WOW...Take a look at this do-it-yourslef pond.


I am the creator of this pond (and website)
Thanks for the kind words!

The address shown for my site is the IE6 only version.
The proper address to go to is

it should sort out your browser and send you to tyhe poroper version of the site.

Anyway here are several pics of the pond as I went so you can get an idea for what was involved.

Hi, Dave!

Those are really, really beautiful pictures! And what a fantastic pond!

Maybe you can stop by occasionally to talk garden with us!

You sure are welcome!
Thanks for the invite Gina.

And the kind words :^)

I really do not consider myself much of a gardener really. this is my first home and this is allll new to me!

I am very attracted to Tropical, lush, big leaf plants. This is not easy with my affliction of ZDD.

Zonal Denial Disease !

Springfield, Oregon
ZDD......yeah, we've all got it.

I finally have come to the conclusion that hibiscus and I cannot cohabitate in the Northeast despite my best efforts. Ah, well......

I'm coming back as an island sweetheart surrounded by leafy, lush plants and wonderfully scented flowers.

Oh, and a pina colada or two......;)
Hi Dave and welcome to the Dis F and G. Loved reading your Pond Journal.

About 8 years ago I decided to put a pond in. Little did I know it would take me 2 years to complete the work. Are you ever done, not really. I now realize I should have gone bigger. Tomorrows dream.

I laughed at so many of the minor dilemmas. Not minor at the time, it took real problem solving. I can relate to them.

# 1 rule pick a flat piece of property. Thats great if your property is flat, but when your yard runs down hill, it a challenge.

After 2 years of terracing and being laugh at, "Why is there a figure 8 hole in your yard?" The liner finally went in. :)

I'm thinking of re-designing some of the area's and enlarging the pond a little this year. Love some of your ideas.

Happy Ponding! :)


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