Working on Weight Loss During Training—New Year New Us!

Hi, Suzy! Thank you so much for letting me know about this thread and inviting me to join in.
After seeing my pictures from the Full marathon, I was absolutely mortified and definitely motivated to get back on track. Though, in all fairness to myself, I do have to acknowledge that I was so ill from being bloated with all the things that I absolutely swore I wouldn't take during the marathon -- dasani water and non-orange powerade. For whatever reason, dasani and every flavor of powerade except orange mixed 1/1 with water makes me very ill. Yet, out of desperation I took in sooo much of that stuff and ended up violently ill on the course with no time for the port-a-potties. UGH!

Anyway,I am desperately in need of WISH support to stay on track. By yesterday morning after 8 days in WDW and doing lots of carb loading and re-loading :rotfl: my weight was up 6.1 pounds from my all-time lowest. I jumped back on WW core with yesterday as my first day back on plan and was down .6 this morning. So far, so good today just because I haven't had time to eat.

But I cooked lots of the foods I should be eating yesterday and bought salad supplies, etc., so I am looking forward to being back on track.

So, here are my stats:
Height 5'1"
Weight to lose as of start on 1/14/07 -- 35.6
Plan -- Weight Watchers Core and a very disciplined work-out schedule
Objective -- lose 15.6 pounds before the Minnie and jog much of the race

Thank you, WISH buddies! :grouphug:
Cam - WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you decided to rejoin us :banana: :grouphug:

Dana - Those days happen so don't worry about it too much. You are back on track now! Drink that water and I'm sure you'll be feeling better in no time:thumbsup2

NCR - I remember last yr that several great Wishers kept us all aprised as to when the 1/2 (which filled up the fastest) and full began to fill up entries wise. I am sure you have at least until then to make a decision :goodvibes

Kathy - I'm a SBDer too. I know the plan works I just need to stick with it and watch my total calorie intake as well.

I had a fairly good weekend though I know I'm not loosing as quickly as before :confused3 I think I need to keep a closer eye on my total calorie intake as well as staying on SBD. I need to get back into a regular strict exercise routine and will make sure to do something tonigh!

Today's menu:
B - Baked oatmeal & yogurt
L - Spinich wrap, grilled chicken, lf cheese
S - Yogurt
S - Bean cake
D - Not sure yet :idea:
D - Cream cheese tart

Check in and let us know how your doing everyone!!!!

WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!
OK, teh only thing I've done since marathon is walk the world and run 1.3 miles Friday. I hope my knee will be back to normal soon, now htat I am no longer on my feet from mornign to night. As of this am, I am still down the weight I lost when I was sick, which puts me down 2 pounds since this time last year. Not waht I had hoped for bt iat east it wasn't a gain. I'd love to lose 10 pounds this year. Let's hope I can get back on track.

I ate tons of junk at WDW, but did not eat a lot, as I was too busy. Now, I need to get rid of the cravings again, though. :sad2:
Okay, I am caught up at work, so I wanted to check back. It is so nice to see everyone checking in here. I think we are all more accountable if we feel there is someone who cares how we are doing. I can tell you with certainty that if you don't see me around here, chances are good that I am not eating as I should! :blush:
I feel like I can control my intake for the forseeable future, except for this Sunday when we are going to NY to see Les Mis and will eat at Carmine's Italian Restaurant. I do plan on eating Italian food that day and it certainly won't be core, so I plan to NOT use any of my 35 weekly points until then, in the hopes the damage will be minimal.
I am at a point where I've lost 62 pounds (darn -- I'd gotten so used to saying "65") over the past 2 years. I have been stalled for a long time, sitting in the same 4 pound range for forever! I am actually out of that range right now by 1 pound, but should be able to take it off in the next day or 2.
I had all sorts of desire to sign up for some fitness classes at our Y, but the new session started 2 weeks ago, so I may just continue using the TM, elliptical and bike until the new session starts 2/26. I had hoped to take a spinning class but the "learn to spin" and "beginner spin" classes are given at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. That stinks. :sad1: And there are only advanced spinning classes on the weekend. So, I guess I will look for something else instead.
Does anyone here take any organized classes? What do you recommend?

Oh, and food for today has been on-target so far:
B: coffee w/skim milk & sweet n low
L: homemade spicy turkey chili made with 99% FF turkey, diced tomatoes, shredded carrots, chunked onions, corn & kidney beans. YUM! Also had some of my favorite mixture of barley, kidney beans, corn & medium salsa.

Before I head to the gym later, I will have fat free ricotta and diced fruit, which I had planned for breakfast, but never got around to eating.

Someone asked for a healthy post-workout meal. I have to say the most satisfying thing I can eat after a workout is a banana. That usually holds me until I can get a meal in place. I have learned that I should eat a good mix of carbs & protein, so I'll usually do grilled chicken or egg beaters w/veggies; on WW core, I find the best carb options to be a baked potato, barley or kidney beans.

How is everyone else's day going?

BTW, Carrie -- congrats on keeping the weight off at WDW. I must confess I ate ALL of my favorites while there. Howard and I shared a double cheeseburger & onion rings at Beaches & Cream, a mickey bar, a turkey leg and popcorn. I also had some of my favorite meal items -- In two separate meals at Le Cellier, I had prince edward island mussels, a field greens salad w/bleu cheese & pecan vinegarette dressing, maple glazed salmon and creme brulee. We also ate at Cape May Cafe. All in all, I am just lucky I didn't gain 5 pounds there. Oh, yeah, there were the 4 trays of lasagna I made for a carbload for some of the WISH marathoners on Saturday night and the leftovers we indulged in all week thereafter. UGH! Yeah, lucky I am not to look like a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon at this point!
Can I join too?

I'm Susan - 5'10" and I have no idea how much I weigh. (I'm scale phobic at the moment) I ran the WDW Half Marathon last year and kept up with my running until spring when I just started to taper off little by little. After my summer vacation I started to slowly gain weight and I just exploded during the holidays - well not really but my clothes just might!

Any way I am back in the gym six days a week; running and continuing strength training, which I never gave up. My waist is 32" and I wear a size 12 so my goal is to lose 4" in my waist and get down to a size 8. When I run the half (or maybe full) in '08 I would like to be around 140lbs.

My plan is to give up the fast food I love so much. So far so good as I have not darkened the doors of Dunkin Donuts or McDonalds in the year 2007! I generally eat a fruit and yogurt smoothie or oatmeal for breakfast, and chicken or fish with brown rice and a veggie for dinner. Lunch is usually at a restaurant so I just try hard to make good choices. Snacks can be Southbeach Diet bars, fruit or sugar free jello, nuts or fat free string cheese.

Thanks so much for the support. I look forward to seeing all of us progress and reach our goals!


PS - Did any of you see the documentary "Supersize Me"? I'll never look at my old McDonald's faves the same way again.
Just checking in to say that I'm happy to see 2 weeks into the New Year I'm still faithfully logging my food and making it to the gym at least 4 days a week. Yay!

My calorie goal is 1350/day and I'm hitting that consistently. Maybe 2 days out of the last 2 weeks I found myself running out of calories to spend by 5:00, but other than that it's been going well.

I've lost 4 pounds since New Years and am running without any pains in my feet or legs.
Well. today turned out not to be too bad, though I still have to work on finishing the kids plates!! Here's what I ate today!!

I drank water all day!!

Smart Start Cereal w/ half cup lowfat milk
Calories - 245

Turkey/Ham Sandwhich on Wheat Bread
w/ light Mayo and Mustard
Calories - 297

1 and a half Nature Valley Oats n Honey Granola Bars
Calories - 270

2 servings Pork Roast
1 servings Whole Wheat Rice a Roni
Green Beans (no butter or salt!)
Coke w/ dinner
Calories - 595

Total for the day....... 1407

I woke up at 7am this morning and started using the Shape Magazine Bikini Body Bootcamp DVD. It was about an hour, and was a REALLY hard cardio workout along with Strength training. I hope that everyone else was having a good day also.

Susan - Happy to have you!! Keep up the good work. McD's is still hard to pass up, but at least they are starting to get some healthier items on their menus.

Take Care,
Carrie & Cam – What is WDW without our favorite foods, snacks, and restaurants? We all get to visit “the happiest place on Earth” all too seldom and our time there is so fleeting that to me at least if there is any place to splurge that’s it!

Cam – I “used” to be a regular at a step aerobics class at the Y which I loved but timing wise classes just don’t work for me anymore. This class can be a bit tough on the knees and I’m not sure it would be good opposite the running due to that? Anyone know?

Susan – Absolutely!!!!!!! The more the merrier!!! Glad to have you with us!!! Fast food is definitely one of my weaknesses and one of the reasons that I now have weight issues. That and my sedentary lifestyle since my back injury have combined to make my clothes very tight.

Blueroses – CONGRATS on the loss!!!! Is “traneo” the website you use to log your food intake? I’ve tried a couple but it is so time consuming to input new foods.

Dana – That menu looks good. When I use granola bars the ones I like now are Kashi trail mix. Lower sugar than most but very good and chewy not hard.

Okay as for me I made it through another night cheat free! I had no snacks as my day was packed from the time I got up till I went to bed. Dinner was only grilled cheese on ww bread but at least it was still SBD.

Today’s menu:
B – Baked oatmeal and yogurt
L – Wendy’s or McD’s salad
S – Yogurt and bean cake (great source of protein)
D – Not sure yet. Any dinner ideas anyone?
D – Cream cheese tart (sbd approved)

WISHing everyone an OP day!!!!!!!!
Minnie - No, I log my food the old-fashioned way - in a notebook. :) I just log the day's calories, along with my workout, on Any food that doesn't have a label I look up on (which is a great site), but I tend to keep my lunches, breakfasts, and snacks similar to the point where I almost always know how many calories something is before I eat it. Such is the luxury of not working, I can leisurely plan my meals during the day. Hopefully next month won't rock the boat too much.

Today I'm going to put on my new snow boots and catch the bus to the gym. Walking uphill in the snow is a bonus workout.

BTW, what is a bean cake?
I am back from WDW & ready to get back on plan - WW Core. I was bad in Disney, but not nearly as bad as I would have been pre-WW. That said, I was miserable after a week in WDW. I could barely zipper my jeans, and they were so freakin' uncomfortable! Why does that memory never stay with you so you don't over do it next time...?

Anyway, I was fairly good today. Tomorrow night is weigh-in and I will be gung-ho on the WW wagon starting fresh Thursday morning. Tomorrow I will be as on plan as can be while still doing all the things that need to be done when you've been gone for 2+ weeks.

I am done being stuck at this weight and I think I finally have the proper mindset to get some more pounds off. I also haven't exercised (besides walking all over WDW) since the Half. So, I am going to get my behind back to the YMCA tomorrow!
Susan – SO nice to see you here!

Dana – You have a lot of motivation to do such a hard workout for 1 hour! I am so impressed!

Suzy – Thanks for answering my question about Y classes. Ours has one called Tri-Fit that I was able to do even when I was pretty sick with my heart condition. It included aerobics and floor work and was a lot of fun since it had dance & music. It is also a class that is free for members, so it gets filled very quickly. I think I will mark my calendar to sign up for that in the next session. I think it would be a good cross-training option.

Kristi – I am glad to see another WW core person here. You can help me stay on the straight and narrow! I know what you mean about tight jeans. Mine were so uncomfortable on the plane Friday night. I am not going to beat myself up over it, though. I only gained a few pounds while I was down there (though I know I would have lost significantly if I’d been “good”).

blueroses-- how was your walk and gym workout? :woohoo:

Yesterday was my second day completely on core. No WPA points used at all (saving for Carmine’s on Sunday). Weigh in is tonight. Nice clean start tomorrow. And I have been drinking plenty of water!

Yesterday I finished out the day with diet coke chicken and cut up potatoes mixed with olive oil & garlic and then oven “fried”. They were delicious! And very satisfying after 45 minutes at the gym.

Today’s food:
B: fat free cottage cheese with diced fruit; coffee w/skim milk
L: turkey chili made with 99% FF ground turkey breast; green salad w/olive oil, fat free feta and kalamata olives (DELICIOUS lunch!)

I’m not sure what I’ll do for dinner tonight. I am considering whole wheat pasta with diced tomatoes.
BTW, what is a bean cake?

Sounds disgusting but it is awesome :thumbsup2

Peanut Butter Bean Brownie/Cake

1 15oz. can black beans, rinsed and drained
2 eggs (or egg sub. equivalent)
1/4 c. water
3 Tbs. Canola Oil
2 tsp. vanilla
1 heaping Tbs. natural peanut butter
3 Tbs. cocoa
1 1/2 c. Splenda (not packets)
1 tsp. baking powder
1/4 c. chopped nuts
1/2 small package sugar free chocolate pudding mix ( I like sf chocolate fudge)

Very important – DO NOT USE A MIXER!!!!!!!!!!! – Beans will be lumpy and this will be awful! Instead use a blender, hand blender, or food processor. Also DO NOT ADD pudding mix until the end. And DO NOT eat the batter as you won’t like it. LOL.

In one of the above combine a ½ of all the following – beans, eggs, water, canola oil. Blend this until all the bean chunks are gone. Then add the other ½ of the ingredients. Blend again until all the bean chunks are gone.

Next blend in peanut butter, cocoa, splenda, and baking powder. Blend until smooth. Next blend in the pudding mix until smooth. The batter will be extremely thick.

Spoon into cupcake, muffin tins, or mini muffin tins that has been sprayed with Pam. Bake at 350 15-20 minutes. Check with tooth pick to ensure these are finished baking.

Once cooled these freeze well. I defrost and then warm & top with a little smart balance. A yummy snack that is very filling as it is full of protein.
Good afternoon, WISHers! How is it going today?
I had my 3rd on-plan day yesterday. It has been a long time since I was able to make that claim.
Food went really well and when I almost had a overwhelming urge to cheat last night I drank 4 oz skim milk and made SF FF chocolate fudge instant pudding and ate half of that. I was going to keep going and make a bag of popcorn but I really wasn't hungry, just stressed, so I reined myself in.

Today is going well so far:
B: fat free cottage cheese w/lite diced peaches
L will be green salad w/fat free feta and kalamata olives; turkey chili (made w/99% FF ground turkey breast)

I have LF popcorn, a grapefruit & a banana for snacks. I think I will save the popcorn for right before I leave here to go to the gym and the banana for post-workout on the drive home.

Am really hoping to be able to treadmill tonight. Hopefully the gym won't be totally packed and I can test my endurance and speed to get a baseline for training for the Minnie! :cool1:

Okay, everyone else has to check in and keep me motivated!

Oh, and BTW, the WW scale last night was only 1/2 pound over my home scale (unclothed) yesterday morning. I am down to being only 2.2 heavier than 5 weeks ago, notwithstanding holiday and my 8 days in WDW. I was down another pound on the home scale this morning, making it 3.5 since Sunday morning (after 3 days on core). According to my home scale I am 12.1 pounds away from where I want to be for the Minnie. Seems do-able!
I did great yesterday and Monday. Was down anothe rhalf pound this morning. Had a huge cbreakfast this am, but have skippe dlunhc. I turned down a co-worker's offer to get ice cream, which is impressive since it's been an awful day. The issue is re-surfacing again, though, and if it comes, there's no way I'll be able to refuse. Let's hope things get dropped again.
PS - I discovered that to lose 10 pounds this year, I just have to eat 100 less calories than aI burn a day. That's really not bad at all. Let's see if I can do better this year.
Carrie - :wizard: :wizard: on the work issue! :hug:

Cam - Awesome job on the 3 in a row :cheer2: It is always so hard to get back on track.

I did well yesterday because I was just too darn busy to eat. I made a lowcarb meatloaf for dinner but only DF and DS got to eat it because my MBA class is driving me demented. It is the toughest one instructor grading wise that I've had in a long while. I finished my paper at 10:30pm last night and it was definitely too late to eat so I just said forget it.

Today's menu:
B - Baked oatmeal & yogurt
L - Subway grilled chicken salad
S - Yogurt & cheese stick
D - Lean beef veggie soup - new recipe in the crockpot so we'll see.
D - Cream cheese tart

Okay everyone please check in with us. Even if it wasn't the best day let us know how it's going.

OK, I just had cheese and crackers fro lunch and I think the ice cream talk has subsided again. I should be not too bad for the day now.

Thanks everyone!
Good luck, Carrie! I know you can get through this day without ice cream! You are going to look even more fabulous for the Minnie!

Minnie -- I am so sorry your MBA professor is so tough. Howard had one of those. Remember "what doesn't kill us makes us stronger". Just think how proud you will be when you successfully complete this class!

How is everyone else? I have to confess -- if you guys don't see me here, feel free to send out a search party. I am probably off somewhere eating something I shouldn't. I am much better about what I eat when I feel accountable here and am much more accountable here if I have been eating right.

Sending pixiedust: and :goodvibes: and a big, fat :hug: to all my WISH buddies!
Hi Everybody,

It sounds like overall everyone is doing great. That is wonderful to hear.

Susan, :welcome: It's good to have you here. The more the merrier.

This may come back to haunt me, but I'm not really watching what I'm eating that closely. I'm trying to make small changes that I can stick with long term. To that end, I've started getting on my elliptical first thing in the morning. I do 30 minutes, and the pace is determined by how I'm feeling. I've also started taking walks with my dd(7). We walk around the block which is right at 1 mile -- may be a few yards shy but close enough for me. The extra exercise had made me actually want to drink more water and eat lighter foods, so I'm just going with that. Doing just that I'm losing 1.5 - 2 pounds a week. Plus, I'm going to start doing some training to train walks, so I have a good base when the time comes. (And it will be here soon!) Like I said, I'm taking it slow. I'm afraid if I do too much too soon, I will crash and burn -- that seems to be my pattern. For now, this is giving me a healthy weekly loss, so I'm sticking with it. When that loss slows/stops, I will look at adding something else. By then, these changes should be habit and the new changes won't seem too overwhelming.

Have a great day ya'll.
Eva - That is a great plan and a great weight loss rate! You are absolutely right. Slow and steady is the way to go. Plus, making little changes instead of being "on a diet" is much easier mentally. Great job!


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