You Get a Suite! You Get a Suite! Everybody Gets a Suite! December 2023 Trip Report! (RL Update 6/2!)

We want to go to Spain too, so we are taking the EBTA to Barcelona then doing another tour in Andalusia and flying back from Madrid. We could justify it better that way. Lol

Day 2, Part 4: MVMCP, Part 2! (Liberty Tree Tavern!)

We last left off riding Buzz. After the ride is was about 3:45, so we decided to go find a place to pick up our party credentials in the park. I knew from other posts they had them over at Tortuga Tavern, but I was hoping they would have them near the entrance to Tomorrowland like they do at the Halloween party, and I was happy to see as we headed that way there was a credential distribution point there!

So we got in line, and were surprised when only a few minutes later we started to move! We ended up getting our wrist bands by 3:55!

After getting our wrist bands, map, and ornament, we headed back up to the front of the park because I wanted to head down the bypass to get pictures with the toy soldiers back there.

There was a massive line by the time we got there, but it moved relatively fast. I was a bit bummed that with two groups ahead of us they had a changing of the guards, and it went from being two soldiers to just one. Oh well, at least we didn’t miss out on the shot with the rain, which was once again on its way! I was actually really worried after waiting ~20 minutes for the picture that we would miss it since the rain was so close, but fortunately we made it just in time!

We also got pictures with the décor back there.

We managed to get some more photopass pictures before the rain as well.

By then it started to drizzle, and it was still a bit too early to check into our dinner, but we headed that way in hopes of finding a roof to hide under.

We totally forgot about the covered porch in front of the restaurant, but were glad when we arrived and saw it and that it had empty benches! So we headed there to keep dry and wait for dinner. At about 4:40 I did the online check-in for our reservation, and about 4:55 I got the notification that our table was ready!

So we headed to the CM outside and he ushered us inside, where another CM told us to find a seat to wait. There was a bit more of a wait once inside, about 10 minutes, before being brought back to our table.

Dinner was really good, we figured this would be a good place for my dad since it’s basically Thanksgiving dinner again, and as noted before, the more basic the food the happier he is.

Also of note, my dad usually hates salad, but he could not get enough of the salad here! He was obsessed with the dressing, which was apparently a honey shallot vinaigrette, so now I’m on the hunt for recipe to make it. He also loved the beef, he ate almost the entire portion of it! Glad he enjoyed himself here.
Next up: MVMCP,

Day 2, Part 4: MVMCP, Part 2! (Liberty Tree Tavern!)

We last left off riding Buzz. After the ride is was about 3:45, so we decided to go find a place to pick up our party credentials in the park. I knew from other posts they had them over at Tortuga Tavern, but I was hoping they would have them near the entrance to Tomorrowland like they do at the Halloween party, and I was happy to see as we headed that way there was a credential distribution point there!

So we got in line, and were surprised when only a few minutes later we started to move! We ended up getting our wrist bands by 3:55!

After getting our wrist bands, map, and ornament, we headed back up to the front of the park because I wanted to head down the bypass to get pictures with the toy soldiers back there.

There was a massive line by the time we got there, but it moved relatively fast. I was a bit bummed that with two groups ahead of us they had a changing of the guards, and it went from being two soldiers to just one. Oh well, at least we didn’t miss out on the shot with the rain, which was once again on its way! I was actually really worried after waiting ~20 minutes for the picture that we would miss it since the rain was so close, but fortunately we made it just in time!

We also got pictures with the décor back there.

We managed to get some more photopass pictures before the rain as well.

By then it started to drizzle, and it was still a bit too early to check into our dinner, but we headed that way in hopes of finding a roof to hide under.

We totally forgot about the covered porch in front of the restaurant, but were glad when we arrived and saw it and that it had empty benches! So we headed there to keep dry and wait for dinner. At about 4:40 I did the online check-in for our reservation, and about 4:55 I got the notification that our table was ready!

So we headed to the CM outside and he ushered us inside, where another CM told us to find a seat to wait. There was a bit more of a wait once inside, about 10 minutes, before being brought back to our table.

Dinner was really good, we figured this would be a good place for my dad since it’s basically Thanksgiving dinner again, and as noted before, the more basic the food the happier he is.

Also of note, my dad usually hates salad, but he could not get enough of the salad here! He was obsessed with the dressing, which was apparently a honey shallot vinaigrette, so now I’m on the hunt for recipe to make it. He also loved the beef, he ate almost the entire portion of it! Glad he enjoyed himself here.

Next up: MVMCP, Part 3!
Liberty Tree is our absolute favorite restaurant in any park. You can find the recipe for the honey shallot vinaigrette online. I found it and make it often since we love it!
Liberty Tree is our absolute favorite restaurant in any park. The Honey Shallot recipe is easily googled. I make it often since we love it so much!
Hi. First time back on the DIS in years! I think since about 2009/2010. We are planning our first trip back since 2009 and I am enjoying reading your TR. Looking forward to reading more.
We want to go to Spain too, so we are taking the EBTA to Barcelona then doing another tour in Andalusia and flying back from Madrid. We could justify it better that way. Lol
Wow, that sounds amazing! How long is the trip across to Barcelona? I suspect I would need a whole lot more vacation time to do something like that, but maybe someday, that would be very cool!
Liberty Tree is our absolute favorite restaurant in any park. The Honey Shallot recipe is easily googled. I make it often since we love it so much!
Isn't it great? Did you use the recipe from Allears? That's the one I found, just haven't gotten a chance to make it yet.
Hi. First time back on the DIS in years! I think since about 2009/2010. We are planning our first trip back since 2009 and I am enjoying reading your TR. Looking forward to reading more.
Welcome back! That's so exciting you're planning a new trip, I hope you have an amazing time!
Wow, that sounds amazing! How long is the trip across to Barcelona? I suspect I would need a whole lot more vacation time to do something like that, but maybe someday, that would be very cool!
13 days. It’s the EBTA. I think the cost was fairly similar to the price if we flew. Made it an easy decision.

Day 2, Part 5: MVMCP, Part 3!

We last left off finishing off dinner at Liberty Tree Tavern. After finishing up, we headed to Pirates since the wait was really low at that point.

(don’t mind me taking a nap…)

After Pirates we headed back towards the hub for some pictures.

It was a bit after 6, and as we were walking through the hub we saw the Olaf show was just starting, so stopped to watch!

It was cute, but I’m sad I missed the dream lights on the castle, the projections on the castle were so dark and just don’t seem super festive compared to the dream lights.

Main Street was pretty packed at that point...

After the show we discussed what we wanted to do, and dad really wanted to ride Buzz again, so we headed over there.

This time I spent the entire ride showing dad the high value targets and giving him pointers, and he did really great! He went from like 200,000 on the first ride up to almost 600,000 this ride!

Once off Buzz, we decided to head over to ride HM. On the way it started to drizzle just a bit again, so we ducked under the peoplemover track where we saw the Stitch step in photo, so headed there to get a shot!

We were just arriving at HM when the cookie station across the way opened (super early, it was only like 6:40 at that point), and since no one was there we headed in and got our first cookies of the night!

Finally we headed over to the HM. There was a bit of a wait here, maybe 15 minutes, but soon we were on, and I was so excited to finally see the hatbox ghost!

The hatbox ghost was really cool!

By the time we got done with HM, it was just past 7, FINALLY party time!!!!!

At this point I booked us a DAS for Space Mountain so mom could ride it and see the overlay. The line was pretty long at this point, so our return time wasn’t for almost an hour.

With plenty of time to kill, we did our favorite activity, pictures!

After taking a ton of pictures mom decided she wanted to get more cookies, so we headed to the lunching pad to get the next type, and the apple cider which was so nice and refreshing! Seriously, why was it so hot at night in December?!?

We decided to go sit and eat these cookies and enjoy the drink for a bit while waiting for our return time for Space.

The timing was great and just as we were wrapping up with our snack, it was time for Space!

We headed over and scanned into the LL after SOOOOO many people. Seriously, I have never seen the LL utilized this much during a party before, it was shocking. The group ahead of us had like 15 people in it too, so not DAS users, guessing maybe Golden Oak? Then, when we were in the line almost at boarding, three separate VIP tours came in through the exit to get right on the ride. We actually got one in the car ahead of us, which I actually loved since the plaid with them was sitting in front of me and posed for the camera so for the first time EVER I knew which side the camera would be on! ::yes::

Mom loved Space with essentially the lights on, I did not. I prefer it in the dark, I like not seeing the beams that are about to take my head off. :rotfl2:

Next up: MVMCP, Part 4!
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I really enjoy reading your trip reports. I feel like I’m right there with you. That’s so special that you can enjoy this with your parents.

Looking forward to reading more
It was cute, but I’m sad I missed the dream lights on the castle, the projections on the castle were so dark and just don’t seem super festive compared to the dream lights.
I miss the castle lights, too. They were much better than the current projections.
The hatbox ghost was really cool!
We were surprised to see the Hatbox ghost when we were there last month. It was the first day that it was on exhibit and hadn't been expecting it. But he is really cool!
Mom loved Space with essentially the lights on, I did not. I prefer it in the dark, I like not seeing the beams that are about to take my head off. :rotfl2:
It is fun to see the beams when riding the Wedway, but I agree with you about not liking it when on the ride.
Loving your trip report! It's bringing back such wonderful, recent memories! ❤️

So sorry you were sick but I'm glad you're doing better!
13 days. It’s the EBTA. I think the cost was fairly similar to the price if we flew. Made it an easy decision.
Oh wow, that's wild the prices were similar! I would love to do that one day, I just need to actually save up vacation time instead of using the moment I get it! :rotfl2:
lol! Totally agree about the beams on Space Mtn! No thank you!!
Right? I spent the whole ride trying to make myself shorter!


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