Working on Weight Loss and getting Lean!

Welcome Lisa and Rubato! :welcome:

I have been recovering very nicely. My husband has many fine qualities but being a nursemaid is not one of them, so I've been pretty much "up and doing" since I got home. Most of the discomfort is minor right now, unless I bend down or shift my position quickly. I spent most of the weekend doing errands with my husband and, aside from getting tired more easily, did very well. The toughest part has been sleeping because I am NOT a back sleeper and that is the only position I'm allowed right now. The wounds are still ouzing a little but mostly because I move around too much in my sleep! I have to say it was much easier and less painful than I thought it would be and I am thankful for that. The fluid weight is coming off and I am now what I was when I went into the hospital (although I should actually be 4 pounds lighter!) My goal is to get to One-derland by Christmas as a gift to myself! Hopefully that motivation will make it easier to resist all those tempting holiday goodies. I see my doctor on Thursday and am looking forward to ditching the post-surgical bra they gave me, which is now pretty gross looking. I got myself something soft and smaller (no bones or underwires for quite some time!) and hope to switch it out during my visit.

Rubato: hopefully the above will answer some of your questions. I think the key thing is to get insurance to cover it. I am a big girl allover and they made me jump through all sorts of loops to get it approved. Basically they wanted me to have a BMI of 27 or less which was not going to happen, so they put me through the mill. Even with insurance, I will be about $4,000 out of pocket because they actually do it as an ambulatory surgery which means you end up paying more. I stayed overnight in the hospital, but was discharged within less than 23 hours so it's still ambulatory. I wasn't expecting to pay that much, but it's still only about 20% of the actual cost, so I am not complaining. Many people told me that if insurance covers it, I would basically only have to hand over a co-pay, but I think those days are gone. I also think it was worth every penny.....and I am thankful we had the funds to afford it. I just want you to know what to expect because if I had known ahead of time how much it was going to be, I probably would have felt way too guilty spending it on myself.

Connie: hope the feet are feeling better!

Debra: ditto re your knee!

Jackie: WTG on the PR at Victory Junction!

Maria: you are turning into a real speed demon! I look forward to cheering you on in just a few weeks.

Just curious......are most of the mean leaners doing a Disney event next month? What do we have to do to get our fearless leader, Beth, to join us?

Oh, and Rubato.....I did my first half at age 53 and my first full at 54! Prior to that I had absolutely NO race experience. At 40, you will truly be one of the "youngsters"!

Everyone else: hugs!
Jeanne: Your 'fearless' leader would need a new job! I defer to our friend Nancy's vacation, and someone got to work!!!!:goodvibes

Beth: I guess we're in the same boat then. 10 pounds isn't much, but for me, it's the same 10 that I've been struggling to lose forever! I lost all of it last spring, but over the last year and a half, it's right back. I think it likes me! ;)I feel your pain with the cookies. My son and I are making our holiday cookies today. I don't want to because if they are in the house, I will eat them. And, I don't stop! The weight loss group sounds great. I do so much better with things when I'm held accountable.

Connie: Sorry, I just always think of Texas as Houston (hot). My grandmother lives close to Abilene and my uncle lives in Houston. You are correct, the panhandle is different. I grew up in Colorado, so if your weather is like ours was, I feel for you. Congrats on the 8 miler! I like your hubbies idea about OKC. A change of scenery and pace is always good. And, any excuse to take a trip!

Jeanne: I'm so glad to hear you are doing well. Husbands always have the best intentions, but just don't cut it when it comes to caring for someone. I've had 4 surgeries. The last one, I told hubbie not to come to the hospital. I didn't need him sitting around nervous! He tries, but he just doesn't understand. It sounds like you are healing nicely though. I'm going to have to do a little more research on the surgery. And, my insurance. I didn't even think about the fact that it could be covered! That would be amazing! I do have lots of aches and pains from the girls. And, permanent divets in my shoulders. Pinched nerves, etc... So, maybe that is a medical necessity? I fall into the BMI category and do have amazing surgical insurance. Who knows? Hubby has come to terms with the thought of losing them! ;)
Thanks for the running encouragement. I am learning that a lot of people start running long distances later in life. It gives me lots of hope.

Well, today I'm doing a 4 miler. I'm going for speed today and hope to do it in34 minutes. I had a faster pace on my 9 miler, so if I could get under that, even better.

I stuck to my eating plan yesterday!!!! Day 1 is always the worst. I put my bathing suit on and cried, so that got me motivated. Of course, 1 day of dieting and I get on the scale and there's no loss. I'm so silly. I need to stay focused until my vacation. We leave on Jan. 19th for 8 days at WDW and it will be a much better vacation if I feel good about myself. Of course, it will be great if I don't lose weight also. At least I'll be on vacation! :banana:
Hi everyone!

Beth - Aww! You made my day :) I'm loving your idea for the weight loss group at work. I'll bet there are a lot of people who want to start but have no idea where to begin. Plus you have so many great insights into the whole process, I think you'd be a fantastic leader!

Cindy - A loss is a loss and better than a gain :) Good for you!

Rubato - Yikes! That's pretty chilly! I do the TM on those days.

Maria - I'm glad eating at the party went well. I know how tough it is when there are so many goodies around. I had to laugh a little when you said no one mentioned your weight loss. My extended family is a little like that - lots of back handed compliments etc. I usually prefer it when they don't say a thing.

Connie - Have you decided whether to go to Oaklahoma City? Going for 20 miles around the lake sounds better than any of my running routes :)

Manda - How did your 4 miler go? Sorry to hear about the 2 pounds. There's just something about this time of year. The cold, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's. Just keep up with the exercise and eat clean and those 2 pounds will be gone in no time!

Jeanne - pixiedust: Hope your recovery continues to be relatively uneventful and quick. I'm not a back sleeper either so I know how frustrating that can be.

AFM - Got out last night and did my 5 miler. It was pretty chilly, I think with the windchill it was about 15-16F but I figured since the roads were dry, I might as well take advantage. The wind was really bad on the main roads but once I got back onto residential streets, it was much better. I'm hoping the roads will stay dry tonight as well.

Have a great day everyone! :wave2:
Good Morning, Leanies!

I am still in search of those 5M, I'm scheduled for another 5 tomorrow, so that will have to suffice.

Let's not discuss my eating. I had a pecan pie bar at lunch, and it went downhill from there. You know it's bad when I'm eating PopTarts...:scared1: Today is a new day, and I started it with cream of wheat and a clementine, so at leatst one meal was normal. I also have my lean cuisine, veggies and yogurt for lunch, and we have shepherd's pie (we make it with chicken breast) for dinner, so my actually should go well. If I can just get through the evening...:rolleyes1

I plan on walking to Downtown to do a little shopping at lunchtime, so at least I will have a walk there and back. Time to use my last Borders and Macy's coupons.

Beth -- It is so nice of you to make sure Nancy has a fabulous vacation with her family this year at WDW! She has been through so much, and you are giving her a great gift! :lovestruc I think you'd better get movin' on the gifts, though! DH bought most of what we need for ds on Monday, and he said it's getting scary out there in the stores. Of course, this was his first year, I normally get everything for ds. I don't think he's found a love of shopping, so I'm sure I'll be back to doing it next year. ;)

Jeanne -- I am excited to see you in January! You guys at Mile 11 (I think that was it?) really got me going last year, when I needed it most! :thumbsup2 So glad to hear you are recovering well. My assistant had that surgery a few years ago, and she was out for 3 weeks. She is much happier as a "D", and much more comfortable, too! She was a "J" before, so "D" was as far as the surgeon could go and still have all the proportions correct. :flower3:

Connie -- A little mini vacay to go with your 20M sounds great to me! What a great dh, making it as painless as possible. :love:

Rubato -- That is way too cold for me outside. My TM is my friend. Or maybe it's a dvd or strength day for you, when it's that cold. It's good to mix it up a bit. Keeps the body on its toes! :)

Cindy -- Indeed, any loss is a good loss! This time of year is a crazipalooza, just do what you can and post when you're able. :hug:

Manda -- How did the 4 miles go? You can't beat yourself up every time you have a meal, especially this time of year. You can decide you will make a slightly better choice next time (small salad instead of potato, for example), but sometimes we need those little indulgences, and they save us from biggers slips. I am not eating well this week, and I know it. But, I'm also not going to totally throw in the towel and dive into a bag of Cheetos. I'm going to keep trying, meal by meal, and hopefully in the end I will make more good choices than poor ones. ::yes::

Everyone hang in there and try to bring a little magic into your day!pixiedust:

Maria :upsidedow
Good morning!

How is everyone today?

Vicky: WTG getting your five-miler in! Especially with the cold winds! Eeeck! I thought it was cold here.......guess not!

Maria: 'tis the season! Don't beat yourself up about the pie......bound to happen at this time of year.....I am just hoping to get out of it alive! I love baked goods......they just don't love me! My dh got donuts the other day....asking what kind I wanted......of course I would like the 'fluffy' ones with cream and m and m's! But I said 'no thank you' even though I love donuts! So, I guess I can do it.....but doesn't always happen like that!

Rubato: Yeah, these 10 are doozies! I have lost about 80 pounds, but at this point I don't know how I got it done! These 10 are killing me! At least I am in much better shape now to try to get them off!

AFM: I actually got my butt in gear and got 2 runs in yesterday for a total of 8 miles. I couldn't make a class at the gym, so I ran 3 extra miles watching Bones on TNT. I love Bones (cause it's my Angel!), so the time went quickly.

The scale was down today.....thank goodness......just got to keep it up! (((and stay away from the cookies!)))))

Cindy – Congrats on being down. Down is amazing during this time of year.

Rubato – that is colder than we have had yet! No way to go outside when it is like that. Good luck getting the TM fixed.

Beth – Thanks for the advice. We did the track again yesterday, but it is going to get old, and I am always turning! That is awesome that you are starting a group to motivate others! I wish I was close enough to come and participate.

Connie – I have tried to watch and listen to new things when going out. I have listened to books before. That was fun. It sounds like fun to go to a new place and stay in a hotel. Almost like a vacation.

Jeanne – Glad you are feeling better.

Vicky – Good job on the 5 miler. I am hoping the streets out here dry soon. They are not good at clearing snow in my area, so it is still icy out there.

Maria – Sounds like good eating. Sorry you had a slip, but good job getting back on the wagon. Thanks for the encouragement.

AFM – I got my 4 miles in yesterday – at least I think it was 4 miles. We were at the indoor track, so there was no way to totally keep track. My DH has a pedometer, but I think it is calibrated a little off, because it had us going fast and I am sure we were not going that fast. We tried to count for half a mile and see how close it was, and it was just a little too fast, giving us an extra .05 of a mile or something like that. Sadly he had it set from an earlier workout to stop after 40 minutes, so we had to just guess after that. We went for 48 minutes, figuring we were averaging around 12 min miles. I have no idea if we were or not. Hopefully things stay dry around here and melt off the paths and we will be able to go outside on Saturday and see what we are REALLY doing.

I was surprised when I got on the scale this morning and I am back to where I was. That 2 pounds were here for a week, but then they just went away. Weight is weird – I must admit I don’t understand. I am not going to complain about it leaving, but I don’t know what is going on. I will just hope it stays down!
How's it going girls? I have tons of errands to do today.....but dropped in to the say "hi!" Hope you all are doing great, and I'll come by later.....

Hi all!
I don't have a lot to report today. I donated blood at work yesterday, so I was still being careful about how much I exercised that night. I did play raquetball with my DH Dad and Brother. It was fun. We are really bad but will just keep playing. Someday it might look like a real game. But that was pretty much my exercise. My DH declared that losing team had to run a mile, and his team lost, so he was up on the track running. I walked along behind. He only lapped me a few times, which is impressive on that little track.

We have great plans for running 4 to 5 miles tonight. I think my legs are back from Tuesday and ready for it. We will see. After running we are going to go look at the City's Christmas light display. It is always fun, and I am running out of time before Christmas!

Hope you all have a wonderful day!
:thanks: for the warm welcome!

I understand all the holiday food comments - at work, we have a holiday goody table. Everyone takes turns and brings in an appetizer, meal, or dessert every day for the 2 weeks before Christmas. Since I am "lucky" enough to sit right by the table (and the printer I use is on said table), I walk by this food too many times a day. Unfortunately, I've been eating my fair share as well. Last night I skipped dinner since I wasn't hungry by the time I get home. So far today is better. Brought some yogurt from home and ate that for breakfast. It's still early so we'll see what the rest of the day brings.

I read a lot of 2010 goals that have been listed on the board and have a few of my own to add:

1) Write down what I eat - even if it's junk. I used to keep a food journal but would "forget" to document any unhealthy foods. The journal didn't last long.
2) Slowly rebuild mileage as I recover from this ITB/knee thing. I cannot feel guilty about not going out for a long (1.5 hour +) run, especially when I am not running my next half until March (just signed up for Princess today!). I ran 3 miles on the TM on Tuesday and while I wasn't running sprints at 9-10 min/mile pace like before, I finished and walked out of the gym with minimal stiffness.
3) I am now officially a "Half (Marathon) Fanatic" by running 8 1/2's in 2009. I have also run in 8 different states so far and would like to add at least 3 more in 2010. I really enjoy the 1/2 distance and would like to PR in 2010 by breaking 2:30.
4) Run the NYC marathon - I deferred my entry last year and plan to do it this year.

That's enough for now (I'm tired just from writing this).

Have a lean day!
Hi, folks! Taking a little holiday-shopping breather to check in. (I have to say, I find it amazing that I can spend so much time shopping and cooking at this time of year, especially since I'm not going to be spending a lot of time celebrating. Shouldn't that ratio of prep-to-observance be inverted? :confused3 :rotfl2:)

Jeanne: I'm SO glad to hear things went well and that you're upbeat after surgery. I can't believe you're "up and doing" so quickly; you must be a quick healer and I'm sure your attitude has impressed your doctors. A soft bra sounds it will be much appreciated by the girls, and I'm sure you'll be in One-derland soon for a double celebration!

Beth: I should have known you would understand training for the half-marathon by training at the longer distance. You're one of my race-training models, after all! How is your back, by the way? I've got sympathy on you for that one (see below). Apparently I'm just following you around, copy-catting. You are my mentor in all things. :upsidedow You're JUST the person to start a weight-loss group at work. You're really a good motivator.

I understand about the cookies--they're so, so, snackable. So far, I've avoided making them. But you're right--you didn't gain more, AND you've been hitting those miles. About Dexter. I've never watched it--been meaning to--so I'll add it to my Netflix based on your recommendation. Most of my outdoor running might be at a standstill until Feb./March. Looks like PA is going to experience a sharper winter than I've experienced before. Is your region also colder than last year?

Good advice on the TM running and using it for speed and variety. I'm afraid I tend to have bad form on the TM, myself, but am working on it.

Manda: How fabulous that you've really just zipped through C25K and are running a 1/2 hour already. I think it took me far longer than you. And you're adding exercise on top of it. Seriously, quite impressive. And to know you're working on distance at a track. :worship: I find that very hard, and it sounds as if your 4 miles went very smoothly. You've been progressing so well and I'm sure today's mileage will be just as smooth.

The weight at this time of year--hard, very hard--as my own scale attests. I tend to avoid all those things that I know work for me (weighing myself daily, food logs, etc.) as I head into the holidays. You're being smart and proactive about things, so I'm not surprised your scale shows it.

Connie: Great to see you here! I'm so sorry to hear about the tendonitis. I don't think I knew you had it in both feet. Ouch, ouch, ouch. I've only had a couple of bouts with my heel, and very scary. (Runner's knee can be tendonitis, though not always, and I've not had mine diagnosis. The pain tells me what I need to know.) Anyway, I think getting as much exercise in as you can--without aggravating the condition--is what you can (should) safely do. The XT can help supplement the runs to some extent. Lots of stretching, too, right?

I think the Goofy will be a mental game for lots of us this year. I'll be trying for another 20 miler this weekend (I got up to 22 at the end of November and then the body jack-slapped me into reality) but will take what I can get. I hope you're able to get your mileage in safely, treadmill or not (which might be good for you, anyway). Your DH's idea of new sights and a relaxing hotel stay as a reward sounds like just the thing for your 20 miler. Speaking of which, I love the reward/motivation/"tip" jar. I think that's a good idea--I certainly like like to reward myself. :rolleyes1

WELCOME (belatedly) Rubato! That's one heck of a great birthday present. Doing something good for yourself and having one of those bucket-list moments crossed off. You've got lots of challenges--wowsa--but what a great attitude. :thumbsup2 I probably missed it in my hit-or-miss reading, but what's your half marathon race? Disney? (I'm thinking that's it.) I have a feeling that, with your positive outlook, you'll find it addictive and it won't be your last.

Congratulations on your first 9 mile run and at what's a fast pace, too. What a feeling of accomplishment! Hopefully you'll get a new belt for the TM soon--that's way too cold for outside. The weight loss with the race training seems to go hand in hand for many of us. And with the holidays...I don't know. It's hard. I'm just trying to take it one day at a time and celebrate the good days. Don't beat yourself up, and hugs for the swimsuit episode. I haven't been in one for years, and know the feeling.

Maria: Wow! Your speed just keeps getting faster and faster. WTG! I think 12mm are totally do-able for you in 2010. (I, on the other hand, keep getting slower so I'll just follow your lead.) Congratulations on your bounceback from the Universal vacation--that weight loss was quick! I like the idea of bi-monthly charts (and charts in general); they sound good for accountability and marking progress.

You've got to be excited to have your father coming into town! I know you'll keep the exercise a priority, even with the holiday and family. And don't you worry--your family noticed your 20 pound weight loss, I'm sure. People just get weird about mentioning such things. Don't beat yourself up over the pecan pie bar--just pat yourself on the back for getting back on the wagon and adding extra steps to your holiday shopping. You can do it!

Vicky! I've missed seeing you around! I've fallen off the posting wagon, but am trying to catch up. Wow, a 95-pound deadlift. Holy cow. And you're not particularly sore after? I think your PT is right about the causes of knee issues--am thinking about a knee brace for myself. (My brother has worn one for years, so I'm thinking genetics also play a part.) Great goals all around, and I love the "running without ouchies." Hah! And kudos for going out in that temperature. I have to work myself up to going out when it's that cold, and that usually doesn't happen until I feel really cooped up halfway through winter. You're a trooper!

Tracy: It's great to see you here, and am impressed that you've dropped 30 pounds in a consistent manner. (I'm afraid I've been doing that yo-yo thing you've so wisely avoided.) And your goals for 2010 are spot-on. I know you can hit both your half-marathon and full (Yes!) goals, along with the others. Are you going to keep race-walking for your shorter distances?

Jackie: Fabulous news about your PR on the half-marathon. Even more impressive that you did it 1) while training for Goofy, 2) Post marathon, 3) on a hilly course, 4) in wintery conditions, and 5) with such a lot of time off your previous half times! :yay: And negative splits. Maybe we should call them positive splits in honor of your accomplishment (and this thread)??

Lisa: Woo hoo! The more, the merrier! You've got a lot of experience we can draw from--great--and we share the knee pain. (I hope not to have to rely on you for advice on that, but....:laughing:) And doing the Princess. I want to do that, but not sure if it's in the cards for me...don't even know if it's full. I see you've done DL a few times, too, and RftT. Are you going to do the new Wine and Dine half next fall in addition to 3 new states & half races? And is NYC one of your new states/races, even though it's a marathon?

Cindy: Great to see you! And a loss is a loss is a loss. (And not a gain!) Congratulations!

As for me: My knee is slightly better--I was able to complete last week's 13.1 miles with mild discomfort, although I'm disappointed that I'm about a minute slower than I was 6 weeks ago at the same distance. I'm looking forward to concentrating on this distance post-Goofy and gaining strength and speed back.

As luck would have it, though, I'm now having some neck/back pain. It's on my left side from my neck around my shoulder blade. And here's the strange thing...DOOD has the same pain, but on his right side. I'm trying to remember if we moved something with a weight imbalance, which would account for both of us having similar problems but mirrored. Anyway, it's kept us both off running since Monday, as well as other forms of exercise. I'm planning on giving the LR a go on Saturday or Sunday, though, and seeing how far I can go.

As for the rest of the life, not much has changed. Still not in a place to talk about much, but I I'll be spending some of the holidays alone, which I think I need to do. Let's hope the lack of family/holiday stress keeps me away from the comfort of bad food. At least when I cook for myself I don't have much problem cooking healthier than when I'm cooking for two! :woohoo:

But I'm not talking about the scale, no siree! Although I haven't started making cookies, I have been making candies, etc., and been licking those pots clean. Working on resisting, recipe by recipe, day by day. Wish me luck and remind me to step away from the chocolate.
Debra: Oh, I can tell you to step away from the chocolate......but can I? I don't think so! OOyy......the holidays are taking me down the wrong path! I am making cookies right now.....ugh...... They smell good! Lemon/raspberry thumbprint cookies from Emril! I do make all my bake goods low sugar/low fat.....but still too many calories!

So sorry to hear about the back/neck issues! Owwiiieee! Sounds like the two of you were doing something.....but what that was is a mystery! Take care of it.....that can lead you down the wrong path too!

You are in great shape for the Goofy.......for me, the goofy is all about great need for speed! Really, finishing the distances is such a feat! I wouldn't be looking for a PR on those! But......2010.......there is such potential there for speed work and PR's!!!!

I am going to really concentrate on working on speed, and NOT gaining weight throughout training.....that trap got me bad last time! I know that would be the biggest accomplishment if I can do it!

We miss you when you are not here......can't wait until you are back with us 'full-time'!!!!

AFM: I got 7 miles in today. My right foot has been giving me a fit the last 2 days. I ended up with a bruise on my medial foot/base of 1st metarasal. I have a blister under my toe, and started another on a callous on the bottom of 4th toe. WTH???? I don't usually have any issues.....with many more miles a week! I guess it could be my shoes.....just got over 500 miles on them. I hate to go to new shoes already, but I do have the spare pair waiting. I am also reluctant to start using them though.....they are so expensive. I am such a baby! Just get them out and on the feet already!

AND, I will stop eating the cookies! Promise!

Okay, I sort of 'refused' to post back to back yesterday........I hate that! Makes me feel sort of pitiful!

AFM: (alone, here, and cold from the snow!) I am pretty proud of myself yesterday......ran 10 miles in the COLD :eek: (on our Rail Trail). It was a 'calm' before the storm, and I decided to make the most of it....since the snow was coming! In the beginning of the run, I was sort of mad at myself that I didn't stay home in the warm house and use the TM.....NOT what I would have been thinking a year ago.....I hated to run inside! Now, with my TM (that I LOVE), I would rather just use it! I have been having issue with my right foot, though, that I have contributed to so much TM running. It didn't bother me at all outside yesterday. It was a slow run, but nice to get out.....first outside run since my last 1/2 marathon in November! I need to make myself get out more when I can.

I am also proud that I didn't give in to the late night hunger issue. I was really close to eating late, but I stayed the course! I need those kind of successes right now to get me back on track!

Is there anyone else house bound from snow?

Hi all. Sorry I haven't been on for awhile. We've been having some trouble with my son's health and trying to figure things out. He's either lactose intolerant or has Celiac disease and is gluten intolerant. Either way, we're completely changing our eating and buying habits. I can handle the dairy a lot easier than the gluten. I just want him to feel better. I'm having a lot of the same issues, so I kind of want to feel better too. One good thing, if we take either ingredient out of our house, I'm losing weight. If I can't eat cookies, cakes and ice cream, I won't overeat! We leave for our Disneyworld trip in exactly one month, so we're hoping for an answer before then. I need to call and have his info put on the ressie, so he won't get whichever ingredient he can't have.

As far as my exercise, I've been doing well. I went for my 4 mile run and it hurt! How weird is that? The 9 miler was easier. I also have started taking a weekly Zumba class which is super fun! I love latin dancing, so this is right up my alley. I have 2 friends that I walk 4 miles with most mornings, but it's been too cold lately. I think we got 2 walks in all week.

Diet stinks. I managed one day and then the Christmas cookies killed it. I've been eating them for breakfast, lunch and dinner! I wish I could get this eating thing under control.

Beth: Congrats on your 10 miles! Wow, I'm impressed. And, great job on the late night eating (or lack thereof)!
Just a bump up on the forum.

AFM: I know, how pathetic am I? The weekend was a snowy one! We had to spend a few hours digging out back is feeling it today! We actually helped dig out several neighbors was a community effort yesterday! My boys earned some money to boot!

I spent the rest of the weekend baking and cooking! I have made 3 kinds of breads, and dozens of cookies to give as gifts. I am glad that I got most of it done. I have a few more batches left to make today for the last minute gifts......

I ran 10 on Friday, and then took Saturday off......I usually don't have a day off, but my legs were tired. I did do 6 miles yesterday for a week's total of 40.5 miles! Not to shabby!

Good morning, Everyone!

I am back! Aren't you just thrilled? :upsidedow

Debra - Thanks for the kind words and thoughts about my injuries. I had planned on a 20 miler out of town. I did go out of town. I did do an LSD, but it was only 10.5 miles. It was cold and it was windy and it was a struggle. So, I took your advice and did what a could for the weekend. --Step away from the chocolate! I am so sorry about the personal problems. I hope you enjoy your home alone time. It can be rejuvinating and relaxing or it can be stressful, it's a personal choice! But I am thinking of you and sending all kinds of PD to help you through. Need a shoulder? Chances are, I've been there and done that!

Rubato - Yup! The Panhandle is a whole different world than Houston! :rotfl: and it does get really cold and really windy, but it's home! Sorry to hear about your son. When you start trying to figure out the problem, be very careful to work on only one thing at a time. Start with the easiest ones first and then go from there. Give him at least two weeks on the new diet before progressing to the next. The good news about lactose intolerent is that ANY cooked dairy is okay. He can have frozen yogurt instead of ice cream. Canned and powdered milk for cooking will save you money and his tummy! The gluten issue isn't as bad as you fear. The real trouble is that we don't cook anymore. Processed foods will be the biggie, there. But just think! Fresh veggies and fruits, fresh and frozen proteins, legumes and nuts and corn and rice are gluten free! As for cakes and breads, you could just make him his own and test to see if you can freeze them, like gluten free breads and cakes, etc. If your local grocer doesn't carry gluten free products, read the labels and look on the internet. But the good news, you ask?? The whole family will benefit from eating clean!

Beth - Congrats on the lovely pre-snow run! I enjoy those as a rule. Just leave off the wind and I am pretty happy. :woohoo: Congrats on that not eating late stuff! That's just great! Put a quarter in that jar! :yay: But I have to love the treadmill?????? What up with that. Tell me why you love it so that I can try to fall in love with mine!!!! --?Get those new shoes out! They are a necessary part of good health AND you deserve to feel good!

MM - Great goals. I am trying to journal. It can be tedious. I am going to try some new methods and hope it works better for me. I found two journal books and a pocket calorie book , we'll see what happens! But did you know that a clementine only has 24 calories??? Carry some to work and avoid looking the goodie tray in the eye!

Manda - Weight is weird! I lose weight weirder than most people. I will be up and down the scale 5 lbs or more a week! And then the next week it will just drop 1 or 2 pounds and the up and down begins from there. I never have a clue what I weigh because I never weigh the same! I would be an early choice for the vote off on Biggest Loser!-- Congrats on that C25K! You have come along really nicely!

Vicky- What can I say? You are the woman! :woohoo:

Maria - Never, ever beat yourself up for eating poorly! Okay, you can beat yourself up, but only for 5 minutes. Then you have to sit down and write down your resolve to make a better choice for the next 5 minutes! Remember, we can all avoid making a bad decision for 5 minutes...then 5 more and then 5 more and then 5 more and....... I give great advice, huh? Too bad I can't always apply it! You know like the dietician who can tell you how to lose weight while she doesn't!!!

AFM - AFM - We went out of town so that I could try to do my 20 miler. I did 10.5. I was walking around a lake and it was overcast and super windy. The temp never went above 37 degrees. The wind and the cold actually burned my skin where it was exposed. Fortunately, there wasn't much exposed. It was really, really difficult walking. I did 6 miles yesterday. Between them it wasn't 20 miles, but I CAN DO THIS goofy thing. It's just a mental game anyway, right??

I am hoping for a Dr's appointment for today. I need an adjustment and a cortizone shot for the tendonitis in my feet. There is plenty of time to actually feel better with the right treatments! I haven't trained as well as I had hoped and planned, but I have some long miles in and I have noticed that but for the pain, I feel great!

And I am actively working on planning the plan and gathering the materials and checking my equipment inventory, etc to get my weight back down. I can lose weight working on a 1/2 marathon but apparantly, I can't for a full! :confused3 So, I am only planning on doing a couple of 1/2's after the Goofy. And looking to recover from the tendonitis and really work on strength training and stuff like that. I am going to really be utilizing my stretch tube for weight training. I am scared to death of hurting my shoulder!
Good morning everyone! Hope everyone is ready for Thurs/Fri :) Am more or less but not exactly looking forward to the extended family get togethers. Those feel like more work stress than they should be considering everyone is "family" :confused3

Connie - WTG on getting in those miles this weekend! I know it wasn't 20 but it sounds like those were some pretty harsh conditions. Definitely better than not getting out at all. Hope things go well at your doctor's today :) Btw, what's a stretching tube?

Beth - Good job on getting in the 10 miles!! Not to mention your weekly total of 40.5 miles! The snow storm didn't get us on the weekend but I think that's because we're further inland and north.

rubato - Sometimes the longer runs feel better and go by faster than the shorter runs. Not sure why that is. pixiedust: for DS! I hope you're able to get things figured out before your trip.

Debra - Step away from the chocolate :cutie: Yeah I haven't been near the scale for a while either. I don't know if the ostrich approach is the best idea for me but I'll probably weigh myself on January 1, just to see. My clothes are staying loose so I figure that's a good sign. Have you been to see Avatar yet? I haven't seen much lately since DF's been working on a crazy production.

Manda - The racquetball game sounds like fun! My parents and sister play badminton a couple of times a week. They keep trying to get me to go but I'm afraid we'd get in more squabbling than exercise :laughing: I told them I'd come out with them when they came out running with me ;)

Maria - I eat Pop Tarts before I go running sometimes :) Don't feel too bad about the eating. I think everyone tends to over indulge at this time of year ... and ... at least you're getting exercise so I'm sure most of those calories are coming off. I forget - are you doing the half or full in January? I'll have to make it a point to find you at the Pop meet. That should be another goal of mine for 2010 - to be less shy :blush:

AFM - I got in a 5 mile pace run on Saturday. I did it in just under 50 minutes so I'm happy with that. I threw in a few hills to make it a little difficult. I want to get better at them because last year I struggled with miles 11-13 at the 1/2 - especially that overpass going into Epcot. I also did an 11 mile run yesterday at just under 11 m/m. My heart wasn't that into though.

The eating has been going well - not perfect but I don't expect it to be in December. I've avoided most treats at work although some days it feels like I have to walk around with blinders on :upsidedow I did have a bit of a slip up on Friday. I got invited to a late lunch (2pm) but we didn't end up being seated until 3 so as an apology the restaurant gave us a bunch of appetizers - cheese fondue, fries :headache: And even though I had eaten a little before, I really was famished by then and probably ate more than I should have. :rolleyes1 Oh well - I figure I don't have fondue very often and I'll keep my fingers crossed that the 11 miler will have cancelled out some of the calories ;) Ha ha!!

Have a great day everyone! :wave2:
Good Morning, Leanies!

This is one crazy time of year, isn't it? I have the best of intentions to post, and then life gets in the way...I've decided short posts are better than no posts, so I'm going to effect that philosophy!

I did my 8M on Saturday, incline walking yesterday, and 4M this AM. I am on an exercise roll...since my dad's flight was cancelled yesterday, I had two more days of early morning workouts. After tomorrow, I'll be back to after work. I'm not thrilled, but this close I don't want to miss any. :eek:

Vicky -- I'm doing the Half in January. I'll have one of those handy nametags from Racy Tracy, so hopefully we'll find each other. I am also too shy in person, but I will try to be more outgoing at the Pop meet! :dance3: Don't feel too bad about that lunch. When you're that hungry, the biology takes over. :hug:

Connie -- I really hope you get to see the Dr. today. There's nothing worse than being in pain, knowing what you need to do, and not being able to do it. And you are going to have a great Goofy. I have faith! :littleangel:

Beth -- We didn't get quite as much snow as you did, but we had plenty. TM all the way, baby! :cool1: What an awesome weekly total! I don't get anywhere near that on my best weeks! :worship:

Debra -- I will never tell you to step away from the chocolate. Dive right in, it sounds like you could use a good sugar coma!:grouphug: But only eat the really good stuff. That will cause you to slow down and savor it, and you won't want as least that's my theory. :idea:

Rubato -- Sending pixiedust: for your son, hopefully you will find out how to make everyone feel better soon!

MM -- You are indeed a "Half Marathon Fanatic" and what a title to be proud of :thumbsup2 We should all have such good habits!

Manda -- How's it going? I'm going to be baking this afternoon with ds after his Christmas Pageant. This is going to be the last one -- they stop after 6th grade. I'll admit I'm a little relieved. It's not nearly as fun to watch the 8th time, but maybe I'm a little Grinchy...pirate:

I'm :wave: at Cindy, who I suspect is buried in that winter wonderland we have going on!

Ok, hang in there, just a few more days and then you'll be opening the goodies! And no, I don't mean the cookies, pies, and cakes! :rotfl:

Maria :upsidedow
Another quick post just to say hi. Hopefully I'll have time to catch up next week. Eating is going OK, running has been spotty. The cold and snowy weather has zapped my motivation. I have a TM, so that really shouldn't be a good excuse. I have been baking and wrapping and decorating for Christmas which has taken up most of my time. I am almost ready for Thurs/Friday. Hope all is well with everyone.

Debra - Really sorry life isn't treating you kindly now. Hope we can chat while strolling/running/crawling along the course!

Vicky - I'm normally not outgoing at all, but I've learned the best strategy for the POP meet is to just put the name tag on and search for the screen names you're most familiar with. Suddenly you feel right at home!

Beth - We were wishing we were house bound. We saw flurries for maybe an hour, then they turned to rain. While all my FB friends posted their snowfall totals, and the TV news showed feet of snow, we sat at home and watched it rain. :sad2:

Connie - Did you get the cortisone shot? Hoping it all comes together and you can be pain free before Goofy. And after that, you can join the Half-Only Club!

Maria - Good for you for sticking with the workouts. I got really bad around this time last year, so I'm trying not to repeat that pattern.

I was really bad last weekend. Was scheduled to do anywhere from 10-16 miles. Did a big fat zero. Nada. Nothing. It rained. It was cold. I was still tired from the half marathon the previous weekend. I slept. I spent 6 hours on the couch reading. I DIDN'T eat junk, mostly. (Did enough of that last week to carry me through the weekend. :guilty:) But last night I went to the track with DH and did 5 miles, mostly speedwork. After we did our intervals, I told myself I was going to do an easy run, and decided to run for an entire mile without stopping, and I did! So I now feel like a runner again, after feeling like a sloth - a chocolate covered peanut sloth at that - for a week. And the scale rewarded me this morning by being down a half pound. Not much, but considering how many of those chocolate covered peanuts, and the chocolate mint donuts at Dunkin Donuts (it's really tough to have a husband AND daughter working there) I've eaten in the past week, a half pound loss is a real victory!



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