You couldn't pay me to go to Disney when.......


DIS Veteran
Aug 16, 2012
There are many folks that would go to Disney anytime they have a chance and them some. But there are others that are very particular about when they go for various reasons, be it crowds, weather, etc. So complete the sentence....."You couldn't pay me to go to Disney when........."

For me....not during major holidays nor during the hot/humid summer couldn't pay me to go then.

(This topic was started after seeing the most recent update from Josh and the pics of the crowded, hot, miserable people in some of his pics....didn't look like much fun to me personally)
You could pay me to go anytime. I would not pay to go during the summer months.
Definitely during the really high crowds. Although maybe I will change my mind on that after our upcoming late August trip.

If this week doesn't work out, not sure when we will be able to go in the future, since we can't pull the kids out of school anymore (just personal circumstances, no judgement on those who do, we did it too when we could). And then the time when we are out of school is either blazing hot or a holiday week. I dunno. :confused3
The only time I would decline a Disney trip that I had to pay for would be if I was required to go on someone elses touring plan that involved late arrival and staying at the park the rest of the day.

If I had the freedom create my own touring strategy for the most part, I would never turn down a free trip and never say no if someone were to pay me to go.
You could not pay me to go during the summer months. Never. I'm already a 'hot' person regardless, so added heat makes me feel like I'm melting. The major factor, though, is I get extremely cranky when overheating. I really can't explain myself, but just make me hot, and watch out. So, no Disney in May-September. Period and end of story.:faint:
I'm with katrina1122, you could pay me to go ANYTIME!!! I wouldn't pay to go back in July, Christmas week or spring break...:)Any other time is good for me!
Christmas, New Years, & Easter are the only times I would not go even if someone was paying me to go.
If I felt that way I would never go to WDW. Those are the only times we can go.

Us too.

I'm not sure there is a time I could not be paid to go. I've now paid for 3 trips by myself. I think I could be persuaded to take money to go at anytime as long as it wasn't going to be dangerous.

I would not pay to go Christmas week. I think that is about it. Maybe Spring break week too. But I have taken a real liking to vacationing in the summer and with Spring break being so close to when my daughter gets out of school, we no longer travel then. Plus having to get up for a 7am EMH... I'm all for getting to the parks early, but blech!

We have been to Disney twice during the summer and like it. We get to enjoy the pools and the parks. And scheduling for summer allows me to plan much further out.
The hottest months of the year. Also major holidays or holiday periods (spring break at it worst). We've been to Disney every month of the year at one time or another. We've dealt with big crowds and learned we truly sincerely hated that.
Love Disney. Really do. But the intense heat and humidity -- and pile crowds rated at 10 on top of that are too much for us.
Someone said years ago that a bad day at Disney is better than a good day somewhere else. To a point.
You couldn't pay me to go back to Disney during a cheerleading convention. It was just plain awful!
You could pay me to go the leading UP TO Christmas day AND Christmas day, but you couldn't pay me to go the week after Christmas. Blah! Who am I kidding, you can pay me to go that week too, but I wouldn't pay :)
You couldn't pay me to go to Disney during any holiday or anytime between May and September when it is hot and humid.

I actually went in April 2012 and had good weather but I went in April 2013 and had almost 90 degree weather every day so now I will add April to my months that I won't go.

Actually going in April might be considered a holiday time/Spring break. But going in the last 2 weeks of April when Easter is early it is not very busy so I didn't really consider those April trips a holiday time.
I don't think there's any circumstance I wouldn't go to Disney if someone else was picking up the tab. Even during crowded times, if I wasn't footing the bill I wouldn't feel so pressed to do everything, and could just enjoy the shows and atmosphere.
I don't think there's any circumstance I wouldn't go to Disney if someone else was picking up the tab. Even during crowded times, if I wasn't footing the bill I wouldn't feel so pressed to do everything, and could just enjoy the shows and atmosphere.

Heck.. if it wasn't me shelling out thousands of dollars I would happily go during the busiest times even if only to hang out at the resorts and eat in restaurants I like. However, I can't see myself saving all year to be that crowded.

I think the way to make me truly miserable would be huge crowds PLUS heat. 100 degrees and level 10's sound miserable. But again, if someone else was paying I would go hang out in the pool and read a book on a lounge chair somewhere:thumbsup2
I think it's great that some people can go whenever they want. Good for them. My husband is a teacher and my daughter is too and now my son is in the teaching profession. We have been going to WDW forever and have always only been able to go during school breaks. My family cannot take off whenever they want. Yes we go during Christmas, winter break, spring break, but the only time we can go for more than one week (we like to go for 2 weeks or longer, sometimes we add on a cruise) is during the summer. We always have a wonderful time. Whenever people ask for opinions on going during peak times I try to give the best advice I can. I really don't like it when people try to rain on other people's parade especially when they cannot change their dates. Maybe because we go so often we know just what to do. I guess I just want people to know that they can still have a great time despite all the negative things that people say to try to make them feel bad. I would go to Disney anytime. We have never had a bad trip. Again it's wonderful that some people can go whenever they want, but a lot of us can't and I prefer to be positive.

Enjoy The Magic!!
I don't think there's any circumstance I wouldn't go to Disney if someone else was picking up the tab. Even during crowded times, if I wasn't footing the bill I wouldn't feel so pressed to do everything, and could just enjoy the shows and atmosphere.

Yeah, I agree. I find it EXTREMELY hard to believe that if some of these people received a call from from Walt Disney Corporation thanking them for years of dedicated travel and offered them a 5 day trip for July 4 or over Christmas break at a moderate resort including 5 day park hoppers, free dining plan, GCs for spending money and airfare they would say, "Oh well, thanks but no thanks."

Much less if someone called, offered the same thing and then said, "okay, if you won't go on our dime, how about we pay you to go?"...."Nope, I'm good. I think I'm going to go to target and Best Buy that weekend anyway and I've heard Picadilly has something really special planned for the holiday."
I think I misread this post lol. You could always pay me to go to Disney!

It's only when I am paying so much money of our own money to go that I get cranky about crowds and heat. ;)


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