Dulles. While trying to figure out which station was Dulles, a guy overhead us and said if we went one more stop he would drive us to the airport as it was one his way home basically anyways. So we took him up on his offer. Now the parents here are probably screaming in horror- "you took a ride from someone you met on the subway???" Yes, yes we did. See I kind of figured that someone with a MCM finishers medal around his neck that will be running his 7th WDW marathon in January was probably not a serial killer. He's not going Goofy this year as he's doing the 5 K with his 14 yo son but wants to for 2007.

My dilemma of the week: do the Osprey 10 K in Freeport this Saturday and then do a separate run of 8 miles later that day OR just do the 14 mile run and not do the 10 K.

MelR- congrats on your 8th place in the overall women's field. The pics are neat. You would appreciate the run portion of the Xterra East course in Richmond. You had asked a while back if I mtn bike- yes, I do. I've joked more than once that it's not a good ride if I don't return dirty, bruised, and bleeding. Seriously though, if you keep trying to ride more challenging stuff to get better, you're going to dump the bike on occasion. It's just the way mtn biking works and even the best riders crash. The single track here in coastal ME is incredibly rocky and there aren't many places to ride close by. I miss the amount of time I spent on mtn bike in upstate NY. I did have a great expereince at Pedro's Mtn Bike Fest in the Berkshires(MA) in August though. It was definitely on the list with some of the best riding I've done anywhere. In spite of the fact that I do race mtn bikes, it's more of a Zen sport for me. I love a ride in the woods on nice flowing single track that occasionally breaks out in a scenic vista. I even actually like climbing.

PD for the healing injuries :wizard: Keep up the work everyone
Endurance Mom goes trick-or-treating

"Mommy,I'm tired, can we go home now?"

"What?!?!?! We've only been out for 52 minutes and 33 seconds. We could take on a whole nother neighborhood if we hurry"

"but I'm tired and I have enough candy".

"But I want to PR this halloween"

"Oh, alright, I'll give you a piggy back the rest of the way..."

I forgot I'm an endurance athlete now :rolleyes1

Here I thought my dad was aloof--maybe a tad insensitve as I had IM'd him and e-mailed him about my surgery. He said nothing after the fact--even decided to post how his milage was going--but not a hey--how's it going.

So I'm IM'ing him tonight. No mention of it--so I toss out that I'll be running again in 6 weeks (exclusively)--he says it won't take that long (glad he checked how I was doing the past 5 days to know that for sure)....and then says if it does, then I'll be doing the half.

WTH--OMG...I am so fuming right now! His self-centeredness was beaming before when he decided to do this event WITH me at a pace that I cannot even begin to try to do (oh--well he had plans to do it in 4:30--gee, thanks for doing it "WITH" me then)....and he has the audacity to not inquire of how I am doing and then become coach-doctor-physical therapist and tell me that the best I can hope for is the half!

What thoughts are in my head---just not DIS appropriate...but OMG--what a pompous arrogant......dork!
Sara, Christa, Helen, Mel and Everyone Else

Your advice is sound and I appreciate you sharing positive waves. My first thought on hearing of the Goofy challenge was, "you are kidding." That quickly changed to "maybe," and then "okay, I'll register for the full, but only as an option; if I feel horrible Sunday at 4:30 a.m. I'll just stay in bed." This changed to "I'll run the half hard and treat the full as an afterthought," but now after training and building most of the year I'm taking the full very seriously, perhaps - no certainly too seriously. My fear is flaming out all over the course on Sunday and putting a cloud over our much looked forward to week in January in warm Orlando.

After running 13.1 miles point to point yesterday it became clear to me that a half marathon is a long, long way, and a full marathon is ridiculous. I've always admired anyone who did a full, and yesterday that feeling was reinforced. Geez I barely made it to the half marathon point (Martha standing right at the 13.1 mark on the course with her arm out, I saw her about 100 yards away, I'm not sure when I've been happier to see her :goodvibes ), how on earth am I ever going to double that distance with legs fatigued from the previous day?

Yes, I need to ease off on Saturday and save for Sunday. Sadly I seem to be unable to control myself in training runs, and in a race once the gun goes off and I'm trampling down the road with thousands of my closest friends, I'm even worse. Every disaster or disappointment I've had in a training session or race can be blamed on starting too quickly :moped: . I know this, I worry about it, I vow to overcome it, yet I keep doing it.

What I need is someone running next to me the entire time with a watch and a hammer. The watch for a sustainable pace, and the hammer to hit me when I get carried away. Thanks Christa for offering pacing help. If you'd like to carry that hammer, I'd really appreciate it :teeth: . What times are you guys thinking of shooting for on Saturday and Sunday? I do think being with others would help me achieve this frightening goal, and if my likely pace fits with your group it would be nice to be among new friends for the distance.

Please feel free to send me an e-mail at stephenson@babson.edu. That goes for any of the fine folks on these WDW marathon support boards. I've had the good experience of running in others in long races, and they always said having someone with them was wonderful. If we could work this out for January 7 and 8 it would be lovely.


Craig, I know how you feel in my own way. I went through 10 miles Sunday after 6 on Saturday. I figure for me that the chances are slim to none of doubling and then some for a full. Keep in mind here that I am a much slower pace than all of you big dogs. :dog2: :pug: :dog: I can't go any slower or I will be swept! So, you can always look for me at the end. (Well, maybe not the real end b/c that pace of mine may get in my way.) But for a while I can put a little leash on your wrist like the moms/dads do to their young'uns in the parks and that will slow ya down...guaranteed! :teeth: Really, you can do this. (I may not be able to, but YOU CAN!) Walk, you will walk faster than I wog.

Nancy, glad to see the pic of your house. Looking forward to more.

Lynne it seems that you had a great experience. I got a little nervous about those needing attention as the back of the pack started showing up your way though. :paw:

plutosmyfav said:
"But I want to PR this halloween"
Bwahhh hahaha! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: lymi! The best part, I can really get it!

Lisa, you get him! Grrrr. Hope you are managing everything ok. Been thinking of you.

Kathy, great to hear that you are at this pace already. Your road back is coming along nicely.

Minnie, thinking of you. :hug:

Sorry to all, I've read this week's stuff. Must get back to all things missed last week.
Craig - I'm thinking a comfortable pace for the 1/2 will be around 10:30/mile and the full around 11:00. I am going to walk the water stops on the full for sure. If I do those paces, I'd be quite thrilled!! Those would be well within my training paces (I think) I'm going to try a back to back this week and see how it goes. So far my LR's are up to 15 (last week, but I counted the trail run/race - which clearly was a much slower pace) This week is 17 and I'm going to do 8 the day before. I have to update you if my projected pace changes significantly. I am not usually sore after a LR, but I am sore from the trail run, so I'm going into this week at a disadvantage. Hey, what better way to train for goofy?

I would love to run/walk with any of my WISH friends for any of the races!!!!
Just sent the dad this e-mail...now lets hope the therapist green lights me....I hear crow doesn't taste good. ;) Now please keep in mind my dad is the type that doesn't take "hints" and as my mother says--one must be very direct...or it kind of goes out in left field somewhere and just sits there (like the e-mail I sent that I was having knee surgery apparantely!)

I thought you missed where I told you I had knee surgery. And today proves—yet again, how you digested information and ignored it for 5 days.

I am beside myself in anger. You didn’t even ask how I was doing, inquire about a prognosis or heck—even wish me well or anything. And now, all I can do is the half. I am so glad the coaches, doctor, and therapists have a little more faith and a much better prognosis. You had me doing the half with no clue of how my recovery is going.

Very hurtful thing for you to say as you don’t know how important it is to me to complete the marathon. The surgery was undertaken with the strong likelihood of being able to do the marathon. And the marathon is what I will be doing
First of all. PD to you Lisa :wizard: to help you deal with your Dad. I know how painful that can be. But please don't push yourself to do the full just to show him if your DR's say to only do the half. I know how much you really want to do the full, but maybe, and I do say just maybe, the half might be the best race for you this time around. And I do know you want to be able to keep on running after the Marathon weekend in Jan. There's a lot more exciting events coming up for you to do, and there's always 2007 as long as your knee is sound.

MelR, I once won a bowling tournament because I was the only woman entered! :teeth: That means I finished first - and last! Didn't even bowl very well that day, but hey, they still gave me the prize anyway. Got DH (who is the skill bowler in our family) a new top of the line ball that he still uses. :teeth:

Craig, looks like you have a decision to make. Do you really want to go for a PR in the half? Or do you want those extra medals and the personal satisfaction you will get if you go Goofy? I mean how great would that be?!!!!! Whatever you decide, you know we are all there with you. I'd offer to hold you back in the half, but if I did you'd get swept and besides I'm not going to do it until next year when hopefully I will be able to make pace.

Thanks, everyone, for the complements on the house. I keep pinching myself because I still can't believe we really live here. Now if I could get the rest of the endless boxes that packrats DH have hauled down here unpacked I'd really be living the dream. The only good news about the boxes is that they do seem to be good cross training. I'm finally seeing some better times on my walks. Still not good enough to beat the sweeper, but I'm getting closer.


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