Yippeee! We leave in 4 days!


Wanted: Your trip reports!<br><font color=00cc22>I
Jul 1, 2003
At the last minute we have decided to head for Universal Studios on Thursday! Since the kids and I have a 4 day weekend from school, I suggested it to DH awhile back but he didn't want to ask for the days off right now. Then it got really cold here so he decided it was time for us to head for warmer weather for a few days!

DH's birthday is Friday so I was hoping to surprise him with a room at PBH but naturally when you wait till the last minute, hotels get booked up. Oh well...and they were offering a decent APH rate of $169. Oh well, there will be another time at an even better rate I have convinced myself! This time we will be staying at RPR which we loved last summer. I asked DH to think about where he wants to eat on his birthday. Do any restaurants at Citywalk or the hotels do anything special for birthdays? What about the RPR? I will ask when I get there but was wondering if anyone had any experience with special occasions at the hotels or restaurants.

I have checked the weather forecast and it says highs around 70 and lows around 50. Will it be warm enough for the kids to swim at RPR? I know it depends on what you consider warm. I remember seeing some Michigan folks swimming at Clearwater beach in December when the temps were in the 50s and I thought they were nuts, but to them it was probably a heat wave! LOL! I guess what I am trying to ask is about the pool water temps.

Thanks for any help! Will anyone else be there this weekend (Jan 16-18)?
Mention that it's a b-day and they'll do something special. Most will offer a free dessert, while some restaurants (Hard Rock) make huge deals about it. It varies per location and can be a lot of fun. ;)
I spent my b-day at Tchoup Choup and had a blast. Servers are very attentive and will make the level of fuss that you feel comfortable with. I had a candle in my dessert, but do not remember if it was free--DH paid the bill! If you do Tchoup Chop you probably need to get a reservation.
My husband and I will be there from the 17th-20th. We only started planning about three weeks ago! This will be our first time at US/IOA and another first staying at HRH. The great part is that we are leaving the kids with their grandparents! We took them to Disney in September and now we get to do the "big kids' park"! LOL!
4dizfans--Lucky, lucky lucky you! The HRH is my favorite place to be on vacation. And a romantic get away at that! I recommend room 6090 if you have a poolview. I hope you have a blast. Do check out the Kitchen if you have the chance. We had a great meal there.
Thanks for the advice. I suggested Tchoup Choup or Emeril's and DH didn't seem that interested. Hard Rock sounds like fun Dark Marauder. He always tries to get restaurants to make a big deal and embarrass me on my bday so I would love to do the same to him. Hey DM, will we see you there anytime Friday-Sunday?
If you can find me, then there I will be. Just look for a mummified seagull...
LOL! I have been reading all the hints posted about you for months (including the pictures of the seagulls that I believe Clare posted). I will be on the lookout for the sly seagull!
I'll be at the parks in the afternoon of the 18th and 19th and morning of the 20th. For some reason, I actually have to do some "business" on my "business trip". But, the best business will be riding MIB :) .
We'll be there this weekend! We arrive on Friday and will sadly leave on Monday. This was a last minute trip. My son has been begging to go on his birthday for a long time and we thought instead of throwing him a party we'd go to Disney!
We'll be at the HRH this weekend, Friday until Monday. My sister will be staying at the RPR on Sat pm. Even though it is just a 4 day vaca, I cant wait. We are from Mass and I know of a few other families that are visiting at the same time, I just hope its much warmer that here!!!

We may be the Really LOUD Patriots fans watching the game at citywalk sunday afternoon!!
themepark -- I will most likely be there on Saturday, not Sunday. At least, we're now planning to go on Saturday.


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