You Can Learn a Lot of Things From the Flowers - May 2016 TR *NEW* 12/30 x3 *COMPLETE!*

Wow, that's awesome!

It was a great surprise!! I had always read about it, but with it being in the spring, I figured we'd never be there at the right time. Another bonus of having those APs!

This looks like an ad for Disney! Beautiful!

This view was what made DH want to go to F&G for the first time. Totally worth it!

Yep, I had that happen once and it feels SO weird to be waiting in line for the Peoplemover. Luckily, it goes fast.

It's like an alternate universe to wait for that ride. lol

Ha, that was Izzy's favorite part - and I was like, "Of COURSE, she wants to control everything!" :headache:

Typical girl!!

Thanks for sharing the trip and I'm heading over to the next one! :goodvibes

Thanks for following, as always!

Sounds like a great time at Epcot. So many pretty pictures and great PP pictures!

I'm glad you guys were able to take this trip and experience Flower & Garden! Sounds like it was a wonderful trip.

Thanks as always for sharing!!

It worked out so well that we were able to take this trip, since it mostly stemmed from DH wanting to photograph the festival. It's a beautiful time to be at Epcot. We really enjoyed it even more than I thought we would, despite the heat. It was great to get to see Epcot at a different time than we are used to.

Thanks for following!

Thanks for sharing with us. I'm feeling kind of nervous about the heat factor after reading about how it affected things for you on this trip and it wasn't even in the heat of summer. We're going in July for our first summer trip since having kids. I'd have a hard time leaving MK at 2:30 in the afternoon, but it looks like it was a good call.

Your last day exploring EPCOT looks like it was a lot of fun and a great way to end the trip.

Thanks for following along!

Summer is tough, and it was made more difficult I think because I was carrying DD or pushing the stroller a lot of the time. We were also taking it slow this trip since it was mostly about enjoying the festival. We would have had a different plan of attack had it been our only trip of the year. More early mornings, midday breaks, and going back in the evening.

Loved the ending! What a fun bonus trip!! I love how cute Delilah was with the photopass photographer, what awesome smiles!! Really fun time at EPCOT it looks like. So nice how into the kidkot stations Paxton was, and how nice to have the free applesauce packets at the butterfly garden (that must have been a funny sight with all the adults around eating applesauce packets though!).

It was definitely a great bonus trip! I'm so thankful we were blessed enough to take 3 bonus trips over the year of the AP. Had I known we would have taken so many, I probably would have taken a page out of your book and do all of the trips successively in one long TR! lol

This was the first time we really discovered the Kidcot stops, and it was perfect for a trip like this where we didn't really have much we wanted to do in Epcot besides check out F&G. DS really enjoyed it.

It was so strange to see a bunch of adults walking around with applesauce packs until it dawned on me that they must be being given out somewhere!! lol Too funny. But it was a nice refreshing snack on a hot afternoon, for sure.

Thanks for following!
When I first stumbled upon your TR months ago I never commented. I was so distracted by the thought of switching our usual fall dates to May instead to see F&G that I spent the rest of the day starting to switch plans! Thought I would check in and say thanks! We are booked for May and excited to try a new time of year.
When I first stumbled upon your TR months ago I never commented. I was so distracted by the thought of switching our usual fall dates to May instead to see F&G that I spent the rest of the day starting to switch plans! Thought I would check in and say thanks! We are booked for May and excited to try a new time of year.

Awesome!!! I hope you enjoy your trip!!!


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