Your Best Disney Photo Tips


<font color=navy>Captain Jack is still my fave JD
Jul 13, 2005
Looking through the different threads I see lots of great Disney photos. Now I want to know how you got them. I was hoping to get people to tell me their secret spots for photos, creative ideas, anything they want to share about photographing Disney. We go in 6 weeks and would love to gather some tips! Thank you to all who take the time to reply!
Well, here's some ideas. If you're into characters, get pictures with them. If you interact with them, chances are they'll play back and you'll get some great photos. Take pictures in front of your favorite places and rides. that way you'll always remember them. And of course, anything else you can think of. I'll try to think of more.
Take lots of pictures. We took 1200 pictures over 6 days. Many of them were bad, but we ended up with a great album.
We use digital cameras and downloaded to a laptop every day. My DDs planned on making scrapbooks, so pictures were taken of all the ride signs, places we ate, even the transportation we used.
Thanks to you both. Please everyone keep them coming.
Make sure everyone in your party has a chance with the camera. Time and time again we get home and there are no pictures of the one who had the camera the entire trip. By sharing the camera, you will get photos of everyone. Have fun!
:earsgirl: Anyone have an especially good spot to take pics of the castle? I love the castle!!! I want to live in the castle!!! I can dream can't I.
1) Remember that ANY CM will take your pic - all you need do is ask.

2) Cary a pocket-size tripod for long exposures after dark (works great for bracing your camera on a trash can)

3) If you shoot digital, shoot EVERYTHING. Clickety-clickety-click - you can always delete them later if they don't turn out, but you can't take them back in time if you miss the oportunity.

4) Practice with your camera at home. Read the manual. Get to know the camera's controls, capabilities, and limitations, so that you will know how to adjust the camera to get just the right picture.

5) Recharge batteries every night when you get back to the hotel, and carry your spares with you each day. Missing out on that great shot because your batteries are dead is a real bummer.

6) Carry a Ziploc with you at all times to cover your camera in case of rain or water rides.

7) Enjoy your picture taking. It's not a chore, it's fun.
More great tips. Thanks. Again if anyone has any special places in the parks to snag great photos I would greatly appreciate the tips and be forever in your debt. :teeth:
I would suggest that anytime you see a cast member with a camera this is probably a good place to take a picture. They always set themselves up at the most picturesque spots. If you ask, they will take your photo using your own camera. This is a great tip.
Take lots and lots and LOTS of pictures! Even the crummy ones have value, and often the best shots are "accidental"!

When someone in your group complains about "yet another picture", remind them that unless you take 'em, they won't have 'em!

Don't make every photo a posed shot. Make some posed, some candid, some just plain goofy.

Remember to take "postcard" shots without people (or just general crowd). These make great establishing photos for your album.

Pick a theme from around WDW and go for it!
ex. attraction signs, topiaries, banners, favorite characters, CMs, meals, stores, trying on funny hats, HMs, countries in EPCOT, monorails...

Use your Zoom!

From Tomorrowland Bridge area. The side-angle is interesting, and you get a lot of greenery, flowers and water in front (and not so many people).

"say cheese" :teeth:
take LOTS of pictures, any and every where!!! you can always delete, or throw away bad shots, but its harder to get back to take more pictures!!!! :flower:

We always take pictures of signs at the entrance of the rides, also cast members are great at taking pictures. I think they have classes on how to use many different types of cameras (or they are all super camera geniusis!!!) :banana:

Have a great trip and take TONS of pics. We came home from 5 days with almost 2300 pics, of which about 1800 are super GR8 (in my opinion) ;)
Forgot to add - My favorite castle picture is from the bridge into Liberty Square. It's close to the castle and the perspective allows you to get the castle's reflection in the water.



I like the walk leadingq to the entrance of Adventureland...also side view of the castle. In Epcot, in front of the fountain with Spaceship Earth in background is nice at night with multi-colored lights. Also at almost ANY of the "worlds" favorite is Japan. These are just a few of my favorites.
You guys are great!!!!!!!!!!Thank you so much for all the great tips. I will be putting them to good use. Thanks again for taking the time to reply. Anyone else, I always have room for more :earboy2: tips.
Go to There is an article about scrapbooking that has great photo tips. It shouldn't be too hard to find.
All of the parks also have "Kodak" photo spots. They are even on the maps.
Try dressing the whole group in matching character t-shirts (try the design your own shirts from We had some made for our trip to DL and they looked great--all of our pictures taken that day looked extra special and we got plenty of compliments to boot.


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