Wreath kick


Jul 30, 2000
I'm planning my winter wreaths and we speak. I collect different flowers, dry them and use them on evergreen Christmas wreaths. I like the effect. Not too loud, rather rustic.

These are some of the flowers/buds I use....

dried hydrangea - I pinch off small clusters and tip with silver glitter glue

coneflower centers (I sparingly tip them with gold and attach sticking straight up in a centerpiece or on a wreath - gives a 3 dimentional effect)

black-eyed susan centers - smaller than coneflower centers, I tend to use them when I want a spikey effect on a wreath. They also look great tipped with gold/silver

Money plant silver dollars - I peel them, remove the seeds to plant and attach the silvery clusters around the wreath. Quite etheral.

Dried rose buds - love 'em

Varigated holly - I clip pieces and attach. It doesn't last forever - but neither does the evergreen wreath!

Then I tip the wreath with gold/silver glitter glue. Not alot. Not dipped. Just enough to make the wreath and the buds shimmer.....

Anyone else do something like this or am I the only looney?
They sound lovely Gina...I said LOVELY not LOONEY!

I used to do stuff like that but have been out of it for awhile now.
Looney would not be the word I would pick. Lovely, yes. But MY word would be ambitious !!

Do you give them out as presents or just decorate around your home?
I use them as my Christmas wreaths. I hang them on my outside doors and my french doors. I also make one for my sister's front door.

By the end of the session I am knee deep in twigs, dead leaves, splattered glitter glue and discarded pieces of flowers! I only do it once a year, thank goodness!
They sound beautiful.

Just finished making 2 Holloween wreaths. While at the craft store yesterday ( besides gardening my second weakness ) craft. They had quite a few on display. Naturally I have to pick a few to make.

One is a straw wreath, with a black spider web through the middle of the wreath and of course a spider. A couple of bats resting on the web. Some fall leaves and a silver spider bow.

The second is a grape vine wreath, with a funny witch behind a wagon, some orange halloween ribbon woven around the wreath with a bow, some fall leaves and a few small gourds.

Enjoy your wreath making. :) I know what you mean about the mess. I have to clean it before DH gets home. There's hay, wire, pieces of ribbon, leaves and glue everywhere. :)
I absolutely LOVE the idea of the spider wreath! My DS would go crazy!

Now you've given me another set of ideas!


Thanks, Mamu......I think!
Speaking of messes...my shed is coming on monday and I fully intend to use it for all my messes. this way we can eat at the kitchen table even when I am busy on somehting.


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