You brought WHAT home from Disney?!?! A Sept 2013 TR epic UPDATE 8/1/14


In having children, I have lost my mind, but found
Jun 4, 2008
Do you like warm fuzzy TR that make you cry??????????

Do you like Happy Endings with woodland creatures at the end???????????????

Do you like perfect families that get along all the time??????????

Well if you do, this TR is not for you!

We are a real family who had a lot of real (if not unmagical moments) times during our trip. BUT a day in Disney is better than a day at home, right!?!

Some info on us and our trip..........

The When:
Sept 18 to the 27

The Why:
Mom sold her house in NY (after moving ot Vegas 1.5 years ago) and wanted to take EVERYONE on a trip to WDW. Everyone and my crew... my sister and her BF, DD18, DS10 and DD4...and my DBro. BUT my sister annoyed her one too many times and she decided not to invite her (just her kids! and it wasn't a big deal because my sister did not know about the trip until after she was uninvited)...then mom realized my brother who is 25 would have a hard time having a good time with all the kids so he wasn't invited. My DNi18 decided not to go as she had way more cooler things to do.

The Where:
Wilderness Lodge Woods View. In the past my family has stayed at ASMo, but Ma didn't want to deal with buses....oh if only she knew!

Up Next............ "The Who" (because the baby is screaming, and has been for 42 minutes, as he has come home from WDW and refuses to sleep in his crib).
Subscribed and ready to read!! Really looking forward to the September view! We will be going on our 2nd trip and our son's 1st trip, in September 2014!!
Because the baby is FINALLY sleeping, 4 hours after I laid him down for a nap.........

The Who: (I'll add photos later...on my laptop and have to load pictures onto photobucket)

Me: Star (yup, that's really my name!). I am a 33 year old wife, mom and nurse. I work 12 hours on Sat and 12 on Sun as a visiting nurse (I go into peoples homes to treat them). I used to work mon-fri but with the 3 kids daycare was CRAZY so I switched to weekends and LOVE it. I have been to WDW at age 7, multiple times as a late teen then again in 2006, 2008 and 2010. I LOVE it there and would prefer to vacation at WDW over any other place.

DH: Randy. Randy is a former Dept of Defense firefighter, now Mon-Fri building/fire inspector. He is going to be 40 this year. He has an antique firetruck which he enters into car and truck shows and parades. He had never been to WDW before 2006, stating "Why would I want to see some over priced, over grown RAT!" Needless to say he has been in 2006, 2008 and 2010 and loves it!!!

DS1: Cody is 9 and is in 4th grade. He is a really bright boy, LOVES to read but has Aspergers, ADHD, anxiety and Tourettes. This was the 1st trip that we actually had a diagnosis for him (in past trips it was just meltdowns and emotional immaturity). He loves POTC and Star Wars. This was his 4th trip to WDW and he loves all rides, well all rides except TOT!

DS2: Shane is 8 and is in 3rd grade. He is a sweet boy who knows how to push all of my buttons. I think having a special needs older brother and a younger brother (hence, being a middle child) has been shaping his behavior lately and he has not been pleasant to be around (as you will see in our trip) He does GREAT in school and it comes so easy for him, but he is getting lazy lately and it has been a fight to do any homework. He also LOVES Star Wars. His favorite ride is not a ride at all, it is One Man's Dream.

DS3: Casey....aka CJ. He is 2.5 and proving to be a little boy (with all the rough and tumble little boy things). We found out I was preggo a few weeks before our last trip in Sept (which meant no drinks for me!). Thankfully I was feeling ok that trip, but when I came home, it all started to fall apart....I ended up getting so sick I lost 20 pounds in 3 weeks, was diagnosed with hyperemesis (severe nausea and vomiting in pregnancy), was put on a pump of medicine (Zofran) to help the nausea stop, the pump gave me an infection. Finally got rid of the pump around Thanksgiving time and the middle of December I started having issues with a super fast heart beat (tachycardia) and then passed out at work, so I was admitted to the hospital over New Years. That continued to be an issue, along with high blood pressure until the end of the pregnancy when I started having kidney issues and pre-eclampsia. So it was not an easy pregnancy! I was induced and 3 hours and 55 minutes later we found out baby #3 was baby boy #3!!!!!!!! Other than as an embryo, he had never been to WDW. He loves Mickey Mouse and I was SO excited for him to meet the man himself....... Mickey Mouse.

Ma: (I think she will kick my behind if I put her age!) Lynnis. She moved to Vegas 2 years ago and is the reason for this trip. She LOVES Jimminy Cricket and all the classic rides (like IASW). She is a bus snob and picked WL for the fact it is a deluxe resort and had ceiling fans. No lie, ceiling fans!

DNe10: Sam is in 4th grade and is my sisters son. He is Star Wars obsessed (no really, it's the only thing he talks the point I think he has Aspergers, but my sister is not one to deal with anything so she has never had him tested...that and she thinks he is perfect and tells anyone who will listen that he is her favorite child). He has never been to WDW or really spent more than a night away from my sister!

DNi4: Willow. Willow is what we call a strong willed child. She has perfectly sweet moments and then moments where anyone around her wants to hang her by her toes. She is moody (like my sister) but also animated. Her best friend is her hand (who she call Fing, and her other hand is Fing's Mom, and they talk and move when she is nervous or bored). Fing really didn't make a lot of appearances during the trip, which leads me to think she is bored far too much at home. She has never spent a night away from my sister, which I thought would have been an issue, but really wasn't.

So that's it for the crew who ended up going. Eight. Eight is enough. Eight is too much. We prefer 5, just the 5 of us.

Up Next.......the night before and getting there
I'm here, Star! I'm not sure I realized your niece and nephew were going with you. That adds a whole new element!:rotfl2:
I hate that we didn't end up meeting up that Friday, but hopefully we can remedy that next year?? Hint, hint!
Subscribed and ready to read!! Really looking forward to the September view! We will be going on our 2nd trip and our son's 1st trip, in September 2014!!

We always go in Sept/early Oct and We like it. It's hot enough to go swimming at night (later in Oct is can get a bit chilly at night). Just make sure you invest in Poncho's. There was a lot of rain this trip (oh crud, so much for the element of surprise LOL!) and a storm that was 2 days of rain which is not typical.

Following along! :)


I'm here, Star! I'm not sure I realized your niece and nephew were going with you. That adds a whole new element!:rotfl2:
I hate that we didn't end up meeting up that Friday, but hopefully we can remedy that next year?? Hint, hint!

I was bummed too. Hallowishes was awesome (I think I have video of it somewhere). And yes it added a whole new dynamic. Traveling with 5 kids on a plane with just 2 adults was...ummm....interesting!

I'm following along too - also from the September facebook group. I love Disney in September, though we go at the beginning of the month.

Following too... I'm Debbie from the September Facebook group..... :)

Hey! thanks for coming over!!!!

I'm following along too - also from the September facebook group. I love Disney in September, though we go at the beginning of the month.


Hello!!! Thanks for coming over!We have gone over Labor Day, late Sept into Oct and now mid to late Sept. Labor day is hard for us now as our school starts the week before Labor day, so we prefer to give the boys a few weeks in school, then pull them out.

Joining in :wave2:

It sounds like a crazy fun crew!

Hello! Thanks for coming along for this ride. It was a crazy crew! But that's how my family rolls.....crazy!
I know I promised pictures and an update, but I was at work today, and will be again tomorrow. Fingers crossed for Monday if I don't end up at the Dr's. It seems as if I am sick. Was coughing a bit all day (felt like I choked on something) then was REALLY tired. Body aches started, so I knew a fever (for me is in the 99 range, as I normally run 96) was coming. Coming it did, even with some meds it was 99.9 (an hour after the meds were taken). Coughing (with 3 kids...moms, you know where I am going here) which lead to gagging, which lead to coughing which lead to 'leaking' which lead to gagging, which lead to more 'leaking'. It was at this point in the night I turned to the boys and said "Thanks boys, Mommy just peed herself!"

So I just loaded up on cough syrup (due to my epilepsy I can't take anything over the counter, I have to take a med that has codeine, which means I can only take it at bedtime), took my night time meds, some more fever meds and I am heading to lala land soon......well.......maybe Neverland!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm joining.

Our family is pretty real too, and not all things that happen are pretty or all sunshine and cupcakes, so I'm down for real. :lmao:
Feel better Star. I was home sick for a day and a half myself. Back to normal, which means back to work tomorrow.
I'm joining.

Our family is pretty real too, and not all things that happen are pretty or all sunshine and cupcakes, so I'm down for real. :lmao:

This trip was certainly REAL!

Feel better Star. I was home sick for a day and a half myself. Back to normal, which means back to work tomorrow.

I hope you are feeling better!

Can't wait to read more!


Like I said before I have been sick. Today was by far the worst. No sleep from never ending fevers all last night and today. I saw the dr this morning and I have an upper resp infection. Gah! Not sure what is worse..the coughing or the fever/hot/cold. I am now kicking back the cough syrup and antibiotics! As of right now I am fever free, fingers crossed, so I hoep to be back on here tomorrow with that update!
I had told my sister I wanted her kids here by 9pm. We had to load the car up with the extra carseat and suitcase/backpack. We had to sleep and get the kids ready to leave by 4am.

During the day my sister called to see when she could pick up the suitcase (because the 6 weeks prior to the trip must have been too soon to get a suitcase). :headache: Then she told me that she had to do laundry so she could pack for the kids. So did I, but I have a working washer and dryer in my house (she does not) so I can do it at anytime. She, in typical fashion, waited until the LAST minute. She didn't see why she had to drop the kids off SO early. I explained that we had to load the car and sleep, she didn't think her kids would sleep at my house.

Something you have to understand about my sister is she is LATE. ALWAYS late. And I'm not talking 15 or 30 minutes. Or even an hour....or 2. She is typically HOURS late (4 or more seems to be her average). She was late for CJ's baptism (over an hour, missing the whole thing), is always late for Thanksgiving Dinner....again so late that we have moved onto dessert. So her being late in dropping off her kids when we HAD to leave at 4am was just not going to fly with my DH or me.

At 9pm I texted her and asked her what time she would be over, because she was supposed to be over at 9. She wrote back she was on her way. FORTY-FIVE minutes later she called me, in a panic, that she couldn't find DNi's birth certificate (I had asked for both kids to fly). So when she said she was on her was a lie. I told her to nevermind about the BC that I had to get the kids to bed. And I waited and waited. at 11:30 she pulled up in a tizzy (as she always does) to drop off the kids. DH was asleep at this point and I was left awake to get the kids ready for bed.

Finally my sister left and the kids played a bit, they were far too excited to sleep. Then Willow got sassy and didn't want me in the same room. I asked her "Do you have to poop?" to which she responded "I already did" At 4yo (5 in November) Willow still was pooping in her pants. She JUST pee trained a few months ago. AWESOME, I get to clean up poop. YAY! Thankfully I told my sister to pack extra clothes for the plane ride as I didn't want her to poop on the plane and not have extra clothes.

Once I got her cleaned up she was ready to be pleasant and play. Then I told the kids it was time to lay down and get to sleep. I laid down and it felt like my eyes had just closed when DH woke me up that Willow was screaming. I ran downstairs to find her walking around after a bad dream. I put her back in the bed/couch and back to sleep I went. Only to have DH wake me up again to tell me that Willow was crying. She fell off the couch and it scared her. At this point I dozed on the couch for 15-20 minutes. Then it was time to get up and load up. I showered and went into wake up Casey. I told him "It's time to see Mickey Mouse" and He said "Mickey" and woke right up!

The kids were all really good about waking up, I mean Hey, We were going to Disney World, who wouldn't wake up in a good mood!!!! We pulled out right around 4:15am. The drive to Philly was pretty uneventful, we made good time as there was little traffic at that time. Once we got fairly close to the parking place there was a closed road and it took us a little while to get around it and find where we needed to go.

We got to the park/stay lot and unloaded the car. We hopped on the shuttle, pulled away and I realized that I had left my cell phone in the car. :headache: Thankfully the man went back for me. We picked up 2 other groups and headed to the airport. Went to the counter, checked the luggage (they asked R and I for our id's which was odd) and went thru TSA. Casey's milk had to be screened in some machine. But other than that it was fairly easy. Philly Airport is not really a 'friendly' place and the TSA agents were no exception. They weren't nasty, but they weren't friendly either.

Once we got through, we went to the gate and R took all the big boys to the bathroom and to get food. Then Willow said she had to go but the boys were no where to be found and I had 2 strollers (with kids in them) and everyone's stuff. I called DH and he said they were eating b'fast. I told him to send one of the kids back to eat at the gate while I took Willow to pee. We only had 1 outfit left for her!

Some pictures of the kids as we waited

Willow and I went to the girls room and then to Mc D's to get some b'fast. She wanted and english muffin, I got an egg mcmuffin. We got to the gate and she said she didn't want it.:sad2: I stopped at the desk to ask about getting seats together since we were somewhat spread out. The girl at the counter said to ask the flight attendant to help, that they couldn't do anything right now. We had some of the kids together, 1 adult in that mix and another adult 2 rows back. This just wasn't going to fly (haha!).

Shortly after it was time to board the plane. Remember how I said Philly people aren't so friendly......well we saw more of that. The gate worker told everyone to hold their own boarding pass, but not everyone heard it because there were multiple families who had one person holding everyone's pass. So the gate agent would announce again that people weren't getting it and how to do it again....mocking people in a way.

We finally get through that line and get onto the plane and tell the Flight Attendant our issue....she said "Well some of you are together, that should be good enough" WOW, what a help! Thankfully a woman moved her seat so a bunch of us could sit together. Otherwise she would have had to sit next to Willow! I ended up sitting 1 row ahead with another couple. Cody Shane and Willow sat behind me and Randy Casey and Sam behind them.

We all get on the plane and wait....and wait....and wait. Apparently they oversold the flight by 1 seat because and father and son had the same name (different middle name) so the computer or someone thought it was a mistake. They kept checking peoples boarding passes and seats, and then asked if anyone wanted to leave the flight for 'compensation' No takers. So the family of 3 who was sitting in 1st class, who was out a seat had to get off. Then we waited and waited and waited. They had to print a new flight manifest before we could take off..........

Up next...would we ever make it? Will I kill the little girl next to me, or her mother who was 1 row behind (who acted like a huge child!)
Just an FYI - I fly out of BWI frequently and they always ask for everyone's id at the checkin counter. I guess to make sure they are actually the person whose name is on the ticket.

Sounds like a fun way to start your trip - NOT!
OH MY. I have yet to go through an airport since I've had kids, and this sort of stuff terrifies me!
Your sister and I would not get along...and neither would Willow and I if she kept up the pooping thing!
I hope the trip started going smoother (though I already know of some rough patches through facebook).


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