Would you recommend THIS board to someone planning their first trip?

Would you recommend this board to someone planning their first Disney vacation?

  • Yes! I recommend this board to everyone I know!

  • Yes, but I also warn them not to let the negativity get them down.

  • Maybe, but I steer my more sensitive friends away from this board.

  • No, I don't recommend this board to anyone taking their first trip. I send them elsewhere.

  • Other. (Because there's always an other.)

Results are only viewable after voting.
The poll results show that only 27% of Dis posters who responded feel comfortable enough about this site to unconditionally recommend it to friends. That is worse that WDW ratings right now, FP+ and all.

As a person who was just referred here I don't feel I should respond to the poll but I will tell you that the friend that referred me said that there was good information to be had here but there were a lot of warnings about "crazy Disney people". Pretty funny considering my friend IS a crazy Disney person. lol

She mentioned pretty much what has been said here, that it's a LOT of information and that it can make you think the perfect reservation or FP+ is life and death.
I voted that I would recommend, but would also warn of the negativity.

I mean no disrespect when I type the following sentences. But they are the truth.

When I want to chat with Disney friends in a friendly environment I go to another site, one I would consider my "home". And I usually ask questions seek advice there first.

When I can't find specific info or I can't get an answer to a question I come here. As rude as so many posters are here I do feel the information on this site can't be matched elsewhere. I feel the information on this site to be extremely valuable to anyone planning a trip. Just can't always handle the rudeness I see consistently. Which is probably why I haven't really felt at "home" here.
I voted no but it isn't entirely accurate. I think it can be overwhelming. I myself am a travel agent and while I think this is the place to find stuff, I also there is a lot of sifting you have to do to get to what you need. It moves fast, good threads get push down, sometimes the thread are 60+ pages long with tips. The tips might be great and extremely helpful but you have to read through all those pages to get the information.

That said even knowing so much about Disney I still learn new things here all the time and I love and appreciate that about this board.

I would send a Disney vet looking for a fresh point of view or extras who has done a lot of it and wants to do more. I would send Disney nerds here in a heartbeat. But I do feel you have a have a bit of thick skin to read here. Luckily for me I belong to another board where is can be even more ruthless so it wasn't a hard transition for me.
I'm new here and the negativity almost drove me away, but now I'm kind of getting a kick out of it.

I wouldn't send someone here though unless I was trying to talk them out of going, to be honest.
Nope, I'm finding myself coming less often because of all the negativity on the boards lately. :sad2:
I would not recommend this forum to a first timer, a second timer, or even a third timer. This forum used to be a good positive source of information. Now it's a pretty negative, toxic, whine-filled, you-ruined-my-magic-and-peed-on-my-pixie-dust, flame-fest, drama club.

I, on the other hand, still love to come here and do some reading when I have a bowl of popcorn at the ready.popcorn::
I would not recommend this forum to a first timer, a second timer, or even a third timer. This forum used to be a good positive source of information. Now it's a pretty negative, toxic, whine-filled, you-ruined-my-magic-and-peed-on-my-pixie-dust, flame-fest, drama club. I, on the other hand, still love to come here and do some reading when I have a bowl of popcorn at the ready.popcorn::

Yes, I recommend these boards to everyone and they can take that info and do with it what they will.

Some people will benefit, and some people will dismiss it. It's a personal decision. My sister asks me all the time where I get info and I refer her to various forums (including budget) and she says 'I don't have time to read through that'. Well, there you go.
I would not recommend this forum to a first timer, a second timer, or even a third timer. This forum used to be a good positive source of information. Now it's a pretty negative, toxic, whine-filled, you-ruined-my-magic-and-peed-on-my-pixie-dust, flame-fest, drama club.

I don't think it's any more negative than any other public forum. FP+ is a major change in the Disney experience, and that is reflected on these boards. Unfortunately most of the commentary is negative. So maybe Disney should fix it.

Not my job to sing about rainbows and kittens while I'm paying $100 per day to wait on line. Wait, make that $1000 per day to wait on line, eat, and sleep ala Disney with my family of 5.
I don't think it's any more negative than any other public forum.

Here's the problem - when you recommend anything, you associate your name and reputation with that which you have recommended. This site is not unconditionally worthy of that for me. People here are just too nasty to one another, and I don't allow that in my "real" life. I don't condone it or accept it in any way.

Yes - folks here can rant to their heart's content. But I am not going to damage my reputation by sending people here without a warning. At that point that are free to do whatever they wish with the information, but they will know that I do not agree with that stuff before they even see it.
I voted yes, but with a 'warning' ...

I actually don't warn anyone anything but selected this option because I don't recommend the DIS to everyone; I only do so if someone asks.

I felt the need to clarify that because I came on here as a newbie, albeit that I lurked for a good year or so before joining, and never felt the boards were negative. The only time I notice negativity is when a flurry of posts spring up complaining about all the negativity. For a public forum that hosts the volume of traffic that this one does, I actually think it has a low instance of negativity compared to many others.
Here's the problem - when you recommend anything, you associate your name and reputation with that which you have recommended. This site is not unconditionally worthy of that for me. People here are just too nasty to one another, and I don't allow that in my "real" life. I don't condone it or accept it in any way.

Yes - folks here can rant to their heart's content. But I am not going to damage my reputation by sending people here without a warning. At that point that are free to do whatever they wish with the information, but they will know that I do not agree with that stuff before they even see it.

Is there a public forum that you would recommend to someone?
I voted yes, but with a 'warning' ...

I actually don't warn anyone anything but selected this option because I don't recommend the DIS to everyone; I only do so if someone asks.

I felt the need to clarify that because I came on here as a newbie, albeit that I lurked for a good year or so before joining, and never felt the boards were negative. The only time I notice negativity is when a flurry of posts spring up complaining about all the negativity. For a public forum that hosts the volume of traffic that this one does, I actually think it has a low instance of negativity compared to many others.

I think people that believe this board (the entire board, not just the TPAS forum) is nothing but negativity don't go anywhere else on the internet.
Is there a public forum that you would recommend to someone?

With respect Disney sites, there are two other sites that I recommend, but they are not "forums" like this one. They are informational sites. They have blogs with comments, but no exchange like here.

I have other sites for other things that I also recommend, some of them moderated forums, but I am very careful of my recommendations of forums. Most are just as ugly as this one - or far, far worse. But there are a few that I frequent that are very closely moderated. Step out of line and you are banned, so none of this snarky stuff happens.
Several years ago the answer was an easy yes. I learned so much and told so many others about this great tool. Unfortunately, my answer to this poll was No. Over the years things seem to have gone so downhill that now I might visit every 2 or 3 weeks. There was a point I had several thousand posts and it got so bad a few years back that I canceled my membership entirely. In time I missed keeping up with the information and came back but no longer post often as it seems everything evolves into some negative insult fest, even if it is in a passive aggressive kind of way. In reading some of the comments on this thread alone it occurs to me that many of the things we would have considered "Childlike Wonderment" 5 - 10 years ago we now consider looking through "Disney-Colored Glasses". Sadly, I think the two things are the same it is simply our perception that has changed.
I think people that believe this board (the entire board, not just the TPAS forum) is nothing but negativity don't go anywhere else on the internet.

I really like the Wishes forums on this board. They are the reason that I finally joined. I read a few threads on the Community forum and won't post there. It makes this forum look like candy land.
If someone I knew was taking their first trip, I would advise them myself. It's so overwhelming that I think a friend is better able to field all of the questions than a forum.


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