You want to ride Dumbo again??! – a Sept TR with two young children - *New - 2/6*

9/19/13 - The Purple Door

Whew, the last month has been super busy. With everything on the calendar and all the extra projects that December seems to bring I didn't have a chance to post more about our trip. But I'm still here! And I fully intend to finish this report. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! I got to spend part of my Christmas holiday discussing a possible upcoming trip to WDW this year! Yay!

When Little Bear went to bed the night before he was pretty wound up from our adventure exploring the hotel and he wasn’t settling down easily. He was dancing and singing in the pack ‘n play which is not conducive for good sleep. We told him that in the morning we were going to the MK again and we’d get to ride Dumbo. He immediately laid down, hugged Big Penguin and was asleep within minutes. Ahh, the magic of Dumbo.
This was going to be our second and last day at the MK. This time we headed straight to Tomorrowland for Buzz’s Space Ranger Spin. We figured Little Bear would love this one since it had a button to push! Okay, so it’s a trigger. (What is it about buttons anyway?) He liked it and we rode it a second time but I don’t think he loved it. I smoked Travis but it wasn’t really fair since I had Buttercup in the carrier (hands free!) and he got to help Little Bear. And since there were two of them I assigned them the job of spinning our spaceship too. I’m nice like that. After that we were off to the Laugh Floor.
I have a confession to make. Little Bear has never seen a Disney movie. It’s true, I admit it. He’s never seen any full length movie, actually. He has trouble sitting through his 30 minute long Leap Frog movie. But he loves to watch the songs from the Disney movies on YouTube. So between the songs, books, ads in parenting magazines, and the pictures on his pull ups, he’s not completely Disney illiterate. In fact, thanks to my parenting magazine advertising milk and his pull-ups one of his favorite characters is Mike Wazowski. He was so excited to learn that that we were going to get to see Mike Wazowski!
He enjoyed the video while we were waiting and we didn’t have to wait long before we the doors opened and in we went. I’m not really sure what Little Bear thought about it. He didn’t say much about it at the time. Since then he’s talked a bit about Mike Wazowski, asked me the names of some of the monsters we saw (umm, I don’t remember), and talked about the purple door. Seriously, a week after we returned from our trip he mentioned the purple door. I didn’t remember the color of the door. I wasn’t paying attention to that at all. How many of you remember the color of the door? It continually amazes me what Little Bear notices and remembers.
I think we all felt like the Laugh Floor fell kind of flat with our crew. And it felt like a bit of a waste of time at that time of the day. When we walked out into the sunshine it was noticeably busier. We went right over to Peter Pan and snagged a fast pass for it on the way. We settled into our pirate ship and up we went over London. I love that ride. I have so many happy memories about it. I’m glad Little Bear enjoyed it so much too. After returning from Neverland Little Bear immediately recognized where we were and asked if we could ride “small world after all”. We were all game for it. Within minutes we were in a boat drifting along next to (and of course singing along with) a bunch of smiling dolls. We got a bit backed up in the goodbye room which gave me time to read the signs to Little Bear. I’ll admit, I only read about half of them. I had no idea how to pronounce some of the others and despite talking in somewhat hushed tones I was still a little self-conscious that someone would overhear. Even worse, what if someone who spoke that language heard me butchering a farewell in their native tongue? I didn’t risk it and stuck to safer territory.
After that we went to Little Bear’s most favorite ride. When he woke up that morning the first thing out of his mouth was a request to ride Dumbo. So off we went to find our favorite flying elephant. I really wanted to get a picture of Little Bear and me riding Dumbo together. I had a picture of me riding Dumbo with my mom on my first trip to wdw and I wanted to get one of Little Bear and me. Travis took my camera and Little Bear and I went through the queue. When we got to the place where the line splits and can go into the play area or to either of the rides we were directed to the ride on the left side. I had a feeling Travis was watching for us at the ride and I was right. When we got outside I saw him watching the other ride with his back to us. I called to him a couple times but between all the noise and the fact that he was also on the phone I couldn’t get his attention. I gave up and Little Bear and I had a very nice ride. It was then that I realized that the best way to get a picture was to actually ride on the ride ahead of us. I know, you’re all probably shaking your heads that we didn’t try that from the start. We exited the ride and surprised Travis by sneaking up behind him. He had a head-smacking kind of moment when he realized what happened. Oh well. There would be other Dumbo rides. In fact, Little Bear was begging to go back on again. This time we all rode but Little Bear and Travis rode together and Buttercup and I took the elephant in front of them. Maneuvering a flying elephant while taking pictures of an erratically moving target was a bit of a challenge but I was successful.

Ahhh you got the Little Bear money shot on the Dumbo ride!! Those are fantastic photos.

I got caught up and read through all your updates. The best moments are those that you know they may not remember but like you said you have the photos to show Little Bear of this magical trip. :)

Glad you enjoyed Sanaa. We cancelled our lunch there this summer and have not made it back. I've heard the bread is amazing.
Love your pictures on Dumbo!!

And you must have had a boring "That Guy" during the Laugh Floor! "That Guy" can make or break a show. ;)
Ahhh you got the Little Bear money shot on the Dumbo ride!! Those are fantastic photos.

I got caught up and read through all your updates. The best moments are those that you know they may not remember but like you said you have the photos to show Little Bear of this magical trip. :)

Glad you enjoyed Sanaa. We cancelled our lunch there this summer and have not made it back. I've heard the bread is amazing.

Thank you! I am so behind on reading your updates. Hopefully I can get caught up soon. Where did December go? :confused3

Love your pictures on Dumbo!!

And you must have had a boring "That Guy" during the Laugh Floor! "That Guy" can make or break a show. ;)

Thanks! Ahhh, so "That Guy" is the key to a good show. We'll have to give it another try then. :)
9/19/13 - Playful Chipmunks

By now enough time had passed that I could pull my next Fastpass. We immediately grabbed Fastpasses for Cinderella in the new hall. Fortunately I was interested in the less popular princess and our window was only a couple hours away. On our way to lunch we used our fastpass for Peter Pan and were once again on the lookout for Michaels teddy bear. Little Bear is fascinated with that teddy bear.
We were back from Neverland and we were hungry. I was hopeful that the Columbia Harbour House was open since we didnt get to try it for dinner earlier that week. Fortunately it was! And we had beat most of the lunch crowd. We placed our orders and took our food upstairs. We found a wonderfully quiet little alcove by a window and had a delicious, peaceful lunch. I ordered the salmon and it was really good. It was definitely some of the best quick service of our trip. Travis ordered some salad because he wanted something light. He said it was good but he eyed my salmon enviously. For dessert I was hoping they would have the apple pie Id seen in dining reports. They didnt, so I got the cobbler instead. I thought it was good. Im pretty sure the seasonal fruit was canned peaches. Somehow I dont think that counts. ;)
After lunch we still had time before our FP for Cinderella so we went over to Frontierland. My sister had told me that when her family was there that spring they had really enjoyed the Country Bear Jamboree. I was surprised to hear that because I dont have much of a memory of it except that I didnt care for it. So I suggested to Travis that we give the country bears a try. :eek: Wow. Just wow. And not the good kind of wow. I know some people really like it. We were sitting in front of someone who was clearly in that camp. He sang along (loudly) with every song. Every song. Travis looked over at me a couple times and just raised his eyebrow at some of the lyrics. Little Bear didnt dislike it but he didnt ask to see it again. So, needless to say, we wont be doing the jamboree again any time soon.

We wandered out onto the streets heading roughly back toward the princess hall. We started walking past where Chip and Dale were out greeting people. I pointed them out to Little Bear as I had done with all the characters wed seen. He looked over at them and said, May I please meet them? Seriously, thats exactly what he said. How can you say no to that? ::yes:: So we got in line. I have to admit, I have a fondness in my heart for Chip and Dale. When my family visited WDW when I was a child we always stayed at the campground. At least once, and sometimes several times, we went to the sing-a-long with Chip and Dale. We loved it. As odd as it may sound, because of those sing-a-longs, Chip and Dale say Disney to me more than even Cinderellas castle. A trip to WDW just isnt complete without meeting them. So when I pointed them out to Little Bear, just as I had for all the other characters, I was secretly hoping he would ask to meet them.
We were only a couple people away from meeting them when the CM with them said they would have to take a quick break to go to the acorn tree but theyd be back soon. My heart sank at that. We were so close! I asked her how long theyd be gone and she quickly reassured me it would only be about 5 minutes. Oh, whew. They walked off and out of sight. I think they were gone for 2 minutes before we saw them headed our way again. Apparently Chip and Dale are the fastest acorn eaters on the planet!
When it was our turn I asked the really nice CM if she would take our picture. I discovered later when I looked at my pictures that she did a fantastic job. For the next several minutes she was our personal photographer and started snapping away as soon as I gave her my camera. We got better photos from that CM than from any of the photopass photographers. Chip and Dale came back super refreshed from their trip to the acorn tree and were so fun. Despite the rather long line that had accumulated behind us they took several minutes to just play with us. Little Bear did his typical shy routine but it didnt take long before he was giving them high fives and laughing.

They tried to interact with Buttercup but she had fallen asleep in the carrier and slept through the whole encounter. When Chip and Dale discovered this they made a big deal about tip toeing around very quietly and motioning for people to be quiet. Then they went back to playing with Little Bear.

Like I said, this went on for several minutes before they signed our book and we officially posed for our picture.

It was the best character encounter we experienced and only further strengthened my love for Chip and Dale.

I love the chip and dale pics! I just love it when CS go above and beyond like that, makes the price you pay for Disney totally with it.

We are defiantly going to have to try CHH next time. I always hear such great things about it. I totally agree with you about those creamy cups desserts total waste. I really think they can do better than that.
I love your encounter with Chip and Dale! They are some of my favorite meet and greet characters. That's so cute how they hammed it up when they realized that Buttercup was asleep.
I love the chip and dale pics! I just love it when CS go above and beyond like that, makes the price you pay for Disney totally with it.

We are defiantly going to have to try CHH next time. I always hear such great things about it. I totally agree with you about those creamy cups desserts total waste. I really think they can do better than that.

Thanks! Though, obviously all the credit goes to that CM. I hope I run into her again on a future trip.
Yes, do try CHH. It was wonderful.

I love your encounter with Chip and Dale! They are some of my favorite meet and greet characters. That's so cute how they hammed it up when they realized that Buttercup was asleep.
Are they always so cute and playful? My expectations are going to be high the next time we go. :)
Are they always so cute and playful? My expectations are going to be high the next time we go. :)

I think they usually are. My most favorite encounter with them was during my first internship - my roommate Jaime and I met them at The Disney MGM Studios (this was 10 years ago, so it wasn't DHS yet) and they were extremely animated with us (we were both 19 at the time) and maybe horsing around a little bit. After the photographer took our picture and we were starting to detangle ourselves from the pose we ended up in, Chip ended up on the ground on his rear. No one was hurt, but it was absolutely hilarious!

I have the picture somewhere in my scrapbook from that internship, so I'll try to find it and scan it in soon.
I think they usually are. My most favorite encounter with them was during my first internship - my roommate Jaime and I met them at The Disney MGM Studios (this was 10 years ago, so it wasn't DHS yet) and they were extremely animated with us (we were both 19 at the time) and maybe horsing around a little bit. After the photographer took our picture and we were starting to detangle ourselves from the pose we ended up in, Chip ended up on the ground on his rear. No one was hurt, but it was absolutely hilarious!

I have the picture somewhere in my scrapbook from that internship, so I'll try to find it and scan it in soon.

That's too funny. What a fun memory! I'd love to see the picture!
9/19/13 - A Dolphin??!

We went over to the brand new Princess Fairytale Hall (it was only the second day it was open) and parked our stroller. Originally I had planned on us only meeting Mickey due to my uncertainty about how Little Bear would handle it and the fact that he’s just not that attached to any characters yet. But then my sister made an adorable Cinderella-themed onesie for Buttercup and I realized I had a tutu on hand that coordinated with it beautifully. The onesie pictured the glass slipper on a pink pillow with the words “If the shoe fits…” After receiving my sister’s gift and hearing about the opening of the Princess Fairytale Hall I knew we had to meet Cinderella. The fact that we could get fastpasses for it got Travis on board. So after parking our stroller I quickly put the tutu on Buttercup. I had her wear the onesie the whole day but she only wore the skirt while we were visiting with the princesses. It was way too hot to wear all that tulle outside!
We handed our fastpasses to the CM and were ushered into a blissfully cool hallway. Little Bear even hugged the walls to cool off further. The CM in the hallway noticed Buttercup’s outfit and told us to make sure we saw Cinderella’s slipper when we were allowed through the door. I didn’t realize that as soon as we made it through the door that we would be quickly ushered past the slipper into the room with the princesses. We only got a quick glimpse of it but it was beautiful!
We met Cinderella first. Little Bear got super shy. He’d been shy with the other characters but this time he just hid his face against Travis’ shoulder and peeked out occasionally. I thought his reaction was so funny. I was concerned about how he’d do with fur characters, not face characters! I think he was a little star-struck. Cindrella noticed Buttercup’s onesie and asked if that was her slipper. She seemed to like the onesie (“so true” she said after reading it). She turned to Little Bear but he just buried his face again. Buttercup found Cinderella far less interesting than Pluto. Buttercup was more interested in chewing on her new fluffy skirt than talking to a princess.

As Cindrella was signing Little Bear’s book she turned to me and said, “one day the shoe will fit her”. She handed the book back to Little Bear who took one look at Cindrella’s signature and exclaimed, “it looks like a dolphin!” Cindrella burst out laughing. “A dolphin?!! I like it!” She was still laughing when the next child came up to meet her. By the way, if you turn the book the right way, her signature does look like a dolphin. Leave it to my child to find a sea creature in a signature.

Can you see the dolphin?

How about now?

As we briefly waited in line for Aurora, Little Bear asked repeatedly if he could please turn the pages in the big open book about Snow White. I explained that it wasn’t a real book and the pages didn’t turn. He clearly thought he wasn’t communicating with us properly because clearly it was a book and asked again. Travis explained the same thing. He continued to give us looks of disbelief and ask to turn the pages. I gave up and finally just said no. He accepted that answer and fortunately at that point it was time to meet Aurora.
Cue the super shy boy. But his timidity didn’t last very long. Maybe the dolphin signature helped to break the ice. Or maybe the fact that Little Bear had no clue who Aurora was eliminated the star-struck effect Cinderella had on him. Or perhaps it was because Aurora was just fantastic at talking to him.

After she signed his book and tucked it behind her on the windowsill she asked Little Bear if he’d been on any adventures lately.

Much to my surprise he pried himself from Travis’ shoulder and told her, in his very animated way, about riding Dumbo. Of course it mostly sounded like, “up, up, up, up, down, down, down, down, bounce, bounce, bounce!!!” It was followed by giggles and accompanied by the appropriate hand motions. I had to translate for a baffled, but amused Aurora. She then asked if he thought Prince Philip and Samson would like it. He didn’t have a clue who she was talking about so he just stared at her. She finally concluded that she thought Prince Philip would like it very much and she would have to take him on it sometime soon. Little Bear seemed pleased with her response (after all who wouldn’t want to ride Dumbo?).

After we had our pictures taken with her, she picked up his book, kissed it, and gave it to him. I was so surprised at that. I hadn’t been paying attention when she signed the books the children in front of us to know whether she did that with everyone’s book.
We had two great princess interactions, and the one with Aurora was my second favorite of the trip next to my beloved Chip and Dale. She was just so great with Little Bear. I’m not sure Buttercup even noticed the princesses. She was enthralled with her fluffy skirt and spent the whole time trying to get as much of it in her mouth as she could.

What a great meet and greet with Cinderella and Aurora! I would love it if the face characters wrote a book about the funny things little ones say, I bet they hear everything! I saw the dolphin once you pointed it out, but would never have found it on my own. I love the observations kids that age make. They "see" a lot more the we do as adults. So cute! I also thought it was funny how you had to translate for Little Bear. I have to do that everywhere we go! Its like toddlers have there own language! I love it though, I correct Charlotte of coarse so she learns how to speak properly eventually But, the Mommy inside of me loves her little way of communicating. I write down all of her words for things so when she is a cranky teenager I can remember the sweet little girl who called Aurora "Sleeps".

Buttercup was darling in her tutu! The pictures were perfect! I loved that she was more interested in the tutu than Cinderella.
Love Buttercup's tutu!!

And yes, I can totally see the dolphin now that you pointed it out. :goodvibes Very cute observation!

Thanks! I've thought of putting her in it at home so she could just enjoy all the fluff.
If your kids end up getting Cinderella's autograph on your next trip you'll have to look for the dolphin. :)

What a great meet and greet with Cinderella and Aurora! I would love it if the face characters wrote a book about the funny things little ones say, I bet they hear everything! I saw the dolphin once you pointed it out, but would never have found it on my own. I love the observations kids that age make. They "see" a lot more the we do as adults. So cute! I also thought it was funny how you had to translate for Little Bear. I have to do that everywhere we go! Its like toddlers have there own language! I love it though, I correct Charlotte of coarse so she learns how to speak properly eventually But, the Mommy inside of me loves her little way of communicating. I write down all of her words for things so when she is a cranky teenager I can remember the sweet little girl who called Aurora "Sleeps".

Buttercup was darling in her tutu! The pictures were perfect! I loved that she was more interested in the tutu than Cinderella.

That would be such a fun book to read. I do hope they do it for themselves at least. I wonder if Cinderella went home that night and wrote her name so she could see the Dolphin in it. :)
It's so fun going to wdw with a little kid because they do see things we, as adults, miss. Little Bear still talks about the "monkey" on the Buzz Lightyear ride. Travis and I cannot figure out what he's talking about so Little Bear has offered to show us the next time he goes. And I guess it makes sense that he could see the dolphin when none of the rest of us did. I look at the signature and see looping cursive letters. Little Bear can't recognize cursive letters and was able to see the shapes that I missed. I couldn't see the forest for the trees!
That is so cute that your DD calls Aurora "Sleeps"! I love it! :)

Great update! :)

9/19/13 - Fireworks​

We retreated back to our hotel room to rest. We were going to have a late night and wanted our little ones to get some good sleep. Once everyone had roused from their nap we returned to MK. My plan was to get a quick dinner, find a good spot to watch the parade, and enjoy a sweet treat while waiting for the parade to start. So first on the agenda was a quick dinner. Yeah, right. I had planned to eat at Tortuga Tavern but when we went over there we found it closed. I would have known that if I had read the Times Guide, but I didn’t until later. Then I felt just silly. Note to future self: take 3 minutes and actually read the Times Guide! A note on the door to Tortuga Tavern suggested trying Pecos Bill. So we took the note’s suggestion and went to Pecos Bill. Travis got our crew settled at the table while I went to place our order. We both had the steak and chicken platter and thought it was good. I thought the steak was surprisingly tender for steak served on a paper plate. I would order it again. I liked how large the restaurant was and how one could find a somewhat secluded table away from all the commotion of other diners. I think it helped Little Bear focus a bit more and actually eat when there wasn’t so much going on around us. That kid can eat extraordinary amounts of food at home but when we’re out somewhere I have discovered he doesn’t eat as much. He would rather people watch than eat.
We exited the restaurant and discovered dark clouds looming overhead. That did not bode well for the parade and fireworks. I tucked my camera into a plastic bag and we prepared for the worst. I noticed the wind appeared to be blowing away from the castle so I hoped like crazy it wouldn’t change directions. We made it to Main Street and discovered that the streets were already pretty well lined, especially in the place I had wanted to stand. However, we found a spot across the street from there where the people were only two deep. I figured that with Little Bear on Travis’ shoulders it would work out fine. We parked our stroller out of the way and claimed our spots. We pulled out some glow bracelets I bought for this very occasion.

Little Bear thought they were fantastic and kept very busy with them until the parade started.

We skipped the sweet treats part of my plan since we were full of sugar from our desserts with dinner. Another family filled in the spot behind us and we chatted with them a bit during our wait.
After a while the announcement came that the parade was about to start! Shortly before the parade started I had commented to Travis that it would be so wonderful if the people in front of us would stay seated because if they did we could all see perfectly. I don’t know if they heard me (I hope not, I thought I had said it quietly enough. I wasn’t trying to say it as a passive aggressive hint!) but when the parade started they all stayed seated! We had a perfect view of the parade. There was no need to lift up Little Bear at all.

When the floats started passing by us Little Bear was completely mesmerized. He would occasionally turn to us to tell us something but then would look back at the parade afraid to miss anything. He would ask “what’s that?” every so often but otherwise he stood in silence just taking it in. Buttercup was also fascinated with the parade. Later I asked Little Bear what he favorite part of the parade was and he told me “the rides”. At first I thought he didn’t understand the question but then I realized he was talking about the floats. After all, they did have people riding on them.

And so the “rides” paraded in front of us. Cinderella’s stepsisters were trying their best to convince the prince the slipper was theirs.

Pete was carrying on a one-sided conversation with someone who was, at that point, a block away from where we were. Seeing the dragon made me want to watch the movie again.

Peter Pan was pestering Hook and running around the ship away from him. And before long the parade was over and the crowd pressed into the streets jockeying for the best view of the fireworks. It was about this time that Buttercup let me know she was getting hungry. I hoped she would just wait since her bottles were in the stroller but those of you with babies know that hungry babies are overly dramatic babies. They go so quickly from “hey mom, I’m hungry” to “Mooooom, I am STARVING. I must eat now or I’ll die!! You never feed me!!! Look at me I’m wasting away! Shrinking before your very eyes! Why won’t you feed me!!!” Of course it just sounds like a bunch of cries and fusses to the untrained ear but all of you mothers know what I’m talking about. She reached her overly dramatic stage right about the time Celebrate the Magic was starting. Fortunately Buttercup is an easy baby and even in this overly dramatic state she still only makes fussy sounds and not any real cries. So it wasn’t obnoxious to those next to us but it was clear the girl needed her food. So about the time Celebrate the Magic started, I went over to the stroller, fixed her bottle and made my way back to where Travis and Little Bear were. As it turns out, I should have stayed with the stroller. From the stroller I had a little bit of a view of the castle. From where Travis and Little Bear were standing I could only see the higher turrets. Little Bear was perched in Travis’ arms and had a good view. Travis is almost 6 feet tall and had a decent view. I’m 5’ 1” when I’m not hunched over feeding a baby and even at my tallest the best I could see in that crowd were backs and heads. :crowded: I was frustrated until I finally gave up on seeing it. This wasn’t my last trip to Disney World, I could see it another time. Taking comfort in that realization, I mostly ignored the show and focused on feeding Buttercup who was looking up at me with her beautiful blue eyes. :lovestruc
Buttercup finished eating and I tucked her into the carrier again just before the fireworks began. Little Bear was snuggled in Travis’ arms and looking tired but he was so excited about the fireworks. When Tinkerbell flew down, Little Bear was astonished. “Again??” When we told him that she only flew once and wouldn’t do it again he wanted to know where she went and wanted to see her again.
He was distracted by the fireworks exploding in the sky. I was concerned that the loud booms might bother him but I was surprised they were as quiet as they were. I don’t really care for fireworks because I find them painfully loud. These fireworks didn’t bother me at all. Little Bear really enjoyed them, despite being so tired. They were his first fireworks and he was amazed by them. I had wanted to get a picture of him gazing up at them in awe but I had stowed my camera away when feeding Buttercup and once the fireworks started it seemed like a monumental task to get it out again. Little Bear looked so precious snuggled in Travis’ arms with a look of wonder on his face. :lovestruc
Once the fireworks were over we tucked Little Bear into the stroller and followed the crowd out of the park. I was anticipating the rush to be so much worse than it was. It was a little bit of a challenge sometimes to stay together but we were out the gates quickly. We even got on the first bus back to our resort. Which, I had heard that ASMo was last in line for the buses that service the All Star resorts. It seemed to me that we had dedicated bus service. When we got on a bus at ASMo it was always empty and when we got on the bus to head back we always went straight back to our resort without stopping at any others. :confused3 I was confused but glad it was better than I had expected.
As we were walking toward the exit of MK, Little Bear asked if we could ride more rides. He had asked that same question as soon as he had gotten up from his nap and then right after dinner. Originally I had planned to spend our last day at Epcot but since Little Bear was enjoying the rides at MK so much we decided to forgo our original plans and spend a third day at MK. Little Bear went to sleep quickly, happy that he would get to ride Dumbo in the morning. Travis and I packed our things so that we could get out quickly in the morning. It was so sad. :sad: Our last night had arrived and I wasn’t ready to leave.
DD was mesmerized by the light parade too! She loved it!

The last night is always so sad....:guilty:
Oh that sounds like such a nice evening! I sounds like a very magical experience for your kiddos!

I remember those hungry baby cries very well, its like you never fed them before and they are not sure you are ever going to listen to their demand! The last night is always hard!


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