WWYD? regarding pin trading


DIS Veteran
Jul 15, 2009
Here is the situation. A family member tells you they want to buy a lot of pins off of ebay, the price is attractive. You try and steer them toward the booster packs as, you like to avoid trading scrapper pins. Well, they bought 50 pins and give them to you to trade on your up coming trip. After looking at the pins you know they are all scrappers, coloration is off etc. The family member claims to have looked at feedback etc. What would you do? Try and trade them, give them back to the family member and say I'm not trading those. Please give me your feedback. TIA.
In my opinion I would try and trade them... It goes like the saying "It doesn't hurt to try."

or if you really have a thing about trading them yourself I would perhaps hand them out to children who are upset about not getting a souvenir or lost pin or something to make someone's day extra special.

I wouldn't trade them, if I felt that strongly they were all scrappers I would either keep them or as a PP suggested give them away, but if I gave them away I would make sure to tell the people I was giving them to my suspicions about them being scrappers.
I definitely wouldn't trade them.

I would hand them back to the family member explaining to them that they got scrappers, just as I said they probably would (I would've explained about scrappers before the family member purchased a lot off Ebay).
I would not trade them. Maybe just leave them home and buy some booster packs when you get there to trade.


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