You Don't Have What? - A Somewhat Frantic Race Weekend TR (Feb 24-26 ) COMPLETE! BOG Lunch - 5/15


DIS Veteran
Oct 22, 2014

Hello everyone!

It’s been a while since I’ve actually written a TR, but I really wanted to do one for this race weekend. It was my first runDisney race, and a trip that I have been insanely excited about for months and months. I started running a little over a year ago after hearing about so many people having tons of fun at Disney runs. But my brain is weird, and if I was going to pay for a Disney event, I wanted it to be a “big” one, at least in my mind. Something that seemed crazy. So I decided to sign up for the Princess Half Marathon last summer. At that point, I had just trained for my first 10k, which I ran right before our May Disney trip last year. Between that time and now, I have definitely been bitten by the running bug - I ran my first half marathon in October and loved it, and I signed up for the Goofy Challenge in January before we even left for this weekend!

So, I was really wanting this race weekend to be fabulous, because I had already committed myself to another runDisney experience :P

Thankfully, aside from one major mishap, it was a really great weekend. My husband and I both teach at a university, so we weren’t really able to make it a longer trip, but it was great to get a little Disney fix before the summer!

Who: Lindsey (me) and Will, my husband


When: February 24-26
Where: Polynesian DVC studio! Our first stay at our home resort :)
Why: Running my first Disney race!

1900 Park Fare

BOG Breakfast, Expo, and Craziness!
Last edited:
Travel Time!

Friday morning, I woke up and was super excited! It was Disney day!


But first, I had a couple of classes to teach before we could head down to Orlando. So I got my morning run in and headed off to work. Thankfully, I gave myself a fairly easy day because I knew Disney would be all on my brain :) Sometimes teaching has perks!

I put on my favorite purple Mickey shirt for the occasion as well! With a 6 hour car ride in front of me after work, I didn’t really care about being “professional,” and I wasn’t seeing anyone too important anyway.


Thankfully, it was soon time to get on I 75, headed for Florida! My favorite route :) We listened to my backlog of Disney podcasts I’d been saving for the occasion, a little bit of our Jimmy Buffett playlist (because we are kind of old school like that), and then Disney music for the last hour or so. It made the drive go by really quickly! I love my Spotify Premium subscription so that I can just have all sorts of music at hand for long car rides.

I was happy because, despite driving on a Friday, we hit the traffic really well. The only kind of backup we had was taking the exit off the main turnpike toward Disney, where a ton of people were heading toward Winter Park (I think) and slowing the through traffic down a lot. But soon enough we were past that, and we were headed to the Polynesian!

We bought DVC points at the Poly about a year and a half ago now, but had never actually stayed there. A lot of that has to do with the fact that it’s pretty expensive, and a lot of the time we want to get more nights for our points. But this race weekend was pretty hard to book anyway, so we decided to stay with the Poly and finally get to experience it.

We did the online check-in, so we had no problem just going straight to our room on the third floor of Pago Pago. There was a parking lot right outside the building, so we didn’t even need bell services or anything.

Studio pictures:





We even had a pretty good view for a standard! If I’m going to look at a parking lot, at least it has a monorail :)


We hung out for a little bit, got unpacked, and looked up some info for packet pickup, etc. for the race weekend. We got to the Poly around 6, and headed to the front desk close to 7 to check in for the DVC Moonlight Magic party that was happening that night. We never end up in Disney for these special events, so we were thrilled to be able to take advantage of this extra MK time!

After checking in, we decided to just head on over to the Grand Floridian and check in to 1900 Park Fare. We figured that way we could just enjoy the atmosphere and not worry about being late for dinner.



They had this fabulous chocolate egg in the check in area - it was so awesome!



We checked in a little early and gave them our phone number, then went and looked at the pool area and outside for a little bit before finding a comfy chair. And pretty much right at our reservation time of 7:30, our buzzer went off so we would get seated!
I enjoy reading runDisney trip reports, so I'm looking forward to this! The Poly studio looks really nice.

I'm also interested in the title. On my last trip, one of the coffee kiosks was out of caffeine! Only decaf coffee was available at the time. Hopefully what they were out of wasn't race related! :scared:
following along... i ran in the 5k race and is thinking of doing the half marathon for next year. excited to read about your experience.
I'm here!! So excited for your mini TR!! Great start! And love your purple Mickey shirt!

Yay! And I love it too - it's a little big now, but it's so comfortable, and my favorite color :D

Looking forward to the report.

Thank you! Glad to have you :)

I'm also interested in the title. On my last trip, one of the coffee kiosks was out of caffeine! Only decaf coffee was available at the time. Hopefully what they were out of wasn't race related! :scared:

Oh no! No caffeine is no good - and you will definitely find out what it is in a later update :P

following along... i ran in the 5k race and is thinking of doing the half marathon for next year. excited to read about your experience.

The half was so so much fun! I ran my first one ever this past October, and have become fairly addicted. It's a good distance in my opinion - long enough to be a big thing, but not so long that I feel bad afterwards :)

Following Along! Can't wait to hear all about the trip!

Yay! Glad to have you!
1900 Park Fare

We were seated, and our server came around fairly promptly - the restaurant was quite busy, and there were a few large groups around us. Despite this, our server was very attentive and knowledgeable about the food available on the buffet, and even gave us some recommendations. I do like this about the servers at Disney - most of our experiences have been excellent, and the cast members really seem like they are invested in your experience at their restaurant.

We were told that Prince Charming and Cinderella were right around the corner, so we should wait to go get food until after we met them. It was really wonderful that we had such good timing, but both of us were starving, so this was perhaps not the most welcome news :P We are old people at heart and usually eat between 5 and 5:30, so a 7:30 dinner was really pushing it!

The Prince and Cinderella did come around, and were very nice to both of us. Character interaction was brief, but they were interested in taking pictures and everything, and as I said, we were hungry - so we were both okay with the shorter interactions. I never know what to say to face characters anyway, so I was perfectly happy to have a few lines of small talk and a picture. I never felt like they were rushing through so that they could get to the next tables with kids, which was nice!

After our royal greeting, we were able to go get a first plate as Lady Tremaine and her daughters circulated towards our table:


My first plate - salmon with a kind of ginger and mango sauce I think, caesar salad, a roll, a catfish nugget, penne pasta with red sauce, a few mussels, butternut squash ravioli (under the catfish, it's kind of orange-y), mashed potatoes, green beans, and a few cheese cubes in the middle.

Everything here was really tasty - the penne was probably my least favorite thing on the plate. It was fine, but nothing special. The salmon was very tender, especially for being on a buffet, and the caesar salad was extremely good. Mussels were not like Cape May's mussels, but were tasty. I think my favorite thing on the plate, though, was the butternut squash ravioli. It was in a cream sauce that was slightly sweet, and also had some toasted walnuts throughout, and they really complimented the squash. I really want to figure out how to make something like this at home, though it would probably be way more labor intensive than I would want!


I also got some of the famous strawberry soup - I thought this was really tasty, but I think I would enjoy it more with a breakfast meal here. It's like a smoothie but a little sweeter than many smoothies I've had, and really yummy! Just for me it didn't go with the savory options on my plate as much. Maybe I'll save it for the dessert course if we eat here again :)

As we were basically devouring our first plates, Lady Tremaine came over and we had a brief chat with her (and of course got some pictures).

Next were her daughters, Anastasia and Drizella - I can't keep them straight, such a bad Disney fan! One of them complimented my ears, which was a nice ice breaker. She wondered if she could persuade her mother to add something extra sparkly to her outfit - I told her it was certainly worth a try!

Then I think we both headed back for seconds :D


A little fresh pineapple, mongolian beef (it's somewhere under there), more mussels, a caprese kind of salad in the back there, some beef, more mashed potatoes and ravioli, and then cheesy polenta and some horseradish sauce to dip my beef in.

The mongolian beef wasn't my favorite - Will liked it a lot, though! The caprese salad was really nice, with a good bit of the fresh mozzarella. I thought the roast beef was pretty good for a buffet - my slice could have been a bit thicker, but I also know they need to make their food feed a lot of people! It had good flavor, and the horseradish sauce was pretty yummy. The cheesy polenta was really great, too - basically cheese grits for us Southern folk :) I wish I had more stomach room for a plate with just that, potatoes, and more ravioli!

After sitting for a few minutes people-watching and digesting, it was time for the dessert round:


One of everything basically :P A fruit tart, mini carrot cake, a cannoli, cheesecake (with the raspberry), flourless chocolate cake (I think), and then key lime pie in the middle. Plus, Will had some peach cobbler and bread pudding with vanilla sauce for me to eat as well.


I think the bread pudding with vanilla sauce definitely won the dessert contest for me - I could have gladly eaten a huge bowl of it and foregone all the other options. The peach cobbler was pretty good, and I did really enjoy the fruit tart and the chocolate thing here, but the rest were sort of okay. Next time, I'd just stick to the bread pudding :P It was truly amazingly delicious!

Plus, after we had totally gorged ourselves on entirely too much food, the server brought out a birthday cupcake for me :D Will had reminded me to get a birthday button earlier, since my birthday was just after this trip on the 2nd.


I ate like the chocolate Mickey and about one bite of cupcake, but it was a nice gesture :) I just wish they wouldn't wait until we are totally done with dessert before doing this - I feel so bad wasting perfectly good cupcakes!

Pictures with characters coming soon - they are on Will's phone, so I need to get them :)

Dining Plan Total

This was our first time using the DDP, so I'm going to do a comparison of our OOP costs and what we paid for the DDP as we go along, and then I'll have some comments on what we thought at the end in terms of value:

This used two of our Dining Plan TS credits

Our cost without credits would have been $100.11 with tax (I'm not including tip because we pay that with or without the DDP).

Total OOP Cost so far - $100.11
TS credits used - 2
TS credits remaining - 2
QS credits remaining - 4
Snack credits remaining - 8

Mugs remaining - 2

Hi. I am following along. Sounds like a fun trip so far. I'm curious about how the dining plan works out for you. I'm seriously considering getting it for the first time for our November 2017 trip.
Following along! First of all - WHAT is the countdown app you are using?? Love it!

I stayed in a studio in Pago Pago in November and LOVED it! The bathroom set-up in those rooms is awesome!
Hi. I am following along. Sounds like a fun trip so far. I'm curious about how the dining plan works out for you. I'm seriously considering getting it for the first time for our November 2017 trip.

We are still debating it for our October trip, but I definitely think in terms of sheer cost value we came out ahead on this trip. You have to really plan how you want to use the credits to actually save money, though!

Following along! First of all - WHAT is the countdown app you are using?? Love it!

I stayed in a studio in Pago Pago in November and LOVED it! The bathroom set-up in those rooms is awesome!

It's called Dreamdays and is available on the App Store - I paid for the full version so I could add unlimited events and have all my Fastpass, ADR dates, etc. in there :P Plus, you can set your own background photo, so I usually do a search on google and save some appropriate ones to my phone for my trips and events. I really enjoy it, and it's nice looking, unlike some other apps I've seen.

I think I got really spoiled by the Poly studio - it's going to be hard going back to the smaller bathrooms in say the Boardwalk rooms :P But thankfully, we're in the Poly again in October, and we're in a 2BR at Beach Club in May, so we should have fewer bathroom complaints :)
Mmm 1900 Park Fare is so good! I too liked the ravioli and I loved the cheese grits, which is so funny because it's not like that is something I crave normally. It was just so tasty! I do agree the strawberry soup was a little sweeter than I imagined it to be. So I had another bowl for dessert too, lol.
I know what you mean by the face characters being a little awkward because you HAVE to talk to them and not just stare and giggle and hug. Haha. Oh and I had to google the stepsisters names because I always got them confused. :laughing:
I am eager to hear your thoughts on the dining plan, especially for such a short trip. We got the TIW so didn't think the DP would be worth it this year. I don't mind going on the dining plan again especially now that you don't need to get dessert for every quick service.
Mmm 1900 Park Fare is so good! I too liked the ravioli and I loved the cheese grits, which is so funny because it's not like that is something I crave normally. It was just so tasty!

I was so pleasantly surprised! I'm already trying to figure out how we can get back for dinner :P

I am eager to hear your thoughts on the dining plan, especially for such a short trip. We got the TIW so didn't think the DP would be worth it this year. I don't mind going on the dining plan again especially now that you don't need to get dessert for every quick service.

The changes really did make it so much more appealing for us. It wouldn't really have mattered for this trip, since we ate our QS meals at BOG and I must have a cupcake when I go there anyway (plus no dessert with breakfast), but I don't care for most of the usual QS desserts when I've had them, so the flexibility of the snack credits is a huge win for me.
Finally, an Update!

Hello again everyone! I don't know what's wrong with me and TRs. I just can't seem to remember to actually update them regularly. It didn't help that the semester flew by, and before I knew it we were at the next to last week of school! So now I'm inundated with papers to grade, and what better way to procrastinate than to write about our Disney trip. Plus, we're under the 30 day mark for our next adventure, and I need to get this show on the road!

After dinner, we went to meet up with @chunkymonkey and @cinderkelly at Trader Sam's! We also checked in for the DVC Moonlight Magic event at some point, which we were going to try and head to after the Dismeet. And if you've been reading Su-Lynn's TR then you know the monorail was a huge pain this night. We walked out to the station, and there were a ton of people coming in the doors. We quickly figured out that they had all been waiting for the monorail, but it was down and there wasn't a whole lot of info on when it would be back up. So we went down to the boats - there was also a walking path, but we were so full that the walking did not sound very fun! Of course, there was a huge crowd waiting for these tiny boats, and we were pretty frustrated at that. But then, Su-Lynn texted me that the monorail was working again (she was at the Contemporary I think), so we headed back up to the station to try that option. I think we would have walked instead of taking a boat at this point - the boats are tiny, and there were so many people waiting!

Thankfully, there was a monorail when we got to the platform, so we quickly got on. The passengers who were on the train already were talking about it being "cursed" though, so that's never a good sign. We did wait a while, but eventually started on our way to MK. Eventually we made our way back to the Poly, and Su-Lynn and I actually ended up being on the same monorail, so we met up and headed down to Trader Sam's.

We sat outside, which was nice! Plus, it meant I could get this deliciousness, that I had wanted last time we were here:


Spiky Pineapple! Dole whip and rum - so delicious! Not super strong, but I was happy to get some Dole Whip so soon after getting to Disney. We talked and chatted about our trips and about the Princess race, and I had such a good time meeting some Disney people in real life! Will and I are both crazy Disney fans, so he doesn't really mind my rambling, but it's always so nice to be able to talk Disney with other people who are just as crazy about it. Can't wait to do more Dismeets in the future as well :) Pretty sure Will also has my copy of the picture we ended up taking - boo! But I think there is one over on @chunkymonkey 's TR if you want to see it :)

After our drink, Will and I headed off to MK for the DVC Moonlight Magic event. We were both really excited about this - I actually expected the lines to be a bit shorter, so we didn't end up doing a lot of attractions, but it was still really fun to wander around MK at night with so few people!

Small World Selfie:


(we are not the best at selfies)

Winnie the Pooh (one of my favorites obviously)


and the PeopleMover of course :)


Plus, there was a truly amazing fireworks show that we didn't even know was going to happen. I watched a video from the front of the castle and it was even better from there! We were behind the castle around the carousel area, but I loved the updated versions of classic songs, the variety of films and stories represented, and the fireworks themselves. They really didn't skimp on this show - it was actually hard to see some of the later fireworks from the back because of all the smoke!

Overall, I really enjoyed this event. If we happen to be around when there are other DVC events happening, we'll make a point to go! I don't think this is something I'd book a trip for (and the way they announce these, there usually isn't a whole lot of time to do that), but if you're already there, it was a nice addition. I do think we could have had more attraction riding success if we were there right when it started, but I was prioritizing my Dismeet over this. I'm really hoping the fireworks were a peek of what we can expect from Happily Ever After. If they are anywhere close they will be so great, and I can't wait to see the new show!

We got a nice picture in front of the castle:


As we exited the park, Mickey and Minnie were at the train station, waving everyone goodbye. I thought this was a super cute touch!


Our next day was Saturday - our plan was to do MK in the morning for our BOG breakfast reservation, hit a few rides, and then go to the Expo with Epcot in the afternoon. As you will see, this did not go according to plan.

But the morning started off great! I got a short run in around the Polynesian and over to the GF. I was just talking with Will about this, and next time I'm definitely going to try and find the path to MK from the Grand Floridian. I'm pretty sure one exists!


wedding pavilion in the morning


crazy post-run face

After I showered, I headed over to Captain Cook's to see if I could find something to use a snack credit on. I ended up getting a giant cupcake (best value - and hello, cupcakes). When I got to the register, the cast member saw my birthday button and gave it to me for free! So that was a nice surprise :D

From my notes, this would have been around 5.49 if it hadn't been free :)


I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised by this cupcake. I was not expecting it to be so delicious! I quickly devoured about half of it and put the rest in our mini fridge for another time. Because I'm really a Hobbit, so first and second breakfast seemed like a great idea :)

And then it was time for Be Our Guest breakfast! We used the Dining Plan as an excuse to eat here, basically. It's a great value for a QS credit (I want to say like 24.99/person), and we have previously looked at the price and decided to eat elsewhere. That is one advantage of the dining plan to me - each credit is sort of "worth" the same amount, so I am more willing to eat at places that are expensive when it would be the same "cost" to eat there than somewhere cheaper.

I got the bacon and egg sandwich, which I enjoyed. I did wish that I had sort of smooshed the eggs over the sandwich a bit to get the yolk and white mixed up, though. Every once in a while I got a bite of just yolk which I did not enjoy. Thankfully, these were not actually soft yolks though - that was my major concern with this sandwich, and I was pleasantly surprised. Another win for the dining plan - I try new things!


I do think this would have been better on a baguette as I've seen it in the past, though. The croissant was delicious, but a little too soft to stand up to the sandwich toppings to me. Fruit was fine - melon was a little underripe, but it wasn't terrible.

Will got the croissant doughnut:


And we split the pastries:


We actually split our entrees in half and each had part, too - so that way everyone got some sweet and some savory. In general, I really enjoyed this meal! I don't think I would be able to deal with the price if I wasn't on the dining plan, though. It's good, but not $24.99 good to me. The atmosphere is really nice in the morning - it was a bit quieter in the music box room where we ate, and we had a really pleasant time. The pastries were tasty, too - as many have said, they're not super special, but they made a very filling breakfast with everything else. I did think that there seemed to be a lot of variety in which pastries people got, which was a little odd. We were lucky we got stuff that we liked, and I think it seems weird that the pastry tray isn't really "standardized." But that's just me!

After our breakfast, we headed back to the monorail to go to WWOS to the expo! I was so excited to pick up my bib and get my shirt - it was basically the perfect shirt for me. Purple, and Belle themed!

The trip over was fairly quick. We took a bus from the Contemporary and were so glad we didn't drive. The parking was horrible! We originally had planned to drive, and I'm so so so glad we took the bus.

We went down to packet pick up, and sadly that was where our day went totally off the rails. I get to the station, give the lady my waiver, and ask Will for my ID (which he keeps in his wallet on our Disney trips). But he couldn't find his wallet at all! This was totally not how we wanted our race to start. I was freaking out (a lot) because they wouldn't let me have my bib or shirt until I could give them an ID. So we very quickly went over to the desk for customer service basically and started talking to them.

I was in line and discussing the situation with the cast members there while Will was quickly freezing our cards and related stuff just in case the wallet was picked up by the wrong people. I have to say, the cast members here were so amazing. They were really comforting and reassuring because I was freaking the heck out. I was seriously thinking that I wasn't going to get to race the next day, and was not totally crying, but pretty close. We told them we'd been to BOG that morning, and one of them got the restaurant on the phone fairly quickly.

Thankfully, they had the wallet, and it was at the Town Hall in Magic Kingdom. The only trouble was, that I didn't have any other ID with me super close, and we were going to have to go on a retrieval mission before I could get back to the expo. Additionally, the expo closed at 3PM that day, and I want to say that it was already like 11 or something at least by the time we had gotten over there.

So we both headed back to MK the super long way. It didn't look like a bus to the Contemporary was coming, so Will elected to hop on the bus that was there, to Caribbean Beach. In hindsight, this was probably the wrong plan, but we were both pretty out of it. After quite a long wait, we did eventually get to MK.

While I waited for Will to get through the insane line at the Town Hall (and if you've been, the line for that is always insane), I got us some snacks. We weren't going to be able to do Epcot snacks like we'd planned, and we both wanted something.

So I got popcorn, a Mickey bar, and a bottle of water to split, which were $4, $5, and $3 respectively. Not the most efficient use of a snack credit, but not actually too bad! Those Mickey bars have gone up in price since last I looked!


Will did get his wallet, and I grabbed my ID quickly. I also took a picture of it for the future. The person at the check-in desk said that would have worked if I'd had one, so I definitely took one in case anything like this happens again in the future!

At this point, we were both really tired and I was fairly frantic because it was getting closer and closer to 3:00. This whole process took a long time! I debated just picking up my bib in the morning (which I had heard was an option), but after some research found out that if I did that, I wouldn't be able to get the shirt. I would just have to hope that they could mail me one later, and would not be guaranteed the size I ordered. I debated, but in the end I decided I would be a lot more disappointed if I didn't have my Princess shirt than if I had to skip out on Epcot for the day. So Will hung out in MK for a while, and I headed back over to the Contemporary to fix this insane mess.

During all this, I was also frantically texting @Elevationist, @chunkymonkey, and @cinderkelly through our group text. They were thankfully appropriately frustrated along with me :P

Getting back to the expo took rather more time than I expected, but I did get back in time to get everything sorted out, though I was still kind of frantic, I think just because of the day. @Elevationist asked me to pick up a 5k magnet for her, and I totally got the wrong one (which I still feel bad about - sorry!! But if you want it, I will still mail it to you!). Sadly, they were nowhere to be found the rest of the trip - those pink 5k magnets either went really fast or they just took them out of the merchandise areas after the 5k was finished. It was really annoying!

I looked briefly around the expo, but basically just ended up getting the pink half marathon magnet for me and a blue 3.1 magnet. At this point, I really just wanted to be done with the expo and was also trying to make it back for our early 'Ohana reservation at 4:20 (I think). I am pretty sure I ended up taking the 2:30 or 3:00 bus back, so I really just made it in time to get my shirt.

So, needless to say, this day did not go how we wanted. And though I was super frantic and stressed during the experience, I'm so glad that, in general, it turned out the best way it could have. In hindsight, I would have just gone to our room and picked up my university ID instead of going with Will to MK, but like I said - we were both a little crazy that day. But I got my shirt, I got to race, and no one stole our wallet with our drivers licenses in them! That would have been a very interesting drive back to Georgia if it had happened. So in general, I'm incredibly thankful that this wasn't worse and that the CMs and race employees were so helpful and reassuring in a seriously stressful situation.

After our crazy day, we were more than ready for a relaxing and delicious dinner - but I'll leave that for next update!

Oh my gosh what an awful start to a half marathon! I'm glad you found everything okay and am excited to hear about the PHM. I am a pretty-new baby runner with dreams of the Princess someday in my future. Can you tell me about your training process at all? Would love to hear how you got to that point! (Like you, I came to running as an adult having never run before! But I did run a quarter marathon this weekend, albeit quite slowly!)
I'm glad you found everything okay and am excited to hear about the PHM. I am a pretty-new baby runner with dreams of the Princess someday in my future. Can you tell me about your training process at all? Would love to hear how you got to that point! (Like you, I came to running as an adult having never run before! But I did run a quarter marathon this weekend, albeit quite slowly!)

Believe me, me too! Thankfully, race day was fabulous - and I loved the experience! Just learned to take some extra precautions on race weekends in the future just in case :)

And I didn't really do anything super special - I started using Jeff Galloway's C25K app and I still use run/walk intervals all the time. For me, it's a very successful strategy, but some people do better running the whole time. If you do decide to do intervals, I'd say play with smaller intervals. A lot of people seem to do well with shorter run intervals even though it sometimes seems counter-intuitive to do it that way.

In general, I started with a 5k training plan, then moved onto a 10k, and I did a mashup of Hal Higdon and Galloway's plan for my first half. Mostly I just extended the guide a few weeks and did some of the longer runs Galloway recommends rather than stopping at like 10 miles like Higdon usually does for a half. Now that I've done a few, I will probably only do 11 miles or so for a half, but for the first one I wanted to know for sure I could do it!

But other than that, just keeping up with training and signing up for an actual race really helped. That way I had something concrete to work for :) I am also in a lot of running groups on Facebook that are super motivating!
It was a fun meeting at Trader Sams!! I think I'll get the dole whip with rum next time. But I also do want another souvenir glass :)
Here's our picture so you now have it on your TR!


I can imagine the day before the race being so stressful for you guys...and we were right there with you! I was stressed for you! Having driven all the way down and not being able to run in the half would have just sucked, but I'm so glad you guys found Will's wallet. Whew. That was a sigh of relief. Good to know we should all take pictures of our IDs. Just makes sense to do so. Glad you made it to the expo in time and got your shirt!

At least you had a great breakfast. I ordered the same thing as you! And I totally liked the baguette better. Good deal on ordering it with the DDP. I'm not doing it for our next few trips just because A) it's expensive b) I can't seem to find a PPO ADR, lol.

Can't wait to hear about 'Ohana!
I can imagine the day before the race being so stressful for you guys...and we were right there with you! I was stressed for you! Having driven all the way down and not being able to run in the half would have just sucked, but I'm so glad you guys found Will's wallet.

Oh, me too! Not running would have been pretty devastating, in addition to the logistical nightmare that would have been two lost drivers licenses. So it worked out, even though it was definitely not how we'd planned to spend our day. I thought the picture idea was also a good plan - I'd heard that from the couple of times I'd studied overseas, but had forgotten that it could also be useful when you are traveling in general!

At least you had a great breakfast. I ordered the same thing as you! And I totally liked the baguette better. Good deal on ordering it with the DDP. I'm not doing it for our next few trips just because A) it's expensive b) I can't seem to find a PPO ADR, lol.

Can't wait to hear about 'Ohana!

Yeah, I don't think we'd do this unless it was on the DDP really. For some reason it's just harder to justify when it's not just a "credit". Which sounds so silly, but it's how I feel :P I need to look at my spreadsheet/Will's pictures to update our DDP v. OOP cost rundown, though!

'Ohana hopefully coming up tomorrow :D I need to get this show on the road before we are back in Disney :P
I'm here and all caught up. Loving your room at the Poly!

Sorry about all the race registration drama you had. You would think after they found your wallet exactly where you said it was, that would be enough for them tor realize you were you. Oh well, at least it all worked out for you.


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