Yes kids even at Disney World


<font color=blue>Table-dancing auctioneer<br><font
Jul 15, 2001
you have gators in the moat. So kids when they say keep your arms and legs inside the boat its for a reason.

And Bob dont drop that cell phone n these waters, or it will be lunch.:teeth:


He's soooooo cute, like a big cat, and the place Beach Club resort
Is the gator trap still in the Rivers of America by the bridge that comes out at the hotdog stand?
That's Alley-Gator. she has been there since they started construction of the BCV.
We saw her on opening day and saw the CM's try to catch her with marshmellows. She liked the fish better. Every so often she would go underwater and all you would see were bubbles and some oils come up to the surface.
I don't think she has any plans to leave ever, in May when we were there the CM's told me that they finally gave up trying to catch her because she would swim under the bridge any time they got close.
As long as she stays in the water and on the shore and doesn't try to join anyone in the quiet pool they aren't going to bother with her. Peggie


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