Woohoo, Its Christmas Day


Bahama Mama Time !!
Mar 8, 2003
Woohoo, Its Only 14 Weeks ‘Til Crimbo

So hands up, who has started their Christmas shopping ?? I have, I have bought some bits and bobs, but as the girls want their pressies from WDW, I’ve got it easy this year. I’ve bought DH a digital camera, so I’ve just got the rest of my family to sort out.

So what is on your Christmas shopping list and what are the kids after this year ??

I'm getting really excited and I've posted this years Secret Santa too

A very excitable mandymouse
ive started my shopping :Pinkbounc ds has got a ps2 !! and ive been saving for argos vouchers all year (£200) and ive got £40 saved on my asda card for the christmas dinner !!
im truly amazed with myself i never get organised for christmas :blush:
I've started as well - normally do as both the boys birthdays are leading up to Christmas and DH is the youngest of 7 children so it all adds up a bit - normally start in the January sales for the neices and nephews and put them away in the same box in the loft so that we can find them - you do have to be organised though and keep a list so that you don't double up. I got a few bits 2 weeks ago in TK maxx they had an amazing sale and came away with loads of bits for £14 including swimming trunks for £1, PS board (to use with games like tony hawks etc to simulate snowbardign for £3) the box was a little bashed but not to bad, fondue set for Aunt £2 etc.

The boys want Nintendo DS for their birthdays no ideas yet for christmas but hopefully will get them to start thinking about it so that I can get them.

I got $100 in disney dollars for grandparents ready for their trip with us next year and also paid for DC for them for their Christmas pressie but they don't know that
Well I thought I was Christmas mad and well organised but you guys are amazing!!! Though I have to admit I looked at my list the other day and was amazed to find I'd got all my presents apart from DH, DS & DD so that's great. Trouble is, if I buy early, I usually see something nearer Christmas which is just perfect for someone so I buy that too so they either get 2 pressies or I've got their present for next Christmas before this one's arrived :rotfl: :rotfl: !
Started when index was closing down. Picked up a leapster game console for £40.

We have to start early as DD, DH and my birthdays are in Dec. Plus Crimbo of course so expensive.

We are doing most of our shopping in WDW as going first two weeks of Dec.

DD will be 4, is doll mad, so bought baby annabel, with accessories including, baby play mat, pram, clothes for the doll.

We always get her a learning toy, which this year is a writting table from Vtech.

Still got a little way to go, I love christmas. Really excitied. :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
Hmmmm, Christmas!

I need to get the nursery finished and everything prepared for our impending arrival before I even begin to think about christmas :teeth:

DW was talking about getting all her Christmas shopping done early this year but I suspect she will be needing to do it in lots of short shifts as she gets tired very quickly at the moment.
i'm going to New york in December this year for my christmas shopping along with my mum
so that should be good fun
I must really start thinking about it, with BabyUK arriving I would like to have it all sorted before December. I think I may be doing a lot of on-line shopping :)
14 weeks!!!!

Haven't bought abything yet but I'm determined I'm going to be very organised this year, but I must admit, I love the last minute rushing around on Christmas Eve!!

No ideas what the kids want this year........haven't even mentioned Christmas yet!!
Wow, only 14 weeks to go! I have not even thought about it yet :blush: ..... I must start getting organised. The weeks will fly by. :hourglass

jns said:
i'm going to New york in December this year for my christmas shopping along with my mum
so that should be good fun
We're heading to NYC this December too! Hope to get lots of presents bought over there. After buying a vacation-ownership in NYC this August, we have to make the most of it ;) Wrap up warm, it will be cold! :cold:
aghhhhh! I havent bought anything yet! I will wait till the Christmas stuff comes in to the shops, I know that if I start buying now I will only see things I like more nearer the time. I'll probably end up buying quite a lot in Florida, did I mention that Im going in 1 month and 3 weeks?!! :cool1:
i havent even thought about xmas yet :wizard:
suppose i'll have to get into the christmas spirit soon though!! :cheer2: :Pinkbounc
Ermm... :blush: started buying at DLP on our summer visit.
'fraid I drive everyone here daft at Christmas time - 3 more pay days (can't count December as it is not paid out in time :teeth: )

Got a few things already and a few things in the present cupboard from last Christmas - Had a funny 5 minutes at the Boots shopping evening last year and bought gifts for people we had already bought stuff for so I guess I can use it for them this year ;) Just need to get up into the loft to see what I've got - or more likely send DH as I think I might get stuck!

DD wants everything advertised on Nick Jr except the Batman Toys (as they are for 'boys')

Intend to have everything more or less sorted by the time baby arrives but whether it will happen or not is another matter!!
Have I started???!!

Have I heck :teeth:

Frances, tell us more about your NYC new "home" please :)
Usually get the relatives presents done in September but only done a little bit due to the need to save up like mad for next year's Orlando holiday. Will be starting properly in October and hopefully manage to do a lot of it on line.

I think DH would like an IPod Nano or yet another golf club.

I would like a PSP.

DS17 is half thinking of an XBox 360.

DS15 would like an XBox 360.

However, for myself and hubbie it depends whether we have saved enough. If not Orlando will be our present. :)
Miffy2003 said:
Frances, tell us more about your NYC new "home" please :)
We bought into the Hilton Club during our stay in New York. Not exactly DVC, but we figured New York is somewhere we will want to keep on visiting for years to come. We just love it there :cloud9: Holiday spending was a little "restricted" this year!

I have bought two presents for chris so far, I am getting most of the rest in florida

does anybody know where i can price up the disney swarovski crystal i am gonna get my mum some and dont know whether to get it off ebay or in the states

same goes for bratz dolls
I haven't done any yet, although I plan to do quite a bit at DLP in 5 weeks. :teeth:


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