Yesterday's DIS Unplugged show


Dec 1, 2021
Not sure if it was just me, but yesterday's show came off as super negative. Again, very little WDW talk, and felt like alot of of time/talk about DCL again it seemed. I also really didn't like everyone getting snippy/defensive and then complaining about the comments they received about last week's show. Reality is, when you have children, and fly in from other locations, the DCL vs WDW trip decision is quite different. I think that is what many folks were pointing out, it is not an apples to apples comparison. I am sorry, but everyone seemed unhappy and miserable to be on the show except for Deni maybe( John also had a few positive comments to make).
I agree. I get that they made the choices that led them to where they are today and they should be proud, but it doesn’t mean that they aren’t out of touch with an average Disney goer. It’s usually not so bad because we typically get a mix of voices but it was really stark this week.
A cruise canceling its sailing is actually a really big deal and the Disney was generous but it doesn’t make things better for a lot of people. Some people have to move vacation days and there are people who have jobs that won’t let them move their days around. We were going to go while my kids had February break. Now what do we do? Taking them out of school isn’t just an easy choice for everyone.

it’s their show so at the end of the day it’s only thief opinion that matters, but they so often refuse to believe anything effects people differently than them.

lots of eye rolls from me this week.
Yeah, I agree they probably should have been a little more contrite (and a little less defiant) and admitted that on the show a couple of weeks ago maybe they did not take into consideration the possibility of flying in from where ever with the whole family in tow -many including young children - and then getting turned away at the port because of a positive test by one asymptomatic family member. And what a nightmare scenario that becomes trying to tell your kids - after arriving at the port and seeing the ship - that they cannot go on the cruise. Then there is the logistics of what they do until their flight back home. So I can totally understand people not wanting to put themselves in a position where that scenario can happen to them. That scenario is not in play for the team, so I can understand them overlooking it...initially. I don't consider them to be "entitled" either. I'll never vilfy or begrudge anyone's success when they've worked hard for it. So I don't think that had anything to do with it. consider. It was just an aspect they didn't consider.

Additionally, if Covid wasn't a thing and that scenario wasn't in play, then the basis of their argument of DCL (or other cruise line) vs WDW holds a lot more water than it does as long as that scenario is still possible. Pete is 100% correct that the price difference, which was once very significant, has narrowed tremendously. .
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Yes, Pete had asked, "why are people choosing to go to WDW instead of cruising?" (not an exact quote, but close enough) Then when people answered that question, the team got defensive.

I don't think it was about them being "entitled", just that when your business is helping people plan disney vacations, understand a cruise isn't what everyone is looking for. And, the concerns are real that you could test positive for COVID, and then be in Florida with no cruise to go on. It's not like you can just on the spur of them moment, re-do your plan and then have a WDW vacation - no hotel reservation, no park reservations, no dinner reservations. What are you supposed to do?
Maybe instead of being offended by the reactions they got, they could take time to actually listen and read the replies, to have a better understanding of what people are dealing with.

The joy and enthusiasm about disney was missing in this show. I don't what them to be positive all the time, about everything. But the show is how I get my "disney fix" since I'm currently unable to travel right now, and I don't want to come away with thinking WDW sucks anyway, so why bother planning to go?
I appreciated that they took the time to address what people had been posting and I always go by the fact that I don't always have to agree with what they say. I also appreciate that they do travel, so are aware of the logistics of flight changes (and am thankful that they reiterated that). They literally did ask "Why aren't you cruising" and we answered, they do want to defend themselves, which I also understand.
I did really feel like they didn't 'get' why many weren't wanting to travel, especially on a cruise at this point in time, but it may have just seemed that way to us (and not what they intended).
For the record, I don't think any of them are entitled. They have worked hard and can spend their money the way they want. I just wish that there would be more opinions on the show from people who are dealing with the day to day life of travelling with a family (I have always appreciated when Corey and Julie are able to talk about what it is travelling with a child with special needs). But, again, it's their show :). There are enough 'fluff' shows about Disney, I have always appreciated that they call it like they see it, even if from time to time I don't like what they say or agree with it.
I wish Deni would have chimed in, or maybe she didn't want to, as she had children.
They do understand some aspects about the logistics of changing travel plans, since their agents are going to be the ones Dreams clients are going to turn to when something happens and alternate arrangements have to be made.
I thought it was amazing that Pete and John doubled the GKTW donation from that school. I almost gave them a pass just on that.

Yeah, it was off putting.

Pete mentioned he had the opportunity to experience the Star-cruiser. For Free. Full Stop. Do you not see that is a huge disparity?

That said, no one should call anyone entitled, name calling isn't nice. Pete mentioned how hard he has work, and that rubbed me the wrong way. I have news Pete, almost everyone works hard. Do you think the rest of us are lazy? You didn't work any harder than people who lost their small business during Covid, yours survived in part because Disney was very fair to you.

I do agree they have incredible knowledge that's unmatched. I don't entirely blame them because the last thread was pretty negative and it's hard not to react to that.

Disney cruises are some of the cheapest I have ever seen, I am not sure what it is, but I am filled with hesitancy. I wish it had been an opening to a dialogue in saying, you are telling us things have changed for you. What new hurdles you are facing? How can we help?
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Pete mentioned he had the opportunity to experience the Star-cruiser. For Free. Full Stop. Do you not see that is a huge disparity?
No I don't. I have no doubt that Disney offered him (and no doubt many other members of the press and travel industry) as part of their publicity program. Pete would actually be doing his job by experiencing this and reporting back. I look forward to hearing how it went.
No I don't. I have no doubt that Disney offered him (and no doubt many other members of the press and travel industry) as part of their publicity program. Pete would actually be doing his job by experiencing this and reporting back. I look forward to hearing how it went.

Pete has been invited by Disney for a fully comped brand new experience. It's what an hour from his house? A weekend? And he is not sure he wants to. That's completely fair and he should pass if he doesn't want to, but...

He acted baffled why people are not wanting to travel to Florida, pay thousands and risk being turned away at the port and then be stranded in Florida. His words were, "Why the hell aren't you cruising right now?"

If he can't possibly understand that hesitancy of the second group, while he passes on a free experience next door, yes, he IS missing something.
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Not sure if it was just me, but yesterday's show came off as super negative. Again, very little WDW talk, and felt like alot of of time/talk about DCL again it seemed. I also really didn't like everyone getting snippy/defensive and then complaining about the comments they received about last week's show. Reality is, when you have children, and fly in from other locations, the DCL vs WDW trip decision is quite different. I think that is what many folks were pointing out, it is not an apples to apples comparison. I am sorry, but everyone seemed unhappy and miserable to be on the show except for Deni maybe( John also had a few positive comments to make).
Agreed. Very defensive. Could have just agreed about the privilege and acknowledge that others are not as fortunate. Instead it was me me me. Very off-putting.
I wish Deni would have chimed in, or maybe she didn't want to, as she had children.
They do understand some aspects about the logistics of changing travel plans, since their agents are going to be the ones Dreams clients are going to turn to when something happens and alternate arrangements have to be made.
Some of the stuff they were saying was very embarrassing. I kept imagining Deni holding her tongue.
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Whenever I hear them complaining of what others write I go and read the comments. Yeah some
people did get on them. But really now that's the way the ball bounces. You take the bitter with
the sweet. Not everyone loves what you will say and not everyone hates it. When you are on a
public platform that is what happens.

I thought the best part was when Deni said she understands why some people and families would
not risk flying across country to cruise just to end up testing positive at the port. She added although
she enjoys cruising Disney World is her happy place. Not sure why that is difficult to understand.

Also another best part was when John said when he went to Epcot he still felt the magic.
You can see the joy on his and Deni's face when mentioning WDW. It was nice among all the
I agree, the defensiveness was just too much. Kevin said “a lot of people have voiced their opinion that they do not like being on a cruise. Great, don’t go!” Okay well we shared our opinion because the episode was literally titled “Why the hell aren’t you cruising right now” …. Well we answered the question! Sorry you were bothered by our answer. The whole tone the last few weeks of shows have been very disappointing. Covid is not over and we’re not in the wrong for being careful.
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Agreed. Very defensive. Could have just agreed about the privilege and acknowledge that others are not as fortunate. Instead it was me me me. Very off-putting.

I don't think "privilege" has anything to do with it. And I certainly do not attach that label or the "entitled" label on any of the team.

As I said earlier, I just think in the moment (on the show 2 weeks ago) they didn't consider the people who didn't want to risk having their whole family turned away at the port, simply because in their reality, they don't have the same risk. Yes, it would still totally suck for them as well to be turned away at the port, but wouldn't be as much of a logistical nightmare. I certainly don't begrudge them for that, however. A little more understanding towards those who don't want to take that risk (and for the record,, I'm NOT one of them - we have a B2B booked on the Wish) was warranted though.

And as for Pete (potentially) turning down the free opportunity to experience the SW hotel, I totally respect that. And I don't see privilege playing a part in that at all. I would probably turn it down also as I have as much interest in SW as Kevin does (which is unfortunate since my birthday is on SW day, May the Fourth). With anything, if your heart is not in it, you probably shouldn't do it.
Someone touched on it earlier - they are not the average consumer, and in some ways that has put them out of touch with the average consumer. It’s kind of just the nature of things. Even the vast majority here are out of touch with the “average” American”. People tend to view what is immediately around them as “normal” or “average”.

The average American can’t afford to travel to Disney at all aside from MAYBE a once-in-a-lifetime trip. Then there’s the “average” Disney vacationer that can go fairly regularly. Then there’s the Disney travel fans that frequent the boards that can either go more regularly or can buy into DVC. Then there’s Pete and the crew. These aren’t value judgements, but we tend to become insulated from what is “average” or “normal” based on our community and our lifestyle. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s human nature. What’s off putting is when people are confronted with this fact and their cognitive dissonance kicks in and they act as if it’s an attack .


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