You, yes all of you....You are the evil ones, lol

I only have 700 points, although with upcoming VGC and Contemporary add-ons, I should be close to 1000. I keep trying to catch up with bobbiwoz, but she keeps adding on more points. :laughing:

We go to WDW 4 times a year for a minimum of 8 nights per trip and we typically stay in a 1-BR even though there is only two of us. If we opted for just a Studio, we could go many more times. The only problem is I only get 4 weeks of vacation (maybe I should move to Europe where they get more vacation time?).

I like having the 11-month home resort booking advantage at my four favorite resorts, and look forward to the same at VGC and Contemporary.

One question.....Will you adopt me?:lmao: :rotfl2:

Although I'm too old to be your daughter, so maybe you need a sister???;) :rotfl2:
I am starting to agree that we are evil! Hubby just convinced me to go ahead on another contract!!! We just signed up for another 150 pts as long as Disney doesn't take it in ROFR. That will make 450 pts!!! At this rate, we will definitely beat out DVC Mike if we keep buying every 2 weeks!! HAHAHAH :)
The only problem is I only get 4 weeks of vacation

We have the same problem. I can only book 2 trips of 14 nights. This leaves my husband with no vacation leftover.:( We choose to have long trips since our airfare is enormous. I just booked our airfare for our summer trip and it was $2700 for 4, and this was a great seat sale.

The other problem we have is that we only have 550 pts. We borrow alot since we stay at 1brd as well. So we are in constant borrowing. And I am glad for the value 1 brd at AKV, it really saves us points. And I also love the 11 month priority especially at BCV and AKV.:thumbsup2

I am getting another case of the addonitis.;) :rolleyes1
There must be something in that Kool-aid because I've been trying to convice DH to do a tour for at least 5 years and he adamantly refused. On the cruise last year I convince him to go to the "talk". Sure enough - as soon as we decided we were going back to Disney he said "maybe we should look into DVC more!!!" We're now in the process of getting 2 160 pt contracts at SSR - one resale and one direct. He's already trying to count points and coming up short - I just hope I don't hear about another add-on before our first trip in Oct.vv:rotfl2:
A week ago, I posted that this board was evil, as it was encouraging me to obsess over trips that won't take place for months, even years, and that it was keeping me online at all hours of the night trying to find the best "bang for my buck" with points.

Now that I rethink it, it is YOU - all of you - that are evil, lol. Here I was, happy with my measly 210 points, excited that I was going to be vacationing in a beautiful SSR studio....Now, last night, well past my bedtime, I found myself babbling to my wife about how a 1BR is the "only way to go" and that, furthermore, "the only way to go" is to buy more points so we can at least be guaranteed a 1BR for a week every year. And then, as she built a wall between us with pillows and tried to ignore my rationalization, I concluded that "the only way to go" is to create special bank accounts where our Disney money can be squirreled away so that we can afford TWO - yes TWO - trips a year to take advantage of those AP's that we are now going to buy....the same AP's that I had no intention of buying a few weeks ago.

Evil, I tell ya. Evil!!!!!!!!! :rotfl2:


Want some candy little boy?!!
The only problem is I only get 4 weeks of vacation.

There in lies my problem (3 weeks). Plus we love to visit national parks, so our 200 points is about all we can spend in a year. It's really, really sad... Not even close to retirement. :worried:
Get used to it, brotha! We all started here innocent and just look at us now!:smokin:
A week ago, I posted that this board was evil, as it was encouraging me to obsess over trips that won't take place for months, even years, and that it was keeping me online at all hours of the night trying to find the best "bang for my buck" with points.

Now that I rethink it, it is YOU - all of you - that are evil, lol. Here I was, happy with my measly 210 points, excited that I was going to be vacationing in a beautiful SSR studio....Now, last night, well past my bedtime, I found myself babbling to my wife about how a 1BR is the "only way to go" and that, furthermore, "the only way to go" is to buy more points so we can at least be guaranteed a 1BR for a week every year. And then, as she built a wall between us with pillows and tried to ignore my rationalization, I concluded that "the only way to go" is to create special bank accounts where our Disney money can be squirreled away so that we can afford TWO - yes TWO - trips a year to take advantage of those AP's that we are now going to buy....the same AP's that I had no intention of buying a few weeks ago.

Evil, I tell ya. Evil!!!!!!!!! :rotfl2:

:rotfl2: :lmao:
I with ya.....This board MADE me add on more points....after only 1yr.:rolleyes1
Now I read about Vero and HH....and I want to do that....not to mention the Disney Cruise you people keep mentioning.
Bad enough I save ALL my money for I want to do THAT and Vero/HH/Cruise.
People stop saying how good DVC is OK:goodvibes
you sound just like my husband:)

we are going 3 times this year (with our measley 150 points) and that is not enough for he wants to plan to go in January......and he is making me save money so we can buy into the Contemporary DVC.....evil is right;)

Hey I sound just like your husband!
Hi Honey!
"We are All Quite Mad Here!":ccat:
"Stark, Ravin' Mad!":crazy:

I agree that it must be a real burden being forced to endure 3 Disney trips a year. I just don't know how you can bear my constant exuberance about all things Disney.:sad: We can only hope that some day I will "grow up" and start taking "real" vacations where I Golf and leave you at the hotel to nurture our darling children. :rotfl2:

Oh... and I used our little nestegg for the BLT on a down payment for a Harley, hope you don't mind. Thought it might toughen up my image. :moped:

I wonder if there is an antenna on it to put my mickey ears topper?
Your Loving Disney Husband,
You all are cracking me up:rotfl2: !!! Although I agree with everyone else - this is the only place I do not feel totally insane and I am fortunate that DH LOVES the world as much as I do!!! In my brilliant mind I came up with the perfect plan - 2 savings accounts - one just for the dues (not too bad on or 225pts SSR) and one for future DVC purchases. My friends think I'm nuts , my family knows I am and here is the only place I am normal:lmao: !!!

And for those late night comparisons check this out from ALLEARS.NET

It has the dining percentages for AP/DVC/DDE so great for those of us with OCD!!!
:surfweb: I am sitting hear today already trying to juggle my points for two trips next year in March and October. We have 400 points but I can never seem to get out of the borrowing mode. I have come up with a short list of things NOT to do in order to save points, sanity and money:

1. DO NOT...and I repeat DO NOT stay in a 2 BR unit. It is the path to the dark side :darth: You will never go back if you do.

2. Do not call you rep just to say "hi" and see how things are going with BLT. I suggest you burn the paper your reps number is on and only call the main number in case of emergency. I have already added on twice with those types of innoncent calls and my hand is twitching again.

3. Stay off the computer late at nights :badpc: Spend more time watching TV where the worst you can do is get yourself hooked into an informercial which will cost you $29.95:happytv:

4. DO NOT read trip reports popcorn:: ( they will only encourage you to come more often which leads you back to number 2.

5. Last but not least. DO NOT call and check on availability for rooms "just to see" if something is open. ONLY call for a planned trip! This will only lead back to number 2 which could then take you to number 1. :scared1:
It starts out slow. I said to my DH in 1998, all our vacations will be to NJ if we don't buy this (RU '93). Not that we don't love NJ, just like WDW better.

We added on 3 times now. Just took the DCL and bought a SSR add on!

Embrace your dark side. You have friends here who understand.



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