Would you miss classes for Dinsey trip?


DIS Veteran
Apr 2, 2007
My DD is starting community college on 9/8.
We wanted to go to Disney from 20th-26th. She has 4 classes total a week.
She would miss each class once and Math class twice as she has that 2 days a week.
I am getting a lot of people saying this is a very bad idea.
I personally didn't think it would be but I am now wondering.
Has anyone ever taken your college student away during the school term and if so what was the out come?
Are there any college kids who have done this and regret it? think it was fine?
Please help, I want to go away but I don't want to hurt my DD in the process.
My DD is starting community college on 9/8.
We wanted to go to Disney from 20th-26th. She has 4 classes total a week.
She would miss each class once and Math class twice as she has that 2 days a week.
I am getting a lot of people saying this is a very bad idea.
I personally didn't think it would be but I am now wondering.
Has anyone ever taken your college student away during the school term and if so what was the out come?
Are there any college kids who have done this and regret it? think it was fine?
Please help, I want to go away but I don't want to hurt my DD in the process.

The academic strength of your daughter in college is sort of an unknown- you really won't know until she finishes a full semester in school. If she has been a strong performer in the past, then I'd proceed with a high amount of caution; otherwise, I'd hold off for a semester if possible.
As a college junior myself, I would think it would strongly depend upon the classes themselves and the orientation of her exam weeks. If the courses are strongly class based, such as those where she has assignments often and is tested over what is said in class, then I would advise against it. If the classes are such that she could just study and catch up by reading a text, I don’t see a problem with going. Also, a lot of classes have exams shortly after they start to help people decide whether or not to drop the class by the required drop date; just something to keep in mind.

On a more personal note, I have missed classes before and was able to catch up without a problem as they were more, do it yourself courses. I’ve never regretted that decision. Good luck with your vacation!
My DD is starting community college on 9/8.
We wanted to go to Disney from 20th-26th. She has 4 classes total a week.
She would miss each class once and Math class twice as she has that 2 days a week.
I am getting a lot of people saying this is a very bad idea.
I personally didn't think it would be but I am now wondering.
Has anyone ever taken your college student away during the school term and if so what was the out come?
Are there any college kids who have done this and regret it? think it was fine?
Please help, I want to go away but I don't want to hurt my DD in the process.

Yeah I agree that it really depends on the classes. Would she be able to catch up easily? Does the professor have copies of his/her lecture notes available, or does s/he follow the book so closely that solely by reading she can learn the material?

If your DD is not missing too much and will be able to catch up (and is willing, of course, to put in the extra work), it could work.

But of course missing classes, even just one or two, can seriously put a student behind.

I would recommend talking it over with her, and maybe someone from the community college to ask what the workload/classes might be like, how attendance affects grades, and how easy/difficult it would be to learn the material outside of class.
It depends also on how well she is doing that classes, or if she had miss that classes before in the past, try to analise everything in full detail and see if it's worth it, good luck
sometimes classes have a certain number of classes you can miss in a semester before you are withdrawn - you might want to check into that.
I would miss anything for a trip to Disney

haha! sounds like something I would say.

But I also agree that it depends on what kind of student she is and the course load she is taking. Is she taking a lot of general classes that require LOADS of reading and homework like English, Math, Science... or is she taking more classes that don't necessairly require so much?

My 1st semester of college I could only take classes that required me to add an extra 5 hours on each day and not have any sleep... however, once i decided upon my hospitality major, I could do the classes in my sleep and hardly any reading was required.

Basically, it reallllllllllly depends:)

Is she able to talk to the professors before hand? I told a professor once that i was going to Disney world and they laughed in my face and told me to forget about getting my work ahead of time... :furious: Maybe just say you have a family event to attend that you have had planned for a while and cant get out of:goodvibes
Is she able to talk to the professors before hand? I told a professor once that i was going to Disney world and they laughed in my face and told me to forget about getting my work ahead of time... :furious: Maybe just say you have a family event to attend that you have had planned for a while and cant get out of:goodvibes


Agreed though....some profs will make it easy for you to miss classes and be very understanding in you do. Some will never let you miss class and take attendance every class and deduct points if you miss. But most will be helpful in trying to get around absences since sometimes they are unavoidable.
Thank you all so much for your imput. This was a tough decision to make. Perhaps for some poeple its cut and try, just leave her home some said, never, just go during her brake, which just happend to be 2 of the highest rate times to go to Disney, maybe for some people that is a choice they have, not for me family. With my large group we are talking a differece of over 1500, not to mention if we got dinning.:scared1:
Anyway we have decided to hold off on our trip. I have no idea when we will be able to go but for now we are just going to take a week off from work at the end of the summer and just do some affordable stuff with the kids that are closer to home. We will get back to Disney some day I suppose :( but for now we have idea when that will be.
I think that if it is early in the semester than it is not as big of a problem as it would be if it were later. I'm not saying that early in the semester the work is less important, but missing time early in the semester gives the student more time to catch up with the work they missed.

Also, from my own experiences the workload at the beginning of the year tends to be a little lighter, to allow students time to get comfortable with the material.
My DBF and I are both in College (i am a Junior this year, he is a Senior) and we will be missing school this year for our 10 day trip in September as well. Typically missing College is a lot more tolerable than High School. I think that as long as your DD lets her Professor's know she will be out, and maybe do work beforehand instead of missing it (what i ask to do a lot of the time) it makes it easier for them to let it slide. :goodvibes
Well, as much as I would love to say i would miss classes, I have to say it depends, I am a freshman this semester and I am about dying with my workload, but I am taking all online classes and I have about 9 hours (dumb me!!!) but for next semester I am going to be starting late for my family vacation (more online classes) is online an option for her? or later classes? and I would ask her instructors how many hours she is allowed to miss before she is "punished" (at my collage I can miss 3 hours, if one class is 3 hours then I get expelled). so its up to her and you. but if she is good at the classes then I say go for it, or see if the instructor will send her a lesson plan online so she can study at Disney a little and not be so behind. :) good luck with whatever you do!
Well, as much as I would love to say i would miss classes, I have to say it depends, I am a freshman this semester and I am about dying with my workload, but I am taking all online classes and I have about 9 hours (dumb me!!!) but for next semester I am going to be starting late for my family vacation (more online classes) is online an option for her? or later classes? and I would ask her instructors how many hours she is allowed to miss before she is "punished" (at my collage I can miss 3 hours, if one class is 3 hours then I get expelled). so its up to her and you. but if she is good at the classes then I say go for it, or see if the instructor will send her a lesson plan online so she can study at Disney a little and not be so behind. :) good luck with whatever you do!

Online classes can be a life savor, can't they? :) I love the flexibility of them in the regards that you can do them wherever you need to:) Therefore, I second the online notion! haha, some people LOVE them and some hate them, so if it's an option and if she thinks she would do well in them, then I would suggest to go that route:)
if she can keep up with the work she should be fine, but at my college if we miss more than 4 classes of a subject we get dropped from the course. if hers is like that she might want to save those days for an emergency or in case she gets sick =/
this is kinda a case by case situation. it really depends on the type of student your dd is and the type of classes she is taking. i would just have her tell the professors in advance that she is going to be missing a week of classes (DON'T say it is because of a disney vacation, just tell them that there is a personal family emergency that you have to go out of town for) and she should be fine.

and i'd miss ANYTHING for a disney vacation :love:
I have done it a few time actually hahaha. But I would tell my Prof(s) in advance and stuff and they would let me do the work early and send it in and what not. Usually it is not really a big deal for me.
I would suggest going in January if that is possible. College students typically have a whole month off between semesters and January is a slow season since the kids are still and school and what not. My DBF and I are in college and that is when we are planning to go. You won't be able to get guaranteed rates until sometime in August but you can still make reservations. If she is just missing one meeting of most of her classes it may not be a big deal, as long as she can get notes from someone and there are no tests or quizzes that week. However freshman year is very difficult for most students because they aren't used to the setting. But, community college is much different than university. If she did well in high school and checks with her professors ASAP it shouldn't be a problem.


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