You had quite the trip, didn't you? June 2019 Completed 12/4! New TR Link 1/19!

Hello friends! I am so sorry for the delay in finishing this trip report! Especially since there is only a little bit left! But life has been uber crazy and I have just had no time to sit down and put the effort into an update that I needed! Between work being busy, throwing our annual Halloween party and going to Disneyland for the very first time its been a whirlwind! (BTW we LOVED Disneyland! That's a story for another TR though haha) But here we are so let's get this wrapped up!

Day 5 Part 2 Monday June 17th

Once we had the luggage all squared away (we dropped our carry ons with bell services as well), we made our way back into the Grand for our breakfast at 1900 Park Fare! Now, I realize that we had a completely free breakfast available to us in the club lounge but when I booked our stay here I KNEW we had to have breakfast here! This was my family’s go-to, token Disney meal when we would come every year or every other year. I think between the buffet options and the fact that it guaranteed my Mom a trip to walk around the Grand Floridian, it was always what we picked!

So for the pure nostalgia factor, this breakfast had to happen!

We checked in and were seated almost right away. 1900 Park Fare, like Port Orleans French Quarter on our December '18 trip, was like stepping into a time warp. I was very excited for breakfast!

Our waitress warned us that Mary Poppins would be around soon so we decided to wait until she stopped by before going to get any food.

Mary Poppins was completely lovely and practically perfect in every way!

The face of someone enjoying life! (This breakfast was the spoonful of sugar I needed to turn my day around!)

Next up was the Mad Hatter. I was most excited to see him because I remembered how crazy and zany he would be, I knew it would be an awesome character interaction! And it was!! He told me I looked like a lemon wedge in tea and told Dan he looked like Earl Grey haha I guess he had a tea party on his mind!

This is one of my favorite pictures since both of us have crazy eyes! haha

Next up was Alice who overall was a nice interaction but was probably my least favorite character we met. It wasn’t bad by any means but after Mary Poppins and Mad Hatter it was hard for her to live up!

I think after Alice we noticed a decent break between the characters and made our way to grab some food. I was pleasantly surprised with all of the options that they had! And everything actually tasted SO good!

I even tried the famous strawberry soup! Which just tasted like strawberry yogurt to me lol it was good but I definitely scooped out way too much of it!

The last characters to come around were Winnie the Pooh and Tigger! I had read some reports that sometimes they have Tigger meeting out in a hall which I imagine they do as apart of crowd management and getting people out of the restaurant. Today seemed very quiet though so they were just making the normal rounds! (Or we were just one of the last breakfast groups!)

While we were eating I was feeling like I hadn’t snapped or storied enough on insta since we were vlogging and taking pictures on our actual cameras so we the Mad Hatter walked by I asked if he would take a selfie with me and he happily obliged!

I think its one of my favorite character pics ever! Haha

Overall, I was VERY happy with our breakfast experience at 1900 Park Fare. The food was way better than I expected it to be, the characters were awesome and spent a decent amount of time with us and our waitress was awesome too! I definitely want to go back sooner rather than later, totally recommend!!

My original plan for getting over to EPCOT this day was to walk to the Polynesian/TTC from the Grand Floridian but Florida weather had other plans. It was raining pretty hard so we decided to take the long way round on the monorail.

In all honesty, it probably took us as long as walking would have so it all worked out in the end!

Our Grand Floridian Morning vlog!

Thank you for your glowing review of 1900 Park Fare! I just booked this as our final breakfast for our upcoming trip - it appears I made a good choice!
Super cute pics.

Thank you!

Thank you for your glowing review of 1900 Park Fare! I just booked this as our final breakfast for our upcoming trip - it appears I made a good choice!

Oh definitely! I need to get back, we loved it! And SO many good food options!

Looks like such a fun breakfast! 1900 Park Fare is still on my bucket list for a future trip!

You definitely need to! So fun!
What a fun breakfast at Park Fare! The character meets are such a fun part of this meal. I love all your interactions and pictures. The Mad Hatter is awesome
I was so far behind! All caught up now!

There was an older couple in front of us who complained for a very long time that they wanted our seats, not sure why they were more entitled than us? There were even other shaded loungers available lol apparently ours was the one they wanted though!

What is wrong with people lol :confused3


Your bathing suit is so cute!

Eventually it came time to head out to Animal Kingdom or forego our Flight of Passage fastpass, which I was not willing to do!

I would do the same lol

We were the only ones doing the tour!

I saw this in your vlog but that's so awesome! The tour looks amazing to begin with but a private one is even better!

Anyone else feel like they could have done more at night when they are writing trip reports? I always feel like I should have done SOMETHING productive but I feel like I’m always way too tired for that!

Yes lol! As I'm writing I'm like wow we could've done more but I guess that's easy to say when you aren't there and exhausted lol
The face of someone enjoying life! (This breakfast was the spoonful of sugar I needed to turn my day around!)
Next up was the Mad Hatter. I was most excited to see him because I remembered how crazy and zany he would be, I knew it would be an awesome character interaction! And it was!! He told me I looked like a lemon wedge in tea and told Dan he looked like Earl Grey haha I guess he had a tea party on his mind!
Love this!
I think after Alice we noticed a decent break between the characters and made our way to grab some food. I was pleasantly surprised with all of the options that they had! And everything actually tasted SO good!
So glad you enjoyed our breakfast!
I think its one of my favorite character pics ever! Haha
This is hilarious!
What a cute breakfast! The one and only time we ate at 1900 PF, I was already having some yummy troubles and couldn’t really enjoy it so we’ve never gone back. Might have to try it again!
It's been a long time since we ate breakfast at 1900 PF but I would love to see those characters again! And I honestly feel that all breakfasts in Disney - for the most part - are good as it's hard to mess up breakfast lol. I did have to eat dinner there last month for work and 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮
The last characters to come around were Winnie the Pooh and Tigger! I had read some reports that sometimes they have Tigger meeting out in a hall which I imagine they do as apart of crowd management and getting people out of the restaurant. Today seemed very quiet though so they were just making the normal rounds! (Or we were just one of the last breakfast groups!)
I was going to say it looks EMPTY!

But looks like overall good character interactions and a good meal!
What a fun breakfast at Park Fare! The character meets are such a fun part of this meal. I love all your interactions and pictures. The Mad Hatter is awesome

It was such a fun breakfast! I was so happy to see that it lived up to my memories of it!

I was so far behind! All caught up now!

I swear its been so hard for me to find DIS time lately too! I need about three more hours a day! lol

What is wrong with people lol :confused3

I really don't know! lol

Your bathing suit is so cute!

Thanks! It was from Target!!

I would do the same lol

Yeah no way I'm skipping flight of passage!

I saw this in your vlog but that's so awesome! The tour looks amazing to begin with but a private one is even better!

It was seriously such an awesome experience!

Yes lol! As I'm writing I'm like wow we could've done more but I guess that's easy to say when you aren't there and exhausted lol

Right??? I do that every trip but in the moment you are like I can't take another step let alone do anything else! And to be fair it is suppose to be "vacation" hahaha

Love this!
So glad you enjoyed our breakfast!
This is hilarious!

It was such a fun breakfast! The Mad Hatter was the best!

What a cute breakfast! The one and only time we ate at 1900 PF, I was already having some yummy troubles and couldn’t really enjoy it so we’ve never gone back. Might have to try it again!

Oh no thats the worst! Hopefully you'll make it back someday!

It's been a long time since we ate breakfast at 1900 PF but I would love to see those characters again! And I honestly feel that all breakfasts in Disney - for the most part - are good as it's hard to mess up breakfast lol. I did have to eat dinner there last month for work and 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮

Haha I haven't done dinner there in a longggg time! And it was only once! My parents decided to do the dinner once as an alternative to CRT lol we did have fun since the ugly step sisters teased my brother the whole time but I don't recall the food...I feel like I never like dinner buffet foods! haha they all taste the same! But the breakfast here was definitely tasty!!

What a fun breakfast!


This is a masterpiece!

Your outfit is such a bright contrast to the weather :D

It was so fun! and haha I know! It was definitely a gloomy day! But for mid June the cloud coverage was very welcome!

I was going to say it looks EMPTY!

But looks like overall good character interactions and a good meal!

It was a very quiet day! I have to say, I'll miss the empty EPCOT days once they redo everything!

Such a good meal!

What's not to love?! ;)

I think you'd be surprised as to how many people told us to NOT go and that it wasn't worth the trip!! I'm happy to report they are all wrong lol

Breakfast looked quite good! Someday I'll have to make my way there, especially for that strawberry soup.

Day 5 Part 3 Monday June 17th

When I last left off we were just leaving the Grand Floridian and heading to EPCOT!

I don’t think in all my years of going to Disney that I have ever taken then monorail to or from EPCOT! Today that was going to change. We hopped off at the TTC and transferred around to the EPCOT monorail. I was pleasantly surprised to see very few people waiting for the EPCOT monorail and we were able to get on the next one that pulled in.

I imagine this ride is probably GORGEOUS during Flower and Garden, but it was still super cool to do! I love how it goes through EPCOT.

There was a lot of construction going on at the entrance to EPCOT which I think was to fix the double security checkpoints which I think they've fixed! Thankfully, it was a slow day and we didn’t have any wait to get through the second security checkpoint.

With so few people around I had to get some pictures with the EPCOT sign out front!

It was still pretty gloomy out but thankfully the rain had pretty much stopped. (Although for mid June we were pretty thankful for the cloud coverage! I was SHOCKED at how amazing the weather was this trip in terms of heat!) Nothing was going to dampen our spirits in our favorite park! (DH was VERY upset that I put EPCOT on our last day and that we weren’t going to have much time there – but no worries, we had PLENTY of EPCOT time on our September trip for Food and Wine!)

We stopped for some photopass on our way in (obvs) and these were some of my favorite pictures from the trip!

The CM asked us our relationship (and good thing because Dan LOVES to give them a hard time if they have us kiss and they don’t ask our relationship beforehand. Hes a Dad joke lovin fool lol) and gave us a couple of different options for photos we could do. We went with hero!

Our first fastpass was for Spaceship Earth but it totally wasn’t necessary because it was only a 15 minute wait!

We lucked out after our terrible December ride through SE and got a car completely to ourselves by chance! Which was nice to get to enjoy the ride together without anyone else in the car.

After SE, we had a mission to complete. A friend of mine who is equally Disney obsessed had messaged me that morning asking if I was heading to EPCOT that day and if I could pick up some of the Farewell Illuminations merch for him since it had been released that morning.

It wasn’t out of the way and I was curious to see what they had so we went off to Mousegear next. We found the AP shirt, AP pin and normal pin and were good to go! But then my Mom asked if I could find a shirt for her to wear for her Disney day in her pre-k the next day so I had to look for that haha Did you know it was IMPOSSIBLE to find a princess shirt in the parks then? I did find her a cute shirt with Flower on it though!

We made a stop to Club Cool after shopping, which I’m glad we did since its gone now! And we took pictures of the Fountain of Nations, RIP!

We made our way over to The Land pavilion next. There was a storm rolling in so it was good timing to be heading inside!][/url]

Our first stop was Living with Land. I hadn’t booked a fastpass for the ride but the wait was only about ten minutes so not bad!

Next up was Soarin. We had originally had a fastpass for Test Track but it had gone down so we decided to use the anytime fastpass on Soarin instead!

I honestly don’t love Soarin anymore with all of the warping. So I asked if we could be in B1 or B2 and thankfully we didn’t even have to wait another round which was awesome!

It was the best it could be! And was a great use of our anytime fastpass!

Dan’s favorite thing about EPCOT is honestly just walking around, grabbing some drinks and enjoying the atmosphere. I would have liked to have ridden Test Track but I was good to head out of Future World and into World Showcase so we could enjoy some time there, too!

I am not a beer drinker, I don’t like the taste and just don’t enjoy drinking it so I was a bit worried that I might not find fun drinks to have around World Showcase without a festival going on. Our first stop was in Canada and to my surprise I found a fun drink! Blueberry Banjo Frosty and let me tell you, it was TASTY!

Dan got a beer of some sort - apologies since I don't remember which one! But it was from the first stand you come to in the Canada pavilion.

We never really walk through the Canada pavilion so we took a walk through and found some benches to enjoy our drinks on.

Our next stop was obviously the UK! I realized that I was starting to get hungry and feeling kind of weak from the heat so while Dan grabbed a Bumblebee from the Rose & Crown, I went to the Fish and Chips window to get us a fish and chips to share! And some diet coke and free waters (btw the free water here is filtered and doesn’t taste like a sulfury shoe!)

We found a table down by the water to enjoy our food. It was super relaxing and not too hot out since it was a pretty gloomy day and there was a nice wind. We even had a duck and squirrel friend to keep us entertained!

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which I think was to fix the double security checkpoints which I think they've fixed!

We went with hero!
So cute! And I love that Dan does the dad joke thing 😂

! And we took pictures of the Fountain of Nations, RIP

Our first stop was in Canada and to my surprise I found a fun drink! Blueberry Banjo Frosty and let me tell you, it was TASTY!
that looks marvelous!

and doesn’t taste like a sulfury shoe!)
I love the monorail ride to Epcot - it's such a nice, long ride!

A morning that included Club Cool, the Fountain of Nations, and Mousegear… I'm so glad you made it to all three since now they're gone! :sad1:

Your blueberry drink looks SO good! I'm sure it went well with the fish and chips (but then again, what doesn't go well with fish and chips?!).


So cute! And I love that Dan does the dad joke thing 😂


I don't know that I'm ready to see just how deconstructed EPCOT is on our next trip!

that looks marvelous!

It was SO good! Was also nice to know that there are options available when there isn't a festival!

I love the monorail ride to Epcot - it's such a nice, long ride!

A morning that included Club Cool, the Fountain of Nations, and Mousegear… I'm so glad you made it to all three since now they're gone! :sad1:

Your blueberry drink looks SO good! I'm sure it went well with the fish and chips (but then again, what doesn't go well with fish and chips?!).

I'm pretty much in love with it now! Especially the ride to EPCOT, I love that it goes through the park!

And I know! At the time I didn't realize JUST how much of that area was getting scrapped but it really was like a farewell tour to EPCOT's Future World!

I think I'd finished it by the time we made it to the fish and chips hahaha but it was very good!!
Your drink looks delicious. I love vodka mixed with tart juices so will be looking for that next trip .


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