Worst Ending to a Disney Trip EVER! (and other things that happened) - UPDATE 6/22!

Day 3 Part 1 – Don’t Touch or Eat Anything??

Happy Labor Day!

(in the report not IRL, silly)

In honor of labor day, we did no labor and slept in. We ate breakfast on the balcony with the food we had picked up at the grocery store. It was not too hot out and very calm and pleasant on the balcony. I sat and read for awhile until it was time to get ready to go to Epcot!

(LOVE the all the palm trees around the Swolphin. Very tropical.)

My parents did not know it but, as a surprise, I had booked us for the 1:30pm Behind the Seeds tour. I thought we could eat at Sunshine Seasons and then go to the tour. We didn’t have to wait too long for the Epcot boat to come.


The boats run in a circuit from Epcot, Yacht/Beach Club, Boardwalk, Swan/Dolphin, HS and back. There is a line for Epcot and a line for HS on the dock at the Swolphin but technically, I think you can get on either boat and eventually you would get where you needed to go. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.

The boat ride was very nice but you do have to allow a lot of time to get places because you stop at the Boardwalk and then go across the water and stop at the Yacht and Beach Club. It feels like you are going nowhere for a while there. And I’m always impatient when I’m trying to get somewhere so this was a little hard for me. Part of the reason I like to rent a car is because the vehicle goes only where I want it to go.

I may have some control issues…


(Why thank you, Doctor. And you are a good judge because you don't have control issues AT ALL. :rotfl:)

Anyway, when we got to the International Gateway, we went through the bag check and then everyone was being siphoned through the metal detectors. Lots of very thorough bag checks. I was glad that there weren’t a lot of people going through the Gateway.

We walked through the countries which were pretty empty as it was just a little after 11am. Some people were starting to trickle through, though. You could see that they had been in the park for awhile. I felt a little behind just arriving now.

We went straight to The Land and up the mountain (it is so steep!) and into the building.

Two words:

Mad. House.

From above, I couldn’t even see any empty seats in Sunshine Seasons. I started to get really nervous and slightly panicky. I definitely felt late to the party. And I wasn’t sure how to do the GF/DF thing with a cafeteria-style restaurant and I still hadn’t told my parents about the tour.

So yeah, good planning on my part. :sad2:

As with the rest of The Land, Sunshine Seasons was chaos. I eventually found someone who gave us an allergy menu. I didn’t even want to attempt to talk to a manager or chef. Dad wandered off and Mom and I decided to share something and she was going to find a table. She said anything I picked would be fine. I found some chicken with potatoes on the menu so I went to get in line for it at the Grill station. When I got up there, I said I needed the GF/DF chicken and potatoes and I pointed to the menu. The woman kind of huffed a little and walked over to another station and got a chicken drumstick and put a scoop of potatoes on the plate.


Well, that looks sad. There was not enough to comfortably share so I went looking for other options. Nothing appealed to me or it wasn’t GF/DF. I eventually decided on a side salad and I went through all of the dressings to make sure they were okay. On a whim I also grabbed an Enjoy Life chocolate chip cookie.

I eventually found Dad and we went to the checkout. The woman there was earning her ears and didn’t really know what to do. She asked what we had gotten and I said a GF/DF meal. And she said that it was a kid’s meal because a kid’s meal only gets one drumstick. (That explains things) She asked if we wanted to go get more chicken. I kind of did and Dad really wanted to go but the line was really long and crazy. I said to forget it, I had the salad now. She said that the cookie would be included she just had to scan it. She didn’t exactly know how to ring it up because apparently the chicken and potatoes aren’t normally together like that. So I showed her where the allergy menu option was on the screen but at that time I didn’t know more than that. She eventually put something together.

Whatever. We were hungry. We paid and found mom wedged in a corner. Here is our meal with our sad piece of chicken:


Sad, sad chicken. The salad was pretty expensive.

We ate. The potatoes were good, the chicken and salad were okay. I liked Sunshine Seasons circa 2009 better. We looked at the receipt and saw that she had charged us for the cookie and charged us for an adult meal. Dad was kind of upset about it. We still had a little time to kill after we finished eating so he decided to see about getting a refund or adjustment. I told my mom that I had to go to the bathroom and I went to find out where we needed to check in to the tour.

I found out that I needed to go and check in at the desk at Soarin’. When I returned to the table Dad still hadn’t got back. He was pretty upset when he finally did get back. He had gone to one of the other registers since the woman who checked us out was earning her ears. The person there said he could only get a refund from the original register. So he went back to the checkout woman who apparently just shrugged and said she couldn’t do it.

Not a good experience for us at Sunshine Seasons. Which is a shame because we used to love it when it had fresh and interesting food. We got up to leave. I had told my parents that we were doing Living with the Land and they turned to go that way. I steered them the other way, towards Soarin’ and when we got to the desk I said, “Actually, we’re taking a tour!”

Silence. Mom and Dad just nod.

“We’re taking the Behind the Seeds tour where we see the plants in the Living with the Land ride!”



Well, I did really make it sound fascinating, didn’t I? I can’t BELIEVE they aren’t jumping up and down right now.

I just let them stand and ponder while I went to the desk to check-in. They told us to stand near the bathrooms and wait for our tour guide. And they recommend that we use the bathrooms as there aren’t any for the duration of the tour. We all went and came and stood in the weirdly dark hallway sporting name tags like awesome people. There were a few other people standing awkwardly so I figured they were going to be on the tour as well. They were not sporting their name tags so I immediately regretted being so hasty to put mine on. We tried to stay out of the traffic into the bathrooms but to get away from it put us deeper in to the dark which would risk our tour guide not finding us. It was a real problem. #OnlyinWDW

While we were waiting Mom asked me more about the tour. I tried to explain as best I could but I didn’t really know exactly what was going to happen. I had deliberately only read the synopsis but I knew that people really liked it. Mom said that she didn’t even notice it on the schedule. I said, I know, it was a surprise.

More blank stares.




My parents apparently don’t understand the concept. I don’t think that they have read the schedule so EVERYTHING is a surprise.


I'm just too darn good.

Good news, though - the tour guide did indeed find us all! There were six of us total. A very good group. She took us immediately backstage and asked us why we decided to take the tour.

I looked at my parents and smiled apologetically but, like a good daughter, didn’t fess up that they had this sprung on them.

Oops! Yeah, Mom and Dad. Why ARE you on this tour??

They did good though, Mom talked about her garden and Dad said that he does whatever she needs him to do for the garden. I said that I like any backstage tour that I can get. Plus I want to roll around in the sand in the one greenhouse.

I didn’t say that last one. But I thought it. :teeth: And I seriously would LOVE to do it.

And then we were off. I’m going to try and just do some highlights so the fun isn’t spoiled. I highly recommend this tour. I like plants in general but I don’t have anything to do with gardens because I am no good and I really liked this tour.

Right before we went into the first greenhouse, the tour guide told us to not touch or eat anything.

Haha. Okaaay. I’ll try to stop myself from chewing on bark and eating leaves. Good lord, what kind of people are on these tours that they have to come with that warning??


During the tour, we learned a lot about hydroponics and what you can do at home yourself. I was surprised at how easy and do-able it all sounded!

(Everyone on the ride was looking at us. Suckas! We're VIPs back here!)

We saw a lot of herb trees and fruit trees. Right next to the walkway. I didn’t really realize this but I should have since I have been through Living with the Land but all the greenhouses are only filled with edible plants.

Light bulb.

That is why you aren’t supposed to eat or touch anything. Lots of stuff was WELL within reach. And very tempting.


(Seriously, when do I get to roll in the sand??)

I really really want to share some of the cool stuff with you but I don’t want to spoil it! I will share this – we saw baby bananas and I had never seen that before. So cool!! I had no idea that’s how bananas grow.

Baby bananas!!


When we were walking back out, I told the tour guide that I thought it was funny that she had to tell us not to touch or eat anything but now I understood. She told me a story about a woman from Mexico who had to be carefully watched because she desperately wanted the leaves from the amaranth they grow there. Apparently, in Mexico, they fry them and eat them and she really really missed them. She begged and begged to just have a couple of leaves. Crazy. It must be really hard to miss something from home and have it right there but be unable to have any.

The tour was about an hour and a half or so. And really reasonable in price. Maybe $20 each. One of the guys in our tour had signed up just minutes before the tour started.

So if you get a chance, do the Behind the Seeds tour!

We didn’t end up riding Living with the Land because we just got a better tour and we were starting to be crunched for time.

It had rained hard while we were in the greenhouse but it was not raining when we left the Land. Some good luck to make up for last night!


We were worried about timing so we needed to move some FP+s around and make some changes – we had a date with some steak!

Up next…

Day 3 Part 2 – A mini-DISmeet!
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We did the behind the scene tour once with my oldest son and he loved it.

So awesome! How old was he? We were all adults on the tour so I don't know what kids would think. I would think really young ones would be bored.
The boat ride was very nice but you do have to allow a lot of time to get places because you stop at the Boardwalk and then go across the water and stop at the Yacht and Beach Club. It feels like you are going nowhere for a while there. And I’m always impatient when I’m trying to get somewhere so this was a little hard for me. Part of the reason I like to rent a car is because the vehicle goes only where I want it to go.

Ugh this is part of the reason we didn't ride the boat to DS when we stayed at POFQ because we wanted to get there fast and weren't sure how long it would take.

The woman kind of huffed a little and walked over to another station and got a chicken drumstick and put a scoop of potatoes on the plate.

:sad2: Rude

Whatever. We were hungry. We paid and found mom wedged in a corner. Here is our meal with our sad piece of chicken:

It's so sad looking! Like my nachos. We should post them both on a "Sad Food from WDW" thread if they ever have one.

I said, “Actually, we’re taking a tour!”

Silence. Mom and Dad just nod.

:rotfl: Don't get too excited now.




:laughing: I love surprise lady, but why don't other people get this excited about my surprises?

Haha. Okaaay. I’ll try to stop myself from chewing on bark and eating leaves. Good lord, what kind of people are on these tours that they have to come with that warning??

They used to have to ask kids to not do this in science class :rotfl: People do stuff you think it would be common sense not to do all the time.
:rotfl: That's for your parents' reaction to finding out they were doing the tour! My mom most likely would have reacted the same, FYI. Also I booked the new Jingle Jam Jingle BAM dessert party in HS next month and while I told my kids about the party in general, I think I'm going to keep the fact that I booked it a secret. And I fully expect even less of a reaction from my 11yo DS than you got from your parents, because he's a little pain in my butt like that!
The tour sounds like a nice one and you certainly can't beat the price! I'm trying to decide if my kids would like it. I guess having to remind guests they can't eat anything on the tour is similar to having to put instructions on shampoo bottles. Some people just don't use their brains :sad2:
I both love and hate the Friendship boats to Epcot/HS. It's nice on the way back from HS when your feet are tired and also nice to have an alternative to walking, especially if it's raining or cold. However I do not feel it's ever faster! I get impatient too making all those stops too.
The tour sounds great! Your parents reactions :laughing:

Loving your Doctor Who gifs. My Doctor Who obsession is real and it's always nice to run across a fellow Whovian :teeth:
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Ugh this is part of the reason we didn't ride the boat to DS when we stayed at POFQ because we wanted to get there fast and weren't sure how long it would take.

It is a long ride - but if you have time, it's a really good one. Way better than my ride to Epcot. You get to go past the treehouses, so that's cool to see.

It's so sad looking! Like my nachos. We should post them both on a "Sad Food from WDW" thread if they ever have one.

We should just start a thread! Or look and see if they have one and then start one if they don't!

:laughing: I love surprise lady, but why don't other people get this excited about my surprises?

Surprise lady is so much fun! I have no idea why people don't react just like that. It would be so gratifying if they did! ::yes::

They used to have to ask kids to not do this in science class :rotfl: People do stuff you think it would be common sense not to do all the time.

Sad but true. :sad2:
:rotfl: That's for your parents' reaction to finding out they were doing the tour! My mom most likely would have reacted the same, FYI. Also I booked the new Jingle Jam Jingle BAM dessert party in HS next month and while I told my kids about the party in general, I think I'm going to keep the fact that I booked it a secret. And I fully expect even less of a reaction from my 11yo DS than you got from your parents, because he's a little pain in my butt like that!

Haha. You'll have to report back your family's reactions. Sometimes I think that they just think these things are normal! Like they just naturally happen! Or think: of course, everyone gets to do a dessert party...

The tour sounds like a nice one and you certainly can't beat the price! I'm trying to decide if my kids would like it. I guess having to remind guests they can't eat anything on the tour is similar to having to put instructions on shampoo bottles. Some people just don't use their brains :sad2:

The price is really great. It's not too long but there are points where they might be bored. Then again, there are some fun things that you do during the tour and it is cool to see the really big vegetables/fruit. For the price and time, you might just want to do it.

I both love and hate the Friendship boats to Epcot/HS. It's nice on the way back from HS when your feet are tired and also nice to have an alternative to walking, especially if it's raining or cold. However I do not feel it's ever faster! I get impatient too making all those stops too.

I think it's almost a toss-up between walking and taking the boat - especially if you have to wait for the boat. BUT you are hotter and sweatier if you walk.
I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed the tour. I loved Living With The Land and I'm considering signing up for the tour when we go back next year.
I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed the tour. I loved Living With The Land and I'm considering signing up for the tour when we go back next year.

If you really like Living with the Land, you'd love the tour. Definitely, definitely do it.
Your parents' reaction to the "surprise" tour was a.....surprising? LOL I think it's funny because around here people would get super excited about that...I know "I" would be jumping up and down if someone surprised me with that!!! But my parents...yeah would probably be just like yours lol...glad they seemed to enjoy it though in the end!
Your parents' reaction to the "surprise" tour was a.....surprising? LOL I think it's funny because around here people would get super excited about that...I know "I" would be jumping up and down if someone surprised me with that!!! But my parents...yeah would probably be just like yours lol...glad they seemed to enjoy it though in the end!

Haha. I know! I would be really pumped if someone surprised me with basically anything at Disney. But I think technically everything is a surprise since I plan it all that one more thing isn't that big a deal. I do give them the schedule with everything on it and I discuss things with them as I'm making decisions. But I guess they forget so surprise for everything!

I love black cats too.

Who doesn't?? They are the best!
Happy Friday, Everyone!

I don't have an update ready but I thought I would post a funny story about my night last night and some cat pics!

I did something really great at work and got a lot of nice kudos and "Atta, Girl!"s. I was feeling pretty good about it. It was truly earned and I had worked really hard through some tough challenges. Last night was also MY night. It's the night that my DH is gone so I get to eat and watch whatever I want. (Not that I can't normally but there's something nice about doing whatever without having to think of someone else.)

So I decided that as an "Atta, girl!" to myself and because I was alone, I would treat myself to however many McDonald's french fries that I wanted. Which means getting two larges and then stopping when I'm stuffed. The one other time I have done this, I did eat both larges...

But in my defense, I at nothing else.

I have an obsession with french fries. You may have noticed.

If I was really treating myself, I would have gone to this fancy restaurant and gotten their french fry (pomme frites) appetizer that is served with truffle aioli. But while I would have LOVED to have those fries, I did not want to dress up; I wanted pjs on the couch watching either New Girl, iZombie, The Flash, or the Great British Baking show.

Okay, plan in place, I drove through lots of traffic on the way home, rockin' out to music and getting pumped about my french fries.

I pull into the drive thru at McDonald's and see a sign that says, in very strange handwriting with different colored markers highlighting certain words that I will underline for you (punctuation/capitalization is theirs): "Our CASHLESS is down......we cant serve you BUT if you pay with CASH only"

Huh? :confused3

I had to read it a couple of times but I thought that I got the gist - their credit card machine was down so they're only taking cash. The guy asked me what I wanted through the speaker. I asked if the sign meant their credit card machine was down. "He said, yes our cashless doesn't work."

Well, that's still confusing but okay. Shoot. I only have my credit card. And like 50 cents. That will not get me fries.

Okay then. So I drove off sans fries, trying to decide what to do.

Here's the dilemma - the next closest McDonald's was pretty far away. And my fries would be cold by the time I got home and you have to eat those suckers hot. And I was not going to sit inside a McDonalds eating fries when The Plan was to eat fries and watch a show.

So I thought, Ah ha! I will go home and raid my Disney stash for some cash and come back and get fries. That would be the fastest.

I go home, leave my car running, and go inside to get my Disney stash which is guarded by my lightsaber wielding Jedi master Build-A-Bear.

Gone. :earseek:

There was only one other person it could be since I'm pretty sure Sirius would not be able to take on a lightsaber Jedi bear. Completely flabbergasted, I call my husband to demand he give up the goods.

No answer. :mad:

Seething now, I go to his nightstand and start rummaging through it. Nothing. I go to my nightstand. Nothing. I stood and thought but I can't think of anywhere I might have some extra cash. I'm very much a card person but I'm thinking I really need to rethink that.

I thought about what I should do next. Why not get some cash? Duh.

I go back to my car - and whoops! - forgot I had left it running. Good thing I didn't decide to stay inside!

So I went to Walgreens where I can get cash out for free. AND they had a redbox so I could return my movie from the other night! Score! After returning the movie, I go in and use the cash machine.

Card expired.


Sure, enough, my check card expired in Sept. I do not remember getting a replacement card. For the last 9 months, I have been using my Disney visa exclusively so I get Disney rewards money for my trips. Then I just pay it off at the end of the month. Blair is the one who usually gets cash so I just grab his. And isn't that the way that marriage is supposed to work? :rotfl:

No cash. No fries.:sad:

Completely defeated, and not about to take home cold fries from another McDonalds, I went home and had some rice noodles while watching The Flash.

Wah. Wah.

I was still a little disgruntled about my fries after an episode or two so I went to our neighborhood grocery store.

In my pjs.


I sat on the couch and drowned my sorrows with tortilla chips and salsa con queso, still dreaming of french fries...


And now, as promised, cat pictures!

Introducing the crime-fighting Halloween Duo: The Orange Crusader and her side-kick, Black Magick!

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

And here is nicer pic of Sirius on his favorite spot on the couch, that I'm sure he thinks we got just for him.


And for giggles. My parents' cat. Who is sleeping, btw, not stretching like it looks like she is doing.


That's all folks!

I finally got my photopass pics downloaded so I will have my next update this weekend!
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So I decided that as an "Atta, girl!" to myself and because I was alone, I would treat myself to however many McDonald's french fries that I wanted. Which means getting two larges and then stopping when I'm stuffed. The one other time I have done this, I did eat both larges...

But in my defense, I at nothing else.

I have an obsession with french fries. You may have noticed.

Makes total sense. And I say that to you as I eat nothing but a large bowl of french fries for lunch.

I pull into the drive thru at McDonald's and see a sign that says, in very strange handwriting with different colored markers highlighting certain words that I will underline for you (punctuation/capitalization is theirs): "Our CASHLESS is down......we cant serve you BUT if you pay with CASH only"

Our Cashless is down :rotfl:

When they repaved our parking lot at our apartment someone put a sign up for the handicap entrance only it says "Handy cap"

Here's the dilemma - the next closest McDonald's was pretty far away. And my fries would be cold by the time I got home and you have to eat those suckers hot. And I was not going to sit inside a McDonalds eating fries when The Plan was to eat fries and watch a show.

Ugh that is a dilemma. I often have the dilemma on my day off of we run out of something I want but I'm not about to leave and go get it so I just sit around and get grumpy that I can't have it.

Ew cold fries.

Seething now, I go to his nightstand and start rummaging through it. Nothing. I go to my nightstand. Nothing. I stood and thought but I can't think of anywhere I might have some extra cash. I'm very much a card person but I'm thinking I really need to rethink that.

I never have cash either.


Sure, enough, my check card expired in Sept. I do not remember getting a replacement card. For the last 9 months, I have been using my Disney visa exclusively so I get Disney rewards money for my trips. Then I just pay it off at the end of the month. Blair is the one who usually gets cash so I just grab his. And isn't that the way that marriage is supposed to work? :rotfl:

That's totally your bank's fault they should send them on time. Yes that's what husbands are for :rotfl:


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