You Guys Part of the Family? You've Got the Magic In Your Eyes!!->Updated 10/19x3!!!!

What a magical meet with the Dream Along with Mickey Dancers! That's is so great that they took the time to meet you guys! What a great way to end the trip! pixiedust:
Oh my gosh, I totally forgot everything I was going to say about your update when I got to the part about meeting the DAWM dancers! What an awesome experience! So glad you got to do that.

Oh and one thing I did remember, Peter Pan really ate one of the leaves from the bush? Ewwwwwww!
The biggest pixie dusted moment of the trip had just occurred and Paige and I were in complete shock and still a bit of babbiling messes as we made our way back over to Tomorrowland! To calm our nerves a bit, we decided to take a ride on Space Mountain, and then a more calming ride on the Peoplemover, and then it was back to the hub to get our dance on! The Move it Shake It Celebrate It! After all, we had told the stilts guy that we would be back later to dance!

After shaking our tailfeathers and feeling hot, hot, hot, it was BACK to Tomorrowland as we had yet to defeat the evil Emporer Zurg! We had a galaxy to save!


Look! A Picture! I swear we were actually doing all of these things! Lawl. From my notes it looks like we rode Space one last time, and then headed over to Liberty Square for one last meet and greet of the trip! Of course, this was Tiana and Naveen! We had missed their last set, but took a seat on the little wall there to wait for them to come back out as we waited in the line. We were somewhere around the middle of the line, and were hoping for things to move quickly, as we really wanted to get back to DHS that night to finish off the trip with Fantasmic!


With some hugs for us, we started chatting and told them that it was in fact, out last night in the parks, and we were leaving midday tomorrow! Which was saddening for everyone of course!





Naveen asked if I had heard anything back from casting yet, and I told him it was still a no go, and by this point, I was starting to think I wouldn’t be hearing anything (for the record, not sure if I mentioned it, but I never heard anything back, which sucks, usually they send out a “not at this time” kinda thing. Oh well ETA: Wow this was a long time ago, because this was LAST Sept I’ll remind you, these were electronic submissions that I never heard back from, I then got talked into an audition by Naveen in Feb, attended another one in May and June, and applied on line again over summer all of which were no’s. It really does seem like a lot, but I know that my time is coming, and lucky number 6 hasn’t occurred yet! It’s only a matter of time until FOTLK bird auditions, right?)




They asked how our last day had been, and if it was living up to such an awesome trip, and we told them it definitely had! We’d had the most awesome amount of pixie dust in the last hour, and when they asked what happened, we explained that we had gotten to meet the Dream Along Dancers!

Tiana and Naveen were both super excited by this, and said that the dancers must have been pretty dang excited too, since no one was really ever into meeting them, they only wanted the princesses or Mickey! We of course explained that we both dance, and love them so much more, I mean, they do a ton of work too!



Naveen asked when I would be back next and we joked that I’d be back again the next week, but I told him I’d probably be back over Christmas for sure, I wanted to see all the FLE, and being a passholder was hoping to register for one of the previews!



With some final hugs and goodbyes, we were on our way and running out to the bus stop!



Would we make it over to Fantasmic?! Only time would tell! The meet and greet had taken a little longer than we had thought, but we were hurrying!!

Paige and I hurried through the turnstiles and bag check as we got into Disney’s Hollywood Studios and booked it over to the Fantasmic amphitheatre, only to hear the announcement that this viewing of Fantasmic was now standing room only! ACK!

We had made it in time for the show, but not quite in time for a seat! Deciding that we really didn’t want to stand for the whole show, and that it was really only the very beginning and very end that we really liked, we made the call to just grab some food, some pictures and then head back to Pop, we tried!


We ate a lot….LAWL! The salads from earlier were tasty, but just not filling enough for someone who had been running around all day! And now we didn’t have the pressure to feel like dancers, and it was our last day of vacation, so why not! Hot dogs, uncrustables, carrot cake, and some juice! Paige and I finished off our dinners and headed back to the Hat, where we decided to stop for some photopass pictures.

All trip I had wanted to get some dance photos done, and had originally wanted them done in MK, but some night shots at DHS would do, right?


Well, let me tell you, at the end of a two week trip, with that much walking, when you’ve got arthritis in your hips, dance pictures are kinda hard to do! Baha! We did what we could, but knew that they weren’t going to be as awesome as if we had done them earlier in the week.

The photographer was great and super enthusiastic, which was awesome, we also asked if we could do a jumping photo, and she said we could, but it would turn out blurry because of the camera and it being nighttime, we said that was okay, and proceeded to jump! She showed us the pic, and it sure did look like we were ghosts, but we loved it and said it was awesome! However, when I went online to edit the photos from the last day, it was GONE! I’m assuming they just deleted it thinking it was a garbage shot, but we had actually liked it! Boourns.

With that done, we headed out of the park and back to Art of Animation to pack everything up for the next day!
Ahhhh Katt!!!! That is pretty awesome that you got to meet those dancers. Another example of Disney spectacularness!

Peter ate a leaf? ha ha ha!!! :rotfl2: We've always had great Peter interactions! He was fixated on my handbag once that had a monogram on it and he was trying to Guess what the "G" stood for. Crazy funny stuff!

So funny that you noticed the "new Belle" had aged considerably when reappearing.

Rob's eagle eye has me wanting details too my dear! :laughing:

It was seriously amazing and a dream come true!! I was so honored that they were willing to come out! I think they were actually a bit surprised by it to, like, everyone always wants to meet mickey, and not a lot of people think about say, the parade performers, the core cast in FOTLK, and these guys, truth, those are the ones I'd want to meet the most! Screw characters, I wanna hang out with the move it shake it crew!

I've only had one bad Peter experience and the next time I saw that friend it was a million times better so I've forgotten about it lol. This Peter was perfect, absolutely perfect, he's always so hilarious!!

Ahahahah!! Yeah...Paige and I are headed back! There's an update for it in my newest TR! I couldn't resist the pull of Halloween!!

What a magical meet with the Dream Along with Mickey Dancers! That's is so great that they took the time to meet you guys! What a great way to end the trip! pixiedust:

It was perfect!! I'm so happy it happened!!

Oh my gosh, I totally forgot everything I was going to say about your update when I got to the part about meeting the DAWM dancers! What an awesome experience! So glad you got to do that.

Oh and one thing I did remember, Peter Pan really ate one of the leaves from the bush? Ewwwwwww!

Bahaha, it was an awesome time, I'm so glad we got to do it, I could not be happier!!

Ahahaha, oh Peter, yeah, he'll do things like that. Oh well, I've always said, if you're going to eat something off the ground, you may as well do it at Disney, there's nowhere cleaner! :laughing:

Haha, I think you may be the first group in history to go on Space Mountain to CALM their nerves. :laughing:

Ahh, Another great meet with Naveen and Tiana. :cool1:

It's amazing how much running around you two did. But what a great way to spend your last day!!!! :woohoo:
I can't believe you did SM to calm your nerves, too funny!

Your last day looks like it was a ton of fun!

Another set of adorable pics with Tiana and Naveen!

It's too bad you missed fantasmic but I love the dancing photopass pic!
Haha, I think you may be the first group in history to go on Space Mountain to CALM their nerves. :laughing:

Ahh, Another great meet with Naveen and Tiana. :cool1:

It's amazing how much running around you two did. But what a great way to spend your last day!!!! :woohoo:

Ahahahahah we needed something, we were freaking the heck out!!

OF COURSE! lol, theyre always so great!!

Oh my gosh, Paige and I were even talking about that, how on the last trip either of us took, not with each other we actually took so much time and went slower and took breaks, but when it's us, it's "NO SLEEPING IN DISNEY!! HERE THEN HERE THEN HERE HERE HERE HERE THEN BACK TO HERE AND THEN ALL THE UNCRUSTABLES!!!"

I can't believe you did SM to calm your nerves, too funny!

Your last day looks like it was a ton of fun!

Another set of adorable pics with Tiana and Naveen!

It's too bad you missed fantasmic but I love the dancing photopass pic!

Lol, it was quite the exciting day!!


Yeah, it worked out fine I guess!! and thank you!! I hope to eventually get some in MK, but we'll see!
The next morning was a sad morning, but at least we weren’t leaving right away! Paige and I had one last magical breakfast to go before we left Disney for the day! We packed up all our luggage and dropped it at luggage services, and then jumped in the bus line that looked the shortest and had a bus there already. It whisked us away to Animal Kingdom, and then we crossed over to the stop for the Grand Floridian.

And then we waited….and waited….and waited….and it grew later and later before a bus would pull up, and then pull away without picking anyone up. We asked a couple of not so friendly and definitely not informative CM’s and grew more and more annoyed with the fact that no one was giving us any answers. Eventually someone told us that there would be a ride for us there in a little bit, and a Disney van pulled up for us.

Apparently busses don’t run back to the GF in the morning?! Ugh, we were running behind, and both grumpy, but at least we had a private ride over to the resort!


I don’t think we had much time to wait before we were called in and sat at a little table for two right beside one of the horses. Tigger was there before we knew it, and told us that he had squeezed the orange juice for us while we were sleeping! How nice of him!



Pooh Bear wasn’t far behind him, but wasn’t nearly as interactive, kinda just took pictures, and when we tried to interact with him, he wasn’t too into it…




Then it was time to grab some food before the rest of the characters came around!!



Paige’s plate is the top one, then mine, and I have to admit, I was not too impressed with the food this time around! I don’t know if it was the time of day, or what, but it wasn’t too fresh, and wasn’t that good today. I didn’t eat a whole lot, and ended up going back up for some Raisin bread toast and a banana, which was the best that I ate!


We had finished up eating and paid the bill by the time the next character came around, and clearly the Nanny was busy that day as she didn’t even give us the time to stand up before pictures were taken!



And then we waited…and waited…and waited…let me tell you, Alice must have been LONG lost down that rabbit hole cause we waited FOREVER for her to come around, and grew more frustrated as we continued to wait, and almost left right as she got there, but figured that would be kinda rude, so we grabbed a picture, and then left the restaurant.



Overall, not impressed with 1900 Park Faire today, just not a good experience, food wasn’t tasty, characters spent no time with us, and took FOREVER to get around to our table. The main man of the meal, the Mad Hatter, we decided to skip because he was taking so long! Paige and I did explore the resort a little bit on our way up to the monorail platform though!








So pretty!! Paige and I later commented on how we felt super frumpy being in such a nice resort in our frumped up travel day clothes! Haha! Oh well, we were soon on our way back over to Art of Animation anyway!



We took the bus back to our resort, and just wandered around getting a bunch of all the pictures we had wanted earlier in the trip, and just taking in all those Disney sites, sounds and smells for the last couple of hours!





We definitely found some fun in swooning over the Prince Eric statue, I mean, he is so dreamy!




One thing that we had left to do right before jumping on the Magical Express was to use up the rest of our counter service credits from the dining plan! Well, us lovers of Uncrustables, what were we to do? Get ALL THE KIDS MEALS WE COULD!!



I’m not kidding…we had something like nine credits left, and were able to get that many sandwiches, plus apples and grapes and little bottles of water! Made for some delicious plane ride snacks! Yum!

With the last bit of shopping done, we picked up our luggage and headed over to the Magical Express where we listened to Dream Along with Mickey and cried as we left Orlando. The Disney bubble was gone, and before we knew it we were home!

Now stay tuned, as I’ve got one last, long review update to do before this TR is officially over!

Alright, so I’m going to do this in order of how it happened! Make it easier for all of us! Lawl. Hope you all enjoyed reading along!

Animal Kingdom Lodge: 10/10
Seriously, this resort is amazing! It’s never crowded, the Mara is great, has healthy options, and every time I stepped into the lobby it took my breath away!
People have said that it’s “too far” away from things, but it really doesn’t take that much longer than any other resort I’ve stayed at to get to the parks. I can’t really comment on the pools as we were never down there, but I would DEFINITELY stay here again!

Art of Animation 8/10
Not quite as good. Lawl. Not because it’s a value, but because of a.) the distance down to the bus stops, even if we were cutting through the parking lot it still took forever!
-Also the pricing of the resort, the suites are ridiculous, if you plan on staying there, wait a few years until the novelty has worn off and they’re not the same price as the deluxe resorts
-Very kid friendly, lots of fun stuff to look at, bright colors, and new everything, Disney really did a grand job with this place!
-Lots of pools, and very awesome that you could hear stuff under the water in the main pool! Awesome!

Time of Year: September: Iwill never be able to rave enough about Disney in Sept, you get all the fall decorations, the MNSSHP, the option of Halloween Horror Nights over at Universal, warm/hot temperatures, and most of all, low crowds, and offers like free dining!! I did notice crowds were a little higher this year than last, and I hope that trend doesn’t continue, but we’ll find out, as I’m in the works of planning next Sept’s trip right now! Yay!

Dining!! In order of when we ate it on the trip!

Boma: Loved it! Great African flare in food that we’re used to eating. Not anything too crazy, but a way to be adventurous. Window seats would have amazing views before dark!

Le Cellier->Epcot, Canada Amazing, if you’re a steak lover, of even if you’re not, be sure to check this out, they’ve got amazing bread, soup, beef, and more. I’d suggest going for lunch as they’ve got the same menu and it’s cheaper earlier in the day!

La Cantina->Epcot, Mexico A nice place for a dinner or small snack like chips and guac! If you can get there early enough, it’s a nice spot to watch Illuminations too, but be prepared to get there early!

50’s Prime Time->DHS Has potential to be a great restaurant. Would definitely go back, and would hope the same situation wouldn’t happen again. Liked the interaction, and the food was very mom like, not the greatest quality, but still delicious!

The Mara->Foodcourt at AKL: Great, your regular breakfast choices on Disney property, but it was never crowded! Had really tasty salads for lunch orders as well!

Tortuga Tavern Yum! Lots of delicious options that you can add your own toppings to and make it your own! Great for the whole family because the kids can do the basic cheese and meat while the adults or more adventurous eaters can add more crazy toppings!

Cinderella’s Royal Table Just do it, especially if you have kids. I don’t know if breakfast is worth it, but dinner definitely is, so much delicious food, princesses, and you’re inside the castle, I can’t rave enough about this experience. I also have to add that it is WAY better than Akershus for everything!

Tusker House Would recommend lunch over breakfast. Food quality wasn’t that great at breakfast, but was amazing at lunch! Characters at both too, which is great! Lunch is also a nice break from Animal Kingdom, and a nice way to end off the half day at the park. More specialty dishes at lunch than breakfast!

Crystal Palace One of my favorite places to eat breakfast, especially pre park opening. If you’re going to do breakfast here I highly recommend doing it either before the park opens so you can be out by 9:30, or on a second MK day. Food is fresher, characters are bouncier, and it’s just a better experience. I also don’t recommend dinner, but that might just be me!

Wolfgang Puck Don’t question it, just do it! SO MUCH YUM! They have so many options and they are all tasty and delicious, you get the value of a table service for the price/credits of a quick service, it’s awesome!

Fish and Chip Shop->Uk, Epcot Yum! A nice, tasty, not too greasy and authentic UK meal, wish they had more side/dessert options, but hey, that’s totally okay!

Main Street Bakery The cinnamon roll didn’t quite live up to the expectation, but I want to try it again to see if it might have just been the day? Let’s hope the Starbucks doesn’t change too much in there! Lawl.

Tony’s Just skip it. Our best part was the service, and Shelley’s over at Be Our Guest now. Food took too long, didn’t taste good, and we waited FOREVER to be seated. Liked all the Lady and the Tramp stuff though!

Landscape of Flavors->AoA foodcourt Yay! I REALLY liked that they had the traditional meal items with a different flair to some of the dishes making them more adventurous, but then had the traditional items as well. I never found it as crowded as Pop’s foodcourt was, and the CMs were super friendly!

Casey’s A tradition of Disney vacations, you can’t go through a week without having a hot dog or treat from there, it really sums up the feel! Just make sure to go in a non peak time, as it does get crowded in there, it’s a pretty small space!

Cosmic Rays: Another MK classic, tons of choices, tons of seating, and toppings bar separate so you can add whatever you’d like to your burger, sandwich, hot dog, rotisserie chicken, etc! Yum! Plus, a singing alien!

1900 Park Fair It’s a hit or miss here! I’m not sure why, sometimes the food is amazing and service is perfect and characters are fantastic, and sometimes it’s just a complete flop, and that’s what we got, gross food, no service, and not so great characters.

Woo! That was a LOT of dining, sorry I didn’t go into more detail there, but if you’ve got any questions or want recommendations from any of my trips, I’d be more than happy to suggest some places to eat for you!

This two week trip seriously was one of the most amazing ones I’ve ever had the opportunity to go on. The first trip is always so magical because it’s the first, but from the moment I first walked into Magic Kingdom I knew I wanted to take my Mom there, and after having been there so many times, I knew the tricks of the trade, and what she would like (or so I thought, and I thought right!). I am so estatic that she loved it, and that she had so much fun, and wasn’t afraid to be a kid again! I have to say, I kinda know how a parent would feel when they see their kid go up and have a magical moment with Cinderella, after watching my Mom dance her heart out with Timon, that’s a moment I’ll never forget, and it never fails to make me tear up. I’m happy to say that we’re already talking about going back, and I’m into the planning stages, but Mom’s away on a cruise right now, so we haven’t really talked about it yet. She’s talking about brining one of her friends from the gymnastics team that has always wanted to go but her husband hates crowds, and I’ll be bringing one of two friends from work with me!

Now onto Paige’s half of the trip, I have to admit, we didn’t really know much about each other when we went into this, but I knew she loved Disney, and always wanted to go. Well, that certainly was true, the moment she told me she was crying on the Magical Express, and the moment we were walking down Main Street with Dream Along with Mickey going on in the background while we held hands and teared up. To the moment after wishes, the ending of Fantasmic, absolutely anything. This girl is my “pixie sister” the Tink to my Peri, and I’m so happy that we got the opportunity to go together, and am even happier that we got to return to the world together this past February. Our trips are always absolutely incredible and filled with so much pixie dust and delicious food and they’re one’s that I’ll never forget.

Last, but definitely not least, comes my thank you to all of you! I know most of you have been around since near the beginning, or have gone back and read the old TRs, and hey, without you, I’d just be typing these up for my own sake, and that would just be kinda boring. I want you to know that I love and appreciate each and every one of you, whether you comment on everything, once a month, or just lurk in the shadows and enjoy the journey. I think I might be a little more disboard “famous” that I thought I was, in Sept we were approached in the parks numerous times with people recognizing me, and there was one thing that all of them said “you’re the bird girl” or “I’ll see you on that stage next time I’m down here” something along those lines. All of you believe in my dreams, and sometimes, I think even more than me! I want to thank you all for that as well, I know I’ll get a job with Disney someday, whether it be in a parade, hanging out with a princess, or getting to dance that role in FOTLK, it will be a dream come true. If you EVER see me in the parks, don’t be afraid to come say hello, even if it’s for a quick “I know you…” I love meeting new people down there! It’s something that brings us all together!

Hope you’ve enjoyed reading, and that I haven’t rambled on too much or anything. February’s TR should be up and running its course by the time I post this, and hopefully I’ll be starting a PTR for next Sept shortly. It’s taken me 5 months to type all this up and get everything organized, who knows how long posting it all will take.

ETA: Bahahahaha!! The PTR is now done, clearly, and you can find the trip report in my signature! It’s officially started!!

Once again, thank you so much for reading along, have a magical day, and we’ll See Ya Real Soon!!!

Ugh, not so magical transportation issues to start the final day. I often wonder how people ever make it to reservations from one resort to another. It's such a long journey.

Super sorry that your final breakfast was un-magical too. :sad2:

HAHAHAHAHA, nice final food haul there though. OMG, that's classic.

Aww Katt you have such great final thoughts. So much information in one spot. Obviously so very glad you got to experience this trip with your mom as an adult. You will always look back fondly on that, believe me. Being there with my parents a few years ago for the first time since they took me as a kid was something I would never trade. Plus the fact that your Mom was SO into everything and really caught the magic... it just doesn't get any better. Finishing off with your "pixie sister", well the cherry on top.

I love that people are recognizing you from the boards and also that the comments involve your future role in entertainment. Just wait to see all the trips that get booked when that happens.

As always, THANK YOU for sharing your journeys and Disney love. I so look forward to finally being in Disney at the same time (like next year, lol), so I can finally say in person, "Hey... You're the bird girl!!!!" :goodvibes
What an amazing end to your trip! Getting to meet some of the DAWM dancers, how cool! I can't wait hear how your trip this year went, from instagram, it looks fantastic! I especially love the picture of your mom with Captain Hook, so cute! Have an amazing trip with Paige!!!!!! Thanks for sharing your adventures :)
Ugh, not so magical transportation issues to start the final day. I often wonder how people ever make it to reservations from one resort to another. It's such a long journey.

Super sorry that your final breakfast was un-magical too. :sad2:

HAHAHAHAHA, nice final food haul there though. OMG, that's classic.

Aww Katt you have such great final thoughts. So much information in one spot. Obviously so very glad you got to experience this trip with your mom as an adult. You will always look back fondly on that, believe me. Being there with my parents a few years ago for the first time since they took me as a kid was something I would never trade. Plus the fact that your Mom was SO into everything and really caught the magic... it just doesn't get any better. Finishing off with your "pixie sister", well the cherry on top.

I love that people are recognizing you from the boards and also that the comments involve your future role in entertainment. Just wait to see all the trips that get booked when that happens.

As always, THANK YOU for sharing your journeys and Disney love. I so look forward to finally being in Disney at the same time (like next year, lol), so I can finally say in person, "Hey... You're the bird girl!!!!" :goodvibes

Haha, yeah, this was the first time we've ever had something like this happen. It just goes to show, we should've bussed to the MK and then boated or monorailed!

Bahaha, we still got to experience the grand, and pooh and tigger were good! At the end of the week, 1900 breakfast just isn't going to hold up!

It was such an incredible trip! The fact that Mom enjoyed everything was wonderful, and as often as I would pull the teenager "Mooooommm" when she'd start to do something mildly "embarrassing" I look back on those moments and think, hey, she really was enjoying herself and showing her disney side, and that's wonderful!

Ahahaha, I sure hope so! Obviously I will love every single person that comes out to see me, and will try to make the most magic for them! You can sure bet that I'll be keeping up with the dis pretty regularly, so that maybe, when a dis child walks into the room, Cinderella can greet them by name, even without a birthday button. :lovestruc

Thank you for reading!! :goodvibes

What an amazing end to your trip! Getting to meet some of the DAWM dancers, how cool! I can't wait hear how your trip this year went, from instagram, it looks fantastic! I especially love the picture of your mom with Captain Hook, so cute! Have an amazing trip with Paige!!!!!! Thanks for sharing your adventures :)

It really was amazing and fantastic! It was a very special trip that I'll certainly never forget! This years was just as fantastic, and in its own way!! Thank you so much, and thank you for following along!!
Wow your 3rd park by 12:30?! That's crazy cool!

Oh no! Sad to hear about the disappointed B&tB cast.

Yay for an awesome Peter M&G! :cool1:

Ah I still haven't seen Push! I really want to-- he looks so cool!

OMGGG I can't believe you met the dancers! That is beyond amazing!! Such great Disney magic! How awesome!!

You guys sure did a TON of park hopping that day. I'm impressed. Just thinking about all those bus rides makes me feel tired! :rotfl2:

Sorry to hear about the disappointing experience at 1900 Park Fare. At least you had some great scenery to enjoy!

Thanks for sharing another wonderful trip with us! It's been a ton of fun reading! I think it's beyond adorable how you get to share WDW with your mom and how much fun she has with it. I hope we'll both be in the world together again some time soon! Then again, once you're working there, that won't be a problem! :goodvibes
Great wrap up Katt! Keep dreaming girl, you WILL be up there performing one day!

Going back to your last morning ....aside from the rough start due to the transportation issues, 1900 PF just didn't live up to the expectation of a great character dining experience. We've had the Mad Hatter completely pass us up there before. Oh well, I suppose we were on the character light dining plan. :confused3 Sometimes it's the simple things that are the most delicious. I have to tell you that your raisin toast sounds so good right now.

Oh my gosh! It didn't register that all those snacks at the food court were your purchases! it looked like a food bin at the store. Did you drink all the water before you got through security?? I LOVE Uncrustables. I buy the large boxes of both strawberry and grape. I'm currently waiting to see when I will get tired of those things. ;)

I'm glad to see that you will be back to WDW so soon and I look forward to hearing about it.

One day I hope our travel dates synch up because I would love to meet you. :)
Wonderful report (as usual). Thanks for posting.

Thank you! So glad you read along and enjoyed it!!

Wow your 3rd park by 12:30?! That's crazy cool!

Oh no! Sad to hear about the disappointed B&tB cast.

Yay for an awesome Peter M&G! :cool1:

Ah I still haven't seen Push! I really want to-- he looks so cool!

OMGGG I can't believe you met the dancers! That is beyond amazing!! Such great Disney magic! How awesome!!

You guys sure did a TON of park hopping that day. I'm impressed. Just thinking about all those bus rides makes me feel tired! :rotfl2:

Sorry to hear about the disappointing experience at 1900 Park Fare. At least you had some great scenery to enjoy!

Thanks for sharing another wonderful trip with us! It's been a ton of fun reading! I think it's beyond adorable how you get to share WDW with your mom and how much fun she has with it. I hope we'll both be in the world together again some time soon! Then again, once you're working there, that won't be a problem! :goodvibes

Ahahaha what can I say, Paige and I are the best at park hopping!!

Awe, thank YOU for reading along!! I love meeting people through disboards and trip reports, they make for the greatest friends!! I'm sure we'll both be down there again sometime soon!! You know it!!

Great wrap up Katt! Keep dreaming girl, you WILL be up there performing one day!

Going back to your last morning ....aside from the rough start due to the transportation issues, 1900 PF just didn't live up to the expectation of a great character dining experience. We've had the Mad Hatter completely pass us up there before. Oh well, I suppose we were on the character light dining plan. :confused3 Sometimes it's the simple things that are the most delicious. I have to tell you that your raisin toast sounds so good right now.

Oh my gosh! It didn't register that all those snacks at the food court were your purchases! it looked like a food bin at the store. Did you drink all the water before you got through security?? I LOVE Uncrustables. I buy the large boxes of both strawberry and grape. I'm currently waiting to see when I will get tired of those things. ;)

I'm glad to see that you will be back to WDW so soon and I look forward to hearing about it.

One day I hope our travel dates synch up because I would love to meet you. :)

Thank you for jumping in and reading along! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and were here!

Ahaha, yeah, 1900 hasn't been the greatest for breakfasts, but the dinner's we've done there have definitely made up for it!!

We must've draken all of them, or just chucked them, I mean, the water isn't the important part anyways! Lol. Ahhh uncrustables!! It makes me SO INCREDIBLY SAD that we don't have them up here, i mean, it keeps the "treat" part of them for when we're in Disney, but STILL! I want to eat them always!

I'm SURE there will be a nother time our dates line up!! Or I'll just have to come back to DLR, I haven't seen Carsland yet, and World of Color was like, THE greatest thing of my I'd love to meet as well!! Dis friends are definitely the BEST


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