You Can Dislike The Color Teal, But You’re Wrong. A January TR! (Update 03/29)


DIS Veteran
Jul 22, 2009

Alternative titles for this trip report:

Elle and Liz Eat All The Things

Elle and Liz Ride None of The Rides

Insert Cannibal Joke Here

Hello friends! Welcome to another trip report by yours truly!

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Elle:


Spoiler alert: you’ll actually see what my real name is not once, but twice in this TR. Any guesses on what it is? I’d love to hear some of them lol

For those of you who don’t know me or have never read my TRs before, a quick introduction: I’m a Massachusetts native and AP holder in my early 30s. I love the Disney Parks, and I’ve been to half of them - I just haven’t made it to Asia yet. Currently I have a weird four-way tie for favorite Disney princess - Merida, Anna, Tiana, and Belle. Merida just barely edges out the other three as my definite top favorite but the other three are very close seconds. Outside of that, my favorite characters are Nick Wilde, Daisy Duck, Meg, the Three Caballeros...the list goes on! I love the older rides - Haunted Mansion, Jungle Cruise, Pirates, Thunder - and while my favorite park is Disneyland Magic Kingdom in WDW will always be “home.” When I’m not at Disney, I’m a 7th grade ELA teacher/middle school theatre teacher.

This trip was a quick one, but since a lot can happen in 4 days I figured I’d make this a separate TR instead of having it lumped in with my July TR in one mega thread.

Also, I’ve been pretty horrible at finishing that one up, so if I have more than one to work on I might end up picking up the pace on that one.

I went on this trip with one of my best friends, Liz. For anyone who has read any of my trip reports in the past few years, you’ll know who Liz is. For those of you who don’t:


Liz and I have known each other since we were little kids. She is a former parks CM who started in attractions before moving on to becoming a server. She LOVES Belle, Peter Pan, Robin Hood, and anything to do with Frontierland (especially Thunder). She bridged her ticket from our July trip (you know, from the TR I still haven’t finished) just after we left while it still had days on it to get an AP and loved reaping the benefits of it on this trip.

This trip was partially to see Festival of the Arts, which was something neither of us had experienced before (the first FotA happened just after Liz moved back up north), partially to see some of her friends, and mostly as a birthday weekend to our favorite place. It was also the first time the two of us had ever been left alone together for an extended period of time in Disney. And we are the worst influences on each other when it comes to Disney.

Let’s dive on in!
Chapter One: Travel Day, January 17

I have edited or organized approximately 0 photos for this day but since it’s going to be mostly word heavy until the very end I figured I would put it up quickly and get into it a little bit!

This was a weird day for me. It was a Thursday, I had to work until 2:30 then rush to the airport for our 4:25 flight, and I was having communication issues with my parents.

So, first the miscommunication: when we booked our flights we went for the cheapest flight at the best time for our plans. We were planning on leaving Thursday as long as both of us could get the time off Friday (I didn’t think I would be able to get Friday off but miracles do happen!), and the easiest flight for both of us so we could still work that day was out of our local airport, which is about a half hour away from both of us. But there’s only one flight in from Orlando and that wasn’t a great time for us to get back home, so we were taking a later flight into Providence. It wasn’t an issue, except that it meant my parents had to pick up my car. They had misunderstood me and thought I was leaving Friday. Which was fun.

A miscommunication like that normally isn’t a problem. The big issue was when I sent my mother a text making sure she had my spare key. Because she said she didn’t know. And they weren’t picking my car up until late Friday/Saturday morning. She hadn’t gotten back to me, so I spent the last 3 hours of work on Thursday trying to figure out a plan to leave my car key somewhere for them. (Our local airport doesn’t have lockers because that was my first thought). I decided the safest and cheapest option would be to get a magnetic hide-a-key, put my key in that, put it in my wheel well, tape it to make sure it stays, and hope for the best.

I ended up leaving work a little later than intended. A coworker grabbed me as I was packing up for the weekend with a couple questions I definitely needed to answer right away. So I panic ran to Home Depot, grabbed a hide-a-key, and headed to the airport.

It was at the airport that I realized the hide-a-key was too small for my car key. Even though it’s made for car keys. I put tape on my key, put it in my wheel, and gathered my things….

...and then stood there for a solid minute/minute and a half, felt really uncomfortable with leaving it there, and proceeded to put it in my pocket instead.

It made me so uncomfortable to think about leaving it, even for just a day, that I decided it was better to take my key with me and pay the fee to leave it all weekend (which would have ended up being under $30 anyway) instead of potentially having my car stolen or losing my key to the weather if my parents couldn’t find my spare. Thankfully they found it.

I managed to make it to the airport Liz had just gotten there when I walked in. She had quickly gone home to change out of scrubs and grab a sandwich. I didn’t have to go to the check in desk because we had done everything online and I didn’t have any checked luggage so we headed upstairs to security. By this point it was close to 3:30. As you’ve seen if you’ve read my last three trip reports, our local airport is tiny (ony 4 gates) so getting there with only minutes to spare isn’t an issue. We were through security with about three minutes before they started boarding, which was just enough time for us to hole away in a corner where I could pack my winter coat and Liz could call Kyle to let him know we had made it to the airport and were about to board.

As we were about to board I got our room assignment - Toy Story, building 10, room 936!

Our flight wasn’t bad down, just a little turbulence over the Virginia area. We landed around 7:30 and headed over to Magical Express. By the time we got onto our bus (in a prime spot for arches photos if we hadn’t been talking when we went under them) it was just barely 8 pm. The bus stopped at Coronado and All Star Sports first, then it was us! I had stayed for a night at All Star Sports about two years ago so I could take the Magical Express back to the airport, but I hadn’t really stayed at an All Star since like 2012 when Jen and I went down with my dad’s chorus, and it has changed a lot in the past 7 years!

Our room was completely redone and I love the look!



My bed was a Murphy bed, but it was comfortable enough for me. I slept in the Murphy Bed at Art of Animation over the summer and it was basically the exact same bed.

The second we got into the Magical Express we realized we were starving. Liz had had a sandwich when she stopped at home to get changed around 2 but I hadn’t eaten anything since 11:30 that morning (my lunch time at work). We didn’t really want to just go to the All Star quick serve, so we decided to head out to Disney Springs.

We made absolutely no decisions until we got into Disney Springs and had to choose to turn left or right. We had at least narrowed our options down to either the Polite Pig, The Daily Poutine, or Chicken Guy. We decided we didn’t want Chicken Guy at the moment so we headed right and ended up choosing Polite Pig.

I ended up forgetting to take a picture of Liz’s food, but she got the Southern Pig sandwich with the BBQ waffle fries, and the Polite Sangria.

I got the BBQ Cheddar Sausage with BBQ waffle fries, and subbed out the coleslaw for the crispy brussel sprouts. I also got the Polite Punch for my drink.


We both really enjoyed our meals. It was the perfect sized portion without being too much, though I still didn’t finish everything. I also really liked the piece of cornbread you got with it, even though I don’t tend to like jalapeno as a flavor. The spicy/sweet flavor combo was perfectly combined.

We were getting tired by the time we were done eating dinner. We decided we would just stop in at World of Disney to look around then head back to the hotel. Our original plan for the night involved picking up our APs but since we were starving and it was late we had decided we would get to Magic Kingdom early in the morning, about a half hour before AM EMH started and go to guest relations before it got busy. It was a great idea but it definitely meant we would have to get up early. Well…”early” - we were both using our normal work alarms for the night.

We didn’t do much at World of Disney except pick up a pair of Potion Purple ears each. We knew we both wanted them and even though we were trying hard not to buy any souvenirs until we got into the parks Mostly we just didn’t want to buy the ears the next day and not have a place to put them.

We were back at the bus pick up area at 10:30…

...and so was every. Single. Cheerleader.

It was a cheer weekend. I knew it was college-level cheer/dance competitions this weekend but I hadn’t realized it was also high school level. And the high schoolers had a curfew of 11. So the All Stars queue for the buses went back past the next two queues. We were inside the barriers but our line wasn’t moving and since a bus was just leaving as we reached it we knew it’d be a while before another bus showed up. Even a cast member was telling the high schoolers that they should probably call their adult that they were supposed to check in with and explain the situation to them.

Liz and I stood there for a solid ten minutes before deciding that it wasn’t worth the hassle to get back at 1 am (which, if we had stayed in the line, we probably wouldn’t be getting back to the hotel for at least another hour and that was if they cascaded buses, and if we were getting up at 5:30 the next morning we wanted to get more than a couple hours of sleep). We got out of line and grabbed a Minnie van instead. It was expensive, but at least we could say we tried it? Our driver was super sweet and chatty, and we got back to our room in 11 minutes instead of the hour or more it was going to take us.

We basically collapsed the second we got back. It had been a long, exhausting day, but we were in Disney!
It made me so uncomfortable to think about leaving it, even for just a day, that I decided it was better to take my key with me and pay the fee to leave it all weekend (which would have ended up being under $30 anyway) instead of potentially having my car stolen or losing my key to the weather if my parents couldn’t find my spare. Thankfully they found it.

I would have done the exact same thing!! MIL asks us to leave a house key under the doormat in case the power is out (why would the power be out??) and they can't get in with the garage door keypad, and it makes me so uncomfortable. We did it this last time, and they LEFT it there!! So there was a key to our house under the mat for the entire week we were gone. I was so annoyed, and didn't understand why they didn't bring it in the house and keep it with them if they were so worried about the garage door not working??

Oh my gosh, the artwork is SO CUTE!! I'd pick the murphy bed solely for H,D, and L!!

Polite Sangria.

Polite Punch

the names of these drinks made me laugh.


...and so was every. Single. Cheerleader.

Oh no!! Minnie Van sounds like the best choice in this scenario. That made for a long day, I'd have collapsed too. I can't wait to hear about your park days!
Joining along! I too just got back from a trip... and haven't finished my June trip report. Polite Pig food looks delicious- it's on my list now for next trip.
I would have done the exact same thing!! MIL asks us to leave a house key under the doormat in case the power is out (why would the power be out??) and they can't get in with the garage door keypad, and it makes me so uncomfortable. We did it this last time, and they LEFT it there!! So there was a key to our house under the mat for the entire week we were gone. I was so annoyed, and didn't understand why they didn't bring it in the house and keep it with them if they were so worried about the garage door not working??

Oh my gosh, the artwork is SO CUTE!! I'd pick the murphy bed solely for H,D, and L!!

the names of these drinks made me laugh.


Oh no!! Minnie Van sounds like the best choice in this scenario. That made for a long day, I'd have collapsed too. I can't wait to hear about your park days!

I love the name of the drinks at Polite Pig - they are legitimately my favorite. And they're good, which is a plus!

Joining along! I too just got back from a trip... and haven't finished my June trip report. Polite Pig food looks delicious- it's on my list now for next trip.

I'm glad we're on the same page! Polite Pig is so good!!!
We had an emergency early release day at work because of the snow that's started here, so I've been enjoying being at home. I've been getting myself ready for Nashville next week, but i figured before the day was over I'd squeeze in a quick update!

Chapter Two: 18 January, 2019

So, spoiler alert: I left my notebook at home, and didn’t even think to bring it with me until I got home. I tried taking notes on my phone but it didn’t really work well and I ended up giving up very quickly. This is going to be mostly off of photos and my brain which is never a good thing lol.

The next morning I was up by 4:30 am. This happens to me every morning when I’m supposed to go to work - my alarm is set for 5:30 am so that, if I ever do sleep until my alarm, I’d still have the time to get to work without having to worry. But whenever I have an alarm set I am generally wide awake an hour earlier than it’s supposed to go off because I get so stressed about sleeping through it. It’s a great game my brain likes to play, I swear.

Liz’s body was also playing that game too, because I sat in bed for about 15 minutes, reading and generally trying to be quiet because I couldn’t tell if she was still asleep or not, until it was close enough to 5 that I didn’t feel horrible about showering and accidentally waking her up. And she sprung out of bed to stop me so she could grab something out of the bathroom area. She definitely scared me.

So if you read my (haphazard, not even a little bit taken care of, overgrowing with weeds) pre-trip report for this trip, you would know that Friday was kind of a giant question mark for us. Originally we had booked our hotel room from Thursday-Monday, but there was no guarantee that I was going to make it until Friday night. Our backup plan for Friday had always been for Liz to go down earlier and I’d meet her. Once I got the go ahead that I could take Friday off we were originally going to go to Magic Kingdom. Then there was an announcement that they may start putting out 30th merchandise for HS so we changed to Hollywood Studios for the day. Of course, then we changed our minds to go BACK to Magic Kingdom at the last minute. We were able to get FPs for Haunted Mansion, Jungle Cruise, and Pirates which was good!

This was why we didn’t realize that there were EMH in the morning until the night before when we went to double check in MK opened at 8 or 9 so we could plan on getting there earlier than that.

I took this selfie as we were leaving for a timestamp:


Which was 6:28 am.

We started out and headed to the buses. It didn’t take too long for a bus to come and we were quickly on our way to Magic Kingdom!


Once we were through security we headed to the Guest Relations counter. It was a little busy but it was mostly families and groups which made it a quick wait. I had jokingly said that we would be walking through the tapstyles at 8 am on the dot and that was exactly what happened.

Well, sort of.

We got our APs and I had to take a picture of my new one, clearly:


Then we headed over to the AP tapstyle since it wasn’t busy yet.


It went blue for both of us. The woman asked if we had seen guest relations yet and we explained that we had just come from there. She tried to fix whatever the issue was on her iPad and when it didn’t work she had us come through the tapstyles and follow her back to guest relations so she could use a computer. She took our bands and our cards, and less than five minutes later she was back. The CM at guest relations had done everything quickly, so we think he may have just forgotten to click something accidentally. So not everything had gotten unlocked.

But we were finally, officially in Magic Kingdom!

And of course, the first thing we needed to do? Take some pictures from the train station!





Walk right down the middle of Main Street USA!

Take pictures from photopass photographers!




I mean, that’s all great but also we needed to go get food. So we went through to get to Sleepy Hollow. That was closed though, so we went to Fantasyland, by my absolute favorite way possible:



(you know, the only way you can get to Fantasyland during morning EMH) and headed on over to Gaston’s to grab some coffee and share a cinnamon bun:


When Liz bought it, she asked the girl to give us extra frosting because the last time she had one it didn't have a lot of frosting on it. Well, the girl went out back and just have used a gravy ladle because there was So. Much. Icing.

We enjoyed our first breakfast, but we really didn’t have a plan of action. Not everything was open yet, but it was getting closer to 9 when things did open, so we decided that, since I was Merida-bounding and nobody else was in line yet except for one other family, we’d wait for Merida’s first meet of the morning.

She was an awesome Merida and it was a lot of fun! Last time I was able to meet Merida I was dressed in a Rapunzel bound because I was matching my friend’s daughter so it was nice to be able to meet my favorite princess while bounding as her!


Once we were out it was basically time for our first FP of the day - Haunted Mansion!

We were in and out of the ride quickly and decided to grab a couple pictures with the photopass who was stationed in the exit area.


After we hung out with our favorite 999 happy haunted we decided that, if we were in Disney, it was the perfect opportunity to be hobbits and get second breakfast. So we went to Sleepy Hollow. It took a very, VERY long time for me to get my food. Liz got a plain waffle with strawberries while I got the fruit waffle, which is one of my favorite breakfast items in Magic Kingdom.

It took FOREVER to get it. It was super busy and they could not keep up with all the specialty waffles I guess. Liz had to wait for me for a solid 10 minutes. But I finally got it, so here is it - the Fresh Fruit waffle that I waited twenty minutes for!


And Liz's poor melty waffle because she refused to eat it while she waited for me.


After second breakfast we went to watch the trolley show - we heard the music and bolted towards Main Street. we walked along the trolley and kept finding members of the trolley show in the crowd. They totally knew we were following them because they very clearly were hamming it up to us while we watched.


We then headed over to our next FP, Jungle Cruise, but the line was insanely long - like all the way back to the Magic Carpets. It was just the start of the hour, so we headed over to Be Our Guest so Liz could say hello to someone she used to work with who asked us to stop and say hi. Then we headed into Tomorrowland because we hadn’t been there at all yet. We decided to hop onto the TTA….well, “hop” is a bit of a misnomer. The line was a solid 10 minutes long, but it was relaxing and killed some time.

By the time we were done we headed back to Jungle Cruise.


We usually do this at night, so doing it during the day was fun! We had a great skipper who was super sassy. She made a joke about always being late for thing, to which I turned to Liz and said "that's you!" As we went past the overturned Jeep she made a joke about the paint job - "Do you notice anything over there? Yup....I just got my Jeep repainted. Oh. No one? It's fine. You can dislike the color teal, but you're wrong." Liz whipped around and, deeply pleased with herself, said "and that's you!" Which is fair lol.

At this point Liz’s friend D (who tagged along for a couple of days with us in July) was out of work and heading to the parks to meet up with us. We weren’t really sure what we were doing with ourselves at this point. Walking, there really weren’t a lot of people around us, but every line for a ride was insanely long, even the FP lines. We decided we would head to our Pirates FP, then probably leave the park.

We were also getting some severe FOMO. Every time I looked at Instagram I was seeing more and more people who we knew from the Disney social media community who were at Festival of the Arts. We were going to the festival the next day, but seeing that everyone was there we began to just want to go to Epcot to see people more than anything. So we told D to meet us at Epcot. We rode Pirates, and I look insane in this picture because I was in the middle of telling Liz something:


Then we headed out.


...they still had cheeseburger eggrolls. So, clearly we had to stop and grab those first.

THEN we headed out!
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i love your outfit SO MUCH!!!

She was an awesome Merida and it was a lot of fun! Last time I was able to meet Merida I was dressed in a Rapunzel bound because I was matching my friend’s daughter so it was nice to be able to meet my favorite princess while bounding as her!

Yay!! I love that you met her while matching her this time. I have still never met Merida and it makes me sad, I am never able to catch her with a decent line. The one time I did, and was planning to get in line, I heard the CM tell someone they'd be the last meets of the night, so I just kept walking :(
Your first park day was our last park day (and our anniversary)- and we did the opposite- started at Epcot and ended at MK! Sounds fun so far, so I can't wait to hear what you thought of FotA.
Joining in..we were there in January too..went to festivals of the arts the first day it was on and loved it.

Welcome! I loved FotA! It was such a nice, relaxing festival, I'm so glad we got to do it!

I haven't actually started your TR yet, but my favorite color is TEAL, so I had to stop by! Now to reading!

Yay! Teal is in my top 3 favorite colors :)

i love your outfit SO MUCH!!!

Yay!! I love that you met her while matching her this time. I have still never met Merida and it makes me sad, I am never able to catch her with a decent line. The one time I did, and was planning to get in line, I heard the CM tell someone they'd be the last meets of the night, so I just kept walking :(

Thanks!! I've only ever managed to meet Merida twice even though I try to make time for her every trip. I swear that line is ALWAYS closed!

Your first park day was our last park day (and our anniversary)- and we did the opposite- started at Epcot and ended at MK! Sounds fun so far, so I can't wait to hear what you thought of FotA.

How funny! We may have crossed paths without even realizing it! I actually really enjoyed FotA, though my plan of action is to do all three Festivals this year to see which really is my favorite since it's been two years since the last time I went to Food and Wine and even though I went to Epcot during Flower and Garden 2 years ago I really didn't experience the festival as I was with family friends.

I love that waffle with the fruit in nutella.... Look forward to the rest of your report

That nutella waffle is my go-to breakfast in MK, lol!

Enjoying your report, the refurbished rooms look really nice!

Thanks! I was really shocked by the refurb rooms (I could not actually tell you with certainty the last time I stayed at All Star Movies) and was definitely happily surprised.
Sorry all! Between an issue at home meaning I have not had WiFi at my house in two weeks, constantly having to stretch myself for rehearsals, and Flickr randomly deciding it didn't like uploading any of my photos my PTRs and TRs have been on hold. It seems like Flickr's app likes me enough to let me upload though, so here's hoping that my WiFi is up at home by the time I get back tonight (like they promised) so I can do an update for my July report as well!

Part Two

We hopped onto the monorail. Clearly I had to take photographic evidence?


It didn’t take long for us to Epcot - the crowds hadn’t gotten as insane as they would be later in the weekend - but getting through security was, as always, a little long. D had already gotten there so we told her to meet us in Mexico and we’d be there ASAP.

I had to get a couple quick photos at the front entrance first:



And then we headed over to Mexico to meet up with D. She had grabbed us a table in La Cava and had already ordered some chips and salsa. She had gotten herself the horchata margarita which, I’m not gonna lie, may become my go to margarita. I didn’t try it until after I ordered and kind of regretted it. Liz got her go-to cucumber margarita and I got the wild one, which was a special and I remember 0 things in it except maybe hibiscus? We'll go with hibiscus:


Which was the specialty drink of the month? Day? One of the two. It was good! Super fruity and easy to drink, but I probably would get the minty pineapple or the horchata one next time.

We chatted as we ate our snack and had our drinks. D was initially not going to be able to join us for much of the weekend but her schedule ended up changing enough that she could join us all weekend as she either got days off or would only be working mornings. While we were sitting we were able to change our ADR (which I had to do via OpenTable and not MDE to begin with, which made changing guest size easier) for the next night so she could join us.

It took a while to get our check. There was only one waiter on the floor and all the tables were filled, so he brought our check, then wasn’t able to come back for a solid 20 minutes to take the money. By the time we were ready to leave we just wanted to go out and enjoy the festival.

But first we decided to head back to Mousegear to get these babies:


The perks of being a passholder, a magnet!

I actually love the magnets, so I’m not actually complaining. I think they’re adorable. I just love that they are becoming such a thing.

We weren’t going to do a lot at the Festival today, just kind of look at menus before it got crowded and figure out what we wanted to try the next day once B (another of Liz’s friends who was mentioned in my July TR) was able to meet up with us.

But we did get a couple of things as we walked around, just to try. We each decided to get this at the Pop Eats stand:


This is the #RainbowSherbertGlitterDreamAle and it was shockingly good! I was going to get it regardless because of the name, but it was citrusy and light, which was shocking and nice. It didn’t fit the “ale” description but that doesn’t matter much!

So, if anyone watches Disney videos (specifically Disneyland), one of my and Liz’s favorite youtubers is Max (mrcheezypop) and we both knew he was in Epcot. I had made a joke a few days earlier that if we were to find Max anywhere it would be at the China booth because of his love of Kung Fu Punch. As we were walking into China, who happened to be at the front of the line? Yup. Max.

We didn’t end up saying hi because we didn’t want to interrupt him when he was clearly spending time with a friend and talking to some other people but it did make me laugh that I had called it so well.

We ended up stopping soon after. Liz was getting hungry so she went to the Cuisine Classique booth and bought the braised beef short rib:


I tried a bite of it and it was very good. D got the rose ale which was also different but in a good way.

We continued walking, just kind of enjoying the fact that there was no one, really, around us. D was texting back and forth with B. We were trying to figure out our dinner plan for the night so she could come meet up with us after work. Throughout our trip Liz was having a blast with the photopass pictures that were put up already:


Once we got to Italy we decided to stop at L’Arte di Mangiare. They had run out of food for the day (it was only 4:15!) but Liz and I decided to get a drink instead:


I got the Vodka Rossini while Liz got the Amaretto Bellini. Both were good, but I liked the rossini better because the strawberry was a much nicer flavor than the peach. But that’s a personal preference.

Fun story: at some point I had taken off my plaid and wrapped it around my waist so you could more clearly see the shirt I was wearing underneath it. For anyone who is new to me as a human, you should know that I have a small obsession with the Lost Bros jersey-style t-shirts. I have at least four, want at least 2 more, and always check in on what they’re releasing next. I was wearing one on this day. I had gotten a compliment from a CM at one of the art booths who knew the store by name and I thanked her. But then, while we were walking through Morocco, someone from the booth yelled “Nice shirt!” to me. I turned and it was Cody, one of the two brothers who run the company. I went over and thanked him and told him how much I love his shirts. He showed me his new Merida tattoo. It was a nice highlight to the day!

We also managed to get stuck in a booth while they were filming for the Dis. We are all-stars when it comes to near-awkward interactions with other humans.

Before we left Liz got the wild mushroom risotto from The Masterpiece Kitchen.


I’m always a little leary about things with mushrooms in them because I’ve had stomach issues relating to mushrooms before (which is the saddest as I really do enjoy mushrooms) but the one (very hesitant) bite I took of it was very good!
and Flickr randomly deciding it didn't like uploading any of my photos my PTRs and TRs have been on hold.

Flickr did this to me the other day, too. Everything kept saying Error Error Error, and I was so annoyed!

This is one of my favorite displays of Figment. I love him with the rainbows.

or the horchata one

::yes:: this is my choice too

I had made a joke a few days earlier that if we were to find Max anywhere it would be at the China booth because of his love of Kung Fu Punch. As we were walking into China, who happened to be at the front of the line? Yup. Max.

:rotfl::rotfl: You called it!

They had run out of food for the day

What?? :scared1:
We were there during Festival of the Arts and regularly ran into large groups of cheerleaders as well. They weren't obnoxious or anything but they really filled up the monorail.


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